Sticks and Stones | Hawk's Nest

Sep 24, 2022


The journey to Outlook Rock everyday for his guard shifts tended to get monotonous with time. It didn't help that he usually took them alone, his paws trailing the same beat as his companions. The constant movement the past few days were slowly making a path through the grass, a small testimony to the loyal pride they took in their task. Each of them watched the moor's with vigilance, and, at least so far, there hadn't been any signs of trespassers since the Smogmaw incident.

On this day, JaggedOak just happened to be leaving camp at the same time of a patrol and had decided to tag along with them in the direction of outlook as they were heading to the borders. With the constant rain going on, the sky was still filled with clouds, threatening to shower them at any point. It made the tom constantly look up, waiting in anticipation for the inevitable 'tiptap' of drizzle. As they came up on his guard point, he couldn't help but notice in his vertical scan a strange oval shaped object at the top of the Rock formation.

Hey guys, do you see that? At the top of Outlook Rock? ❞ The large tabby started to pick up his pace, breaking off of the patrol in a brisk trot in order to make it over to the location faster so he could get a better look. As he closed the distance, the shape became clearer, the edge becoming jagged and uneven. A nest... A [l]large[/i] best. It took up most of the tip of the formation. There was only one bird that could make that. ❝ Its a hawk nest!! ❞ He'd call back over his shoulder toward the patrol. ❝ Could belong to the ones that have been attacking camp!!

The implication made a growl lodge in his throat. If that assumption was true, then the best thing to do in this situation was to destroy it. While a hawk could easily feed multiple cats, having multiple offspring grow up to terrorize future kits of the clan cause more danger then good, in his opinion. If the patrol followed him in his discover, he'd turn back to them. ❝ We should figure out a way to destroy it. Theyre dangerous to our kits, apprentices, and even many of our warriors. The less of them on the moors, the better. ❞ hr scanned the crowd before looking back up at the nest. ❝ Any ideas on how we could get up there?

General Prompt: There's something new on outlook rock. Is that a Hawk nest at the very top, or something else? Perhaps you and your patrol should investigate!
⊱ ♞ ⊰

Jaggedoak’s presence alongside the day’s patrol isn’t the most expected, but Lemontongue doesn’t mind too much. He’ll be gone after they arrive to the warrior’s assigned location, anyway, so it’s not that huge of a deal that he’s here.

That is, until they arrive to Outlook Rock, and the patrol begins to go further awry.

The extra set of eyes spots it first, the strange build up on the landmark. Lemontongue cranes his head to look where Jaggedoak is looking, and he can see something up there. A hawk nest, the guard says. Lemontongue can feel his heart skip a beat at that suggestion, nerves rising rapidly.

A… A nest?” he repeats, “Are… Are you sure?

Of course, it had to be the patrol Lemontongue was part of, that had to find the source of the recent surplus in hawks. Of course. The warrior hopes Jaggedoak is wrong in his thinking but --

"I see it too," he concludes, a frown pulling on his face. The guard is quick to take the reigns in what's next, in arranging a discussion on how to get rid of them. Lemontongue blinks at the outlook rock as Jaggedoak asks how to get up there. "... Climb? When the hawks are out hunting?" he suggests, tail flicking behind him as his heart pounds against his chest. The cinnamon tabby doesn't want to go near those things, but it looks as though he has no choice.
──⇌•〘 INFO Hawks are a danger to them all, save perhaps the large cats among them like Sunstride and Houndthistle. Tunnelers may be safe while below ground, but their small stature makes them an easy target for the keen-eyed birds. Jaggedoak is right— they must destroy the nest. Perhaps doing so will convince the beasts to reconsider nesting in WindClan territory.

Lemontongue seems nervous, and understandably so, but Wolfsong himself is certain that with a plan, no one will find themselves in a hawk's belly. "We should wait for the rain," he suggests, his gaze lifting to the darkened sky. "It may be dangerous to climb, but if we climb halfway before the clouds shed, it will be easier. Bird feathers do not soar so well when wet, and they will not be able to return to the nest until the rain passes."
Badgermoon loved WindClan's territory and its openness - being directly beneath the sky simply felt right, and he couldn't imagine what it would be like to live beneath a canopy which obscured the stars and their splendor. This being said, there were a few downsides, the hawk population among them: the big feathery pests had menaced the Clan for moons, most recently attacking Cottonpaw and trying to snatch kits straight out of their camp. The broad-shouldered tom huffed as Jaggedoak discovered the nest and shook his head. Great, a nest. Little hawklings...that's just what we need.

Badgermoon nodded in agreement with Wolfsong's plan, somewhat surprised by Lemontongue's nervousness. Hawks were dangerous, sure, but they were WindClanners. They were more than capable of handling any problem which cropped up: of this he was certain. "No cat should go up alone, in case the parents return while we're destroying the nest." he mewed with a twitch of his white-tipped ears. "I think it would be better for all three of us to go up together - probably while it's raining, yes." He gave a short, hostile laugh. "We'll see how they like it when their youth are targeted."