so much for stardust ✘ Meeting [10/31]


"Let all cats old enough to swim, gather beneath the river rock..." The words felt foreign, out of place upon his tongue, he had never once in his time as deputy had to stand here or speak before the clan outside giving patrols but even that was at eye level, even that was not speaking above them but to their faces. He didn't like it, Smokethroat despised standing up there and looming above though he knew it was something his mate had once enjoyed; getting to rise above the clan and howl his words into the sky - wild and performative. It was not the kind of thing he'd ever been keen on himself, grateful to hide in the others more exuberant shadow but now he would have no choice. His efforts to think fondly of Cicadastar fall flat, he can only remember bloodstained, mottled fur and wild salt and ice eyes narrowed in his direction. Smokethroat shakes the memory away like water from his pelt.
"...the camp looks back in order, thank you to everyone for your efforts. We've all worked tirelessly to reclaim what was ours." His lone orange gaze scans the clan, expression neutral but tired, "...our time away has delayed several things. The colony came to us right before the rogues arrived and our new clanmates were given no time to get comfortable or understand our customs...they also still carry with them their loner names. So, today I ask you all to help them. Help them understand RiverClan, help them adapt and call them by the new names I will give them now..."

Smokethroat pauses to find each of the cats in question, taking a quiet breath before beginning to speak again, "Deacon will be known as Thornmask." He was somewhat on the sharp-side personality wise but hopefully would learn to tone that down, "Frond will be known as Frondfeather." Thankfully having a sensible partial name made naming some of them easier, "Tempest will be Tempesthowl." Young, but righteous, "Rye will be Ryestalk. Kaede will be Dawnstorm." His gaze drifts, lands on each in turn, "Sasha will be Cedarblaze, Yua will be Tidesong, Dew will be Dewcloud and Goose will be Goosebark."
Hopefully, he thinks inwardly unsettled, they would not hate the names he's picked too badly if they did at all. Naming was not exactly his strong suit - his kits were a great example of that. He'd only named one of them. Speaking of kits...

"...we also have several kits to be apprenticed. Nettlekit, Bristlekit, Carawaykit and Bumblekit - come forward please." His eyes wander to find Willowroot, he kits both blood and adopted after Reedflower's death, would finally be named and she could resume her warrior duties. Surely she must feel some relief, maybe a little sadness - he didn't think she'd stay in the nursery like Apricotflower did.
"Bristlekit until the day you earn your warrior name you will be known as Bristlepaw, for now your mentor will be Oakpelt. When she returns, Lakemoon will take over your training." It had been a while since she'd had an apprentice - Houndstride would be pleased wherever he was to know she would be kept on her toes.
"Nettlekit, until the day you earn your warrior name you will be known as Nettlepaw. Pikesplash-" He finds the trembling tom in the crowd, locks his lone eye on him briefly, "-will be your mentor." May you bite him only when necessary.
"Carawaykit, until the day you earn your warrior name you will be known as Carawaypaw, Nightfish will be your mentor. Learn well from him patience and hunting by land..." As one of Willowroot's he wasn't too worried at her having a Drypaw mentor, she could already swim.
"Bumblekit, until the day you earn your warrior name you will be known as Bumblepaw. Rookfang will be your mentor, may you take from him the ability to constantly improve and his tenacity in battle." And maybe some self-awareness.
"Tidekit, until the day you earn your warrior name you will be known as Tidepaw. Your mentor will be Shellcurl, she's a skilled fisher and hunter-may she pass that on to you." And there was Willowroot's brood.

"...we've also Swanpaw in need of a new mentor as the last has retired, your training will be taken over by Lilybloom." The distraction might be good for her as well. Something other than Steepsnout's loss to focus on. Smokethroat rolled his shoulders, his heart thundering in his chest still at the wrongness of being here. Speaking up here. But he pressed onward.

"...Ratpaw, please stand up." The pale apprentice is not hard to find, stark white against the pebbled stones and he locks his lone orange gaze with her equally fiery one for a moment before smiling softly, " our time in ShadowClan I have realized many things-among them that all of our clanmates myself included have used your namesake as a curse before you without thinking much of it. While I view your name as a sign of your resilience, your refusal to back down, I understand it may seem cruel. So I ask our ancestors to look down and approve of the new name I have decided to give you...Moonpaw. For your pale coat, but also the light your help shed in darkness." It was hard not to find the young apprentice endearingly cheerful, a bright personality during their grief that made things seem just that bit more bearable.

And finally...
"Hazepaw, Catfishpaw, Sablepaw...please step forward." He waits, searching for each apprentice named until they approach him as instructed and he lifts up his head higher; for them he would push down his apprehension. This was more than deserved for the three of them. "You have all done well in the trials we've gone through, you have all trained dutifully under your mentors for several long moons and you have more than earned your place among our warriors..." His gaze lingers on Hazepaw briefly before he pulls it away, "Do you each swear your loyalty to RiverClan, to uphold our laws, to live and fight for your clan with every breath you breath?"

  • This meeting takes place prior to the Journey cats return!

    Colony Cat Name Changes (if you really don't like what was picked just let me know!)
    @DEACON - Thornmask
    @SASHA - Cedarblaze
    @Goose. - Goosebark
    @Yua - Tidesong
    @DEW - Dewcloud
    @tempest. - Tempesthowl
    @Frond. - Frondfeather
    @RYE - Ryestalk
    @KAEDE - Dawnstorm

    Kits to Apprentices
    @carawaykit - Mentored by @Nightfish
    @Nettlekit - Mentored by @PIKESPLASH
    @Bumblekit - Mentored by @ROOKFANG
    @TIDEKIT. - Mentored by Shellcurl (NPC)
    @BRISTLEKIT ▪︎ - Mentored by Oakpelt (NPC) / @Lakemoon . when she returns.

