camp SUBMERGED — moving into camp


XXXXXOnce Smokethroat’s able-bodied warriors begin to assist their weakest and frailest through the river water and onto the pine needles, Blazestar leads a grim procession back to camp. His mind whirls with questions still unanswered—Smokethroat had said they’d been forced to leave a wounded Cicadastar behind, but where is the RiverClan leader now, and how is he faring? Had the rogues forced a life from him, or was he merely a prisoner, forced to watch outsiders ransack his home and drive his kin and Clan away from him? Blazestar’s brow is furrowed, his expression troubled, even as he leads RiverClan into the dip of the earth that spellst he beginning of their home.

XXXXXSome of you have been here before,” he meows, half-turning to find the RiverClan deputy’s single burning eye, “but those of you who haven’t, this is SkyClan’s camp.” He finds the smoky fur of Willowroot, one of RiverClan’s queens, and murmurs, “The shattered tree trunk surrounded by the holly bush is our nursery. We have queens who can help with your young ones.

XXXXXHe exhales, shaking his head slightly. “I don’t know how we’ll fit your warriors and mind into that den. Some of the healthier cats may have to sleep outside, but we’ll make sure they’re as comfortable as we can get them…” He studies his own camp for a moment with a frown. “And our fresh-kill pile… well.” He gestures loosely to a scattered horde containing a chaffinch, a magpie, and a tiny squirrel. “We’ll need to organize patrols. Do you have any fit warriors willing to go hunting?” Even as he says it, he frowns, unsure how well a RiverClan cat could hunt in their territory.

XXXXXAfter a moment, he beckons Drizzlepelt closer with his tail. “Drizzlepelt, will you and Dogbite take some RiverClan cats who are fit to hunt and show them the best places to find prey?” He blinks at both young warriors, knowing the enormity of what he asks. “We’ll need to hunt extra to feed these mouths…

talking to @Smokethroat and @Drizzlepelt @Dogbite ; mentioning @Howlfire @butterflytuft @willowroot

mottledove & 21 moons & female & she/her & skyclan perma-queen

Strange scents and sounds flood the queens ears, drawing her from her nest. Steps slow and wobbling, dull blue eyes widen at the sudden influx of faces as she watches blazestar speak - even now, sounding strong. She doesn't know know he does it really, how any of them do? But heart hardens soon enough, taking a deep breath and clearing her mind before hobbling forwards, a gentle smile on her maw as she looks about, letting Blazestars words act as a guide for her paws. It's not just warriors and apprentices - no, there are kits and queens and elders flooding in just the same, and though she's not sure which clan these cats belong to it hardly matters. "There are some empty nests available already that your little ones can come rest in," she says quietly, voice slow and soothing. She may know little of clanlife even now, but she does know what it is like to lose your home so suddenly. It's a shame these cts must know that feeling now.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: available to help with any kits/queens, please ping if directly interacting or I might miss it
    tw/cw: —
  • a fluffy she-cat with a mane of fur and a mottled cinnamon tortie pattern. she is missing half her back left leg leaving her at a disadvantage in most things. mottledove is very quiet and withdrawn, a gentle soul. she and the kits she cares for adorn her pelt with flowers and 'paints' made of plants.

    physically extremely easy && mentally very hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#74a2a5]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

  • Like
Reactions: BLAZESTAR
As he helps the queens get situated, Drizzlepelt’s called upon by Blazestar once more. He’s not used to being relied on such at this, and while there’s a sense of anxiety he’s also happy to be seen as dependable. Though he’s never even been a patrol leader before…well, he can’t say today is boring. And there’s no time like now to learn the ropes. “Sure can.” He anxiously looks at the RiverClan warriors as he approaches them, hoping that some of them will volunteer themselves so he doesn’t have to ask. He also keeps his eyes out for Dogbite in the sea of fur.​
"If anyone needs a nest, I can give them mine-" Grapejuice pipes up. He doesn't need his nest, he's fine sleeping outside. From what he heard, Riverclan had been displaced by rogues. Were there truly that many of them now? To drive a clan out of their territory? This worried him, because if there were that many, there could be more. If there were more, then they were in trouble. But whats important right now is that Riverclan needs help.

