camp SUBMERGED — moving into camp

He thinks of what the ragdoll's lead warrior had said, such mouthiness with a leader would've gotten you a snap of teeth and cutting words in RiverClan yet Blazestar had just ignored it; while he may have agreed that in reverse circumstances he might've had similar thoughts-in the end he was fine maintaining a friendliness with SkyClan. ShadowClan was useless, WindClan were absolutely not in the equation for clans he would give even the most marginal of pity to and ThunderClan still held Sunningrocks and as such he thought little of them. The kittypet clan was the only one he'd personally humor, his disdain for their collared daylight warriors aside. But Smokethroat had the good sense to maintain politeness, even if he was still moving through the motions of existence in a disconnected way. It felt like he was still back in their camp, watching Cicadastar be torn apart and he could not shake the horror no matter how hard he tried. The clan watched their leader fall, he watched his mate.
He needs to pull it together, he needs to do what's needed. Smokethroat inhales slowly, exhales, nods to Blazestar's description of the territory and the mention of hunting, "We've still access to the river, our warriors can utilize it to help." Lichentail approaches, speaks out of turn to offer their apprentices-he was too tired to say much about it. The worry of their apprentices scaring prey is real but he shakes his head slowly in mild annoyance-land hunting was not their specialty but they should be able to manage well enough, "Any apprentice that can't manage can be put to work elsewhere." His long orange eye settles on Dogbite and he nods, "Anyone available, follow this warrior out. Be mindful of the new territory and watch your paws." He could only help the unfamiliar place wouldn't make hunting too much of a struggle.

Apricotflower approaches and he is already steeling himself for the question, "No, please stay with Willowroot to help with the kits. We've brought quite the handful." He didn't want her alone with strangers and he didn't want to overwhelm the SkyClan queens with all the new mewling and demanding little furballs. The dark tom's gaze wanders and he is mentally counting heads again, double and triple checking cats are present and accounted for despite having done it already at the border; his pulse quickens. Smokethroat feels the lump in his throat only growing larger, colder, he can't push the anxiety fluttering in his chest down more than he already has.
Nettlekit's voice gives him a moment's break from his own frantic thoughts, "No, little one. You have a much more important job. Keeping Willowroot and Apricotflower safe and keeping watch of the other kits. That is your duty." He dips his head, nudges the brown tom slightly to get him walking to the nursery after the others before lifting his head back up closing his eye.
'Cicadastar, please....please come back. Come back to us. Come back to me.'
Would their last talk truly be an arguement, would the last time they spoke in private be full of pettiness? He hoped to the stars not.
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Despite the dire situation, Apricotflower finds great delight in the fact that Smokethroat knows her well enough to brace for her inevitable question. She can't help the small purr that escapes her throat, golden eyes narrowing slightly in delight, but as she sobers a moment later the nod she offers the black-and-white tom is genuine. "Alright then."

With heavy, purposeful pawsteps she moves towards the kits, pausing beside @Nettlekit close enough that her leg fur brushes his. He's perfectly capable at scenting her, despite the way his unseeing eyes try to focus just past her form. She admires his eagerness, determined as she to be helpful to their hosts, but it looks like they'd both have different roles to play in this moment.

"C'mon Nettlekit, let's get you settled in." She purrs, trying to focus on the little tom and not on the movements of so many cats around them. "I think I'll need your help getting everyone's nests sorted out, and maybe some of the SkyClanners will have new battle moves to teach you once we're done!"


Smokethroat is easy enough to recognize, both by scent and by voice. Nettlekit finds himself gazing sightlessly up toward the deputy, tail flicking irritably behind him as he does so. I'm not that little, he wants to reply, but he bites it back with a huff. He supposes keeping watch over the other kits did sound important, but he still wished he could hunt, or help fight off those wretched rogues stomping all over RiverClan's home.

Nettlekit's focus shifts to Apricotflower as the sensation of her fur against his draws his attention away from the deputy. His ears prick up at the idea of learning battle moves, even if they came from SkyClan. "Fine." He huffs, hiding his eagerness with a stubborn drawl. Locating Willowroot and the rest of the kits by scent, he starts the careful trek toward the nursery upon unfamiliar ground.
He has tried to make a habit of sticking his head outside his den. Just a glance— a once over for any collapsed form; a body held down by lack of breath or otherwise. He thinks it a dream when the patter of steps is not that belonging to a warrior, but an entire clan’s worth of cats, Blazestar at the head of it all. A distinct scent he only ever caught when the moon sang something special gives hints to the situation. An entire clan, this indeed was. Dawnglare may only look on in awe, for a moment.

