pafp Something simple and sensible ☂ Judging


There is a wasps’ nest in my attic.
Jun 14, 2024

She can't believe what she's watching, Puddlepaw had decided to take up space in camp, resting under the warmer parts of the sky. It's not quite the sun beams or anything but it'll do. She was planning on enjoying her time off but this sight has ruined it. Raintooth has been burying odd rat and frog bones for the past hour. She thought at the start of this weird adventure that maybe it was because he just became curious about the snow, she knows that she's dug it out before to make sure there's still marshland underneath. But then he just kept going, she thought maybe he'd try to build something with his creation, then thought he was paranoid and making some kind of tunnel.

Faux brows knit in confusion, she deeply wished that this was the case. At this point the apprentice had shifted from her rather rigid resting position to be sitting upright. Round eyes stare in wonder, mostly judgement but some wonder, as the bones had been introduced. He had buried a few at this point, the holes are never too big and he seems to be putting them in seperate holes all around camp. As she continues this silent study Puddlepaw hears the voice of someone familiar. An unimpressed gaze is passed onto Snowlark, she didn't really like him based on that one time she asked if he had nearly died. She still stands by that stance but she doesn't dislike him enough to not talk to him, after all he is a lead warrior now.

"Did Raintooth tell you what he's doing?" She asks, trying to figure out if whatever he said to her was a lie or what not. After a notable pause she opens her maw to speak once more, judgement seeping clear as the moon on a nice night. "He thinks he's going to attract more prey by burying the dead ones" there's a clear mocking tone as she speaks; she doesn't really get it. He mentioned something about showing them respect will make the prey respect them back, as if that's going to fix their issues. With a roll of her eyes she continues "have you seen this before?" He's been alive longer than her, surely if something so weird has happened then he would know.

  • Please wait for @Snowlark.
  • PUDDLEPAW || She/her, kit of ShadowClan, 6 moons
    A short haired fawn rosette tabby and black rosette tabby chimera with copper eyes. Always seems to be judgmental.
    Mentored by Wormwatcher.
    Penned by Juice || message on discord (Ouijeejuice) for plots!
    Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking.

[ ༻❄༺ ] Snowlark would be lying if he didn't think what Raintooth was doing as weird, for starters he figured it could've been for his own personal stash of bones for later (or whatever). Yet Puddlepaw'a words made the lead warriors face shrew up in a judgmental look appeared on his face. "Feel that would work for worms or other bugs, but he's just driving the prey away, not bringing them here" the lead warrior expressed.

Should they stop him? Or continue watching like a bunch of gawking birds? Either way, it was amusing to see that their hunger situation was driving some to do insane acts, while also being truly sad at the same time. Sucks this leaf-bare had been so harsh on them but attempting to bury remants of the things they have eaten was not going to help at all. Yellow eyes rolled slightly while he twitch his ears a bit.

"We're better off stealing from Thunderclan, they look fat enough that I'm sure they would hardly notice" he remarked ever so softly that only Puddlepaw could hear them. Windclan had helped keep Batchaser alive, he wouldn't dare attempt a raid for food against them even if they had done so earlier during their time of struggle, it would go to show that Shadowclan only wanted a good relationship with tjem and not continue throwing dirt into their faces.

"I guess it's good entertainment though... let him believe it'll help the clan" he stated with an amused snort before flicking some snow off of his white paws and began to groom his fur, still silently judging the warrior for his silly actions of burying bones around camp, thinking it would take everyones mind off their struggling issues even if it was for a brief moment.
  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowlark He/Him, Lead warrior of Shadowclan, 16 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Perhaps she didn't have a horse in this race, but the cinnamon tabby spoke with an earned confidence when it came to hunting and tracking. She tilted her head towards Puddlepaw as he discussed Raintooth's newest plan, squinting as if catching a waft of something particularly unpleasant. "Oooh no, that wouldn't do him any good," Ferndance shook her head, trotting closer. Lest a territory was full of much larger, much angrier creatures, she figured it best to be loud and proud about any catches one shared. "You bury things to hide the smell, not draw things closer. I bury all my bodies and no one suspects a thing~" She cast a knowing look towards Snowlark before allowing crossed pupils to settle upon the apprentice once more, amusement causing them to quiver.

