private star child — sunflowerpaw

──⇌•〘 INFO He has never trained someone in such an official capacity before. Wolfsong has trained beside cats, with them, has had teachers of his own— but never was he entrusted with the sole responsibility of a learner, least of all a child. Now that the initial excitement of Sootstar's announcement has passed, he is left with apprehension. The Swallowtail wing in his fur has multiplied in his stomach, but he is very careful not to reveal as much to Sunflowerpaw. They should be able to trust in his leadership. Anxiety is not the ideal trait to see in a mentor.

"I would speak with you first, before we properly begin," he says, by way of explaining to them why he led them out into the moors. "Firstly, I cannot promise that training will never hurt you— but I will never hurt you or punish you for your mistakes."

/@sunflowerpaw !
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( ) Sunflowerpaw has been looking forward to this for so long now. The idea of training, of being an apprentice, fills their chest with a proud warmth, like the gentle heat of a sunny new-leaf day. Yet there is an uncertainty clouding this feeling, one not present in their kithood. They are not one to take kindly to change, the new environment and new expectations making their head spin.

At least they still have Wolfsong. He is an anchoring point in the dizzy disorientation of transition, a mentor who they already saw as such before Sootstar deigned to acknowledge it. They follow behind him, short legs determined to keep up with his much longer ones, eyes roving the moors with wonder. When they snuck out of camp as a kit, they never made it far. They didn't even realize WindClan territory was this big.

Sunflowerpaw's attention is drawn easily when Wolfsong speaks. His apprehension is lost on them, the apprentice far more focused on the butterfly wing still tucked behind his ear. His words, too, draw their interest. I cannot promise that training will never hurt you— but I will never hurt you or punish you for your mistakes." Hm. They know training is dangerous, of course, such are the risks of becoming a warrior. They're not afraid. But the part about Wolfsong never hurting or punishing them... Well, words can lie. Wolfsong could easily change his mind, but while words lie, actions rarely do.

Sunflowerpaw's new mentor has never given them any reason not to trust him. The ever-present worry of betrayal lurks just beneath the surface, yet here, alone with Wolfsong, they feel assured that his words ring true. They nod to him, golden eyes locked to blue.
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Reactions: WOLFSONG
──⇌•〘 INFO He does not expect Sunflowerk–paw to accept his word as truth without time. Wolfsong is not especially worried about that; he knows himself, knows that he would never harm his apprentice for any of their flaws as some WindClan mentors would. There are many moons between Sunflowerpaw and warriorhood, and he is certain it is enough to keep his word and earn their trust. It is merely the finer details of proper training that present a daunting challenge. One step at a time. It is best to begin from the ground; a foundation of quicksand can support nothing.

"Good, though you and I both know only time will measure my promise." He nods, and the somber set of his features relaxes as he smiles at their young face. "Are you ready to walk WindClan's borders? The world you must know is much larger now; we should get you acquainted with it."
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( ) "You and I both know only time will measure my promise," says Wolfsong, and Sunflowerpaw is certainly glad to hear it. He understands, then. Few do. They have always weighed actions above words, always taken much time to trust. They do not quite understand why others do not do the same; it opens them far too easily to being hurt. They don't need understanding, of course, but it is nice to have it. Sunflowerpaw breathes out softly, more at ease than they expected to be.

Wolfsong's offer of seeing the borders has the new apprentice perk up. They've been wanting so badly to see more of the territory, now that they're actually allowed. It's good to know its limits, they think, to find the borders where home becomes not, the dividing line where other-clan cats may approach but not cross. They are eager to go. Sunflowerpaw hums in affirmation, trots ahead a bit and glances back as though impatient.
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Reactions: WOLFSONG
──⇌•〘 INFO He chuckles at their show of impatience. I can hardly blame them. I, too, would be eager if I spent most my life in WindClan's camp. Wolfsong matches their stride with his own and resolves to first lead them to Outlook Rock. He keeps an eye on their pace all the while, checking for any signs of fatigue. Maybe it's a bit foolish of him, but he doesn't know yet whether Sunflowerpaw would tell him if they need a rest.

"This is my favorite place," Wolfsong announces once they've reached the massive spire of stone. "If you want to climb it with me, I can show you why."
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Wolfsong is right to keep an eye on his apprentice -- Sunflowerpaw certainly would not mention if they needed a break, too determined to keep going. It is not a sign of lack of trust in Wolfsong. A desire to not disappoint him, perhaps, but moreso merely a lack of awareness of their own limits. The child is so focused on the wellbeing of others that they often forget to care for themself.

Nonetheless, active child that they have become, they only find themself mildly winded by the trek. They push on, despite the small, panting puffs of air that escape their maw as they draw close. When the pair reaches Outlook Rock, Sunflowerpaw stares up in wonder, still not only to catch their breath, but also to admire the sight before them. They didn't know something like this could exist. It's so tall. If you climbed to the top, would your whiskers brush the clouds? Well, Wolfsong would know, if it's his favorite place. Maybe that's what he wants to show them. Sunflowerpaw moves forward, slower now as they take it in, and places a paw on Outlook Rock. They glance back, then, head tilted as they wait for Wolfsong to lead the way. They'll follow close behind, once he does.


  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 4 moons. semiverbal.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
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