SUN SHINES DOWN ON ME AGAIN ;; return from moonstone.

// Dated to after this thread. He has been gifted his medicine cat name, and returns to camp to celebrate in. And.. Maybe a secret?

As he walks behind Dawnglare, guided by the faint touch of a tail against his nose, he finds that he will always follow Dawnglare just as he did in the past. He is no longer the high priest's shadow, but he is ever reverent to the strawberry and milk tom. Dawnglare had taught him all he knew, and he would continue to learn alongside him now. His tail swishes behind him as he ducks his head, the sun rising slowly on the horizon by the time they return to camp.

"We're back, everyone." He chirps happily, glad to be back in the confines of camp once more. Knowing he is safe here, where evil cannot touch him. Mothermouth was the holy place, but it wasn't invincible to the greed of others. WindClan had shown that moons ago. "I have an announcement to make." He turns to the gathering cats, shining a beaming smile towards everyone before he glances towards Dawnglare. Originally, Dawnglare had climbed the Highbranch and had announced his promotion to medicine cat apprentice, but Fireflyglow wanted to announce his upheaval on his own.

"Dawnglare has named me upon the blessings of the stars, I am to be called Fireflyglow from now on." He had been cast into the light, Mother's love embracing him all the more. The wind whispers promises of duty, of faith to him as he stands there. The sun is peaking high above the trees, casting a golden glow to his cream-and-charcoal fur. His brain is consumed by few, clarity a purification. Only one thing remains in his brain: Greeneyes, the tom with the emerald eyes that consumes his brain's every thought. He seeks out his scent, but he doesn't make it too obvious. For now, he would welcome his clanmate's congratulations. ​
  • Love
Reactions: wolfie

The return of her brother and Dawnglare does not immediately draw Howlfire's attenion; they had made the trek to Highstones together for many moons now, and the comings and going were no longer so worrisome for her.

However, when Fireflypaw calls out that he has an announcement to make, her ear pricks and she wanders over to listen. He reveals that Dawnglare had finally chosen to name, declaring him a full medicine cat,and bestowing the name Fireflyglow upon him. Howlfire stares at her brother with a newfound reverence. "Fireflyglow..." She murmured softly, almost testing the name out to see how it sounded. Howlfire thought it to be perfect and fitting, well deserved after his lengthy apprenticeship. "Fireflyglow!" Howlfire proceeded to cheer loudly.

The torbie took a few steps towards her brother, brushing her cheek against his own affectionately. "I am so proud of you, Fireflyglow," Howlfire purred. "I just know our parents were smiling down at you."

Oh, good, good news for once! Usually an announcement meant someone had croaked, or one of the other Clans had decided it was time to shatter the border with a quick kick and was about to descend on them like vultures. This, this was much better!

By now he'd gotten used to sleeping in an empty nest one night out of the moon, though it was a little harder to let go given a recent extended separation... still he'd always wondered if Fireflypaw would ever return bearing a name like everyone else's. Course, he had no idea what sort of progress he'd made, even in all those moons... but oh, Fireflypaw had been an apprentice only a little bit after he and Dawnglare had met. Yes, yes, it was a long time coming... Mallowlark grinned like a million suns upon seeing him. Pride lived there not only for the newly-named Fireflyglow, but for his mate too.

"Nyahah, congratulations Fireflyglow!" Said very grandiosely, of course. "How're you celebrating...? Oh, a big feast, I'll bet!' They could probably afford it! And- well, it would be nice to have an excuse to languish the medicine cats with gifts, but maybe he was biased on one of the accounts...

Speaking of which, he stepped forward to greet Dawnglare kindly, with a rumbling purr.

Astonished is not enough to describe how she feels in this moment. Right upon returning from mothermouth, Fireflypaw calls proudly for the clans attention. He reveals himself to be Fireflyglow now, newly named and a full medicine cat of SkyClan with the blessing of their ancestors. This was an event that’s happened never before in all of the five clans, SkyClan was the very first to have two full medicine cats.

Excitedly she hobbles forward moving to stand close to Howlfire as she greets her brother. Awaiting her turn Figfeather would speak to Fireflyglow for the first time as a full medicine cat. ”Congratulations. You’ve earned this.” Countless moons of training and hard work. She looks to Dawnglare too, as Mallowlark greets him, and dips her head. He must be proud that all of those training sessions have at last paid off. She knows she will be when it comes time for Daisypaw to get his warrior name.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Lead Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Sire to Sangriapaw & Coffeepaw
    » Mentoring Daisypaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Kurt knows of these medicine cats, having learned very early on what they did and how important they were for the Clan cats in matters medical and spiritual. He'd had half the mind to go and speak with them about the Clans' shared faith in StarClan, to learn more about it for his own gain, to compare it to what he worships and prays to - but he hasn't had the chance, and he doesn't want to interrupt important work at paw, so he's yet to see if Dawnglare or Fireflypaw would have time to speak with him about such things.