He wants to help them. So he will.

"I can make some new ones, too." He adds. Riverclan needs warm nests right now, and so.... He will put his INCREDIBLE weaving skills to work and make some nests for their guests. He can leave the hunting to the other cats, a good meal is wasted if you don't have a comfy bed to sleep in afterwards.

He would need to make the softest nests for the kits. They must be terrified right now.... Or, he could see what he can find in the twolegplace to make soft nests. He suddenly feels a deep regret, leaving his twolegs. All that nerve and courage he worked up, only to return barely a moon later? Should he...?

He should stop thinking, is what he should do. His allies need a nice place to stay after the worst day of their lives, probably. So thats what he will do, if he must. But for now, he'll use materials in camp.​
So this is Skyclan... Green eyes look in wonder of his surroundings. Never would he be given the opportunity to find himself here under normal circumstances, unless he had been born a Skyclanner or found his way to Skyclan all those moons ago when he stumbled into Riverclan. He would be lying to say he wasn't curious about what every clan camp looked like, but it was something he thought was a far off dream. In this case, he guesses he should thank the rogues (really?) for this opportunity. You know. I didn't think Skyclan would look like this. Then again, it's not like I had any clue what it looked like. Of course, there was going to be trees. I just... Didn't think that far ahead. Blazestar's words are vaguely kept in mind, his eyes lingering to every part of Skyclan camp. A small part of him aches knowing that their den's lined with shells and his nest with all the pretty stones he's collected over the moons belonged to the rogues now.

He shook his head. Don't think about it. This is your home now. He is grateful that there are Skyclanners who readily offer assistance some more loud than others. one that catches his interest is a tom who says they'll give up their nest for anyone who needed it. Only to offer making more nests. Pikesplash finds himself limping towards the Skyclan tom, letting out a sigh of relief when he's in front of them. "M-m-mind if I help? After uhm, I go visit the medicine cat?" Wait a second. "A-a-actually, do I still go to Ravensong or do I go to your medicine cat?" To be honest, was it really his fault for the confusion? He could still go to Ravensong, but he isn't sure if Ravensong brought enough herbs or any at all. Not to mention that since they were in Skyclan and would be receiving shelter, did that extend to their medicine cat as well?

It was at this moment he remembered the most important thing. Flustered he was when he piped up with a squeak, "Pikesplash! That's my name. What's your name?"

/ interacting with @Grapejuice
In her few moons of life, Tidekit has witnessed much tragedy. But she was accustomed to the previous challenges RiverClan had faced, and her routine had not been disrupted because of the struggles.

That is, until now.

She had never imagined being forced form her home, she had never imagined setting foot into another Clan's camp without a fight, and she had never imagined that she'd have to see such brutality so soon.

It's scary. She's scared. Never before has she been so terrified, so unsure of what would happen next. 'What if's flow through her mind. What if the cats who wwent to get lungwort return and are attacked by the rogues that took their camp? She doesn't want to imagine them, Mosspaw especially, in the same situation their leader had been in when they left.

Even with all her observations, she cannot predict what will happen next. Tidekit shudders, pressing close to her mother. "I don't want to be awake anymore," she murmurs softly. "I want to go to sleep and wake up back home and... have this just be a bad dream but... I know..."

'I know it's impossible,' is left unsaid.

She looks up at Willowroot, and sighs softly, deciding to be quiet and compliant. She doesn't want to go off to the nursery by herself - she wants to stay with her mother and the others kits so when she does get there, is still feels a little bit like home.

// interacting with @willowroot


Following the small patrol of SkyClan cats back to their camp had been exhausting. Before today Ratpaw had felt like she could run through territories for days without issue, but that was before she had realized just how difficult it was to maneuver through tree roots and foliage - especially when injured.

