camp STARS ALIGNED / meeting 2.4.23

Coyotepaw's fate has been decided, and part of Blazestar feels that familiar anxiety he always gets before announcing his decisions to his Clan. He knows no one will truly be happy with his decision -- not the apprentice in question, not his fiercer warriors, not his bleeding hearts. They will all find fault with it, and he's trying to prepare himself for the inevitable backlash.

He gives a steady look over his shoulder to his council -- to his deputy, his medicine cat, his lead warriors, his son -- and he knows at least they have his back, even if they might disagree. He can only hope the rest of SkyClan will, too.

He ascends the Highbranch, looking stronger than he has in moons, his pelt groomed and fluffed out, silvered by the starlight. The sun has set, and in leafbare's typical way, darkness has encroached. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highbranch for a Clan meeting!" His yowl is strong, despite his uncertainty.

After a moment, Blazestar adds: "I have come to a decision about Coyotepaw, but first, we have some ceremonies to conduct." His eyes flash with hidden excitement. His own apprentice has reached the age of twelve moons, and although she is hardly prepared for a life of warriorhood, he will not delay her. She will get her name, and with any hope, she will find her place within their Clan.


Guarding Coyotepaw, though met with the emotional strain of cats constantly wishing to visit him, had been easier than expected. True to his word, the wayward apprentice had not caused any further issues to SkyClan, though his tenure had been so short it was difficult for Silversmoke to gauge his intentions still. He turned away from the boy at the call of a meeting, his tufted ears angling forwards. Blue and green eyes stare for a moment, his mouth held in a stalwart, neutral position. A judgment had been made on the traitor, thank the stars. It was using up precious time and resources constantly watching him, as ready as the tabby was to be rid of him for good, he couldn't help but cock his head as Blazestar delayed Coyotepaw's sentencing until after the ceremonies. It made sense, an execution or exile was sure to dampen the mood of any new warriors, yet, there was an anticipation of the worst that still made it hard to focus on the good. He didn't get any closer to the ragdoll until the accused did, content that his hearing was well enough to get the gist of the meeting.


Soil would not pretend to know more than he did about clan politics. The creaky cat had heard whisperings of traitorous activity, but he’d been too preoccupied with internal conflict during the past few weeks to investigate. Now that the moggy’s mind was mostly clear thanks to his new housefolk, though, he’d found that it was too late to form an opinion.

There was one syllable from Blazestar that stuck in Soil’s mind, though, and made aged ears perk up in concern. ‘Paw’. That meant the cat in question was little more than a kit, right? Young cats were commonly consumed with equal parts passion and stupidity, and the elder hoped that would be considered in the sentencing. However, as the approached, and emerald eyes surveyed the growing crowd, all the old man beheld were young cats. They might think themselves matured, but Soil knew better than most that the moons took their time tempering a cat’s character.

Sitting down and scratching his collar, though, Soil would stay silent. If the decision was truly egregious the elder would attempt to intervene, but for now he acted as little more than an observer.​
Slate's ears pricked at the call for a meeting. The burly former rogue makes his way over and seats himself somewhere near the back of the crowd, mostly because he isn't too invested in the Coyotepaw drama but is still somewhat curious to gauge the clan's reaction to whatever the decision was. Dramatics were always amusing to observe no matter what, and it was all the better because he wasn't necessarily involved in whatever was going on. He could just sit back and enjoy the show.

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. twenty-nine moons old. warrior of skyclan; former rogue.
    —— unrefined, rough and tumble rogue who is not accustomed to clan life. only trustful of his littermate, duskmane.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    quite the hulk of a cat, slate stands above the average clanmate with an arrogant gait. he has a dark gray ( bordering on black ) colored pelt with a pale-brown-tinged underbelly and whisps of tan at the tips of his chest hairs. amber-colored eyes contrast against his dark palette. notable features include a jagged scar across his right eye and two small scratches across the bridge of his nose.
  • —— decided to officially remain in skyclan as a warrior
    —— participated in battle with windclan, currently recovering from belly scratches and a bite mark on hind leg