Fireflypaw is apparently unsurprised and undisturbed. They are quick to welcome strangers into their shared den, and reduced to a tired fool, Dawnglare himself does not refute this. His tongue is caught, held on the precipice of something like anger, but oh, this sorry sort, were they truly fit for any thievery?

Of course, Dawnglare had not thought WindClan is such, watching their thin forms beneath the glow of the moon.

An unsure tick of the face, and he is resigning himself to relative quiet, eyes wide on the RiverClanners as if it is the only way to ensure that they are in fact real. He attempts to catch Blazestar’s eye, but he supposes this is a drill he can expect. " Yes… we will accommodate the sick, " he is less than enthusiastic as he says this. A wonder, that his den has cleared up only to be refilled by strangers.

  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙎𝙊 𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    —— He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    —— Currently 56 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    You may find him kinder to others than is typical, exhausted from the yellowcough blight and heart heavy in a way he has never felt.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads

XXXXXJohnnyflame’s approach is met with a welcoming dip of Blazestar’s head. “We’ll need all the prey we can get,” he tells his lead warrior solemnly. “Dogbite and Drizzlepelt are taking a patrol out, but Smokethroat is right. There’s still the river bordering our territories… perhaps take some fit RiverClanners that way. Maybe with fishing and land hunting, we will sustain ourselves.” He blinks gratefully in Lichentail and Snakeblink’s directions, then acknowledges Smokethroat’s direction with the twitch of an ear.

XXXXXIt warms him somewhat, despite the desolate situation, to see their Clans coming together. A ginger-and-white queen—stunningly familiar, though her face is gentle and unblemished by battle scars—offers her paws for hunting, to which Smokethroat directs her to care for the fuming little tabby kit near their paws. Blazestar’s whiskers twitch with amusement. “Our queens have not kitted. Mottledove’s kits are apprentices now, and both Howlfire and Butterflytuft have only just recently moved into the nursery. The help will be appreciated, I’m sure.” He blinks in a friendly way toward Apricotflower and then Nettlekit.

XXXXXA silvery-gray RiverClan apprentice offers to help make nests. Blazestar nods, brightening. “Good idea, if Smokethroat is okay with it. The RiverClanners who won’t fit in the dens will welcome that. @LUPINEPAW , show them where to find moss, please.” He flicks the smoky-pelted she-cat over.

XXXXXBlazestar just barely catches the weariness of Dawnglare’s blue gaze. He is silent for a moment before meowing, “You will need extra paws. RiverClan’s medicine cat is sick.” He is contemplative for a moment. “ @Dandelionwish , can you spare a minute to help Dawnglare?” The former WindClan medicine cat’s skills may be useful in this situation, even if it’s just an extra set of paws to wet moss or fetch herbs.

  • Sick
Reactions: DAWNGLARE


"Aye, sir. Understood." replied the Bobtail as he was given his orders, gaze then shifting to land on Snakeblink and Lichentail, who'd offered himself up for hunting as well. "You can come along with me then, if you like. Riverclan can hunt the waters, and Skyclan will hunt the trees along the bank. We'll be able to watch your backs from above in case any of those damn rogues show up."

It wasn't a bad tactic. While it was a damn shame that Riverclan had lost their camp to the bastards, their two groups coming together could be a blessing from Starclan if they played it right. They just had to be smart about it, give it time to work.

OOC- gonna make a hunting thread, I'll tag @Snakeblink and @lichentail if your good with that?

Robinpaw is a RiverClanner familiar with SkyClan’s camp, though she wouldn’t take much pride in knowing certain whereabouts such as dens and the fresh kill pile (small as it may be). She finds herself stationed between Willowroot and Apricotflower, triangular ears perked to listen to the instructions being given. Willowroot and her mother would have the kits under control, plus there were SkyClan queens who could lend a paw as well. Did that mean she should volunteer to be part of a hunting/fishing patrol? Smokethroat had told her to stay with Willowroot but for how long? And what about the elders? Robinpaw cannot recall hearing anyone volunteer to help them yet. She isn’t quite sure what is expected of her right now and she’d hate to do the wrong thing and erase all the progress she has made so far.

