camp STARS ALIGNED / meeting 2.4.23


This was the first meeting Figpaw was able to physically attend, she was grateful Dawnglare had dismissed her from the den at such a blessed time… The red tabby wouldn’t want to miss this meeting for the juiciest piece of fresh-kill in the pile! It was well known by now, at least within the social circle Butterflypaw was involved in that she’d become a warrior this meeting.

The idea of her older sibling being a warrior was odd, she was incredibly skittish, alert, and reluctant, Figpaw had abused this fact about her many times to pull harmless pranks. Though the big change was strange Figpaw knew she deserved it, and within two moons Figpaw was hoping she’d manage to join her eldest sibling.

Figpaw would do her best to as as close to the she-cat as possible, taking immediate not of her worried posture she rolls her eyes light heartedly. How could she be nervous at a time like now?! Figpaw couldn’t wait for Blazestar to call her forth for her warrior name. Her sister stays strong, she speaks her vows and is named Butterflytuft. Pretty name, it was suiting!

”Butterflytuft!” Figpaw’s voice joins the crowd, ”Earthsoul!” She also cheers for the elderly daylight warrior, believing his name to be quite fitting as well.

From there, the meeting takes a downwards spiral. Mushroompaw runs off after her promotion and Coyotepaw is… allowed to stay? Figpaw’s maw opens in shock and her eyes cannot help but travel to her mother, had she really agreed to this? Blazestar couldn’t be serious… How could she be expected to share a den with such a traitor!?

Coyotepaw could never erase his wrong doings by “tenfold”. He left them for WindClan, he made his choice!
”I can’t believe it!” She exclaims in a hushed voice to whoever sat close by, whether it was Butterflytuft or another apprentice.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 9 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Hearing the name Butterfly without the paw was surprising to him, but not in a negative way. She'd just been a paw for his entire life that it was jarring, but not unwelcomed. Their older sister had finally earned her place as a warrior and he could not be more proud, more elated for her. Snowpaw could not find his voice, he struggled nowadays to speak outloud in such settings out of worry his presence was a sliver of ice that would pierce the good cheer, but he smiled lightly all the same and nodded to himself. This was Butterflytuft's moment, after all, or it was until that one weird kitten who followed Dawnglare around decided to make a scene. The blue tabby glanced back in time to see her vanishing out of the area, Fireflypaw right behind her and he rolled his eyes in annoyance at the affair. Maybe it was bitterness, maybe he was angry she felt she had any right to protest the shift in time, the end of kitten days. If she didn't want to be an apprentice she and her fool of a grandfather could just leave but they were too poisoned by nonsense at this point probably.
Dawnglare was like an infection, he wouldn't trust the medicine cat with so much as a thorn in his paw let alone teaching any cat anything worthwhile.
Nutters. All of them.
The tabby drew his attention back to Blazestar as he spoke, listened intently to Coyotepaw's fate. He was allowed to stay, a mix of emotions struck him then and Snowpaw wondered if he even knew how to feel anymore. Was he angry, sad, delighted? It was hard to pinpoint how he felt. Part of him was still angry, part of him wished it could all be washed away and forgotten but that was wishful thinking he knew better than to dwell on.
Next to him his sister exclaims her own surprise, voice reeking of opposition. Snowpaw can't say he blames her, can't blame any of them. Like he himself, Coyotepaw had to work to earn back that trust...he wasn't sure whose struggle would be the hardest but the blood on his own paws had not yet faded.
" is complicated." He muttered quietly, tone dull.
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Butterflypaw is able to catch sight of her mother, of her siblings and Twitchpaw and Fireflypaw. The sight of her loved ones brings a small bit of comfort to her, though it hardly halts her trembling. She smiles softly, trying her best to hide the chattering of her teeth, but now Blazestar is addressing her and she peers up at him with eyes as wide as the moon. "I-" Her throat is dry, and she has to snap her jaws shut and swallow before trying again. "I do."

And she meant it! She would try her best to be a good warrior, even if she and everyone else knew her best was pretty darn pathetic. But she'd try.

And she is named Butterflytuft, and her mentor thanks her for her compassion and spirit before resting his muzzle on her head. Her shivering stops, the familiar scent of her kind and patient teacher soothing her as she squeezes her eyes shut. "Thank you, Blazestar," She whispers, licking his shoulder in the traditional manner before pulling away. She beams at him, a wide smile with tears in her eyes. He'd been the one to find her under that bush when she was a kit. He brought her to the camp, gave her to Daisyflight, gave her to her family. He taught her as much as she could handle, guided her with patience and understanding. Everything she is, is because of him.

But oh, she's eager to get out of the spotlight now! Turning, he locks eyes with her mother and bounds towards her through the crowd before colliding with her fluffy chest. Here, she will be a child just one last time and bury her face into Daisyflight's pelt in embarrassment.