Butterflypaw is a ball of nervous energy as she sits near the front, fiddling with her bandana. Today's the day. She doesn't feel ready, not at all. It feels like just yesterday she'd been forced out of the nursery and into the apprentice's den, leaving her mother behind to birth her baby siblings. Now, she sits before the Highbranch, looking up at the tom who's shown her so much patience while she struggled through apprenticeship. Any other mentor would have given up on her, said she's a lost cause, maybe even made her train another six moons. She wouldn't blame them, she's always been awful at training. But Blazestar believes she's ready, so she has no choice but to have faith in him. Still, the thought of having everyone's eyes on her at the front of a clan meeting is incredibly intimidating. She swallows hard and looks over her shoulder for Daisyflight or her siblings, or even Twitchpaw and Quillpaw or Cosmosbloom. Any of her family or friends would be welcomed sights right about now.

Olivine observation occupied his gaze, and very little else. In days past the mahogany-streamed tom had found it useful to keep his mind somewhere other than within his skull- it rotted when it was trapped in there, became agued with woes of days past. And- he would not forget them, for the image still stained his vision like a sun-spot, but... for Butterflypaw, at least, he would stand to be strong. To be in the moment, fully. Soon this would be him, and he would have to prepare himself for it; remember, too, what he would want. His friends to look on with pride, in place of those who couldn't.

So, he'd offer that to Butterflypaw. Though the news of Coyotepaw's return laid an eclipse upon his mind, curiosity gnawing away at his mind and body, skeleton shivering in his scruff-furred flesh- for his friend, he'd sit and think of her. Settle nearby, offer her the best smile he could among the twitching ramble of his lip and the spasm of an eyelid. Shaking, always shaking. Recently it had been hard to stop. But- but he'd give her what he could for her moment, because she'd do the same for him. And he'd want her to do the same for him. And he... looked over his shoulder for a moment, to find no-one there.
penned by pin ✧
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Reactions: butterflytuft

Cosmosbloom too, settles within the emerging crowd.

The white tom has been a warrior long enough for another meeting to arrive already. He can hardly believe it himself, still has to refrain from referring to himself as Cosmospaw instead. Still feels himself bracing for the throes of battle, keeping alert for moor-scent while on patrols.

And while the moor-scent has infiltrated camp once more in the form of a child - one that had once, many moons ago, carried pine-scent on his fur instead - it is not the boy's fate that brings his attention towards this meeting.

No, because, today, his training partner will be joining him in the warrior den. Today, Butterflypaw will earn her full name. Cosmosbloom thinks she's more than ready to graduate - even in the few moons they trained together, it was evident that the calico had improved. He can't help but be proud of her.

The young warrior scans the crowd for her, and when he finally meets her gaze, Cosmosbloom gives her an encouraging smile. She's got this.

Sharpeye made his steady approach as he heard the call being made. He knew that Silversmoke was with Coyotepaw though that didn't stop him from remaining on the lookout for them. The more guards the better, he supposed. If anything to protect Coyotepaw from any of the rowdier clanmates when the verdict was announced. After making a prediction of seating arrangement he opted to settle down near the edge, close enough to listen and to be seen, but with enough distance to avoid trouble. He hoped anyway. At least the ceremonies were first and he hoped they would serve to mellow every to begin with.
Angry at all the things I can't change
The sun continues to dip below the sky allowing day to give way into night. Coyote is preparing to settle into his haphazardly fashioned nest back within the farthest reaches of the clan. Today had been both emotionally and physically draining in its own right. Several cats requested audience with him Sporecloud offering heartfelt apologies while Morningbird gifted words of tender embrace and encouragement. Both were appreciated, soothing his soul and gave him a sliver of hope in this bleak situation he found himself in. Perhaps, just maybe coming back and facing the wrath his former group mates would be worth it in the end.

