Today was a proud day, for Burnstorm had not only been assigned just one apprentice but two. And to make matters even better, the two young charges he had fallen under his instruction were none other than his son and one of the kits raised alongside his own litter. He does not dare call Coalpaw and Hopepaw his own, does not ask that they call them father, to do so, he feels would be disrespectful towards the memory of Batwing but he does hold a certain fondness for the two young toms, so to be named as ones mentor.. he considers is a greater honor than he thinks he deserves. And also one he wouldn't dare question aloud, fear that one may be whisked away from him staying his surprised tongue.

He planned on getting to work immedately, they had a lot of training to do if he was going to indeed whip them into the fine warriors they were destined to be. Already, his mind was formulating plans. They would take a tour of the territory today, and tomorrow they would get right into the other things. Hunting, fighting, traversing their territory with ease, he would ensure they knew it all, would ensure he would do everything in his power to hand them the tools to succeed.

Before he could whisk his new charges away, however, his grandmother had come to him with an idea. A group outing, to celebrate the families new apprentices together. He couldn't say he didn't enjoy the idea, so he had rounded up the others and together, they had watched their new apprentices take their first steps out into the world. "Do you remember the first time you ever stepped foot outside of camp?" he asks whoever happens to be beside him, his fluffy tail waving in the air as he keeps a keen eye on their charges. "Don't go too far, stay where we can see you" he warns, fixing Meadowpaw especially with an icy stare.

// ( @beetlepaw @COALPAW ) @skyclaw (@mottledpaw) @HOWLINGSTAR ( @LITTLEPAW ) @ROEFLAME . ( @Dovekit ) @badgerstripe ( @Scarletkit ) and finally @lovelight ( @HOPEPAW ) would have been invited as well if you two wish to join in!
Set before certain events

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
Dovepaw hadn't expected their first outing to be with the majority of their family, so many apprentices before them leaving with smaller patrols or simply just the duo of apprentice and mentor. They had been excited at first to get started and go out into the territory with Roeflame and get to learn about the territory and the borders - maybe they'd learn to catch a squirrel too! - but the excitement had quickly been squashed when the news at the meeting had turned from excitement and congratulations for all the new apprentices to the mention that so many cats would be leaving them to go live somewhere outside the territory until things were figured out. Luckily that feeling hadn't lasted too long, with the promise of getting to leave camp with the now fairly large patrol bringing their spirits up just a tiny bit.

Since the meeting though, unless necessary, Dovepaw hadn't left Beetlepaw's side, pressed against their dark-furred brother they had moved through the entrance of the camp and out into the territory, ice-blue eyes wide as they looked around at the new stretch of world that surround them. The smell of camp had begun to leave the group, the strong scent of cats being left behind the further the group walked, and the further they got the more noises Dovepaw had begun to hear. Small scratchings in the earth of prey animals searching for their own food, the sound of wings flapping. Their father warns not to go too far and all Dovepaw can do is nod his head in response - they weren't planning to.

  • --
    -- afab ;; they/them ;; thunderclan apprentice
    -- sibling to littlepaw && beetlepaw
    -- lh chocolate silver lynx point
    -- stubborn && questions everything
    -- speaks in bolded #96b6a6

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Roeflame was sure she and Burnstorm were living every parents dream, each mentoring their kit with another apprenticed to the leader herself, who Roeflame trusted wholeheartedly. That’s what the Lead Warrior tries to focus on as she trails out of camp accompanied her mate, Howlingstar, Skyclaw, Badgerstripe, and Lovelight. A large group with enough apprentices in tow to build a small army. sage hues are glued to Dovepaw and Beetlepaws backs, unable to shake the wretch from her gut. Littlepaw walked alongside her siblings, even quieter than normal.
What was going through her children’s minds?

From beside her, Burnstorm begins to speak, his voice a welcomed distraction from her worries, the hurt still fresh in her mind with the image of cats like Stormywing and Coltkit walking out of camp, led into the unknown with Leafhusk at the helm. It’s not forever, only for now. Roeflame lets her own words wash back over her ears, a poor attempt to soothe.

