Mar 15, 2024

Though she was still under someone's charge (despite the fact her apprenticeship had ended when her name had shifted from Thunderpaw), it was the warrior's den- among peers of her own age- that Thundergleam was instructed to place her nest within.

With how wonderfully tight-knit she had been told ThunderClan was, the ivory molly had not expected such a wide array of cats... in truth, committing all of their names to memory was taking a little bit longer than she would have liked. And her memory was extremely sharp! It was forged that way by StarClan itself- for how was she supposed to recall prophecies, how was she meant to be a stalwart shoulder for all, if she could not remember everything she had ever been told? All of Father's lessons stuck deeply into her flesh. They glowed from within her, and now glittered as stars in her eyes.

Her nest was expertly woven- it was clear she had plenty of practice. Though, the spot for it... that was a little harder. Snowy paws tapped on the spot, a little rhythm. "Where to sleep, where to lie ♪" she murmured- oh, a decision would have to be made soon! The moon was rearing her sacred head!
penned by pin ☾
Out of all the cats that Asterfrost has seen join the Clan over the past two seasons, Thundergleam is among one of the strangest cases. Seemingly out of fate she had appeared before Howlingstar to offer her guidance. Asterfrost has heard of loners and kittypets with knowledge of the Clans, but never this strong. And none of them ever had a warrior's name.

His curiosity is piqued by her, but he keeps his distance with eyes trained on only the duties ahead of him. There is no time to conversate these days, he thinks, with an overflowing apprentice den and an even larger population of kittens. But, as the sun sets, the weary-eyed warrior returns to the warrior's den to retire to his nest.

Asterfrost steps in just as Thundergleam begins her sing-song humming and prancing, and watches her curiously. Her nest is woven intricately, a piece of art in its own right. "Welcome to the warrior's den," he greets gruffly, then clears his throat. He watches her paws tap amongst a particular spot, and guesses she's searching for where to put her nest. "The coolest spots are near the outskirts. You may need it with the warm weather that's to come." His advice is offered with a curt dip of his head, before he pads towards his own nest, withdrawn by a tail-length from the others.
  • speech is #E1AFD1
  • 2-1.png

  • 'aster' ASTERFROST
    ━━ WARRIOR of THUNDERCLAN | 44 moons ,, ages every 13th
    ━━ NPC xx NPC | kittypet origins
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none

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You could say she's like... pretty cool... yanno... to be allowed to wander around camp and the like when the weather's nice (luckily new-leaf is in no short supply of such days). Lightstrike's too kind-hearted to really offer them many no's anyways. She loves her dad... never ceases to have some fun when he's around really! She'd been pulled away from the evening chicanery by the sight of a particularly bright white pelt looming just inside the warrior's den.... nosy as ever, and one to assert her will on the adults around (she was Howlingstar's kin after all), she'd been quick to come investigate the scene with a scrunched nose.

"Yeah uh... You can sleep over there," she confirms, looking towards Asterfrost with a small nod like she were the ruling authority on nest placement within this den she'd never walked into before.

"Just make sure you don't get too close to my dad! I'll be reallll upset with you for that," she continues to assert, turning up her nose with baby blue eyes closed in a snobbish display. "That's where my nest is 'sposed to go." And no one would be silly enough to steal Mottledkit's spot! It wouldn't even be that terribly long before she was a warrior, because she was going to be the best at it! Beetlekit would see... soon enough she'd defeat him in paw-to-paw combat, she can just feel it.​