The second they had gotten into the camp she wanted to just rest, but found herself confused on where to go and so instead she moved out of the way of the entrance and sat, injured leg stretched out to try and relieve some of the pain as she looked around to see who was coming in to the camp and when. She wanted to make sure Salmonshade got there, and that Ravensong made it fine, his collapsing on the border causing her to worry. Ears pricked as She heard Pikesplash speak of medicine cats and mentioning Ravensong's name and her nose twisted up slightly. Would they have to visit with the SkyClan medicine cat. Would that be better to do since Ravensong was so sick right now? Or would the SkyClanners force their own to deal with each other?
  • rat_colored.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 5 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - too young for relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
"If anyone is hurt, please come to Dawnglare's den. You have traveled into new lands, Mother welcomes you to the pine forest." Fireflypaw hums softly as his father calls out to the RiverClanners, tail tapping on the ground as glassy milk-kissed eyes stare in the direction of the growing crowd of river-dwelling cats. With their lands taken over, it was becoming a bit crowded in here. It smelled faintly of fish, riverwater, and reed. He scrunches up his nose momentarily, turning his head to sniff at a few pieces of mint entwined in his fur. "Dawnglare will decide on what we shall do with your sick." Most likely, they would go in the medicine den with the other ill cats. But if Dawnglare had listened to his suggestion, perhaps they would quarantine the ill cats with their own..? Shrugging his shoulders, Fireflypaw waited for the command of the high priest.
// mentor tag! @DAWNGLARE
Murmuring through the crowd had informed every cat in camp of the situation. Dogbite wasn't always such a nosypaw but the influx of Riverclanner's beckoned forth his attendance.

The situation was dire, and they keenly felt the weight of the circumstances that had befallen Riverclan. To be driven from their home, their leader held hostage by rogues – it was a disaster that struck at the core of their clan's existence. Catching sight of the kittens being ushered past him tugged at the warrior's heart, a stark reminder of the vulnerability they all faced.

Upon hearing Blazestar's words, he nodded and stood attentively, pushing past the fog in their mind to focus on the leader's plan. Mention of hunting was critical; Skyclan was already in a precarious situation when it came to prey, and now their clan had grown even larger with the addition of the Riverclanner's. The responsibility of ensuring that everyone had enough to eat rested heavily on their shoulders.

Sighing softly he rumbled a short reply. "Understood." They couldn't conjure up their spirit to disagree or argue. In turn Dogbite's own frail body was a mimicry of death. Leaving the splotched feline at a loss. He wasn't sure how to assure these cat's they could share. Especially when he hardly looked half fed - let alone alive.

Surveying the outskirts of the crowd they spotted a familiar scrap of fur. Raising his tail he aimed to catch the attention of his pupil with a steady wave of his tail. Intending to invite the youth along for the hunt and keep them busy in all the chaos.

A frown creased Dogbite's face as they observed the state of the battered clan. Many were injured or too weak to hunt, and the realization hit hard. Skyclan's own resources were stretched thin, and he knew that they needed to make the best of their situation.

He cast a supportive glance at Drizzlepelt, recognizing that they were both determined to do what was necessary.

In a hoarse voice, Dogbite called out to the gathered Riverclan cats, one blue eye scanning the group. "Any cat that is not too sick or injured to hunt - please speak up." His scarred face moved from one cat to another, awaiting their response.

They knew it was redundant to reiterate the leader's words but the bedraggled cat could tell most of this crowd could hardly keep their eyes open. A reminder couldn't hurt in their personal opinion.

  • ooc ; Speaking to the crowd of Riverclanners. Waving @LITTLEPAW! over to join the hunt.
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 28 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:
( ) the molly doesn't realize they are shaking until she halts within the confines of skyclan's camp and sets nettlekit down once again. exhausted fern hued eyes find the tired crystalline gaze of blazestar as he address her, and the queen will nod. "thank you, blazestar." she murmurs, her voice breaking slightly as she moves to usher her brood towards the fallen tree. at her paws, a little voice pipes up, soft and heartbreaking. tidekit's amber eyes shine with confusion and shattered hope, and willowroot chokes down yet another sob. "i know, little love," she'll attempt a rusty purr. "we're going to go get settled and everything will be figured out, okay? your mama and siblings will be here soon. c'mon, little duckling." with a soft nuzzle to her daughter's head, the molly beckons with her tail for the kittens to follow. this is the furthest any of them have traveled on paw in their lives. she notes the limping, the half-closed eyelids, and a great guilt punches her from inside.