Sharpeye and Silversmoke hover nearby, watching dutifully once the call for meeting is made. His stomach performs an involuntary flip as his name leaves Blazestar's lips. It was his time of reckoning and that small glimmer of hope he formally held onto was suddenly snuffed out by the possibility of sudden exile or worse falling upon him. There is an urge to remain far from the place of meeting weary of what others may do should he tread too close. But Blazestar made the call and he had to approach whether he wanted to or not. Cautiously he walks forward, green eyes watching the crowd for any sudden spring of action until he settles along the very outskirts of the group. Placing a good amount of spacing between himself and the others.
when you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
Blazestar waits patiently as his Clan gathers beneath the Highbranch. He gives Butterflypaw an encouraging smile -- she looks stricken with anxiety about her ceremony, but he knows she will do fine, and she's popular with her peers. He watches Twitchpaw draw closer to her and blinks warmly down at the brown and white tom. His grief still shadows him, but still he is there for his friends.

His eyes dart to Sharpeye and Silversmoke next, their eyes fixed on Coyotepaw. The young tom in question sits alone, head bowed but green eyes watchful with fear. Blazestar's heart sinks at the look on his face -- as though SkyClan might kill him on the spot or tear him limb from limb. Perhaps WindClan would, but even if he had chosen to cast the young tom out, he is not capable of the barbarism Sootstar is.

He sighs. It's time to begin.

"I have two warrior names to grant today. Soil, Butterflypaw, please step forward." He waits for their paws to inch them closer before continuing.

"Soil, you have chosen to take a Clan name. From this moment forward, you will be known as Earthsoul." He looks kindly at the older tom. Popular with his Clanmates, too, and finding comfort in the advanced years of his life in his new housefolk's nest. Blazestar dips his head to the older tom. "SkyClan honors you wherever you reside, and so does StarClan." He hopes the tom knows he means it.

His next task is giving his nervous apprentice her warrior name -- he turns his attention to her.

"I, Blazestar, leader of SkyClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn." He fixes Butterflypaw with his dark blue gaze. "Butterflypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

He will wait for her "I do," before continuing.

With a small smile, Blazestar calls, "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Butterflypaw, from this moment on you will be known as Butterflytuft. StarClan honors your compassion and your spirit, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan."

He will leap from his perch and stride forward to rest his muzzle on Butterflytuft's head, a purr rising from within his throat and chest. "You deserve it," he murmurs to her before drawing away.

He ascends the Highbranch again, for there is still business to conduct from his seat looking out on his Clan.

"We also have a kit who has reached apprentice age. Mushroomkit, please step forward." Whether she does or not, Blazestar will move forward with the ceremony. "From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Mushroompaw. Your mentor will be Huckleberry." The tom is a kind-hearted warrior and was a fine mentor to his son before Dawnglare claimed him. He has faith Mushroompaw will do fine under his tutelage. "Huckleberry, you are ready for another apprentice. You have shown yourself to be kind and dedicated. I expect you to pass all you know to Mushroompaw."

Ceremonies conducted, he will wait for the cats' Clanmates to cheer for them before he begins to address them about Coyotepaw. He knows there will be backlash from that -- better to let the newly named cats have their moment first.


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The camp is riddled with emotions barely contained beneath the skin, her own included, as she 'helps' her grandfather from stumbling out of the elder's den upon Blazestar's call. Today was Judgement Day, and she wasn't quite sure how to feel, even Morningbird, the calm tom he was, shifted anxiously on his paws.

There's good news first, Grunkle Soil becoming Earthsoul...Butterflypaw becoming Butterflytuft. Good names, fitting names, with all she knows about why everyone is called the things they are. It would take some time for her to get used to calling them of course, but she's happy for them, names half heartedly ready on her tongue-

Maybe in the past she would've been excited to hear her name ring out across camp, maybe she would've been running to her mentor as Blazestar proclaimed her 'Mushroompaw' for all of Skyclan to hear.

But she's not.

Her face drains of its color as she spares a glance to her grandfather, who is confused, but not as horrified as she is. It wasn't supposed to happen like this, it wasn't, she wasn't-

'It was never going to be like you wanted. Nothing is the same anymore.'

Suddenly there's too many eyes, too many ears, too many cats and her eyes are burning and there's ants underneath her skin. She doesn't go running to Huckleberry, as she might've when things were better. Instead Mushroomkit-no, Mushroompaw goes running straight out of camp like the forest itself is burning her pads.

Maybe she would've wanted to be an apprentice, once upon a time, but she doesn't know if she does now.