    Name Change
    @Ratpaw to Moonpaw

    Warrior Ceremony Time

    As I've split the meeting in half since we are behind a month, I will do activity shout-outs proper in the next but I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for keeping RiverClan active and fun during this whole plotline! You're all lovely <3

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai

Last edited:
It felt odd not only hearing the call for them to gather by Smokethroat but having a meeting at all so soon to them getting back to even a small semblance of normal. The camp looked... better than it had when they had gotten back, but still Ratpaw felt like things were out of place. Whether they were actually or not only time would be able to tell, but the thought of wanting to clean, wanting to try to fish to fill the fresh kill pile the best they could once more, making nests to replace everything they had to throw out lingered in the back of her mind as she moved forward with the rest of the clan, tired gaze landing upon Smokethroat as she listened to the words the deputy - no, leader now? How did this work? - began to speak.

Efforts commended and new names given to those who had joined recently, she cast a small glance at Deacon - now Thornmask - whom she had spoken to before, tried to explain the best she could the code that the RiverClanners - and by extension him - were supposed to live by. It was hardly fair to expect them all to be able to understand and know the code they had not grown up with, and it seemed as though Smokethroat agreed with that in some way. His words of helping them adapt to and understand RiverClan fresh in her ears before she soon found herself chanting their names with others, quieting down as Smokethroat continued to speak.

Kittens were being apprenticed today, and the apprentice couldn't help the smile that lay on her face as their names were called. Curious eyes glance to Pikesplash as he was called to be Nettlekit's mentor, waiting to see how that pairing would go. It was no secret within the clan that Pike was a... special cat to choose for such a task, but she did trust that Smokethroat knew what he was doing. Swanpaw was given a new mentor and Ratpaw's ears drooped for a moment, the realization finally dawning on her that Steepsnout did, in fact, have an apprentice that would need to be trained under someone else and she didn't know how Swanpaw felt but knew she'd never want to be in that situation. She'd grown so used to Salmonshade in her moons as an apprentice, losing her so suddenly would be devastating. With apprentices dealt with and Smokethroat pausing once more Ratpaw joined in the chorus of cheers with those around her for the new apprentices, eyes watching for the quartet of kits - now apprentices - to walk up underneath Smokethroat to greet their new mentors.

It was when the cheers died down that Ratpaw heard her own name, and ears pricked in surprise as eyes quickly glance to Smokethroat once more and she stood as she was told. He spoke of her name and the words that those around her had used her whole life and smoke of her new name and small smile turned large and proud as he spoke of why her name would now be Moonpaw. A light in the dark. "Thank you." She'd speak to the other, a small dip of her head given before she sat down once more and listened again to the meeting. Moonpaw. She couldn't help the glance she cast towards Beepaw for just a moment before turning to those about to get their warrior names.

  • 72197262_ih0kl09k9BIlFkG.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - moonpaw - moon???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 6 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - not looking
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    ⋆ peaceful powerplay allowed
    attack - "speech" - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
Meetings were strange without Cicadastar, but then again... He's dead. Smokethroat's left now. Who else is gonna hold the meeting? She can't say that she feels strongly for the tom who graced the colony and asked for their help. They barely got to know him or their new home before both were taken away. The camp as Smokethroat has mentioned is looking more in order and she puffs out her chest in pride. Yes, it was hard work, but they managed to get everything up and running again despite everything. She feels a sense of belonging in helping her colony, no clanmates with this task. This was the first time she got to know them more instead of sticking with her former colonymates. When Smokethroat mentions things being delayed, she can't help but be a little out of loop. Then, Smokethroat speaks of them (the former ripple colony members) and how Riverclan was unable to teach them customs or get comfortable here. She doesn't know what to say to that. Maybe there's nothing? it's all true. When he finally got here the rogues came and none of us actually learned much. We sorta got pulled along. What's this loner names though? Is Smokey saying my name is a loner name?

Deacon is the first to be called and he is dubbed Thornmask. Oooh so that's what you meant. When she looks at Deacon, she whispers the name on her lips, but it's bizarre. He's only ever been known to her as Deacon that he doesn't look like a Thornmask to her. He's just Deacon. Maybe this was one of those things where you had to get used to it. Frond, one of her friends is next to be called and she finds herself listening intently to whatever new strange name Smokethroat will give her. Frondfeather. That's... Normal sounding? I mean she still has Frond in her name. I guess I can keep calling her Frond? Frondfeather sounds nice? I don't get these names. Tempest is the next to be called and has a similar name as Frond...Feather. Her eye twitches in annoyance. I seriously don't get these names. Rye is dubbed Ryestalk, which is also normal? At least he remains Rye in her mind not too bad of a name change like everyone else besides Deacon.

Then, her closest companion Kaede has his name changed to Dawnstorm. She can't help but glance over to him and stare. That's totally different from his actual name. How'd you get Dawnstorm from Kaede? She mouths to her friend "That's a good name." Although, if she were being honest. The name was strange to her like all the others. She only said it was good so Kaede, ugh, Dawnstorm wouldn't be bummed about his name. After all, he had... A questionable perception of himself and the last thing she needed was him being so bummed about his new name. If he was happy then she was happy, it was as simple as that. Finally, her name is called and when it is she snaps her head to Smokethroat. Cedarblaze. That was her name now? Her head would tilt in confusion which could be mistaken as rejection, but the smile across her maw would reassure Smokethroat maybe a little that she didn't hate it. My name is Cedarblaze now? Ceedarblaze. Cedar. Blaze. Hmmm... Doesn't feel like my name yet. Is it because I don't know how he decide on it?

Anyhow, the rest of the meeting is droned out. The rest doesn't apply to her, so she doesn't bother to listen too well. She'll get to know the customs later after all this at her own pace.​

Everything has changed in the blink of an eye. Coming home and smelling the awful scent of rogues makes him unsettled. Having been placed in to different camps still has him reeling. But he can say one thing for sure. He is happy to be home. He is happy to be able to see the river again despite everything. He tries not to think of his mother's death. The pain in his heart. He feels...older than he should. His head lifts up where he sits near the nursery, looking at the figure of Smokethroat. he the new leader? His muzzle pulls down into a frown and he supposes that to be true. Ears pulling back he just keeps himself near the nursery almost thinking to ignore the meeting. Afterall, he doesn't feel too much excitement about it. Not even when his own name is called along with his brother's. It just pales in comparison to all that has been lost and what he has seen. Quietly though he does make his way over. Settling near the outskirts of the other kits.