Or, rather, Fireflyglow, now, as the tom announces himself on his return to SkyClan's camp. It was a beautiful name in Kurt's opinion, and Fireflyglow seemed content with his new name as well, which was more important - later, Kurt might try and imagine what the scene was like that passed between mentor and apprentice medicine cats, but for now, he settles on appearing in the crowd and calling out, "Herzlichen Glückwunsch!"


Folded ears flicked up for a moment as Fireflypaw made his voice heard, and Eggshell held his breath. Always one to assume the worst, the whelp worried about what this announcement would be. Was the medicine cat going to another clan, like Dawnglare had? Or maybe he was stepping down entirely! Oh, that’d be terrible. The former kittypet was none too keen to approach Firefly’s off-putting mentor if he got sick.

However, Eggshellbloom was allowed to breathe once a few seconds had passed (even if they’d felt like hours), and a rare purr sounded from within a yolk-splattered throat. This promotion was quite overdue, in his opinion. Sure, Eggshell had no idea of the knowledge it took to be a medicine cat, but Fireflypaw - glow, now - seemed quite competent.

More than anything, though, Eggshellbloom was happy for his friend to finally be rid of the ‘paw’ suffix. It felt wrong - in a way - ever since the Scottish Fold had ‘bloom’ tacked on to the end of his name. For the crybaby to be labeled adept enough at his work to have a full title while Fireflypaw was left as a learner seemed a great injustice, even if their jobs were worlds apart. Ah, at least it was fixed now.

“Um - Congratulations. You earned it” The whelp muttered, voice quiet but no less filled with happiness than the others’. Speaking of, amber eyes flicked to the side as he heard Kurt call out, offering the cat a polite “B-Bless you” in response to what was clearly a strange sneeze.​
The bramble tunnel trembles with the weight of two of their greatest striding through it, throwing shivering shadows upon the well-trodden floor before it. Mismatched ears prick towards it. The dawn patrols should’ve just left, with no reason to return so quickly other than dire emergency. No urgency plagues the emerging figures though, their large heads crowned in cinnamon and bisque.

Like the others, Cherryblossom draws towards them with a curious expression. An announcement? Fireflypaw certainly looked chuffed, so it couldn’t be a portent of doom from StarClan or anything like that. Oh, Fireflyglow. It’s funny: she’d gone her whole life knowing him as Fireflypaw, stubbornly rooted in his name like Slate or Bobbie. It hadn’t occurred to her that he could change it, especially while Dawnglare remained breathing and kicking.

A smile splitting her face, she begins to cheer, ”Fireflyglow! Fireflyglow!” Does this mean we can get rid of Dawnglare now? she wonders, glancing towards the older medicine cat.

skyclan deputy | "speech." | tags
  • Angry
Reactions: DAWNGLARE
"A long time coming." Orangestar rumbles warmly, striding from her den to join her Clanmates in the camp clearing. She's used to them parting for her by now, makes no effort to slow her gait as she steps in front of the two medicine cats to pause their own pilgrimage. They're home. They'd left with no fanfare aside from the usual well-wishes, but had returned with something uniquely wonderful in tow. Fireflypaw's full name, bequeathed by Dawnglare. Orangestar wonders, privately, if his parents had borne witness as well, and spares a glance skyward. Little Wolf and Blazestar must be proud, she thinks. Maybe Morningpaw, too.

Brown eyes return once more to the thick-furred tom, no longer an apprentice, and Orangestar's expression softens just so. "Congratulations, Fireflyglow."

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw & ashpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

〕It felt strange when his big brother left camp, even if it was only for a night. Fireflypaw was a constant presence within camp ( as was Dawnglare ), always standing by to make sure that SkyClan's warriors were healthy and well. It sometimes escaped the young tom that Fireflypaw's duty was not only to SkyClan but to StarClan — the ancestors themselves. He would never know the responsibilities that the medicine cats undertook, the importance that weighed heavily on their shoulders. More than anything, to Lionpaw, Fi would always be his brother first.

The chocolate torbie is up bright and early now that he has apprentice duties to fulfill. Thankfully, Lionpaw is able to catch Fireflypaw and Dawnglare's return before he departs on the dawn patrol. Fi has accompanied his mentor to medicine cat meetings in moons past, but it seemed that this time was different — the seal point quickly announces the bestowment of his new name to the clan. He could hardly believe his ears — Lionpaw had always known him as a -paw and he had truthfully forgotten that he would have a full name one day.