  • - owowowowow
  • [Please ping @/Chérie if this character is needed, instead of this account]

    5 moons, closeted afab nb [uses she/her]
    A comically small flame mink molly with some white spotting and green-tinged aqua eyes
    Mushroompaw is generally a bleeding heart of an apprentice, and combined with her suspetibility to stress, causes her to be a little more on the numb side of things now that she's an apprentice. Though she tries to be kind and bubbly to everyone she meets, the comfortable hyperactive chaos that was once given to Skyclan's members has dwindled severely in recent weeks, culminating with her apprentice ceremony not long ago. Currently she's struggling to figure out if her friendships and familial figures are worth staying in the clans for, or if she's better off refusing a life of war for one of peace.
    Speaks in yellow

    pixels by emptyproxy and memel0rd on DA​

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Fireflypaw listens from the mouth of the medicine cat's den as his father climbs his throne, eyes shut and ears perked in thoughtful listening. He reminds everyone of Coyotepaw, the acolyte not reacting outwardly- inside, however, was a storm. They were all close once, the apprentices- this group slowly growing up and becoming adults. Finding their ways through life, what they're best at; Soil is brought forward and given a new name. A Clan name. Earthsoul, for his endearing spirit and wise knowledge. Fireflypaw nods his understanding and agreement, a ghost of a smile on his face. He remembered when Soil and him cuddled, bringing him back to calm. He needed help, as everyone did.

"Congratulations, Earthsoul! Such a fitting name, y'know?" Firefly chirps up, joining his clanmates in chanting the toms name. Then, his father names Butterflypaw; the older apprentice having been old enough to take her test to become a warrior. From what his father says, she's ready- and gifts her a new name: Butterflytuft. He smiles at the name, an inkling of jealousy itching at his pelt. He was so much younger than her, and now she was a Warrior. His close-eyed gaze turns to the molly, dipping his head to the side with an excited grin. "You're definitely ready, Butterfly! Butterflytuft! Butterflytuft!"

His shouts for his friend were loud, proud of the molly for coming so far. He wanted to press his face into her fur in congratulations, to remind her that he was always going to be by her side. It was going to be an eventful new-leaf, he believed. A whisper of wind graces his ears, and his attention is pulled momentarily to listen out for Her words. He wasn't special like Dawnglare is was, but if he listened in hard enough.. He could hear her, he swore. In moments of intense solitude, in overwhelming silence- he could hear Her.

His father's voice echoes over the others, and an unexpected name is called from the crowd. His eyes shoot open then, grimacing from the intense sting against his irises. His pelt fluffs up, excitement thrumming through his body. Mushie was being promoted? His vision, faded and blurry, made it hard to spot Mushroomkit in the crowd. He knew his friend wanted to become an apprentice moons ago when they'd sneak out together. Fireflypaw takes a step towards a distant blurry figure- oranges and creams mixing together. He can't see her facial expression, but he knew- something was wrong. Mushie wasn't running forward to meet Huckleberry's nose, pledging to do her best. She turned tail and ran, and Fireflypaw spared his father a glance. She needs me, she needs me. he'd tell himself, before he rushed off after her. He doesn't dare call for her, doesn't dare try to tackle her or beg her to stop. He chases her, because she needed him. She needed him right now, and Fireflypaw would be damned if he let Mushroompaw deal with this alone. Whatever the problem is, he'd chase her until she was ready to stop and talk.

His fur disappears through the entrance before he can think of otherwise.

I'll have to apologize to Dad, Earthsoul, Dawnglare, and Butterflytuft later. First.. Mushie.

/ out!
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Blazestar catches her eye in a glance over his shoulder and Orangeblossom nods in return, acknowledgement and reassurance all the same. She hadn't been aware there were ceremonies to conduct, however it's a surprise that might put the Clan in a better mood before Blazestar announces Coyotepaw's (likely unpopular) fate. The first two to be given new names are well known throughout the Clan, though Orangeblossom is pleasantly surprised that the newly-graduated Butterflytuft had managed to pass her assessment. Good for her.

"Earthsoul! Butterflytuft!" She calls to the two, testing the new names. And, an apprentice ceremony. Huckleberry deserved to take an apprentice through to graduation this time. Hopefully Dawnglare wouldn't lay claim to this one too.