His paws push against the ground as he waits his turn. Expectantly. With a newer purpose. His name changes. Bristlepaw. His heart swells just a little. He is an apprentice now. He looks to Nettlepaw then and he hopes to see happiness on his brother's face unlike his own. His mentor is Oakpelt till Lakemoon comes home. Okay. He only waits a moment till the ceremony is done, creeping way to figure out what to do now. Oh, wait. He pauses and locks eyes with Oakpelt before stepping over to the dark furred tom. Right, he has to be shown around.

  • ooc : — ​

  • bristlekit - tom / 3 moons old / riverclan apprentice / aspiring warrior

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Reactions: Noor ♡

Home after home after home. To Dew, settling has felt nearly impossible since RiverClan absorbed the Ripple Colony into their ranks. But, now they are back where they - basically - started, the lot of them. The rogues are gone, which means RiverClan can return home, which means so can Dew and the rest of the Ripple Colony. That is, back to the home they’d barely moved into before invasion had moved them elsewhere, and then elsewhere again.

And it’s still weird, being among the clan cats - not looking to the council of elders for guidance but a sole leader instead. Cicadastar - er… Smokethroat, now. It’s still weird, listening in on their strange, swim-skill precedents that mark the start of a meeting, weirder now that a different face says the words instead.

Dew sits among his fellow colony-mates, white paws shuffling beneath him. These things, they seem quite long, so it would be of use to him to get comfortable now. A dusk-blue gaze lifts at the mention of his colony, a delay in understanding, in adapting. Dew isn’t certain what else there is to adapt to, other than meetings like this, than Smokethroat leading his guidance.

Than the names the incumbent leader bestows upon them, an attempt to aid in their adaptation. The silver tom blinks, watching as the names he’s grown up hearing change before his eyes. Some, like Frondfeather, like Tempesthowl and Ryestalk make more sense to him, and the tom knows these will be far easier to remember than the names Deacon, Kaede, and Sasha are given. Thornmask, Dawnstorm, Cedarblaze…. How is Dew supposed to remember that?

And then, his own name changes, shifts from Dew - short and simple, a name reminiscent of his appearance, from the morning mist he’d been called to the Ripple Colony in - to Dewcloud. It’s a simple enough change, but the tom - the… the RiverClan warrior…? - still isn’t certain what the point of it is. Wasn’t Dew a good enough name?

Quietly, the tom nods his head in confused acceptance. It’s a good enough name, he supposes. Better than having his whole name changed, right?

The rest of the meeting is lost upon him, a further changing of names that sounds more uniform than the last. Paw names are nothing new to his ears at this point, but they still lack significance to him - though he’s certain he’ll learn soon enough.​

silver fur was groomed to perfection, by the looks of her no one could tell that the past moon had been spent in more camps than she could count on her paws. today was a big day, the biggest day of her life so far. becoming an apprentice was a step to becoming a warrior, to defending her clan from threats like the rogues that had terrorized them. and it was finally happening, a moon late but it was happening!

paws itched with excitement as she was called forward alongside bristlekit, nettlekit, and bumblekit. was she particularly happy that the biggest day ever was being shared with nettlekit, who attacked her, who made her medicine cat? no, but bumblekit was right by her side so there was no frown on her face. eventually, her name was called again. the tabby strode forward, tail waving proudly behind her. it stays posted as she meets her new mentor, extends her neck to meet his nose and then retracting it to meet nightfish with a toothy grin.

carawaypaw returns to her seat in time to watch bumblepaw get apprenticed, meeting her littermate with a friendly shoulder bump as they return.

  • CARAWAYPAW she/her, apprentice of riverclan, four moons
    carawaykit is a pretty longhaired silver tabby with green eyes and a long, lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. for now, she is heavily focused on her duties as an apprentice and trying to balance them with her enjoyment of less serious activities.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblepaw, tidekit, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

This would be the first meeting without Cicadastar leading it. He still struggles to remember much less accept the fact that their former leader is dead. He might have not had the best relationship with Cicadastar, but he didn't wish for them to die. After all, Cicadastar had children and a loving mate which were left behind. It was strange thinking about it. Beepaw along with her siblings were only apprentices for a short while before all of these horrible events transpired only to be given the reward of: hey welcome back home, but your dad's dead. Honestly a terrible trade, but none of them can afford to stop and mope. Eventually, they would have to get up on their paws and keep moving forward no matter how hard it would be.

A new chapter. Smokethhroat would become their leader. As for who Smokethroat would pick as his deputy was unknown, but no one would rush their deputy(?) to find another to replace them so soon. After all, it was still fresh that Cicadastar was no longer walking among them. Not to mention everyone had to get settled again and that would take time. The major focus they had was simply regrouping and then figuring out what to do from there. To be honest he isn't sure what he can do. The silvery tom still feels like a freeloader more than anything. You have a place here Pike, Snakeblink told you that. Trust in him. Take a leap of faith. Difficult. It's beyond difficult to do such a thing, but he can't go back to how things were. Things have changed and so will he. No matter how much he tries to fight it, it will happen.

He had tuned out for the beginning of the meeting, but was able to reel himself back in when Smokethroat talks about teaching the former ripple colony members customs and other help them adapt to their new home. Each of them is given clan names, which reminds Pikesplash that from now on Smokethroat will have the honor of naming new warriors. The names are different from Cicadastar's, but that is to be expected. They are not the same. Each name has a nice ring to it, and he can't help but be pleased himself with the names Smokethroat bestowed upon the former Ripple Colony members.