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
The fear that had stricken Roeflame as she watched an eagle ascend upon her daughter was unprecedented, it had taken over her entire being, even after Littlekit was securely swept up within her embrace.
Now, as the queen keeps a content eye on her roaming children, she only has Howlingstar to thank, which the tabby fully intends on whenever she can spare a moment to visit the resting leader.
Roeflame hadn’t had the chance to get a good look at the strange molly that had led their leader back to camp, but when Moonwhisper’s kit begins to toddle up to her, Roeflame shifts to her paws with a stretch. She only catches the tail-end of Mottledkits rambling, but her expression sparks with amused warmth.
“Planning to leave us in the nursery, already?” The queen hums, greeting her friends child with a small ruffle atop her head with her forepaw.
When Roeflames attention finally drifts, it is towards Thundergleam. If Howlingstar trusted her, the queen would want to as well… eventually.
“Thundergleam, is it?” Roeflame finally hums coolly, relying on the casualty of her attitude to conceal the desperate want to pry, to know everything about the stranger that was now living in the same camp as her family.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Lightflower noticed the rather strange new she-cat looking around the warriors den. She guessed by the nest she'd sat in front of herself she was looking for a place to put it. She was a bit curious about Thundergleam. It was like she floated around, not really down on the ground fully like the rest of them. Like she believed she was otherworldly. Or something. Hearing Mottledkit's rambles, she giggled. "I wouldn't mess with Mottledkit, she means business!" she purred, before adding, "you can put you nest next to mine if you wanted," with a small smile. Her gaze flicked to Roeflame briefly, before looking down at her paws. She wasn't sure on her former mentor's opinion of her at the moment, so she figured she'd stay away until the worst had supposedly blown over.
. ° ✦ Thundergleam... an odd she-cat that shared the name of their home before she had ever stepped a single paw into the forest. Bravepaw found so much about her to be mystical and... strange. Different because she wasn't from the Clans and yet she seemed to know so much!

He approached shyly and not with the same gusto as Mottledkit had. She's... pretty. He thought, staring a bit too long at wispy fur and not meeting her eyes.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.

The ivory painted molly was an enigma to Burnstorm. It unerved him to know she had heard of ThunderClan long before she had ever made her way into their forest, that she had borne a clan name before becoming a part of a clan and it unnerved him even more that the clan that had semed to be a particular fixation was his own. Still, he could not deny that she had proven herself through a trial of sorts when she had led his grandmother, his leader, home to safety. That day he had been convinced they would never see Howlingstar again, but Thundergleam had helped when she could have just left her there to succumb to her injuries as many times as it would take for her spirit to finally rest in StarClan.

Still, despite this, there is a certain way about her that Burnstorm recognizes as unfamiliar. Perhaps not in a bad way, but he couldn't quite puzzle her out. Now here she was, moving her nest into the warriors den. He watches with an impassive glance. Mottledkit declares she can put her nest anywhere as long as its not next to Lightstrike's (and subsequently his as the two bordered one another) and his whiskers twitch in amusement. "You did a good job weaving your nest. A few of us could learn a thing or two from you" he huffs, his tone friendly as he looks pointedly at certain cats in the den who's nests left the eyes wanting.

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably

Kind words of welcome made silken way into her ears- Thundergleam's rosy eyes met the other's lone blue with a sparkle within, a soft smile exhibited. The cooler spots were nice for cats with thicker, darker pelts- but she was a sylph, transparent and breezelike. The cold nipped at mallow-flower skin with great ease, weaving between her strands of fur. "I am grateful. Where are the warmer spots?" She wished not to usurp anyone's position, but if there was a choice...

At first, she could not find where to look as another voice burst forth- a little voice, much-too-young to be in the warriors den, she imagined! A kitten, half-and-half. It was a wonderful sight, to see kittens running around. She had grown up without siblings, without much company except for Father. Kits had not come up much through her extensive education- but she was delighted to interact with them, now. I wouldn't mess with Mottledkit, chuckled a nearby warrior (was it Lightflower?), and a chiming laugh glittered past Thundergleam's fangs. "Ah, you will not become upset with me! I would not dream of encroaching upon your claim,
" and she bowed her head, as if addressing a little leader.