behind her, her clanmates mill about and the leader continues speaking, but willowroot is too tired to wait and listen. a mottled molly hobbles up to her and the riverclan femme blinks thankfully. "i am grateful for it. are you one of the queens blazestar spoke of?" her voice is soft but not unkind, mere heaviness coloring her words. "could you..." she swallows, begs her voice not to break again. "could you help me get them to the nursery? they're tired." it's an understatement- tiny paws are tripping over each other, little squeaks and yawns accompanying the quiet whines of confusion from riverclan's young.

// mentioning @BLAZESTAR talked to @TIDEKIT. addressing @Mottledove. interacting with all riverclan kits.
die with memories , not dreams .
Kaede listened with as much attention as his muddled mind allowed, helm tilted just slightly to observe the unfamiliar camp. “Smells funny.” He muttered. It was not out of malice, but he supposed his words always came out not the way he intended them to. The bulky tom was familiar with the trees, living up in the mountains brought a sense of homesickness, but it was fleeting.

He didn’t enjoy remembering. It was pointless too, anyway.

A voice echoed, asking for volunteers to hunt. He wasn’t horribly injured, right? He didn’t think so. His shoulders stung, crusted with ichor that would surely take a while to get the red pigment out of his fawn-colored fur, wondering if he should see if Frond could help him get it out. “Who’s mother?” He couldn’t help but ask, staring at Fireflypaw with a crinkled expression, but directing the question to anyone. “My mother is dead.” He added, staring at the mingling cats.

Was this another one of those moments? He blinked. Perhaps. He never was good at reading things. Perhaps that was why his mother turned white with stress for her oddball of a child that no one wanted. “I’m fine.” He hummed, glancing at torn shoulders, wondering what they defined as a serious injury.
thought speech
it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
He watched the influx of cats spilling into their camp, keeping close to the sidelines with curious optics, noting battle-worn felines. He felt himself quiver, wondering just what caused them to look so … Littlepaw frowned. He thought back to the mangled bird, picturing bloodthirsty rogues lapping at intestines made his stomach queasy. Stop it. He scolded himself.

The small apprentice was glad for the distraction, padding up to his mentor. He remained silent, staring at shrunken faces and weeping wounds. He turned, unable to look at it anymore, instead letting his eyes wander. Littlepaw blinked slowly, curling a tail against his flank. He wondered if he could get a head start.
thought speech

carawaykit had the luxury of catching a ride to the border, but the walk to camp and her lack of sleep had her paws whining for rest. finally, when they all arrived a great yawn cracked her jaws, kitten teeth flashing under the moonlight. she hung closely to willowroot, practically attached to the queen's foreleg until ushered away to the nursery.

tidekit speaks solemnly, it has the tabby's ears drooping. a dream, for all the tales she could spin this being a dream was not one of them. happy things happened when she was dreaming, chasing minnows in the river or playing games with her family. this was certainly no dream. her banded tail dragged on the unfamiliar dirt below as she glanced to tidekit, mustering up the slightest spark for her littermate as a cold shiver wracked her frame. "let's go i'm cold," she urged any of the kittens nearby, just in case anyone had any thoughts on lingering in this strange place.

  • CARAWAYKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, three moons
    carawaykit is a pretty longhaired silver tabby kitten with green eyes and a lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. a highly spirited and adventurous kitten, she enjoys playing games and pushing boundaries.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblekit, tidekit, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


The sudden arrival of RiverClan has been a shock to many. Driven out of their home by rogues was a terrible business, and whilst Howlfire was touched by her father's offer to shelter them in camp, she was a little concerned how they would support so many new cats on top of their own.

Howlfire has kept largely in the nursery since their arrival, a bout of fatigue forcing her to rest. That and she was a little wary to go out and meet the new arrivals. Still, when she hears chatter outside, she rises steadily to her paws, padding out to the entrance to greet the arrivals. She recognises Willowroot from the gatherings and her gaze sweeps sympathetically over the young kits with her. "Come," Howlfire beckons with a flick of her tail. "Let's get you settled inside so you can rest."