That's right! We have a lot of apprentices now, with the whole invasion and moving around it's delayed some things. To be honest, the number of kits ready to be apprentices is decent. He wonders who Smokethroat would pick for these kits. The thought plagues him so much he ends up trembling out of anxiety. It is a little terrifying yet exciting to hear which pairings will come. Then again, this whole meeting brings a multitude of new beginnings and gives the clan a feel for the coming era of Smokestar. Bristlekit is the first to be called and is to be apprenticed by Oakpelt before being transferred to Lakemoon when she returns.

Nettlekit is the next to be called and what a shock it is that he is announced as the newly dubbed Nettlepaw's mentor. Maw agape he meets eyes with Smokethroat's singular eye, which promptly causes him snap his maw shut and nod nervously. Nettlepaw, a troublesome kit is given as his apprentice. He can't help but chuckle at the thought reminded of his son. Otterpaw... Where was he? He needed to find them and soon, he hoped he could ask Snakeblink or Petalnose for help. Anything to find Otterpaw and bring him back. In many ways he was reminded of Otterpaw when he looks at Nettlepaw and remembers stories told of his new apprentice. You can't be sad. Today is a special day for Nettlepaw. Let's try to be different this time and take the first step. Think of him as your own.

He looks around for the new apprentice, knowing that the tom is blind and may have some difficulty finding him. It will be challenging for sure to train Nettlepaw, for he's never trained anyone who can't see. Not to mention this would be the first apprentice he would actually train from the start than Catfishpaw. Catfishpaw already had moons of training with her former mentor, so it's wasn't like he was solely responsible for her growth. Speaking of Catfishpaw. Wait, I don't have two apprentices to train. She's going to become a warrior this meeting I believe? YES! SHE IS! Oh I'm so proud of her I wonder what name she'll receive. A face full of smiles he is as he stops in front of Nettlepaw.

Not wanting to scare him by suddenly touching noses with him, he opts for keeping a pawstep of distance between them. "Nettlepaw? It's me, Pikesplash. After this meeting lets start your training. We'll have a tour of our territory and then call it a day." Something light. Learning one's territory was important. He hopes that Nettlepaw would be pleased they would jump right into it instead of waiting for days to do something. While he waits for Nettlepaw's answer, ears tilt to hear the rest of the meeting. Ratpaw is renamed as Moonpaw and he for sure loves the name for her. It suits her more than Ratpaw ever did.

Finally, the warrior ceremony begins. He turns his attention towards Catfishpaw and offers her the brighest smile she's ever seen. He is proud of her and even as she joined the warriors, she was more than free to come to him for any advice or help.​


The clearing still smelled like blood, and he's not sure if it's real, or a phantom scent that continues to haunt him. The voice that calls the meeting is not that of Cicadastar, but RiverClan's deputy. Leader now, the kit supposed. At first, he remains close to his brother, acutely aware of the lack of Reedflower's soothing presence. She would not see them apprenticed. She would not see them grow. Some might say his mother watches from StarClan, but Nettlekit isn't so sure that's a good thing anymore.

He doesn't care about the colony cats. They weren't real RiverClanner's. His dull, blind eyes stare forward until the kits are called forward. Frosty, sightless vision flickers across Bristlekit as the boy's brother earns his apprentice name. Nettlekit should feel proud. He should feel excited. Instead, he feels a mix of grief and uncertainty. At the very least, he'll be able to put up a fight next time RiverClan is under attack. The youth steps forward as his name is called.


Apprenticed to Pikesplash. He doesn't know the warrior all that well, doesn't search for him in the crowd. Merely sits, staring, waiting, listening. The approach of paws warns him of his new mentor's approach. Nettlekit's milky eyes shift up toward the face of Pikesplash. He can't make out any features, can only imagine what the Warrior must look like. His jaw is set like stone as the other speaks. Touring the territory should fill the boy with energy, but instead, he feels tired.

Irritation prompts a lash of his tail, not toward Pikesplash, but toward himself. Nettlepaw knows he needs to claw his way out of this void, but his mother's death, his clan's displacement, the trauma of the last moon... it had left him drowning in despair. The newly made apprentice offers a simple, flat, "Okay." To his new mentor, and his attention returns to Smokethroat, silently listening as some were called forward to receive their warrior names.
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

A haunting physique sits idly, resting close to the spot where Smokethroat stands above them to host a meeting, the firs they'd had without Cicadastar to guide them. Eyes bleary, the blue point refuses to let anyone ruin this moment for him; this moment that is sure to be difficult enough already. There is much to do, many things to catch up on, lives to acknowledge were lost, friends to fold into RiverClan's embrace more completely than time had originally allowed.

She listens, carefully, waiting for some sort of grumbling from the Ripple Colony about the sorry start they got to their integration, griping they might've been better off leaving RiverClan to rot. But no such complaints come... and she is finally allowed to take a breath of relief.

It is not as energetic or vibrant or immersed in delight as they usually were, voices hushed and muted but Lichentail won't let them receive these warrior names in silence, will not suffer these apprentices the most sour of welcomings. "Thornmask! Cedarblaze! Goosebark!" Already it felt like so many names on her tongue (how had they failed when their numbers were so bolstered then...?) "Tidesong! Dewcloud! Tempesthowl!" They had fought like hell for a clan that had only just invited them... they deserved to hear their names shouted too, just like every young warrior did. "Frondfeather! Ryestalk! Dawnstorm!"

If it weren't for the fact she knew Pikesplash to be a generally cowardly tom, one might assume Smokethroat was giving him an 'easy' first apprentice in Nettlepaw. She'd witnessed the bite that little boy had in the face of his own certain death- it still made her skin crawl just thinking how close they'd come to losing him- and knew it was not a reward as much as a punishment. A means of 'shaping him up' through adversity. Both of them.