"Mushroompaw!" Orangeblossom adds to the cheers ... as the Clan's newest apprentice bolts from camp instead of stepping forward to greet her newly determined mentor. Orangeblossom rolls her eyes. They all knew how Morningbird had pressed Blazestar for a delay in her ceremony, been adamant that the usual age for apprenticeship was too young especially due to his grandkit's smaller stature. It seems, on the contrary, Blazestar had chosen reason and not coddling a too-old, too-small kit by delaying what would make her able to cope like the rest of them. If someone as gentle as Fireflypaw and as, uh, unskilled as Butterflytuft could do it, so could Mushroompaw. She looses a tsk of disappointment as Fireflypaw stands and bolts after her, at both of them and neither at all, though she's glad that the medicine cat apprentice has given chase.
  • Haha
Reactions: Marquette

Aged ears perked up from a quickly growing crowd as the elder heard his name called. Slightly confused, the cat stepped forwards, piecing the puzzle of past actions together with every word. After a moment, the moggy let out a small snort. His request for a more traditional name had been a long time coming - nostalgia the only barrier blocking the grandpa from going through with it. However, once he’d decided to shelter with housefolk, Soil rode the winds of change and took the plunge.

All the effort of settling in to his new dual life had made the moggy forget the small comment he’d made, but it seemed that tree bore fruit without any further input. As his new name was announced, Soil first whispered it - tasting it like one would a new food - a small bite to cement the flavor followed by a contented smile. “Thank you, Blazestar” the old man began, relaxed nature foregoing a dip of the head in exchange for a casual flick of the tail. “It’s certainly better than somethin’ I coulda’ come up with, and I appreciate Skyclan acceptin’ my choice. As for Starclan, well, here’s hopin’ I don’t find out what they think o’ me too soon, y’hear?”

Soil could’ve rambled on and told some story that connected to the conversation as well as rusty chain link, but the elder knew that this was a more important day for other cats in the crowd. Stepping back, the elder would chant along with everyone else as new names were announced, a wide grin crossing graying features.
( ) huckleberry usually attempts to keep a clear-mind when it comes to meetings but as smoky paws followed behind others towards the highbranch he couldn't help the sour taste that taints the back of his throat, what happened with coyotepaw yesterday failed to sit right with him but there was nothing he could do but be one of the few that voiced their disapproval of such harsh treatment towards the boy.

settling down in an empty space, his focus lands upon the flame-point who addresses them all and before the consensus of coyote is revealed the meeting instead delves into ceremonies. butterflypaw and soil are up first where they are given proper warrior names, butterflytuft and earthsoul which are very fitting. next is an apprentice ceremony for mushroomkit who gets assigned to him but before he could react with proper excitement for being granted another opprotunity to train another apprentice the young girl had instead bolted off in a matter of seconds with fireflypaw following after.

huckleberry could feel his ears fall slightly, well, that wasn't expected. maybe it was too overwhelming and she needed time to process? in the meantime, the warrior chanted out those who were newly named, even mushroompaw's despite disappearing so suddenly.
( i hear the wandering streams and the song of the birds )

To be honest, part of him has always imagined his own warrior ceremony with his siblings beside him. All of them, that is - Fig, Snow, Violet, and Butterfly.

Greenpaw isn't exactly sure why that is. Perhaps it's because Butterflypaw had been apprenticed late to begin with. Perhaps it's because he and his littermates skills match - or, are maybe a little better than - his adoptive older sister's own. Perhaps he'd thought it'd be better off that way, so that Butterflypaw wouldn't be alone up there, without the rest of them beside her.

He doesn't know, but it does feel a bit weird, watching her up there on her own, gaining a warrior name before the rest of them. Weird, but still, he watches with a supportive gaze as his sister becomes a warrior. He's proud of her, all the same.

"Butterflytuft! Butterflytuft!" he cheers for the calico, when she finally gains her name. "Earthsoul! Earthsoul!" Greenpaw follows it with, cheers for the elder gaining his own clan name.

