private speed drive / sibs


Jun 26, 2024
"So those weird Clan cats from the mountains are kinda... kinda nice, actually!" Vixen chirrups, drawing her tongue across one paw. The six siblings are clustered in a shady spot, waiting out the heat of the day. The weather should break soon, but for now, they're stuck avoiding the midday sun like moles.

"Apparently they got chased out by, uhh .... WindClan? For following the leader which StarClan - that's their, uh, dead cats? Like how sometimes we ask Old Tom to save us a good scrap, except it's their whole families." She squints at nothing briefly, chasing the tail of her earlier thoughts, her own tailtip twitching. She jolts when the pieces connect in her mind, awareness returning to spring-green eyes as her pupils sharpen.

"Oh, right! Anyway, they got chased out for following the leader StarClan picked in the first place. How weird is that?" Her nose wrinkles. "Apparently they're looking for more paws to help them out before it gets cold, and they've got a couple of kits to take back with 'em. I'm thinking about it, for sure ..."

  • // @shrike @Viper @HAWK @SPIDER @Coyote.
  • VIXEN ✧ she/they, rogue

    — "a lean tortoiseshell with yellow-green eyes."
    — single ; no allegiance
    — speech is in #AC315A
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.


The shade that the siblings have found felt like a reprieve, a moment of serendipity. She brings a paw to her maw, in an attempt to tame long tufts of fur along her fore leg. Vixen's chirp of a tone diverts her attention, always a moth to the flame of her older siblings. An ear twitches as she speaks, there is a diligence to which she carries out listening to her older sister. Coyote recalls those weird Clan cats, involuntarily she scowls again at the thought, not because of them but the overly pleasant kittypet that she also met in that interaction.

"A family of Old Toms?" It sounds ridiculous, yet she can't help but see that familiarity in there. She didn't like the idea of relating to Clan cats of all cats but there were worse options out there she supposed. There is that faint glimmer of curiosity in her eye in that momentary silence from Vixen. In that time she brings her foreleg back up to resume the weak attempt of grooming unruly fur.

"Why would they be chased out for that? Sounds like those Clan cats just change the rules to suit them" maybe she could respect that. She doubts it, but maybe. Oh, she can see where this is going. "If you go then I'll go with you" the decision is sharp and fast, like lightning has struck in her mind and she spoke the first thought that entered her head. Even if the idea of travelling with sniveling kits was the least appealing thing she could think of right now.

    She / her, Rogue, 16 moons (ages on the 3rd)
    NPC x NPC | Sibling to Vixen, Viper, Kite, Hawk, Wolf, Spider & Shrike
    A long haired tortoiseshell with hazel eyes | Judgemental and spiteful, a cat that lacks respect for others and refuses to feign it.
    "speech" | thoughts | attacking
    All opinions are IC only!
"Mhm! Sounds like the mountain cats - I think the one I spoke to said they were called DuskClan? Are kind of just more kin even if they aren't all blood~" Vixen explains, wrinkling her nose sympathetically, but she's stopped short by Coyote's blunt assurance that wherever Vixen went, the smaller tortoiseshell would join her. Why, it's nearly enough to bring a tear to her eyes!

"Re-eeally?" Vixen regards her little sister with open jubilation scrawled across her features, scarred ears pricked all the way forward in glee. Only half expecting her other siblings to chime in, she spares the other rogues a sidelong glance. "What about the others? Oh, but before we go, I'll have to say goodbye to Kite and Wolf ... I'll miss them so terribly, and I didn't get to come with you when you visited last."

  • VIXEN ✧ she/they, rogue

    — "a lean tortoiseshell with yellow-green eyes."
    — single ; no allegiance
    — speech is in #AC315A
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

He'd allow siblings to speak to each other, tongue moving over paw before it moved to his head and around his ear, cleaning whatever he could as eyes flicked between talking felines, tail flicking absentmindedly behind him. "If it was anything like that other clan I don't blame them for leaving, attacking cats simply for existing and wanting to visit kin." Of course he was making it seem worse towards himself and his siblings than it actually was, trespassing was something that they knew plenty about and why it shouldn't be done and though he hadn't thought there would be claws - it was stupid really, how quickly they used claws instead of words - he knew they were going to cause trouble even if it was just a little bit.

Vixen mentions how they act, what they're like and quietly he nods to himself, "I'll go too, might as well even if it just means more bodies when it gets cold again so we don't freeze, maybe I won't get kicked too much in my sleep." Who kicked him when sleeping he'd never share, but he was sure it wasn't just his imagination all those times. "When you do visit to say goodbye send my best, I miss Kite and Wolf but not enough to almost get my ears clawed off again." He kind of needed those.

  • --
  • 51665434_PRLyYyAaq8NZQkw.png
  • : ̗̀➛ sh blue/blue tabby w/low white
    : ̗̀➛ 38 moons old, ages realistically every 21th
    : ̗̀➛ stubborn and loyal to family
    : ̗̀➛ will start fights, will finish fights
    : ̗̀➛ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    : ̗̀➛ peaceful powerplay and healing allowed