pafp somebody else's page | sparring & gossiping

Another cloudless Greenleaf day. Cherryblossom straddles a warm patch of the Sandy Ravine, pale eyes alight with plentiful sun, plentiful heat spilling from rows of shimmering teeth. Panting, the young deputy regards her opponent with a mixture of pleasure and pride, as though she were the one solely responsible for the younger girl's training. StarClan wouldn't have it though, and while she enjoyed testing Emberpaw's growing limits against the ones Slate had instilled in her, she was far from the apprentice's mentor.

The calico makes a pointed glance away, loosening her form with a small shake to signify the end of mock hostilities for now. "Let's take a break," she pants, rasping a tongue over her pale fur. At the very least, StarClan hadn't cursed her with the dark, thick pelt of Slate or Duskpool, but having long hair at all during Greenleaf was rarely a satisfying existence. Cherryblossom motions the umber tabby to sit closer to her while they rest from the last bout of sparring, gracefully lowering herself into the sand despite the familar sear in her lungs. "So," she meows, around swipes of fixing up her chest fur. "How's everyone been since I left the apprentice den?"

ooc: please wait for @Emberpaw . !

skyclan deputy | "speech." | tags
Her sides heaved slightly from the spar with the deputy and eventually Cherryblossom calls for them to take a break. It was funny in a way. Slate had mentored Cherry and Silversmoke mentored her. A vague rumor mentioned that the two lead warriors had bad blood and disliked each other. ” It's been a while since we last sparred. ” Emberpaw would remark as she takes a moment to catch her breath as her fiery orange-yellow gaze shifts around. The 'so' from the deputy catches her attention as she shifts her focus to the multicolored feline. How was the apprentice's den since she left? How long had it been since Cherryblossom graduated from being an apprentice? If she remembered correctly, it had been a few moons by now.

” It's been alright. It's different without you, but nothing's changed. ” The umber tabby would remark in all honesty, a small part wondering if she was trying to figure out something or was more curious about how everyone was. It wouldn't surprise her if the deputy were doing both of them. Despite the doubts and murmurs, she defied expectations and became an outstanding deputy after being chosen by the Orangestar. While she allows Cherryblossom to respond, Ember rasps a tongue across her paw and swipes it behind an ear.

it's weird. she's the deputy now, and yet she wants to know about the apprentice den? she hasn't been in there for moons. it's not like she'd ever go back, either. but she still wants to know how everything is in there? weird. but he's not judgemental about it. maybe she simply misses the simplicity of being an apprentice. as an apprentice all you did was follow orders, train, follow more orders and train some more. it was a simple process for the most part. as a warrior, you give responsibilities to apprentices. watch over everyone. fight. hunt. whatever you must. but as deputy... you did it all. you had to be the eyes and ears where the leader could not. it was too much responsibility, one that drowsynose could never live up to. he's glad he doesn't have to. he settles on his haunches as he watches the spar. he begins for a moment grooming his fur before his exhaustion takes over and he decides not to do that anymore. focus on the spar. maybe that way he'd learn something from it.

"must be an honor... right? for an apprentice to spar with cherryblossom now that she's deputy? or something?"

he doesn't think orangestar would have sparred so easily with an apprentice unless it was her own that she was teaching, right? then again, he's no idea. he's never been the one to spar.
Fluffypaw remembers her disastrous battle training with Greeneyes, and tears threaten to prick at the corners of jade eyes. Oh, it's so embarrassing for her to be bad at hunting, climbing, and sparring! She watches the ease of Cherryblossom's paw movements, the liquid twists Emberpaw makes midair. Their conversation is breathy from exertion, but otherwise casual, friendly. They talk about nothing in particular in between blows. Fluffypaw settles herself beside Drowsynose, misery hanging on her expression.

"Y-yeah, I'm sure it is an honor," she mumbles. She's still a relatively young apprentice — unlike Emberpaw — but Fluffypaw knows this is one particular honor she's not really interesting in achieving.

  • ooc:
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit . Fluffypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 8 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    — mentored by Greeneyes ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan apprentice. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.
    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.


"Well done," he mewed quietly to Emberpaw as the spar reached its crescendo, the spotted tabby observing from a short distance away. It wouldn't be long until his apprentice had joined the warriors, the quickly approaching assessment of his older charge a far cry from the time he had spent with Crowsight. As with Chrysaliswing, he had not seen the apprentice properly grow up, he had been given a pre-modelled piece of clay and expected to add the finishing touches. It was a duty done proudly in service of SkyClan, but with a twinge of sadness lurking on the side knowing he could not have the impact he wished he could. Ears twitched as Cherryblossom and Emberpaw began their conversation, their talk of the apprentice's den causing the Lead Warrior's head to grow foggy with disinterest. An outsider at birth, he had never known what the inside of the place was save for a nest of gossip and misbehaviour. Drowsynose spoke up next and Silversmoke turned his head towards him, momentarily staring as he tried to process his opinions on the idea. With a lash of his tail, he forced his attention away and back towards the original pair. "Are you going to spar again?"