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Coyotepaw seems less than enthused, responding with distant vocals and near silent compliance, and Thistleback is as wrathful as ever it seemed. Such insults! WindClan had not ruined Coyotepaw, they had saved him! There's a cruel satisfaction in the thought that he might be getting beneath the SkyClanner's skin, filling him with such spitefulness. He speaks of Coyotepaw as if the other held nothing but anger toward his former clan, but Tigerfrost is not so foolish to believe that, not after the quiet and distant response that the WindClan apprentice had offered. Was is disappointment? Agitation? Oh, how the chimera wished he could read minds, but alas.
He stares up at Thistleback for a moment, eyes glistening with that poisonous satisfaction that burned like fire within his chest. The challenging step closer invites a mocking sneer upon Tigerfrost's maw, and he lets out a rather demeaning 'tsk tsk' in swift reply.
"Quite the attitude. I'd have thought that your leader would teach you how to properly behave at a gathering, but I suppose I expected too much from a group of kittypets." Tigerfrost's words are twisted with contempt toward the other tom. "How's your throat, by the way? Looks like you'll be scarred for life. Such a shame." Of course, it wasn't a shame, not to the WindClanner. Still, his vocals are cool and smooth. He does not raise his voice, nor does he bristle or unsheathe his claws. In the viper's mind, the situation was well under his control. Thistleback would not dare to attack during the gathering, and if he did, well... Tigerfrost would be more than happy to make a very loud fuss about it. Show the other clans the true face of SkyClan, rats that they were.
As for the leash, "You're the kittypet. I wouldn't even know what a leash looks like." A derisive chuff parts his maw, but Tigerfrost had no intentions of allowing the situation to escalate... well, at least not by his own claws. "Farewell. Coyotepaw and I have a clan to get back to." And in the end, he does feel that swell of victory in knowing that Thistleback would be forced to watch Coyotepaw turn his back and walk away with the tabby chimera. In the end, despite his distaste toward Thistleback, the WindClanner had a genuine desire to protect his clan. Allowing SkyClan to foster more traitors within the group was an entirely unacceptable notion.
With the apprentice having already turned to head back toward the bulk of where WindClan lingered, Tigerfrost dutifully follows, planting himself between Coyotepaw and Thistleback. Just in case. The further Coyotepaw was from the temptation of his former clan, the better.
@ThistleBack @Coyotepaw
He stares up at Thistleback for a moment, eyes glistening with that poisonous satisfaction that burned like fire within his chest. The challenging step closer invites a mocking sneer upon Tigerfrost's maw, and he lets out a rather demeaning 'tsk tsk' in swift reply.
"Quite the attitude. I'd have thought that your leader would teach you how to properly behave at a gathering, but I suppose I expected too much from a group of kittypets." Tigerfrost's words are twisted with contempt toward the other tom. "How's your throat, by the way? Looks like you'll be scarred for life. Such a shame." Of course, it wasn't a shame, not to the WindClanner. Still, his vocals are cool and smooth. He does not raise his voice, nor does he bristle or unsheathe his claws. In the viper's mind, the situation was well under his control. Thistleback would not dare to attack during the gathering, and if he did, well... Tigerfrost would be more than happy to make a very loud fuss about it. Show the other clans the true face of SkyClan, rats that they were.
As for the leash, "You're the kittypet. I wouldn't even know what a leash looks like." A derisive chuff parts his maw, but Tigerfrost had no intentions of allowing the situation to escalate... well, at least not by his own claws. "Farewell. Coyotepaw and I have a clan to get back to." And in the end, he does feel that swell of victory in knowing that Thistleback would be forced to watch Coyotepaw turn his back and walk away with the tabby chimera. In the end, despite his distaste toward Thistleback, the WindClanner had a genuine desire to protect his clan. Allowing SkyClan to foster more traitors within the group was an entirely unacceptable notion.
With the apprentice having already turned to head back toward the bulk of where WindClan lingered, Tigerfrost dutifully follows, planting himself between Coyotepaw and Thistleback. Just in case. The further Coyotepaw was from the temptation of his former clan, the better.
@ThistleBack @Coyotepaw