"To many moons of learning and success for our apprentices- congratulations Nettlepaw, Carawaypaw, Bumblepaw and Bristlepaw!" And even Ratpaw is named among them-- it isn't until their leader speaks that she recognizes why. Lichentail herself would agree that naming a child after such a sneaky little beast was no flattery but it is a huge relief to behold the gentler side of Smokethroat- it is a side of Cicadastar that had died a long time ago and was sorely needed now in their moment of greatest grief.

"Moonpaw!' One final cheer for the girl who's life would change with a name more befitting her charms.

But it was time again to be silent, to listen... there were more sincere warrior ceremonies to be had (though Hazepaw hardly seemed to act their age with Catfishpaw in tow)... Would they rise to the challenge, after facing so much? It seemed silly to even consider they wouldn't when here they stood, alive... having fought tooth and nail for their clan, their birthright.​

There was some positivity to look up to. The meeting had highlighted that, but Petalnose couldn't help but be numb to it. Her eyes did sit upon Smokethroat proudly, she was genuine with the look. She believed in him. However, a twinge of pain held within her battle-scarred face. Proudly she looked up at Cicadastar; with admiration and trust in the words he preached. Now it was Smokethroat. A bittersweet feeling. However, most of what she felt was the reminder and grief to sting her worse than a bee as she looked upon their new to-be leader. Smokethroat would lead well, there was a strong amount of trust within her for him.

Ripple colony earned their spots and so forth they would earn their names. She was the first to lead them into a battle, she saw their strength. Their intellect.. she wasn't too sure about. However, she hoped Smokethroat's proposal to teach them would spark enthusiasm in them. Stars knew they needed to learn and not just from her cold side glances and stern corrections. She hoped the earned positions within her clan would not stir their ego. Petalnose wasn't the most pleased when they had been chosen to stand with their clan. With trials and tribulations, it had softened her to them. Suspicious side glances were still expressive through her, however. She hadn't planned to dabble in friendships. Not til she could truly trust them. Although with less enthusiasm, she would still cheer each name.

Willowroot's offspring had been called apprentices and more so. She was interested in how they felt about the ordeal. The terror they had to endure and watch wasn't probably the best influence on their emotions. They now couldn't cower away underneath Willowroot at the call of violence. They now had to strike their claws among them. Did that scare them? Or had they felt excited it would assist their clan? An interested cock of her head was made before she cheered each name with more enthusiasm. "Nettlepaw, Carawaypaw, Bumblepaw! Bristlepaw!"

A name change. That was new. It was to a youth she knew better than the others, a kit she picked among her silent favorites. Once a kit she gladly would have taken under her wing and protected to her last breath. She deserved it and it was fitting. Her tar black lips lifted of rarity, pride shown in her eyes. What a beautiful name. "Moonpaw!" she cheered, hoping to catch the youngling's amber gaze with her prideful glint.

Then her attention shifted to the new warriors. Names they had deserved. Names they fought for. She awaited their responses, sitting up formally and gaze dancing among each of them within the crowd.

die with memories , not dreams .
Sitting amongst the gathering cats, Kaede looked up to Smokethroat with furrowed brows, dual optics glancing wearily through the crowd. A strange way to begin an announcement, the male couldn’t help but think he shouldn’t be included. His eyes subconsciously found that of his father who bore into his side. He wondered if his father was hoping he’d combust in a fiery blaze of charred fur. He blinked subtly, turning his attention away from the scowling male with an awkward shuffle of his paws.

At the sound of his family, Kaede perked up, staring attentively at the RiverClanner. Loner names? His brows furrowed. He didn’t think his name was lonely. He quite liked his name, given to him by someone else when his parents forgot about him to focus on his littermates.

Watching his family be given their names, Kaede tested each one with a crinkled expression, burning them into his memory so he wouldn’t make a mistake and anger anyone. His own fell on mismatched ears. “Dawnstorm.” He tested the name on a sandpaper tongue, blinking owlishly at the odd name so much unlike his birth name. It was weird.

He caught sight of Sasha, mouthing that it was a good name. He couldn’t help but nod sluggishly, still confused. What was a good name? Oh. Yes. His name—His newer name, that is. He tested it again with a crinkled expression, maw moving absently as no sound game out. Dawnstorm. My name is Dawnstorm, now.

“Why are they—?” He muttered, staring at the RiverClanners call out an abundant of names. Did they have to shout it out to remember? He blinked, staring wearily at the clan cats. They were weird. Very weird.
thought speech

Splayed out on his back, Deacon listened to the meeting with as much interest as a kitten being lectured. The time to impress the individualist had passed, now all that remained were remnants of past conversations (or lackthereof) thrumming in the back of his mind. They had been an afterthought in light of a dead leader and abandoned territory, 'woe to the RiverClanners' he'd heard, but not to the Ripple Colony, who'd been thrown into a tempest's river and expected to endure the wild current. The announcement for new names was called and Deacon shot up from their sedentary position; rats, they'd been serious? He was actually expected to be called something different? The ticked tabby's eyes narrowed as they were called first, RiverClan's new leader forcing a change upon them that left a cold lick running down their spine. Deacon had been their choice, a name heard in passing long ago in the Twolegplace and molded to fit them when "Cardinal" had felt too suffocating. Thornmask wasn't a bad name, he pictured a lion-sized cat prowling to the river, making kittens cry and hiding a super dark and mysterious past behind vicious words. But, it wasn't them, it would never be them, and none of these RiverClanners seemed to care about taking that autonomy away.

They looked to their Ripple Colony clanmates, searching for their reactions; mixed was his first opinion. Some looked like they had been whacked across the ears, others had their heads tilted, a few didn't seem to mind. Thank the rat king he wasn't the only contrarian this time, this wasn't like the other changes forced upon them by RiverClan, this was far more personal. He lowered his voice to an unhappy whisper, addressing the colony. "I don't care what these plonkers call me, but if I hear any of you calling me 'Thornmask' or whatever, I'll forget that I kinda liked you cats." The call of new names was halfhearted compared to the celebrations of cats already there, suddenly, it became clear why Ferndance had asked him not to tell anyone about her food gifts to him; these cats did not like outsiders. Deacon didn't know if that made them want to embrace their RiverClan name more or less, malice suddenly filled his grin. "WOOOOO! Cedarblaze! Goosebark! Tidesong! Dewcloud! Tempesthowl! Frondfeather! Ryestalk! Dawnstorm!" He did his best to cry over the sound of celebration for the apprentices.

