pafp solo leveling | questions


duty & honor - 義務と名誉
Mar 31, 2024

She'd overheard from a pair of gossiping warriors that the ethereal pelted Thundergleam was not originally from thunderclan at all. Her little mind reeled at the hastily recanted tale. Although she failed to capture several good chunks of detail due to their whispering she managed to catch the gist of things. Howlingstar was lost and due to Thundergleam's heroic actions she helped their leader come home. Mismatched eyes flickered from one warrior to another as they came and went from camp, seeking the ivory feline. Thanks to the newcomer's pale pelt it was not long before Scorchedkit laid eyes on her with kindled interest. Abandoning the feather she previously tussled with, the little one was up on her paws immediately, bounding straight for her target. "Thundergleam!" She called, hoping to wrangle the warrior's attention away from whomever she was speaking to.

Her execution to slow her charging gait was clumsy at best. Large paws bumbled over one another as she nearly tripped due to her excitement. Wide kitten eyes stared up with tangible curiosity. With zero context for the older molly to go off of, Scorchedkit launched straight into her first question. "Where did you come from?" Then there was a brief pause before jumping to the next. "Did you come from the mountains like in the journey stories?" Those were some of her favorite tales. "And..and did starclan tell you to save Howlingstar?" They must have, right? In the stories starclan always sent a sign to chosen heroes. (@THUNDERGLEAM)
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   thunderclan kit / three months / she/her  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  

It was not often Thundergleam had heard her name called... that was often the course of a medicine cat, to hear their name screamed to the sky, hailed for their wisdom. Rosy eyes spangled with surprise at the noise- the blazing form of Scorchedkit tore toward her. "Ooops!" she vocalised when the she-kit almost tripped over, but Scorchedkit managed to keep moving, her verdant gaze eventually settling to meet pink.

Before her call to ThunderClan, Thundergleam had never met a kitten before... she'd not seen much of other cats at all. Father's description was rather accurate, though- that Clan kits were excitable and curious, always wanting to get involved. Thus, the albino molly's face blossomed into one of gentle greeting as she patiently waited for Scorchedkit to make her way through all of her questions. And they were quie a few! Thankfully, Thundergleam had been bestowed with a good memory upon her appointment as StarClan's chosen.

"I came from very far away. Not the mountains... a forest, like this one." A distant one, with no name and no Clan to occupy it. A lonely life, indeed, even with the company of Father. It was Scorchedkit's next question that blew her pale gaze a little wider,interest iridescent within. "Oh! Why, yes," she purred, honoured to have a chance to explain it. "A dream of a thunderstorm sent me on my journey, and thus I was in the perfect place to help Howlingstar when she fell from the sky." What other explanation could there be but divine will? "How did you know? Do you too carry the gift of clairvoyance?"
penned by pin ☾

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Roeflame would be a liar if she were to deny the pressing curiosity that nagged at her whenever she caught the snowy pelt of Thundergleam. The instinctual sense of distrust had long passed, and the only thing the she-cat carried with her now was an inexplicable oddity.
Aside from saving Howlingstar, she at least seemed serious about integrating into clan-life- and there was nothing wrong with being strange as long as the former loner could uphold Thunderclan’s values… the important ones, at least.
Upon seeing Scorchedkit suddenly zip away from the spot she had been rooted to, Roeflame’s attention is quickly veered to Flamewhiskers daughter, curious has to where she was headed of to.
Thundergleam! The kitten calls out, and Roeflame takes that as her cue to follow on the kits heels. Less so on the principle of wariness for who Scorchedkit called on and more so for the fact that stars only knew what the child had up her sleeve.
The questions that fly from Scorchedkits tongue are innocent enough, if not a little rapid.
Roeflame parts her maw to interject, but Thundergleams trill tells the queen that her input is not needed, the warrior is happy to provide answers, partly to Roeflame’s own curiosity, too.
“You took a journey on the basis of a dream?” Roeflame does not mean for the cynicism to trickle into her tone, but the only cats she knew that could put so much faith into mere dreams were… well, leaders and medicine cats.
Where she gained one answer about Thundergleam, a million more blossomed behind her incredulous gaze.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Thundergleam, in all her kindness, wastes no time answering her questions much to Scorchedkit's delight. Mismatched eyes shine with awe as the pale warrior described a forest not so different from thunderclan's. It made her wonder just how wide the world really was beyond the four walls of camp. But that was hardly the best part. The ivory molly speaks of a dream and Scorchedkit gasps at the details. A thundercloud had to have meant thunderclan. A perfect representation. But the fact that she really did manage to bring Howlingstar home solidified her decision that Thundergleam must have been hand picked by starclan themselves. "Wow! That's so cool, you really are a hero!" She beamed, allowing her toothy smile to stretch wide.

