Stoatpaw's First Adventure? {Intro!}


New member
Jan 31, 2025

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Stoatpaw's paws crunched softly against the snow as he looked out curiously across the moor. There sure is a lot of... white. Their mentor, Ebonyfield, had focused so much of their training so far on hunting, that there hadn't been nearly enough time to explore! He quickly pads through the snow, hopping up onto a rock and looking around. He felt a tad guilty leaving camp alone, but he wasn't a kit anymore! He could leave just like the others!

Hmm... more snow.

He flopped onto the rock, looking down at the ground, quietly digging a small hole in the snow. He hadn't expected his apprenticeship to be so… boring. There wasn't even any color outside of camp due to leafbare!

An idea struck them, and they jumped up excitedly to their paws. Maybe it'd be like a scavenger hunt to dig through the snow to look for anything buried underneath! They excitedly hop towards the border, digging holes in the snow as they go searching for anything interesting, leaving a bunch of snow piles in their wake.

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Brackenscar never cared for the rules, the Warrior Code yes, but the leader enforced rules? They can take it or leave it, that one rule of apprentices needing their mentors beside them when they left camp... Oh they were livid over that one, ready to yowl at Sunstar right then and there. Maybe she would have if she was even slightly less mature. As a warrior it's no so bad, the freedom feels earnt after believing themself to be stifled. Even if she understood the reasoning at the time that's all it was, a stifling rule. She's still getting used to be seen as a warrior, the imbalance of power and responsibility she has compared to her once peers who are still considered paws. There's a benefit here though, she can pretend to chaperone them, while paying attention to them she's not aiming to play pretend mentor. It's just enough to avoid a punishment given around the stricter warriors.

That being said, there is a flutter of nerves as she spots Stoatpaw hop towards the border. She's a tunneler, not a moor-runner, so she finds a divide in her pace compared to his but she's quick on his tail regardless. "What are you looking for?" She calls out, taking the slightly slowed pace as an opportunity to catch up. Olive eyes glance down at the holes being dug into the ground, a curious tail flick tossed with abandon as she looks behind her at the ongoing trail of holes in his wake.

"Most the bugs are underground right now" was that what he was looking for? Or maybe he liked plants? They were also nonexistent right now. "You could probably find a neat rock, let me help." Digging sometimes feels like all she does, while she hates it they know they're efficient with it. Far more so than Stoatpaw, she could brag about that at least.


  • ooc.
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    Brackenscar They/she, Tunneler, 14 moons

    A scowling, tiny calico with large ears.
    Mentored by Scorchstar | Bluefrost.
    Speech, thoughts, attacking.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ( underline and tag when attacking ).
    All opinions are IC only.
    penned by Juice.


There's a damning trail of pock-marks that lead all the way to Stoatpaw, little blemishes in the snow as telling as breadcrumbs from camp to the border. Sedgepounce feels like a hawk—honed in on misbehaving apprentices like it's a sixth sense. It's funny to think that he used to be one of those misbehaving apprentices, expect he can count all the times that sneaking out of camp went well for anyone in his life on one paw. He's a little bit more sympathetic toward all those nagging adults in his past. Hindsight is crystal clear and all that.

"Stoatpaw," Sedgepounce greets, cutting in opposite of Brackenscar. With her around, the number of responsible warriors skyrockets to two—Stoatpaw's not alone now, but the thought that he was sends a jolt of something cold and piercing through Sedgepounce's head. He fixes the apprentice a knowing look. "I sure hope Ebonyfield knows you're out here? So close to the border, too..," His voice takes on a timbre of warning, and it's with a small start that Sedgepounce realizes he sounds like his mother.
Stoatpaw nervously flinched at the sound of the approaching tunneler as they called out and spoke to him. Was he going to be in trouble? As Brackenscar keeps talking, Stoatpaw perks up slightly.
"I- I'm just looking for something cool! I'd love help finding a nice rock, thank you!" He smiles shyly, watching them dig in the snow, eyes wide.
"You're so good at digging! How are you so fast?" He looks up at them, curious and attentive. He'd never actually seen any of the tunnelers dig before!
They flinched again as Sedgepounce approached, pressing themself down against the snow again as if his light brown pelt would somehow blend in with the white.

"Well…" He starts, shyly shuffling his paws and trying to think of an excuse to give the warrior, knowing full well he didn't have his mentor's permission to be out here alone.

It is not an uncommon sight to find the chocolate tabby tom trailing the frozen moors all by his lonesome, sniffing around for some prey or at least something interesting. The snow is a beautiful sight to behold in its own right, but it certainly makes everything rather... plain. No blooming flora, no abundance of insects or prey, no vivid colors covering the expanse of the hills. Plus, Buckfire's pads constantly felt like they were so numb that they would freeze right off. He hopes for a warm morning every night before he closes his eyes, dreaming of days of sunshine and lush green and swaying fields.