If RiverClan wasn't going to support the Colony, then he would in the only way they knew how - by making it everyone else's problem. Yellow eyes fluttered innocenetly as they reclined back on their haunches, dragging a coarse tongue over their paw.


This will be the first meeting with Cicadastar officially gone. It is a strange notion to be sure. Smokethroat is a familiar sight addressing the clan, even if its usually done from at eye-level and not above them. She wonders how they must be feeling right now, enduring all this loss and upheaval and having to remain strong for his remaining family and clan.

When the call is given for cats to summon below, Lilybloom quickly gathers with her clanmates, sitting and curling her tail around her paws. Firstly, Smokethroat acknowledged the efforts to reclaim the camp before moving on to speak of the colony cats. They had joined shortly before the rogues had arrived and had not properly been assimilated into their clan life. They are given new names more like the ones Lilybloom and others would have been accustomed to and Lilybloom nods her head in approval. Not bad names at all. Hopefully it would go a long way to making them feel more settled in the clan.

Smokethroar moves on by appointing a few new apprentices. And then, to Lilybloom's surprise, her own name is called as she is given young Swanpaw to mentor. She knew his previous mentor had retired recently, so it was only natural a new one would be needed. Lilybloom was excited at the prospect of her first apprentice. She padded forward to meet him, touching her nose to his head as their new partnership as mentor and apprentice began. "I look forward to training with you, Swanpaw," She mewed in a gentle tone. With pleasantries out of the way, she stepped back so as to listen to the remainder of the announcements Smokethroat needed to make.
FIGHT SO DIRTY BUT YOU LOVE SO SWEET It's an odd sight seeing her father and mentor stand where her father once did when calling a meeting, she thinks about her apprentice ceremony and let's out a soft breath, she'd get used to it over time and she knows how hard it must be for Smokethroat to stand there when he usually took the side of Cicadastar as his deputy and mate. If he catches her gaze would she nod her head in his direction and offer a small smile to show her support for him, both of her ears perked forward as he began to give cats from the Ripple Colony warrior names. She nods her acknowledgement of each cat before focusing on the words of Smokethroat once more and visibly brightened up at the mention of Carawaykit or rather Carawaypaw and the rest of the kittens being promoted to apprentices. How exciting. Swanpaw gets reassigned to Lilybloom and when Ratpaw gets her named called, Beepaw can't help but feel herself frown with confusion.

Beepaw listens closely wondering why her friend had been called by her papa and when he renames her as Moonpaw, the bicolored molly turns to meet her friends gaze with such happiness. A big toothy grin on her maw and her paws shuffling in the slightest, she cheers for the newly named warriors and apprentices but she cheers the loudest for Moonpaw. She stops cheering when Hazepaw, Catfishpaw, and Sablepaw are called to step forward and her pelt prickles with excitement for her friend. All of them had deserved it and the fact they would be leaving the apprentices den saddened her in the slightest, she knew that she would still seek out Sablepaw despite her status as a warrior.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 4 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of cicadastar and smokethroat
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
┌───────────────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────────────────┐
It feels like a lifetime has passed since they'd first stumbled upon that fateful RiverClan patrol; a lifetime since they'd been forced out of their home, and apparently right into a new one, even if they hadn't known it at the time. Moons had dragged on since then, and never in her wildest dreams could Rye have imagined the things that had come next - fighting the strange creatures that had blocked up the river, being welcomed into RiverClan, and then immediately ousted, sent away at the mercy of the ones they called ShadowClan. She was still sore from the battles that had raged against the rogues, though certainly not as battered as some of the others. Not like Cicadastar, she thinks, whose life had been ripped away from him in such a startling turn of events. Now, Smokethroat has been left to lead them, and even if the shift in power so soon after their arrival leaves her feeling more uncertain than ever about the colony's place here, he at least had joined in welcoming them in, and hasn't thrown them out yet, either.

For many, returning to this camp was a great relief, and though she, too, had been glad to see the sight, it wasn't exactly familiar; there hadn't been a lot of time for them to adjust to RiverClan before they were all driven out by rogues, and in more ways than one she feels as if she's still learning about this place they've all chosen to call home. For example, the voice of Smokethroat suddenly rises up, and cats quiet enough for Rye to hear his words - old enough to swim? Gather beneath the...river rock? Clearly, she's not at all up to speed yet, and neither are her fellow companions, if the dubious glances mean anything. Still, though, cats begin to file forward with varying levels of enthusiasm, and far be it from her to start breaking all their strange customs before she's even had a chance to settle in; slipping into the crowd, she settles down near those she's familiar with, tipping her head up to see Smokethroat as he calls them all to attention. An odd greeting, sure, but some sort of gathering or discussion isn't anything new; in fact, it makes her feel a little more at ease, even knowing it's not one of her elders calling them together.

The meeting starts with a normal enough pronouncement, but it's what comes next that really surprises her - mention of the colony, and in a positive light, it seems. Not that she'd expected the RiverClanners to nip at their heels as they all sent them packing, of course, but it had seemed too good to be true when the offer came of joining RiverClan freely. And yet, here Smokethroat stands, telling his Clan to be welcoming to them, to help them adjust. The sentiment earns a gentle grin, more for herself than anything else, but what comes next is even more of a startling notion - name changes. RiverClan - and all the Clans, really, she supposes - certainly had a predisposition to some strange naming practices (it had taken far too long for her to realize that a name ending in '-paw' was something they gave their youth who were yet untested, and not some sort of family name), but she hadn't exactly imagined that joining them would entail the colony, too, taking on new names. A ripple of uncertainty passes through her, and Rye sends a questioning glance towards the rest of her companions - did they, too, think it was peculiar, or was she alone in the thought?