“What would you like me to do, Smokethroat? And, uh, Blazestar?” Robinpaw asks, making sure to include both as she felt it would be rude to address one over the other. She wants to be as helpful as possible, but she also knows them to be aware of her punishment enacted by Cicadastar and her willingness to be obedient in following directions since then.

When he was a warrior's apprentice, he had stormed this camp with his Clanmates as they defended SkyClan from a WindClan invasion. No such olive branch had been extended in turn when WindClan invaded RiverClan's beech copse camp. This was to be their reward.

Ravensong notices, far too late, that Cicadastar is not with them. In the mass of his sickness, he had failed to take note of this important fact. At once, when Lichentail leaves his side, his fur stands on end and his paws remain rooted to the ground, though he imagines himself turning back immediately and running back to their camp to find where their leader had gone. Ravensong's relationship with the mottled leader of RiverClan is rocky at best, and he feels he is unlike other medicine cats in that he does not feel an emotional bond with his leader. Cicadastar is too unpredictable, too prone to taking to swift punishment, and he still cannot forgive the blasphemous naming of a kit born in Mudpelt's blood.

He blinks and he is back in SkyClan's camp. He recognizes Fireflypaw and although the cryptic way the apprentice and his mentor speak of this "Mother" (he has no idea what it is, and he would rather die than ask Dawnglare to explain) his sunken sea-foam gaze rests on the tom who had started his ceremony at the Moonstone. Feelings still complicated run within his brain, heightened by his fever and delirium.

"There are...." The fur along his spine raises and he feels his lips curl. "Four... no... maybe five... RiverClan cats sick with yellowcough and—and—" He cannot finish his thought as he sputters into a rasping cough.

  • IMG_0250.png
    LH BLACK POLYDACTYL MALE (CARRYING CINNAMON, DILUTE) a tall, slender creature with pitch-black feathery fur, large ears, and a sharply angled skull held up in an aloof manner. smells of dried herb, speaks with a low and rumbly accent and walks with an elegant slinking gait.

    born in twolegplace and orphaned at a young age, he joined riverclan at its inception and began training as a drypaw warrior known for a bitter temperment until beesong made him his medicine cat apprentice. after his mentor's untimely death, he had been named ravensong at the moonstone, young heart revitalized with anger and guilt. he is a somber and thorough medicine cat that guards every word spoken in the confines of his den.

    secretly loves "the stars but not so much what inhabits them"
    openly suffers from chronic migraines
    single, but "it's complicated"
  • Haha
Reactions: DAWNGLARE
With controlled eagerness, they intended to step forward and accept the offer from the molly. However, his movement was halted by the words of the Riverclan deputy. Instead of interjecting, they patiently waited for another cat to come forward. They'd never felt inclined to turn away cats in need, but the prevailing silence surprised them. Fortunately, a large tom stepped up and offered assistance.

They nodded graciously to the Riverclanner. "Help is always greatly appreciated, @Snakeblink Don't worry; we'll be there to guide your way." Dogbite assured, casting a glance back at his leader, as Johnnyflame was brought into the discussion. He was very much in favor of the decision, believing that the more, the merrier. However, their attention soon shifted to the next part of the conversation, sparking an idea for the orange-blotched warrior.

Just as he was about to speak, a small apprentice beat them to the punch. With only one volunteer, and two healthy cats available, he needed to interject. "Could we take @apricotflower with us, as well as @robinpaw. If it would help any, you're welcome to come with us as well@Smokethroat? We're short-pawed but I understand you're integral to your clan's wellbeing right now." Their words held no malice or trace of disdain, only genuine urgency. Intently he looked at Smokethroat, then back into the blue gaze of @BLAZESTAR. Patiently, awaiting a response, fully aware that they would need all the cats they could get.

A lack of volunteers clearly illustrated the gravity of their current predicament, and he didn't blame any cat in the least. Glancing at the skies above, they knew that time was limited. Once more, he signaled with his long tail, ushering the chosen cats for the patrol forward. "If they can come along, we will be leaving shortly. Any cat is still welcome to join." Holding their stance beside his pupil @LITTLEPAW! , they meowed once more. Seeking approval on the chosen spot from their fellow patrol lead and Leader. " @Drizzlepelt and I will find a place between the Thunderclan border and Rockpile. Which should keep our hunting grounds from over-saturation and leave enough space for practice." In their mind, it was the perfect place to avoid stirring a fuss from other clans, rogues, or prey.