A large black tom and a cinnamon-silver tabby molly both greeted her kindly; Thundergleam's watery gaze flickered between them, hear heart full of gratitude. Oh, this kindness! She had been expecting wariness, cold steel, to meet her... Howlingstar had awoken her to the fact that ThunderClan taking in outsiders was an oddity (which she did not remember her father mentioning). "Yes, Thundergleam. It is wonderful to meet you..." and she tilted her head, asking after the molly to introduce herself. At the fluffy shadow's compliment, Thundergleam dipped her head, her tail flicking with a little note of pride. "It is a teachable thing... down to plenty of practice." Nonetheless, she would not deny that she was flattered.

There was one face among them who seemed a little apprehensive... and young, a little bit smaller than a warrior should be. Thundergleam greeted him with a bright glance, that same easy smile that occupied her face so dreamily. "Ah, are you scouting out your nest early?" she asked the young brown tom, impressed by his forethought. What else might have drawn one not yet of age to the warrior's den?
penned by pin ☾
· · ───────────── ·𖥸· ───────────── · ·

"Ack! Roeflame," she squeaks in protests, practically buckling under the weight of an unexpected paw (with all the flair for the dramatic in the world of course). Her head swivels to look at her aunt with a determined fire and equally stubborn nod, "I've gotta beat Beetlekit! And it's my destiny," she insists further still. It would be lost on her that complaining about her cousin to his own parents might not be favorable but... they're kin and she expects their undying loyalty regardless.

Besides.. Lightflower was right. Mottledkit was a force to be reckoned with even at her tiny age!

In her playful glowering towards the cinnamon-silver molly she spots that nice boy from before... but he is weirdly silent where everyone else is chattering away and his round, blue eyes stare unblinkingly like he's just seen a ghost. Thundergleam certainly looks like one, Mottledkit assumes (she's never met a ghost before) but he doesn't look half as horrified as he should if that's the case. Which leaves only one option! Obviously!

"You look like my dad does when he sees my mom," she practically shrieks at Bravepaw, "He's got cooties, Thunderbeam, be careful," she warns the new lady with little regard for how she'd gotten her name wrong.​
  • Love
. ° ✦ Bravepaw listened as Thundergleam addressed her new Clanmates. A patient tone in each syllable as she kindly spoke and then suddenly he's come to meet a cherry-glazed view that took the air from his lungs.

"Me?" He asked dumbly, even turning his head behind him to see no one there. She is talking to him! "Uh, sure! Yeah, maybe next to yours." His fangs snap shut together and immediately his mouth has run dry by what he just said. His stomach churned and his expression pulled into one of panic at Mottlekit's accusation.

"That's not funny, Mottledkit!" Bravepaw huffed, kicking up dust at her face. "I don't have cooties. That's a girl thing, toms don't get cooties." He declared with the confidence of a medicine cat at that, ready to argue for it.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.
  • Haha
Reactions: waluigipinball

Destiny, Mottledkit spoke of- and Thundergleam's interest noticeably piqued, ears swivelling and rosy eyes flickering a few smidgens wider. "Oh! And did StarClan tell you that?" There was no trace of humour in the ivory molly's voice. Her words were swirled with sighs and dreams, dyed with interest... was destiny truly manifesting so young? Thundergleam had known, too, from a young age... she had certainly still bore her kit-name when Father had told her she would one day join ThunderClan. StarClan were pro-active in their chosen prophets, it seemed!

Maybe next to yours, said the apprentice- a twinkling laugh stuttered from Thundergleam's maw, the intention flying about as high over her head as the eagle that had dropped Howlingstar right in front of her. "Ah, you had better earn your warrior name soon, then!" For by the time he was a warrior, the den would likely be much more crowded.

A light frown crossed her face when the apprentice and Mottledkit began arguing... both of them using a word Thundergleam had never heard in all her moons of studying Clan culture. Was this some vital step she had missed? That Father had missed? Had he yet again forgotten to tell her, or given her inaccurate information on how it all worked?

She regarded the two of them with concern. "Pray tell, what is 'cooties'?"
penned by pin ☾