As for her mates question, Roeflame blinks in momentary thought. “Stars… I don’t think I do, actually.” The Lead Warrior admits, a bit gingerly. “When I was still a kit, the camp got caught in the cross hairs of a wildfire, we had to leave and find sanctuary in RiverClan. I don’t think that counts, though.” Now that Roeflame remembers all too vividly, Emberstars body painted near-red in the light of blazing saffron and vermillion. Nice Roeflame, add morbidity to your kits first outing. The tabby gives her head a quick shake, “My first real outing was probably a very informational tour with Flycatcher.” Now, that was a memory that could be smiled upon, maybe… the fleeting pang of grief doesn’t hurt so much now, but it’s still there.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


༻ ♥༺ To be out of camp was both a marvel and a relief. The green-leaf breeze was soft and warm, but surprisingly refreshing. Littlepaw tries her best to keep up with her littermates, though it was hard to be around Dovepaw right now. Their sadness was tangible still, and it was making Littlepaw uneasy.
Everything about this was making Littlepaw uneasy.
Her father strikes up a conversation not meant for her behind them, and Littlepaw’s eyes instinctively flicker to her mentor for a moment.
At her fathers warning, the broad-shouldered apprentice merely nodded, breaking away from Beetlepaw and Dovepaw to venture over towards the pelt of another.
Lightly, Littlepaw’s flank brushes against Scarletpaws as she falls into step with her cousin, letting herself look around her forest home. “Sure is pretty..” Littlepaw observes in a little less than a hum. “W-what part are uhm, you most excited t-to see?” For whatever reason, Littlepaw’s voice is notably quieter when she prompts her cousin. It was so peaceful out here…

  • LITTLEPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, 6 moons.
    powerfully built and dense-furred chocolate smoked she-cat with amber eyes and black ribboning stretching across her face, foreleg, and tail.
    daughter of Roeflame && Burnstorm ࿏ sister to Beetlepaw && Dovepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Bittersweet. Acerbic in his muzzle, burning him from the inside out. That's what everything felt like lately, at least to Coalpaw. Even this particular outing made his stomach twist unpleasantly, the new apprentice feeling slightly overwhelmed by the crowd of bodies that surrounded himself, Beetlepaw, and Burnstorm. While certain of the fact that he and his brother would get a chance to join their mentor solo soon enough, he only wished that occasion could have come first. For once, though, he would keep his mouth shut. He saw little reason to upset what remained of his family further, instead just slipping from his own mentor's side so that he could brush against Hopepaw's.

His mossy gaze lingered on Lovelight for a moment longer than usual, tail flicking against his brother's spine in an attempt to snatch his attention. "What do you think of Lovelight? Are you glad she's your mentor?" Coalpaw's voice was lowered slightly, just enough that the subject of his questioning hopefully wouldn't be able to hear. Part of him knew that he was questioning out of fear. Concern that Hopepaw would feel jealous over himself and Beetlepaw being assigned Burnstorm as a mentor, while she had received someone disconnected from their family.

Not a punishment by any means - not if Howlingstar truly thought Lovelight would teach Hopepaw best - but still barbed ivy that stabbed unease into his heart.

Roeflame's soft rumble of the word wildfire nearly yanked his attention fully away from Hopepaw, though he still kept one dark ear angled towards his brother in an effort to listen to both at the same time. "A wildfire? There was a fire so close to camp?" Morbid curiosity flowed freely along with each word from his muzzle, as much as his mother figure may have tried to steer away from such a subject. He was nearly always hungry for new information about Thunderclan's past, regardless of how dour the pieces of it may have been. After all, if they couldn't hear about the past, how could they learn from it? Surely his new mentor would back him up in that regard.

  • 81641257_cc6OVDHQigHNM4a.png
    a new apprentice of thunderclan, coalpaw is currently one of the youngest of his rank at six moons. he is being mentored by burnstorm, and is on track to graduate alongside his brother. an abrasive and intensive rule follower, he is fiercely loyal to thunderclan and working to honor his fallen parents.
Burnstorm's words cause her to flick her ears back so she can listen to his and his mate's conversation. She casts a glance over her shoulder at the large patrol, her gaze sweeping over the gathering of apprentices with a mixture of pride and nostalgia. They'd grown so much over the last several moons, no longer kits in the nursery, but trainees learning the ways of warriorhood. The sight of her great grandchildren along with Roeflame's foster kits fills her with a bittersweet joy. She cannot relate to the conversation at paw - she had never taken first naive steps outside of this camp. Instead, she'd helped to found it. Her eyes remain on her grandson's face for a long moment; she can see the determination in his burning eyes, and knows she made the right decision to give him two apprentices. He can be trusted to guide them well.

She looks down at Littlepaw, the kin she's selected to be her own apprentice. "The world beyond camp is vast and full of wonders," She coos with a hint of mystery in her voice. "Let's take our time today - learn what you can and don't hesitate to ask questions, okay?" This is the first of many outings for the two of them, each one a step closer towards becoming the warrior her great granddaughter is meant to be. It feels like only yesterday she'd been giving Antlerbreeze this same tour!