  • ooc ; All cats tagged are welcome to participate in this thread unless stated otherwise icly! Which will have a neat little prompt.

    p.p.s. Since Snakeblink directly spoke to and answered Dogbite's question, I had them answer ICLY. Feel free to retcon this for Johnnyflame's thread!

    tldr ; Dogbite asks permission to bring Robinpaw and Apricotflower. Even extending the invite to Smokethroat due to a lack of healthy volunteers. Preparing to head out. The link in OOC is the hunting thread where a fun prompt will be offered.
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 28 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:
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Reactions: robinheart
Their wayward apprentice must be surprised to be back here again, this time not of her own foolish doing and he is endeared to the immediate offer to do what she can. The tortie had been doing nothing but chores since her previous stunt, but he didn't care about her punishment right now. All paws were needed.
"Robinpaw, you may go-make sure to check in with the queens after to see if they need anything." He locks the SkyClanner with a calm stare, uncertainty in that orange eye for a moment as well as he invites Apritcotflower with them moments after he had just told her to go to the nursery. The dark tom's nose wrinkles once before he simple repeats himself but firmer, "We do not let queens hunt in RiverClan." Maybe things were different here, maybe he didn't know-either way he would just restate it. "I may join at a later time I need to ensure the rest of my clan settles and is cared for."
Turning he moves to go and assist Ravensong in getting to the SkyClan medicine cat's den, offering his shoulder in a careful nudge to encourage the other to get moving.

  • //Out! Helping Ravensong to the Medicine cat den!

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai

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Their brow furrowed at the other's firm decision. Leaving the tabby confused and silent as the black tomcat left. They want me to lead a patrol and train only one Riverclanner? A rare flash of annoyance rustled the malnourished Skyclanner's mug.

They were hardly familiar with the rules of Queen's being unable to hunt, but his leader's inquiry had encouraged him to speak up. Making Dogbite's irate expression seem ignorant to some onlookers. In his eye, a perfectly healthy cat would be utilized in an area where they were not needed, and it frazzled their nerves.

In the alley, if a cat had any family, they banded to hunt in droves. Facing off with other dwellers to win the scraps and he recalled many times when nursing she-cats would even join the fray. You're not in the alley anymore, simmer down. Taking a second to ease the sting of frustration with a deep inhale. Ribs protruding as he exhaled shaky breaths. Feeling a touch at ease, the ex-loner realized he didn't have it in him to rile up an argument.

He was unsure if it was a difference in traditions between loners and clan cats or if the Riverclan deputy held disdain, but either way, Dogbite could feel the disconnect. Seems like sharing a nest will be harder than I thought. He cast his leader an exhausted look, but still, they solemnly nodded. Intending to go through with the hunt and relying on the hope more cats would catch up later on. The Riverclan deputy had left before either of them got a chance to dispute it further, so he felt the only option plausible was to move forward.

Casting the Riverclan apprentice a small smile of appreciation, they gave their patrol the go-ahead. Shagged cheeks facing away from the dwindling crowd, as the scarred lad padded alongside Drizzlepelt.

  • ooc ; out! leaving with Drizzlepelt and their patrol.

    //edited for misreading and being a silly goose! many apologies.
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 28 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:
Everything hurt.

Carppaw had been giving basic triage to be able to make it across the river and through the forest. She was biting down on her cheek with each pawstep- half carried and half dragged through Skyclan's winding territory. She was dizzy, so dizzy, and by the time they reached the camp, Carppaw had cried at least twice in pain. Her ears flattened against her head as she slowly stepped into the camp, woozy and her chin tucked against her chest.

During the whole ordeal, with Duck Call leaving her for dead, with her mother keeping watch over her, Carppaw had found herself trying to keep up with Snakeblink. She needed to be near him, for whatever awful reason, but the achingly silent trip gave indication to just how bad Carppaw's wounds were keeping her. As he broke off to help set up patrols and what not, Carppaw's ghostly blue eyes followed him. She wouldn't whine, not in this new camp, not with these unfamiliar cats around her.

She pushed to her feet, swaying her way towards @Fireflypaw and @DAWNGLARE. A few words slipped from her mouth, eyebrows pressed together and her mouth twisted in a grimace of pain. "I want to go home." She mumbled.

// she's got a WICKED gash injury on her back- from the left side of her belly across to her right side. she's had cobwebs put on it, but she's still bleeding from the trip into skyclan's camp!


——————————————————————————————— sinkin' in your ocean
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