"I'm just kidding..." And StarClan did it feel good to say so. She didn't realise that the weight upon her chest had moved elsewhere, to the back of her mind where a little hovel remained, but for now, she would enjoy the momentary relation. Her ears swivelled forwards. "But... not about the burying thing. Maybe Raintooth could do the opposite? I've seen squirrels kill and eat babies, maybe they'd like the taste of frog, too." A hopeful thought - one's tastebuds could often become unrefined when kept on an amphibian diet.
Milkbriar couldn't help but stare at odd feline, intrigued by whatever they were doing. His blue eyes tracked him as he went on with digging holes, and then promptly filling them with bones. He's lost his damn mind, there is no doubt about it. "Raintooth is a quack," the chocolate tabby stated matter-of-factly to the trio, his eyes still refusing to leave the tom as he carried on with his shenanigans. Let him believe it'll help the clan A sour look quickly overtook his smug face at the comment, brows pinching in disgust, his nose wrinkling. The newly-made warrior couldn't help but allow his repulsion to the dwarf his prior expression. "Or maybe he could actually do something useful." Milkbriar scoffed, shooting Snowlark as sideways glance (which might not have been the best idea, since he was indeed their lead warrior, and should be shown respect).

The look was quickly ripped away when Ferndance decided to pipe up. Most of their words carried through his ears, only catching his attention at the mention of squirrels killing and eating babies. "Morbid. Maybe the squirrels have the right idea though." The tom let out a stifled laugh, choking it down as he attempted to keep a straight face. As he finished his words, the tom motioned to Puddlepaw, his suggestion perhaps distasteful, though he found it humorous.

  • Dead
Reactions: Puddlepaw

She has to admit that she's rather impressed over Snowlark joining her in her remarks, sleek face turns to look at the lead warrior. Blinking slowly as she registers what he said, a ghost of a smile gracing her features for a moment. "Maybe he could bury prey at ThunderClan" she remarks with a quiet hum, keeping that whisper of a tone that was given to her. As she resides here another shadow joins them, the pelt belonging to it one of cinnamon. Puddlepaw knows her, the butt sniffer as Smogstar had called her. Her presence had slowly become a welcomed one, wearing down the apprentices initial dislike towards her and instead turning to something of interest. Ferndance spoke her mind, as nonsensical as it may seem at times. The chimera enjoyed that, with a flick of her tail her attention is drawn back to Raintooth. "Maybe you should tell him that, so he doesn't look like such a fool" would that be a kindness that the warrior could offer?

Maybe not, not when she's giving interesting factoids of squirrels. "I want to see a squirrel" it's wistful, almost. She has seen glimpses across at ThunderClan but she has to admit that she's far more curious to learn more about them. What would it look like to see one up close? What does squirrel blood taste like? She may not have to look very far if things remain the same, would ShadowClan push their luck and steal more territory? The young apprentice isn't given much time to think about it since Milkbriar decided that his presence would be anything but annoying.

Her face scrunches at his remark, understanding what he meant but not really registering that it's meant to be some kind of jab. "Weird that they haven't ate you then, Milkbriar." She comments pointedly with a huff. With a tilt of her head her attention is taken again "oh... is he placing feathers in there now?"

  • PUDDLEPAW || She/her, kit of ShadowClan, 6 moons
    A short haired fawn rosette tabby and black rosette tabby chimera with copper eyes. Always seems to be judgmental.
    Mentored by Wormwatcher.
    Penned by Juice || message on discord (Ouijeejuice) for plots!
    Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking.