──⇌•〘 INFO Both Lemontongue and Vulturemask have received summons from a WindClanner to meet on the moors for a patrol. The medicine cat is told herbs were scouted nearby— allegedly. However, the meeting ground is oddly vacant of other WindClanners, though it's clear someone was here: the newest flowers of greenleaf form a circle across the plain, the width of four average cats lined head to tail. A single rabbit rests at the center, and on either side of the plump rodent, a feather and a twig, as though indicating seating arrangements.


He's commanded to go on patrol, a specific location shared with him.

The cinnamon tabby doesn't think much of it, at first - some patrol leaders would rather meet outside of camp than in it. So it goes. Some further notice would have been nice though, more time to squeeze in a meal or bask in the sun, rather than this quick summons.

It's not too strenuous of a trek to their meeting spot. Lemontongue is able to enjoy the warmth of the day as he moves to meet with the patrol, at least. He can be grateful for that, that he's made it to new-leaf, to warmer days.

He soon nears his location, and... something seems off. He does not see the forms of a patrol in the distance, does not see the WindClanner who'd ordered him here. It is empty, and for a moment, Lemontongue wonders if he's even in the right place. His confusion only grows further, however, when he finally arrives.

"What. Is this." he lets out, though as far as he's aware, no one is there to answer him. A circle of flowers, prey at its center. A sour-face stares at it. Was this... Was this a trap? Should he alert someone of the strange structure than stands before him?