camp Strings that binds us || tangled

No need to wait @THORNPAW

[ ༻❄༺ ] Snowpaw had just gotten back from a hunting patrol, and tired eyes focused onto the horizon. Towards where her normal spot was with her friends, and she had been excited to relax with them like they usually did. Of course, everything was becoming warmer now which meant things were getting better. Before Snowpaw knew it she would be a warrior (although that was 5 moons away). Yet perhaps the apprentice should be paying attention more to her own surroundings than that of what eas in her own mind.

It seemed some string had managed to find its way into camp, notoriously tangling two clanmates up together, it bright red color standing out against their furs. Yet, Snowpaw had not expected to be a victim to its game herself. Paws caught onto the string making her stumble a bit, pulling the red string along and before she knew it she was tangled up with another. Yet the familar scent of Thornpaw made heat reach through the tip of her ears as she looked towards her barbary furred friend. "I'm so sorry for this Thornpaw!" she said awkwardly before attempting to pull out of the string, only making things worse between them and her stubby tail lashed in frustration. Snowpaw knew she wanted to spend time with their friends, but not in such a way as this!

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 7 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

A red string of fate is symbolic for destined partners, someone sends a yarnball from carrion place rolling into camp and you find yourself tangled with another cat!
Currently in camp since he was training his other apprentice, Scorchedmoon tiredly struts around now that he’s done for the day. He knew that being a mentor would be a challenge, but not like this…ah well. His first instinct was to look for his first apprentice, Snowpaw, to see if she’d returned yet. And lo and behold, she is! But he wasn’t exactly expecting to find her…tangled up?

And it’s with another cat, too. Despite his head tilting from the curious situation, he also smirks seeing Thornpaw caught up in whatever he was perceiving. “Well, I should have guessed you’d get into trouble while I wasn’t around to see, Snowpaw. Are you two, uh, alright?” Scorchedmoon finally thinks to ask. It doesn’t take long for his attention to shift once again, and the string tempts him. He is entranced, and instead of actually trying to help at all, he instead bats at one of the loose ends. His brain turns off as his prey drive kicks in, on the hunt.​

"I'm starting to wonder where all these things are coming from. Is this some kind of epidemic, is this the next yellowcough?" Supposed they called the illness something like 'red vine' then, it was a terminal one that made you look like a fool no one would ever forget seeing. Skunktail's long bushy tail flicked in amusement as he watched the two apprentices become ensnared but he, like Scorchedmoon, made no attempt to offer assistance - too entertained with the sight to even raise a paw. Chilledstar had been flailing around with one of these before too and frankly he had no idea what was so entrancing about the - oh they sure did wiggle enticingly didn't they? His pupils blew out as he stared at the frayed end the dilute tortiseshell was batting at and he very quickly realized the appeal. It was like the first time he got a mossball as a kit, the way it rolled from you when swatted like running prey, giving you that first taste of hunter instincts that would develop as you grew older. Maybe he would roam off to the carrionplace to see if there were more of these things to get one for him and Frostbite, surely that was where they came from.


  • 62602478_UrpK9NsUJpgnTSw.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ SH Black & white tom w/spearmint green eyes

She imagines this sort of thing is what SkyClan does on a daily basis. Playing with twoleg contraptions until their paws fall off. She thinks its pretty impressive that the two apprentices have ended up in this situation. Though, the kind of impressive that has Smogmaw thinking twice before putting you on a patrol, rather than having Chilledstar bend down to give you a reward, or something.

Should he… help? Was that a lead warrior duty or something? He wasn’t sure that it was, so… he can probably just keep standing around awkwardly. He did that plenty.

