Tall grass bends and sways to the movement of the winds. A figure cleverly hidden in the densest parts moves forward with a practiced paw. He's hunted birds before, he knows better than to spook them before he is close enough to actually grasp at their wings. So he lies in wait after a moment before moving slowly and carefully. Pheasants are juicy birds in his own opinion and catching them isn't too hard. Parting his muzzle a bit he takes in the scents around him and then slowly he begins to make his way forward again, only moving when the wind ruffles the grass, to hide his own movements. The small gathering of birds is close at hand now and his eyes narrow, those aquamarines locked on a certain bird that he wants to catch. If there were more cats here he is sure they would be able to get more than on bird but for now there is only him and he has to make this count. One paw slides forward and presses against the ground, another following suit as he takes his time. His nose twitches, a sudden itch, but he ignores it because he is about to spring. Just as another breeze starts to shift the grass is when he suddenly bursts forth from his hidng place.
The birds suddenly shriek out and he bunches his back lets before jumping not forward but straight up in the air. As the birds rush to try and get away he is in the throng of them and he latches on with claws extended to a passing bird. He quickly bogs it down with his own weight and they both hit the ground but he has it pinned. A sudden snap of jaws and it's done. A smile pulls at his jaws then, blood staining his overly present fangs before he swipes his tongue over his muzzle. "A hunt well done if I say so myself."
The birds suddenly shriek out and he bunches his back lets before jumping not forward but straight up in the air. As the birds rush to try and get away he is in the throng of them and he latches on with claws extended to a passing bird. He quickly bogs it down with his own weight and they both hit the ground but he has it pinned. A sudden snap of jaws and it's done. A smile pulls at his jaws then, blood staining his overly present fangs before he swipes his tongue over his muzzle. "A hunt well done if I say so myself."