private something in it had a power ☀️ stagsnarl, doespring

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Approaching Palefire and Rabbitnose hadn’t been a challenge, in spite of Roeflame’s instinctual reservations, they were cats the warrior knew. Both had something to fight for, take back.

As Roeflame approaches the two warriors posted near the fresh-kill pile, her brow deepens. Doespring and Stagsnarl were not clanmates the former Lead Warrior knew well, admittedly. They were fine warriors, a necessity to win this war- if they could be trusted.

Roeflame continues onward with her plan to keep unwanted ears at bay, clearing her throat to catch both of the cats' attention. When eyes are on her, Roeflame gives a pointed look towards the pile of prey they stood by. “Nightbird and the kits haven’t eaten yet, you two can help me bring them something.” Roeflame keeps her tone sharp, giving away nothing of what she had up her sleeve. After each would grab something, Roeflame would let herself expel a breath as she turned on her heel and led them out of the clearing.


  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Doespring had seldom cared much for the lead warriors' antics before all this. They were as average as the other warriors, in her eyes, with the additional job of advising their leader... nothing more, nothing less. Howlingstar's specifically picked council simply had more opportunities to speak their minds. It is only Skyclaw's betrayal that had changed Doespring's mind, temporarily or not; all of them are likely wanting to put an end to this sooner rather than later, so they piqued her interest wherever they went.

It is that very same reason that stops Doespring from turning her nose up at Roeflame's suggestion — order, more like, because she does not give Doespring or Stagsnarl any chance to say no.

As far as she's concerned, Stagsnarl is safe... hasn't done anything diabolical so far. She exchanges a quick glance with them, before absent-mindedly grabbing the nearest prey from the pile to follow after Roeflame. Nightbird, she says; surely the privacy of the nursery, flimsy as it might be, would give them enough of a window to discuss what's important.

stagsnarl has always been a cat who appreciates the hierarchy. it's what they've been taught since they've known how to talk, and hardly did they ever challenge the authority of others. but being a warrior now leaves very few above them, in terms of rank. truly, they've never not listened to higher ranks but as skyclaw stands in as leader... they can't listen to him. he's vulgar. and wrong. and by the stars, if he did anything to hurt their family or houndshade, they would not be able to control their anger. they hardly are good at that now, if their tussle with fallowbite showed anything.

"uh, yeah. sure."

she may not be a lead warrior any longer due to skyclaw, but stagsnarl would refer to her as such either way. she dips her head and grabs a piece of prey from the pile, sniffing heavily as if she's worried about the possibility of someone else having poisoned it, before grabbing a plump mouse. the kits would like it, right? she's got no reason to believe otherwise as she walks to the nursery, dipping inside and furrowing her brows.

"got a mouse. good enough?"