And then, an apprentice ceremony. Mushroomkit would be moving to the apprentice den. It was about time Fireflypaw's friend had moved out of the nursery, Greenpaw thinks. Surely, she was plenty old enough to start training, and start properly exploring the territory by now?

Maybe Greenpaw could teach her some things about being a warrior apprentice, since Fireflypaw is no longer delving down the same path as either of them? Show her the best place for her nest in the apprentice den? Show her the best tree to learn to climb on? All the best spots to sit among the pines, when all the apprentices hang out together?

He cheers for her too, excited to potentially have a friend within the apprentice den again. "Mushroompaw! Mushroom--" Greenpaw's cheers are cut off by the newly made apprentices' reaction - Mushroompaw bolting out of the meeting, out of the camp. "--paw...?"

And it's Fireflypaw who runs off after her, before Greenpaw has a chance to even gauge his friend's reaction. Greenpaw can feel his own paws take a step after the two of them. He wants to help too, but his paws stop before he can stray from the crowd.

Something was wrong, and Fireflypaw would know how to help better than he could. It was his role in the clan, now. Greenpaw knows he can help by staying away, for he'd only wash the scene with viridian, if he followed suit.

She sat, pride bolstering every in of her pelt, which was groomed to plushness. Daisyflight was to see her eldest take on her warrior name and wanted the embrace she subsequently received to be the largest and warmest she'd ever had. While Butterflypaw did not champion every warrior quality wholly, her compassion and patience would be an excellent addition to their ranks, she was sure. She'd make a good teacher, caretaker... The molly mused, fern eyes creasing as she met her daughter's wayward gaze.

Located beside her other kin, Daisyflight watched the proceedings with a sense of brevity she had not felt for moons. Earthsoul's name pealed from her two-tone snout along with the rest of the clan. Seeing Soil granted a name drenched her with contentment, glad the older tom rooted further to the clan. And then came Butterflypaw's turn.

Butterflytuft- fitting. "Butterflytuft!" She yowled, determined to be the loudest of the bunch. Eyes agleam tracked Blazestar as he met her before sliding to look at the rest of their family. Warmth was offered equally to them, the excitement, the promise of their time to come just as bright. Snowy paws beat the clay below gently, gesturing the newly named warrior to her side.

Daisyflight knew what came after the ceremonies, however, and soon settled into her more demure self. She echoed her son as Mushroomkit became Mushroompaw, tone tainted with worry as she fled camp. Seeing Fireflypaw slipping after her alleviated some of the concern, the molly trusting in his calm nature to comfort her.
Blazestar's joy at naming Earthsoul and Butterflytuft is dampened as Mushroompaw rejects her ceremony and flees from camp. He shakes his head, a frown splitting his muzzle. He doesn't have time to chase after her, and he can't spare anyone, but flashes of Twitchpaw's parents, flayed beneath the sun, come unbidden to his mind.

He sighs. "Coyotepaw, step forward." He flicks the long, pale scarf of a tail that hangs over the Highbranch, blue eyes intense and searching as the pale apprentice steps forward. "The decision I've made, with the assistance of my council, is not an easy one, but I believe it's the best decision we can make now with what we're given."

He exhales. "Coyotepaw, you are permitted to stay. You will be assigned two new guards every time Orangeblossom organizes patrols, and you will not leave those guards' line of sight. You will be followed everywhere. You will not enter the medicine cat's den -- if you need healing, Dawnglare and Fireflypaw will come to you. Furthermore, you will not attend Gatherings and you will not be permitted on border patrols until further notice." He pauses. "This is for your safety as well as for the rest of SkyClan's. If WindClan knows for certain you are here, there will be trouble for all of us."

Blazestar sweeps his gaze over his cats, blinking as he speaks again: "The road to becoming a trusted warrior is long for you, Coyotepaw. But if you are truly in the place you believe to be home, you will atone for the mistakes you've made with gratitude and good spirits. SkyClan is willing to forgive you, if you give us tenfold what's been taken."

Blazestar nods his head to the young apprentice. "Your first guards are Thistleback and Orangeblossom. I want it known to every warrior in this Clan that if my orders are not followed, there will be consequences for both you and Coyotepaw. If you are assigned to guard duty, you will do as you're told." He knows there are many who won't agree with his decision, and he will want to know who those cats are. They won't be assigned guard duty if they can't follow instructions, after all.