Interrupting his longing thoughts of seasons to come were nearby voices. Buckfire stops, pricking his ears to hone in on the conversation taking place ― a couple of warriors had caught an apprentice goofing off on their own near the border. Yikes! Brackenscar at least seemed more forgiving than Sedgepounce, but from the sound of it, the trainee was caught between a rock and a hard place. Buckfire himself had something of an affinity for bending the rules to his own liking, and even though he knew first-hand how dangerous it was for a youth to wander out here by themselves, he could not bring himself to sit back and listen to what could be a scolding from the lead warrior. Sedgepounce did not seem the type to rain on the kid's parade, but he was an authority figure now... He would probably have to at least rat the kid out to their mentor.

So, what does Buck do? "There y'are, Stoatpaw! I lost sight of you back there." Thinking quickly on his paws, the chocolate tabby tom emerges from behind the frost-dusted shrubbery, setting his molten-colored gaze on Stoatpaw. The warrior flashes a glance toward Brackenscar and Sedgepounce before inquiring toward the younger cat, "Did y' find me some treasure yet?"

A few moments go by before Buckfire adds, "Y'know, like I asked?" He shoots a quick wink to the apprentice, hopefully flying under the radar of the other warriors, while also quietly hinting for him to play along. If Stoatpaw chose their words carefully, maybe they could get off the hook for this.


The memory of Periwinklebreeze's death is at the forefront of Deerpetal's mind, igniting his anxious imagination and pushing the fear of death by predator to the top of the list of his many worries. With enormous eyes over a tense little frown, he trails after Buckfire, glad that Stoatpaw now has four warriors accompanying him on his treasure-hunting. Speaking of which: "Buckfire," he scolds quietly, "You shouldn't ask apprentices to run errands for you alone in the territory. What -- what if he got attacked?" Caught up in his anxiety, he doesn't notice the conspiratorial wink Buckfire throws in Stoatpaw's direction.

Well, it can't be helped now. Stoatpaw is safe, and hopefully Buckfire will know better next time. As worried as he is, Deerpetal can't begrudge Stoatpaw his yearning for freedom. He was an apprentice a mere moon ago, and remembers how stifling it was to have his comings and goings controlled. His most notable break from it all had been visiting the flower patch with Vulturepaw, a memory he regards fondly.

Noting Stoatpaw's guilty flinches, he softens his demeanor. "I'm not as good at digging as Brackenscar is, but maybe I can help, too." His now full-grown limbs hold his underbelly above the snowdrifts as he high-steps his way forward, a fact that he's eternally thankful for; he had grown tired of his long fur catching in the snow and slowing him down. Choosing a spot a little further from the pair, Deerpetal begins to awkwardly shovel snow aside, feeling a little embarrassed by his lack of technique being seen by his tunneler denmate.
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trans male (he/him)ㅤ/homoflexible, single
ㅤ14 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 2nd of the month
warriorof windclan for 1 moon
deerflower x stormshade
ㅤmentoring n/aㅤ/ㅤmentored by featherfrost
ㅤpenned by solaireㅤ/ㅤmessage aurumbones on discord for plots!

deerpetal is a slender chocolate ticked tabby trans tom. he has a pale underbelly cut through from chin to mid-torso with cotton-soft white. he has large coppery eyes set in a triangular face which tapers down to a pointy muzzle, framed by large ears and silky cheek fluff. he's known for being soft-spoken, empathetic, and nervous.
Stoatpaw looked thankfully over at Buckfire, letting out a small breath they didn't realize they were holding.
"Y-yes I'm sorry Buckfire! I just got a little distracted." He looks away, his pelt slightly fluffed in embarrassment at the amount of attention his escapade had gathered.

"I've uh, found this cool rock? Oh! And this snail shell!" He smiles, starting to feel his spirits lifting.

He turns his head when he hears Deerpetal's voice join the others, ears flattening at the young warriors comment., He didn't want Buckfire to be on the scolding end of his mistake.
"It's not Buckfire's fault, I just, got a little lost. What sort of predators…?"
He shuffles his paws, a little nervous about having been out alone now. Was it really so dangerous to leave camp? He had always figured the stories were exaggerated to keep curious kits in camp.

Once Deerpetal starts digging though, his ears start to perk up again. Now he had 4 other cats helping!
Cottonsprig arrives next, her tail brushing away freshly fallen snow with each sway. She errs somewhere between Brackenscar and Sedgepounce, blue eyes pointed to the piles of snow that little Stoatpaw left behind (and the long trail of them that seems to disappear over the hill.) She gets curiosity, and she understands a want for freedom - but not only have so many passed from predator attacks and otherwise... what if Stoatpaw got lost? Has his mentor bothered to show him the way back to camp, even if snow filled in his pawsteps?