The mention of the forest fire draws her attention back again. She looks to Coalpaw with softening eyes. "I remember it vividly. It burned a fraction of our forest and many of us became trapped in camp. We will have to tell you the full story sometime." She lifts her eyes to look around at the forest surrounding them and her tail curls. "It was frightening, but like the forest regrows, we came back stronger."
⊱⊰ He likes the idea of going outside of camp for the first time alongside the family he’s been pulled into, but at the same time Hopepaw can’t help but to feel a bit… disappointed. The weight of sadness is still settled on his heart as he worries for the former kittypets who were sent away. He can’t shake the feeling that it was a bad idea, and watching them all leave had made his chest ache. Now, the long-legged apprentice walks alongside his brother and their mentors, copper eyes flashing as he looks between Burnstorm and Lovelight. The lilac-patched warrior isn’t unkind, and is actually rather friendly, but he is not family. All his other littermates were apprenticed to family members, cats who they already knew. Why was Hopepaw the outlier? He hopes that Howlingstar trusts Lovelight, at least.

Burnstorm asks Roeflame whether she recalls the first time she’d been outside of camp, and then warns all the apprentices not to wander too far. Hopepaw thinks that someone would have to make him leave his family’s side—cats were murdered out here only days ago. He isn’t going anywhere. Dovepaw seems to feel the same, sticking close to Beetlepaw’s flank just as he sticks close to Coalpaw’s. Littlepaw has found her place at Scarletpaw’s side as well, and is content to quietly converse with the darker-furred girl. He’s drawn from his looking around when his brother’s fluffy tail touches against his back, and copper eyes shift to Coalpaw. He asks about Hopepaw’s mentor, and the boy shrugs lightly. "I don’t… know her," he responds plainly. "She seems nice, but you got Burnstorm. Dovepaw got Roeflame. I got… someone else." He isn’t complaining, not really. But he wishes he’d been assigned to a different mentor, now. Gentlestorm would have made a good mentor. Or maybe he could have been paired with Orangepaw’s mentor, so they could have a reason to hang out more.

In response to Burnstorm’s question, his mother mentions a fire that had threatened the camp when she was a kit, and Hopepaw’s nose wrinkles. A fire? That sounds terrifying. Coalpaw seems equally concerned, so the lilac tom listens closely as Howlingstar explains how ThunderClan came back stronger from it. If something like a wildfire were to strike the clan now, would he be able to withstand it and come back stronger? Hopepaw isn’t sure. "At least it’s quiet now," he murmurs, mostly to himself.

  • ooc:
  • 82611553_KpIiilU8nDvGcum.jpg
  • HOPEPAW ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan apprentice
    skinny, thick-furred lilac tom with deep copper eyes. soft-spoken and sleepy, but can be a bit of a grouch.
    son of batwing and leopardtongue (adopted by roeflame) ; brother to braveheart, hazepaw, cardinalpaw, coalpaw ; adoptive brother to beetlepaw, dovepaw, littlepaw
    mentored by lovelight
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ; does not typically like physical contact from anyone besides his family
    penned by foxlore
Scarletpaw watches her family and now fellow apprentices with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Finally, after moons of waiting, she gets to start her training! And Badgerstripe seems pretty cool, too...she's thrilled to be under her guidance! Getting to explore ThunderClan's territory is something she's looked forward to for forever; however, she can't ignore the pang of anxiety that comes with stepping out of the safety of camp for the first time.

She's grateful for the distraction that Littlepaw provides as she approaches her with a quiet coment. The tortoiseshell gives her cousin a warm smile, trying to be reassuring as she takes the wobble in her voice to be nervousness. "It really is beautiful out here, isn't it?" She agrees enthusiastically, lifting her split gaze to peer at the leaves above their heads. Tail curling over her back, she adds, "I think...I'm most excited to see the RiverClan border! I want to see Sunningrocks." She glances around some more, unable to keep her gaze still. The sights and sounds of the forest are too much to soak in all at once. "How about you? Any part you're especially looking forward to?" She hopes to draw her out of her shell, finding that talking to her has helped to ease her own nervousness. Now, she feels a bit more excited!

The young she-cat then notices Coalpaw's discomfort and the way he moves closer to Hopepaw, brushing against him. She can understand...this is all so overwhelming. As new apprentices, they all have brand new responsibilities on their shoulders. But when he talks about the fire, her ears prick. Woah, am I missing a story? She looks back to the lead warrior with round eyes. "A fire? That's so scary!" She looks to Howlingstar then with a deep sense of awe. The way her great grandmother speaks about it is so...humbling. But inspiring, too. Her eyes widen in curiosity and concern. "That sounds so hard..." She can't imagine going through anything like that.