"Stars above, you weren't lying." Johnnyflame muttered to the cat who'd gone to fetch him, tales of the entirety of Riverclan being led to their camp enough to draw the tomcat away from his current chores. A part of him hadn't believed it, but barely a few breaths later and Blazestar appeared, leading a group of ragged looking Riverclanners with him.

For a brief moment, the bobtail wasn't sure how to feel. On one hand, Skyclans own situation was dire right now, the cats not getting fed and rogues threatening their patrols whenever a group tried to go out and do anything outside of camp. Even Johnny, who never ate forest prey because it was wasted on him when he had a bowl of food waiting at home, had begun to grow lean in the passing weeks, cutting his own rations so that he could drag the rest back to camp for his starving clanmates.

His twolegs were starting to get worried.

His doubts on how they were meant to support Riverclan were brought to an abrupt halt thought at the sight of all the young cats that came flooding in among the warriors, a reminder that these were warriors that they'd be sending away if they chose not to help, but kits and queens and elders- cats that wouldn't stand a fair chance in unfamiliar territory.

Besides, Riverclan and Skyclan were friends, and you didn't cut your friends loose or leave them hanging.

"Blazestar, what can I do to help?" he asked, padding over to the ragdoll.

An ill feeling settles in Apricotflower's throat as RiverClan crosses the threshold of SkyClan camp. She's not been here in five seasons, yet simultaneously everything and nothing is the same as it was. Just a bit more overgrown, a bit more well-worn. The log that splits the camp in twain is new. Golden eyes linger on it for a moment, some quizzical frown twisting her expression briefly, before they return to their uncomfortable path across the SkyClanners' muzzles. She's yet to be called out by her kin, caught onto or noticed, but despite the feeling that prickles around her shoulders she's determined to be useful to this cause.

She should beeline for Willowroot's side, assist the SkyClan queens in herding their kittens to safety, but instead the cream-and-white molly lingers by the two conferring toms. SkyClan would need more than their queens' help in getting RiverClan settled here.

"@Smokethroat ," Apricotflower turns imploring golden eyes on their deputy, voice insistent but hopeful. Would he say no to her at a time like this? She's willing to try and find out, especially to avoid facing her mother. "I know I'm a queen, but I can try to lend a paw to our hunters. Can I?"
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

Blazestar is more than generous...

Lichentail had been none-too-sure when Smokethroat had called for retreat towards the kitty-pet loving clan. In general, Cicadastar hated kittypets and his kindness for SkyClan, equally fickle. But Cicadastar... Glancing towards Smokethroat and where he stood numbly nearby the lion-furred leader, an anxiety settled in her chest. The fish-bone crown he'd left behind was more than just a king.

Abandoning Ravensong's side, if only for a moment (Dawnglare and Fireflypaw could be trusted to care for him now, hopefully), the blue wandered towards her deputy to catch the concerns shared by their ally. Space was tight and food even scarcer than that... it was no change from the conditions they'd already been living in but without the water to hunt in... Eyes wander the crowd of familiar bodies-- they are no great land hunters.

"Feel free to send our apprentices to do other duties if they scare off more prey than they can catch... birds aren't going to be most of RiverClan's specialty..." It wasn't a great offer... but it was better than struggling through teaching their youngest, most inexperienced when times were already strained. Brows wrinkle together, growing nervous in the face of their circumstances-- how shaky the ground they stood on was.

"Thank you... Blazestar..." It is hard to swallow another crushing defeat... another full moon spent outside of their camp... Another of the kittypet king's lead warriors arrives, seeking for how he can make himself useful. Lichentail thinks she remembers his name in passing but... it is a hard name to forget... as are most of the daylight warriors'.

Maybe... their sheer charity would grant them some sort of boon from StarClan... maybe it would end up being okay here. They could be safe... they could recover...

edit to include tags;; interacting with @BLAZESTAR / @Johnnyflame
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Stars, Snakeblink is tired — heartsick and aching from the rogue he drew away from Ratpaw, his mind still reeling from the images of Cicadastar’s gruesome fate. No, not fate; nothing as final.