It looks twice as weird, with how thin the string is. Like two grown cats caught up in…practically nothing, if not for the occasional glint of red he can catch pressed into fur. I'm starting to wonder where all these things are coming from, says Skunktail. …Was that an actual question? " Carrionplace, " says Sharpshadow, because Carrionplace was not only just Carrionplace, but also WonderofTwolegInventionplace and InedibleJunkplace. Hopefully her voice came out more like a straightforward answer than it did, are you stupid? Even though he was thinking it, just a bit… A frown mars her face. " We should leave playing with twoleg things to... "

Well, she was gonna say SkyClan, but maybe Skunktail was stupid, because he’s suddenly after the red thread like it owed him freshkill. Or maybe like it'd tell him the secret to a happy life if he caught it. Sharpshadow already kinda expected this from Scorchedmoon, but Skunktail? A little less so. His eyes narrow. A dark face crinkles into the expression he makes when he wants to be judgmental but knows that he probably shouldn’t be. " ...Um. What're you guys doing? "

  • lCF0Qq1.png

  • 77138241_LGsAhejnM5wt5R0.png
    SHARPSHADOW: he / she , no pref , dislikes gender neutral language ; fine with gendered terms ; 21 moons old as of 3.11.24 ; ages every 8th
    dark smoke feline that stands at an above average height. Easily identifiable by her namesake – an unruly mat of fur, destined to be cluttered by inconsistencies between chimera halves. Burdened with a broken tail, often lying dead behind her in the dirt.
    Anxious, antisocial, paranoid. Sharpshadow has not known peace for a single time in his life, and lives anticipating inevitable dangers to the detriment of herself and others.
    heavy ic opinions! he's irrational and mean </3
*+:。.。 Bonepaw would appear quietly behind Sharpshadow, inquisitive by all the talking. The boy had never been particular for playing, despite his age, so the sight of the red string waving between the paws of all four cats didn't pull at his heart the way it must've for the others. Made powerful by his immunity, the boy would sit calmly beside his older, ebony clanmate and simply watch. "It does look like a rat tail." Then his eyes suddenly glow, sparkling despite the dullness of his eye color as he mewed aloud, "maybe my siblings would like to pay with it?" Perhaps he wasn't entirely immune.

    Shadowclan — apprentice
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    4 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Brother to Bloodpaw, Shadepaw, Snowypaw
    Apprenticed to Nightwhisper

    Physically easy | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently
Eagerly, Thornpaw had been awaiting the return of her friend from patrol. Having been tasked with cleaning out nests she was forlorn to learn they wouldn't get to spend the day together. Though with the falling sun she knew Snowpaw was due back any moment now. Her mind is briefly pulled away as a series of annoyed grumbles and surprised yelps start to sound off. Huh? Just as she turned to figure out the mood shift something nearly trips her. Soon after Snowpaw's embarrassed voice resounding awfully close to her ears. The larger of the two in question had nearly tumbled head over paws as her legs were criss-crossed in the red string.

Annoyance crawled up the tabbies spiky coat in wavelets as she tugged uselessly at the entanglement. Furthering the disaster as several rounds of it now wrap them both together. Craning to the side in an attempt to look at the cat in question her heart nearly skipped a beat realizing the intense proximity. So much so she could practically count the soft droplets of lilac on Snowpaw's cheeks. Thornpaw's earlier annoyance immediately dissipates into stunned silence. Oh stars... Their maw runs dry as her mind slowly processes just what happened and Scorchedmoon's arrival manages to bring the blonde she-cat back to the present. Stiffly the paw' coughs as her own face burns from self-consciousness.

Forcing out the words buried in her throat Thornpaw gruffly mews. "I-It's okay Snowpaw. We should just try to figure a way to get unstuck." Bi-colored eyes struggled to look away but the naturally awkward molly kept stealing glances. Taking into consideration just how closely their pelts meshed and the shocking brightness of Snowpaw's yellow gaze. More and more cats appearing made such a task easier but did not alleviate her humiliation with being wrapped up. Skunktail's drawl has her stomach twist into tight knots at the idea.

I sure hope it's not. Without missing a beat her tone takes back it's usual stoicism. "We're fine just need to sort this out." Her snout crinkles at Sharpshadow's insinuation. For a heartbeat the apprentice contemplates not answering but the whole predicament couldn't get any worse than it already was. "This um- Stuff has us wrapped up. Not willingly." Despite the series of eyes falling on them both a part of her doesn't completely hate being stuck with Snowpaw.

Bonepaw's voice pipes in with a clue and her own mind flickers to life. "Hey... Maybe you guys could help us?" Thornpaw felt silly for not even considering it until now. Sure, the string was annoying and tight but it felt weak enough to maybe be chewed or clawed through.