Either way, she's not interrupting Smokethroat like that, not in the middle of such a meeting - not when he'd already had enough trouble these past few days to last a lifetime. As he doles out names to each of them in turn, it's a bit anticlimactic; one moment she's sitting next to Deacon, and the next, she's - well, she's still sitting next to Deacon, except now they're all expected to call him Thornmask. It's... a decidedly Clan-like name, but it's nothing like the one he already has. Will they all leave their old names entirely behind like that, she wonders? If she's not Rye anymore, then who will she be instead? Instinctively, she finds herself bristling slightly at the thought, though she's quick to flatten her fur. Whatever Smokethroat tried to call her, he wouldn't take away the name given to her by her parents; that, she wouldn't stand for. Frond becomes Frondfeather next, Tempest to Tempesthowl, and, huh - still Clan names, but not unlike their own. It soothes her flare of indignation ever so slightly, though she's sure she won't be able to relax until her new name is awarded to her.

And then, just like that, Rye is gone, replaced by Ryestalk. So, a somewhat normal name for her, then; good. It feels foreign (Ryestalk, Ryestalk, Ryestalk), but not so much that she sees fit to protest it - certainly not like Deacon (Thornmask?), who seems to be patently refusing his. All around her, colony members begin to fade, replaced by new names, and she's...well, she's not sure about it all, but the names are okay, she supposes. All strange on the tongue, but many of them seem powerful, in a way that these RiverClanners surely relish. "Ryestalk," she murmurs under her breath, feeling the weight of it. Ryestalk. Maybe...maybe she could get used to this. The cheering that erupts, half-hearted as it is, takes Rye - Ryestalk off guard. It's quickly made clear this is just another of their customs, as cats graduating to their 'paw names receive cheers as well, albeit with much more force and positivity. To be expected, she supposes, considering they were all still newcomers here despite their new names.

What snags her attention next is the warrior ceremonies - more 'paws, this time shedding their previous names and gaining their true ones. Kind of like the colony, she supposes, though clearly this day has been much more highly anticipated by them than it had been by her companions. Interest gleaming in blue eyes, Ryestalk watches curiously as they're all called forward, as Smokethroat asks of their dedication, their loyalty. It's just like when they'd first encountered RiverClan, she realizes; the mantra of defending the Clan, dying for it if necessary. Certainly, she would defend RiverClan - already had, even before officially being inducted into it. But was she willing to die for it? A resounding no, if she's ever heard one, though her thoughts are kept to herself as the ceremonies commence, her cool, curious expression betraying only her interest in learning more about the Clan's operations.​
  • OOC: --​
  • IMG_3975.png
  • image.png
    - Rye
    - She/her (AFAB)
    - 38 moons (Ages on the 24th)
    - Ripple Colony RiverClan warrior
    - Bulky chocolate mink with a half-tail
    - Art by myself
    - Minor powerplay allowed!
    - Penned by Hijinks​
THE HERMIT ─── The call felt like scavenging and finding a forgotten artifact, dusted and engrained with wear and tear. The days that have passed, with the sun being a constant but the events shattering mundane still rung clearly within his mind but not as loud as Smokethroat's voice calling for a meeting. It was no longer the proud voice of the deputy's former mate and their now fallen leader, the bicolored tom not towering above with a permanent glint but instead the solemn figure of his beloved. As Rookfang's half-lidded eerie stare scratched through the air and decided to turn to look at Smokethroat, a thorn-covered vine wrapped around his chest and clawed at his heart. He knew how much grief he must be holding in to stay composed in front of everyone so the warrior had a low hum of quiet respect before rising to his paws and heading over towards the gathering crowd, the end of his tail gently brushing against the ground before deciding to sit himself alongside the rest of his clanmates and...the Ripple Colony. With the stench of rogue still lingering, he was still struggling to accept the fact that the Ripple Colony was sticking beside them but he did appreciate their decision to aid them and work alongside them. Starclan's sake, he had no right to judge as he was not even related full-blooded to the clan. His velvety left ear twitched as he flicked off the thought of his father to now place his focus on the present and the first meeting Smokethroat would be holding.

The dark sable warrior was pleased to hear that Smokethroat could appreciate the effort that was done with their camp, their continued attempts to salvage and reform what the loners had destroyed and put down was relieving. He was unsure if he felt comfortable returning to the warrior's den with everything that had happened but he was sure someone from the Ripple Colony would happily take it once they were able to expand more for their new members. His focus briefly broke away from Smokethroat to each new member and the name that was placed under. They seemed fitting and well-thought for each feline, he remembered they had simply asked what his name was when he was young and it stuck by adding the suffixes in for each rank rising. Now, he and his other clanmates would be teaching them about their cultures and ways which caused Rookfang to hope they were able to learn well without much struggle. His stiff shoulders gently rolled as he called out each new given name that Smokethroat pronounced to them for their new clanmates and he made a mental note to make sure to include them in any way he could despite his reserved personality disliking the idea of it.

Then came along the youth of his clan and Rookfang decided to quiet down after the last pronounced name to focus on the chance to give the younger generation their important ceremony of apprenticeship. He briefly recalled his, not exactly a very joyful one with his explosive annoyance and hateful mentor clashing immediately. The result was hidden scars beneath his thick pelt from harsh training that his mentor believed he deserved for his stubborn and "rougeish" behavior the silver-furred warrior had liked to explain. This one appeared to come with more optimism as he listened to each mentor and apprentice be assigned. That was until his name was attached to the one of Bumblepaw's. His sinewy muscles tensed and the spiked fur down his back bristled slightly as the constant shadow that framed his eyes was wiped away. He had been assigned an apprentice. He had never had one and he never thought he would have the capability to. His throat tightened at the thought of having such a precious life now in his hand, every lesson he would wove into her mind if it would save her life in the future. Like he should have done for his siblings. He quickly corrected the lump in his throat by clearing it as Rookfang gave a stiff nod of understanding and made sure to head over to Bumblepaw to introduce himself as her mentor once the announcements were over.