It only falters in the presence of Roeflame as jittery nervousness settles into her being. Her wariness of the queen has not left since her altercation with Sparrowkit several nights ago. Anxious energy prompts Flamewhisker's daughter to take a few unconscious steps away before Thundergleam's own question ropes her attention back in. Her smile returns somewhat, although marred by the new onslaught of nerves flowing through her system. "Clear..Clair.." Fumbling over the beginning of the word she stops, giving up on its pronunciation and instead focusing on her actual question. "What's that? Does it mean I'm chosen by starclan too? Am I going to be a hero too?" Just like Thundergleam, Just like Flamewhisker on the journey.

Her excitement dwindles a tad as Roeflame's inquiry enters the mix. "But..but if Thundergleam didn't follow her dream Howlingstar would still be lost, right?" Scorchedkit asked, looking between both she cats.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   thunderclan kit / three months / she/her  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  

A hero. Thundergleam laughed softly, shaking her head slowly. "I am no hero. I was simply doing the right thing." My duty. For why else would she have been there, if she were not destined to help? It was a peculiar set of circumsances that had led her there, certainly- Roeflame's quiet disbelief cemented that fact. "Clairvoyance is knowledge of the future- a gift from StarClan, it would be." Pink eyes lifted to settle on the cinnamon-silver molly then, tranquil-teardropped, and she dipped her head.

Father had told her on no uncertain terms that it would be difficult for some cats to believe. But Thundergleam had eternal faith in her destiny, in her unwavering connection to StarClan. "I did." She smiled, a fond memory of that rumbling thunderstorm in her head; the excitement she had felt building up within her, the glee with which she had regarded Father. It is finally time, she had chirped, and with his rheumy, knowing eyes he had blinked, and with his raspy voice he had blessed her. Go and save them.

Scorchedkit's logic had Thundergleam's head dipping. "My dream lead me to the right place, at the right time. Though Howlingstar is a strong, honourable leader... I am sure she would have found her way home without me." Though maybe not as quickly, nor precisely. Perhaps her wounds would have slowed her, would have ebbed another life away in the meantime. There was no telling- StarClan could not inform her of a future that would not be, after all.
penned by pin ☾
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She's still not sure why Bravepaw had been staring at this lady like she were a gift of honey dropped into his lap... Mottledkit eyes her with careful regard, following the example of Roeflame by squaring her shoulders and pretending to be entirely aloof to the story of grandeur. In secret, she was enamored by this idea of fate... the concept of a destiny blessed by StarClan, given signs and symbology that might divine the future. Thundergleam had been one of the few grown ups that didn't politely smile at Mottledkit when she insisted upon being the next prodigy of her clan... she believed her.

Brushing her paws along the dirt, casually drawing lines as a form of careful contemplation, she let the pale dove ramble in its coos of modesty before deciding it was a little too humble for her liking. "My great grammaw's very smart," she insists in agreement, giving Roeflame a glance that asked 'are you going to tell on me for this next bit?'

Leaning in towards Thundergleam in conspiratory whisper, she is not as quiet as she likes to imagine she is when she confesses: "But she's kinda old...."

She leans back on her haunches, scrunching up her nose as if the admission smelled as sour as it felt to say. "You'll have'ta watch out... for more birds." The tortoiseshell girl isn't terribly certain why that bird had wanted Howlingstar so bad but... she was admittedly worried it might happen again.​