"Buckfire," her usual playful tone is beaten and battered, edged with the worry only a mother could harbor. She would call it the fear of a medicine cat, if someone else asked her about it. "Apprentices shouldn't be left alone - did you forget what happened to Bunnyglow?" Her gaze falls to the wayside towards Sedgepounce as she says it, a brief apologetic look in her eyes before she looks back towards the ruddy furred warrior. "If I find out another apprentice is out here looking for treasure by your command, Buckfire... I may just have to take your pelt to line my nest!" she nudges what's left of her worry out of the way in favor of something with more levity and warmth.

Regardless, she looks to Stoatpaw, her eyes lingering over the apprentice's forelimbs. "You've found a shell...?" she asks, and briefly she thinks about the fish bone Wolfsong had found once, sunk so deep into the moorland, away from the waters of the river. Her paws shift uncomfortably, "Why don't we call that the treasure and head back? You look like your nose will fall off..."

  • ooc //
    ♥♥♡ WOUNDS ; can confidently stop bleeding and mend lacerations. will often request that you keep your injury clean and wait it out first.
    ♥♥♡ INFECTION ; as a side effect of likely her own doing, very dutiful with technique and treatment shortly thereafter.
    ♥♡♡ ACHES & PAINS ; will defer to a dark tunnel and rest. if pain persists, maybe she will offer something.
    ♥♡♡ BROKEN BONES ; has never dealt with a broken bone. likely will ask that you never move. ever again.
    ♥♥♥ TRAVELING HERBS ; learned well from her previous mentor. will pile even too many remedies to tough the wilderness with.
    ♥♥♥ KITTING ; having kittens of her own and helped several others with their litters, she is very well versed with calming techniques and quelling pain.
    ♥♡♡ POISONS ; she knows what they are... but that isn't enough, isn't it?
    ♥♥♡ ILLNESS ; having worked through two yellowcough bouts, she is confident in her remedies. much else... she's operating on trial and error.
    ⸻ cottonsprig is a dutiful and excitable medicine cat. she enjoys company and loves conversation. she'd rather not have too many curious noses snooping around her den... but who is she to quell curiosity?
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    ⸻❥ cottonsprig is the primary medicine cat of windclan. a former princess to the moors, she harbors many guilts for her actions throughout her short life. she has no consistent partner, unwilling to commit and settle, and she is training celandinepaw in medicine.

"Well..." Stoatpaw crumbles beneath his scrutiny, and already there's a huge, begrudged sigh building in Sedgepounce's chest. Buckfire's sly attempt at a cover-up doesn't fool him. Nor does it help. "It's dangerous, Stoatpaw," Sedgepounce warns quietly, fixing the apprentice a wary, solemn look. More cats cluster in to wreath Buckfire with their concerns, but Sedgepounce knows better—knows what it's like to be young and invincible-feeling.

Cottonsprig's two cents hit a little close to home, though. Yikes.

He can't look at her, or else he might do something stupid like bursting into tears, so Sedgepounce's gaze drifts wearily sidelong to the snowy meadowland. The small dugouts he followed here pepper the snow like freckles. He watches them quietly, briefly lulls into deep thought, until Stoatpaw starts happily listing his findings and snaps him out of it.

He's just a kid. He's so happy over finding a rock and a shell and it's not really fair to grill him anymore. Something bad could have happened, but it didn't—and hopefully it won't.

"Well, I think we've all learned our lesson," he says a little hollowly. He tries to smile, but that feels a little hollow too. Ugh. "Have fun, you guys." With that, Sedgepounce turns to wander off. He's gotta go run a lap or something. Clear his head of all this...stuff weighing him down.

// out :3c !! < 3
Stoatpaw deflated again at another cat becoming upset. He hadn't meant to cause so much drama; he'd only wanted to escape camp and do some adventuring on his own. He'd assumed that being an apprentice, he was grown enough to do so. He wasn't a kit anymore!

He flattened his ears and looked down, away from Cottonspring's gaze. He remembered being in the medicine den only a moon ago, having his ear treated after it had been torn. He had been reprimanded then too. Suddenly, being grown up and an apprentice seems a lot less fun than he had imagined as a kit. He knew his mentor and mother would likely cuff his ears when they all got back to camp.

His thoughts are broken when he sneezes gently, the consequences of spending too much time digging in the snow finally catching up to them.
"O-Ok. Sorry Cottonspring. Sorry everyone." They droop.

He watches Sedgepounce leave alone, feeling a twang of pity for the other cat.

"Why's Sedgepounce upset?" He asks softly to no one in particular, not understanding the anxiety of the older cats around them. He then looks back at the holes he's left in the snow, and down at the shell he managed to find, holding it close to their chest.