(He hopes Starclan will be merciful enough to wait before sending their leader back to his body. Let him not be gutted like a fish again and again, please—)

But fatigue is no excuse: he can still stand, and as long as he’s not bleeding anymore he should put his steady paws to use instead. Shoulders dropping wearily, he turns away from the kits he was watching in concern to face the warriors Blazestar had designated as their hunting guides. ”I am in good enough shape,” he tells the one with the scarred face. ”Though you may have to give me a few pointers: I am more used to—” Fishing. Yet another thing lost to the rogues: their greatest resource surrendered to the invaders. He jerks his head in a movement meaning you know what I mean, suddenly unwilling to finish the sentence.

Glancing around, he seeks out Salmonshade in the crowd. He only caught glimpses of her in the struggle, but he remembers the sight of Carppaw’s bloodied form crumpled on the ground, and her rescue of the apprentice. This image lingers in his mind as he asks the other wounded warrior, ”Would you keep an eye on Carppaw while I am gone?” After the day’s events, he is reluctant to leave his apprentice alone in the unknown territory.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • interacting with @Dogbite and @salmonshade , mentioning @CARPPAW
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 45 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


He was tired and chilled but nonetheless as fiery and temperamental as ever. Nettlekit doesn't want to sleep in SkyClan. He wants to go home. Why couldn't SkyClan just help them take RiverClan's camp back? Annoyance prickles at his paws, the thought of sleeping in an unfamiliar nursery, in a world that he did not belong. No river, no fish, no shells to play with... everything smelled bad. There didn't seem to be enough food. He was surrounded by strangers with voices he could not recognize. The boy is bristling against the chaos that slams against his tangled mind.

"I can hunt." The young kit mews out, determined. "I'm almost old enough to be an apprentice." What was a few weeks? Surely they could teach him to hunt now, right?

  • ooc : — ​

  • download20230902223302.png

    nettlekit . nettlepaw . nettle?

    — kit of riverclan
    — tom, he/him; unknown sexuality
    — two moons; ages realistically
    — born blind in both eyes
    npc x npc, sibling to bristlekit

    large in size, his paws are, perhaps, a bit too big for his sleek form. creamy fur coats his frame, marred by muddy hued stripes and milky eyes of leafy green. white splashes the tip of his tail, and each paw seems dipped in cotton.
    ↳ lynx mink with low white & green eyes

    ( + ) intelligent, determined ( / ) ambitious ( - ) callous, manipulative
    — will start fights | will end fights | will flee | will not show mercy
    — peaceful powerplay permitted

And as folks walk by, you see with your eye​

He hasn't stopped crying, tears stream down his face in an ugly waterfall as he tries his hardest to gather himself up to put back together. He (and forgive the comparison) feels absolutely torn apart, like he was the one to spill his guts across the floor. He's lucky he escaped relatively unharmed, perhaps his bad luck had taken pity on him today, or exchanged it for good luck only so they could take his leader away from him. If he'd felt like his life escaped his grasp not even months after he was born, then this situation had never been in his paws in the first place. There's nothing he could've done, just a scrappy little apprentice, and his tears fall harder.

Despite his blubbering, Swanpaw manages the trip to SkyClan some-what well. He's tired of course, who isn't, but his eyes aren't fighting to stay awake. A clumsy pawstep after another, the tom finds himself drawing further into SkyClan's camp, head spinning from the unfamiliar scents and sights. He looks for Bubblepaw in the scattered cats, needing someone familiar to him right now before he broke down completely. Loneliness tugged at his heart, he needed to do something to distract himself, so he turns and shakily marches up to Lichentail while trying to wipe his tears away. StarClan, he could never hunt birds, fish was already hard for him. The thought of learning something else... he felt faint.

"I-I can help with making nests!"
"Hold me" is repeatedly given​
  • ooc - interacting with @lichentail
  • info -
    Swanpw riverclan apprentice he/him bisexual npc x npc sibling of bubblepaw penned by catburger