He will wait for any murmurs of dissention before concluding the meeting.

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Angry at all the things I can't change
The meeting proceeds just like any other he could remember during his time here. Warriors are given their new names and he glances briefly in the direction of Butterflytuft and Earthsoul before looking elsewhere. He was sure they were more than worthy of their newfound titles if the loud cheering was anything to go by. The ceremonies keep rolling as Mushroomkit, now paw, is paired with Huckleberry. It didn't sound like a bad matchup. the black smoke was a calm, patient tom from what he could remember. But the blissful cheers die off as he peripherally spots the newly named apprentice sprinting for the exit, leaving the crowd and her mentor behind. Confusion tugs at him, pulling his attention briefly away from the meeting taking place and toward the exit itself. He half expected them to call for a search patrol right then and there but no one moves besides Firefly. Was this a frequent occurrence and therefore they were desensitized to her bolting?

His mind continues to run until his name falls from Blazestar's lips. Jolting in place the boy nervously turns his attention toward the ragdoll sitting upon his throne. His paws are heavy and slow as he slowly makes his way through the parting crowd, heart pounding and ears burning as he stands on trial. Their fixated stares scorch his pelt, boring holes as he awaits Blazestar's final verdict. Green eyes fall again, avoidant. The waiting torturous, the outcome of his life lay cupped in the golden tom's paws. The tide of his fate changed by a single word. Finally the decree is dropped and Coyotepaw releases a breath, heavy and shuddering. "Coyotepaw, you are permitted to stay." A second chance, an opportunity to correct his mistakes. It was a gift he did not believe he would receive. Coyote looks up with a deep sense of appreciation, eyes filling with the sting of tears. Blazestar presents a list of rules he is expected to uphold, lest there be consequences.

The road would indeed be hard and filled with tribulation, but he would weather the storm. He had to. With a low dip of his head Coyotepaw bows before his leader, soft notes of dedication and gratitude filling his voice. "T-thank you Blazestar...I won't disappoint you again, I swear it." The ragdoll had blessed him with a fresh start, a second chance, and he intended to make the most of it.
when you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
Blazestars eyes set on his council, as though making sure they were still there to support him. Luckily for the pale flame man, he had chosen himself a stronghold for a roundtable. Each, no matter their own views would merely voice them but ultimately honor the choice of their leader. Even Dawnglare.

Thistleback subtly tilts his chin upward, watching the leader ascend before turning to bleed into the clearing as the meeting is called.

He takes several long strides toward his family, Deersong earning a quick touch of his nose before he settles for a moment. Eyes naturally flicking to Coyotepaw’s faintly striped coat, and face revealing nothing of course. Thistleback needed this boy to stay strong, resilient, hopefully the atrocities in Windclan would make it easier. If anything, the lead warrior was torn between happy to have his son home and furious with the lifestyle Coyote’s own blood had subjected him to. How easily he could kill a Windclanner now, to know their wounds would be the taste of victory.

Soil, and Butterflypaw Thistleback snaps out of his macabre wake-dream. A slight smile dragging over his lips, " Earthsoul! Butterflytuft! " his hoarse cheer rips to the sky in a thunderous growl, vocals tweaked by war yet Daisyflight’s triumphed them all. Mushroomkit, though small- was ready for training. Good- very good, Thistleback’s eyes narrow as the child is seen bolting from their ceremony. Fireflypaw follows behind her, and the warrior subconsciously looks toward Huckleberry.

He clicks his tongue in disapproval, the only child he had chased after had been Snowpaw. The only display of child-like dramatics he deemed worthy of his own attention. Luckily, Mushroompaw had enough support within these walls without Thistleback having to give much thought.

finally, the verdict of Coyotepaw. Though the thorny piebald already knew the decision made as he had been a percentage of it- he would prowl his way toward the former Windclan boy as he makes his way towards the front. Wordlessly, the dark guardian angel he was- steel eyes that can glimmer with such love and lethal promise simultaneously. Thistleback with raised his chin, ready for any outbursts or obstructions of Blazestar’s decision.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw & snowpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png