Then the name change of Ratpaw was the next line of subject and the mixed gaze danced over to the apprentice that was being renamed, a faint warmth growing in his stomach at feeling joy for the child. Moonpaw. That was a fitting name and a wonderful choice that he hoped would carry itself to warriorhood with the help of her clanmates. With the name change official, he called out the name with a flicker of a smile before it disappeared under the veil as he then settled himself down for the continuation of the current apprentices that Smokethroat called forward for their warrior ceremony. Hazepaw, Sablepaw, and Catfishpaw were such spirited felines that were now to join their ranks. With this, a new beginning and a new age to heal over the past hardships they had faced. ​
Robinpaw seats herself among her fellow RiverClanners, finding it strange yet familiar to be back in camp surrounded by only one group. Gone were the days of sharing a space with the other clans; days spent with bated breath over what had become of Cicadastar and how they would drive out the rogues. Those days were long and difficult, but she misses the hope held within each passing hour that their leader would emerge and lead them to victory.

It still doesn’t feel real knowing Cicadastar walks among the stars rather than walking among the pebbles and reeds of their home. Even as she gazed upon Smokethroat while he spoke she still struggles to accept that Cicadastar is gone.

The tortie tries to not betray too much emotion - not while so many are being gifted names and mentors. This is a special occasion for her Clanmates and Robinpaw makes sure to cheer for each of them with a small smile gracing her fatigued face.
Eager and excited, the young ebony kit, raced toward the river rock where Smokethroat was perched. This was a significant day, not just for her, but for many cats. It was a day filled with pride and achievements, something she had been looking forward to since the day Willowroot allowed her to explore the camp.

The colony of cats who had gathered for the ceremony was a sight to behold, and the weight of their collective gazes didn't escape her notice. Bumblepaw, in her innocence, saw the presence of so many cats as an exceptional thing, a symbol of unity and bravery. After the losses in the recent battles, she was happy to see her new clanmates stepping up to become warriors. Jubilantly, she chanted along to each name and assuredly mispronounced most, if not all, in a bout of confusion at the number of names.

Phew! The moment she'd been gearing up for was now on the horizon and Smokethroat beckoned them forth. Unconsciously, her paws moved and with a tall chin, she stood before the deputy. Starlight and hope shimmering in her bright yellow stare.

Elation jetted up and down her back as her friends and family were called ahead, each one she jeered for or shot congratulatory glances at. Despite her short few moons of life, Bumblepaw had managed to maintain a positive outlook. She had grown closer to her sister and felt more secure in the familiar beds of the RiverClan camp. Today, her usually awry coat had been slicked and pampered, leaving her feeling light and buzzing with anticipation. She took her place beside Carawaypaw, her green eyes shining with awe as Smokethroat called out their names.

Standing by her sibling's side, Bumblepaw's heart swelled with pride. She relished the thought of being apprenticed beside her friends, denmates, and siblings, something she believed would overjoy any cat. When Smokethroat announced her mentor, her widened gaze drifted to the wild-furred warrior across the way. Tail spiking with enthusiasm and ruining Willowroot's hard work on her coat. Jumping up from the thrill of it, she waited to see the other approach - except he didn't. Surprise lit up her happy mug and when they caught sight of Rookfang's glance at the leader, Bumblepaw quickly understood what she needed to do.

Abashedly, she sat back down and settled down on her haunches, just in time for Carawaypaw to return and give her a playful nudge. Snickering softly, Bumblepaw returned the gesture with a gentle paw jab. The smile returned to a full bloom on Bumblepaw's face without a hitch. Now it's Hazepaw's turn! Eyes akin to a starving wolf's Bumblepaw buzzed in place as she awaited with baited breath.
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A day long in the waiting -- a day Hazekit thought would never come, distant like adulthood always is for a child; a day that couldn’t come soon enough for Hazepaw. They only wish…

They only wish their mentor could have been there to see it.

Now that it’s time to receive their warrior name, Haze finds their anticipation replaced by a sort of calm. It’s happening; they only have to wait as Smokethroat renames both Ripple Colony joinees and apprentices, assigning the next batch of apprentices to mentors. They smile broadly at each of their siblings as they touch nose with their mentor and receive the -paw suffix; pride and affection settle their heart further, leaving them strangely still for once as Smokethroat calls out three more names.

Soon, none of the cats who step forward will be known this way anymore. They will all shed their apprentice names and step into a new identity, almost a new life.

(The first of their litter to gain their warrior name -- take that, Mosspaw!)

Glancing briefly at the mollies flanking her (eyes quickly fleeing Catfish before she can be thought as ‘staring’), Hazepaw straightens her back and meets Smokethroat’s one eye head-on.

”I do.”


'cause my girl's made of peaches—————————————————
She remembered vividly watching over the warrior ceremonies from the mouth of the nursery. The blue of her eyes had just barely left and everything was so big. She had cheered out the new names then just as she did now. Eleven or so moons had passed since then, and many things had changed. Her fur no longer stuck up in silly spots, she wasn’t nearly as agile and she finally had cats who would listen to her rambles. She had grown up.

Though as she approached Smokethroat she still felt like that same kit; alone. For some reason this step into warriorhood felt much different than her apprenticeship, this time it felt like a severing of that wide eyed kitten. She had let that kitten down in some ways, she was the oldest of the three graduating, and she was pretty sure she bore the deepest scars. She took a deep breath despite the thought.

I do.” it’s said solemnly.

It didn’t matter if she let that kit down. There were so many more things that Catfishkit would have been impressed with.

and soft grass in the moonlight—————————penned by WriteAboutRadish