Of course he would raise his voice for his kin with the utmost pride, "Fireflyglow!" The name is foreign on his tongue yet it flows like water under a bridge. Fireflyglow... like the flickering embers of a fire. Lionpaw grins widely. Blazestar would be so proud of him, he just knew it!

  • ooc.
  • LIONPAW —— apprentice of skyclan , mentored by crowsight ✦ penned by beatles
    trans male / he/they pronouns / 6 moons & ages every 9th
    single / bisexual & monogamous
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— easy combat difficulty / won't start fights, won't kill

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are ic
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 78922242_RoBq9inRj8ibOv1.png

    a longhaired chocolate torbie point with blue eyes. a silky, cream-colored pelt is adorned with chocolate points. his points are splashed with ginger spots. tabby patterns also stripe around their dark limbs and face.

✧ . He thinks he’s always held a sort of curiosity towards the events that take place under the half-moon — a gathering of medicine cats Greeneyes will never be privy to.

He supposes it can’t be much different than a regular gathering, in a way, supposes they speak as the leaders do: sharing news of their newly born and newly passed, of their sick and wounded, the herbs they used for them. Something like that, he thinks, with the Stars as their audience.

Even with Fireflypaw as his best friend, little inside knowledge is ever spared for him, usually, at his friend’s return from the Moonstone. Greeneyes respects this, respects the divergence in the paths they walk in their roles for the clan, and doesn’t dare push for more than what pieces the seal point offers to him.

Their return is a bit different this time. Preparing to gather his apprentice and depart on a dawn patrol himself, he’s stopped at the medicine apprentice’s return, that taken in stride with Dawnglare — a strength in his step that makes Greeneyes wonder if their meeting had gone well, a happy chirp in his friend’s voice that makes snow-capped paws step closer, anticipating verdant gaze warm in regards to him.

An announcement, Fireflypaw proclaims, gathering all he can for the news he bears with a bright grin that tugs at the lead warrior’s chest. No longer is he Dawnglare’s apprentice, no longer is he Fireflypaw.

Fireflyglow… “ Greeneyes softly tests his friend’s new name — foreign on his tongue, but just right for the tom. Bright and shining, just like them — golden-cast in sunlight now, and far past and prior to this moment.

He looks to the new medicine cat with gleaming eyes. His best friend, his Fi — something churns in his chest at the sight of him. Pride, he chalks it up as, sweeps it under a name only partially correct. “ Fireflyglow! “ Greeneyes moves forward to greet him, a nudge of a snow-masked maw against a cream-swept shoulder made in familiarity, in pride and pride and pride.

Congratulations, Fi, “ he meows, knowing how hard he’s worked for this. His own chirping tones are soft as he corrects himself, “ Fireflyglow. It suits you. “​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    GREENEYES AMAB. He / Him. Lead Warrior of SkyClan.
    ✧ . A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ✧ . Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ✧ . Mentored by Sheepcurl ; Mentor to Fluffypaw, formerly Falcongaze
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack
Sitting at the edge of the growing crowd, a tired Dogbite watched the excitement unfold as Fireflyglow announced his new name. The pale feline had always been dedicated, and this promotion was well-deserved. Pride filled the lead warrior's chest as he observed.

"Congratulations, Fireflyglow!" Dogbite called out, their voice firm but hoarse. They didn't rush forward like the others. Thoughts wandering briefly to personal challenges faced, which seemed minuscule compared to the whirlwind of a medicine cat's life.

The idea of speaking with the stars sounded fantastical, but the ghostly ancestors had proven themselves real the longer he stayed with Skyclan. The details of Fireflyglow's travels were something Dogbite yearned to hear about.

As the cheers grew louder, the cinnamon and white tabby decided to join the hype. Stirred up by what felt like both Cherryblossom and Lionpaw. Shuffling in beside Greeneyes, they beamed a small smile at his friend. "You’ve absolutely earned this." They mewed sweetly, nodding in approval.

Glancing around, the tabby noted the joy in his clanmates’ faces. It was a rare moment of genuine happiness, something to be cherished deeply. Eggshellbloom's comment caused his nose to crinkle with bemusement. In these fleeting moments, the weight of all their struggles seemed to lighten.

Dogbite allowed himself a moment of bliss, relishing the honor of being present for the newly named Fireflyglow.

  • ✧ LH cinnamon tabby high white blue eye
    npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; mentor to hollypaw
    ✧ 35 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
The first to stroll over is his sister, smelling so familiar and welcoming that he leans into the affectionate brush of her cheek against his own. He nuzzles her happily, her words like relief washing over him. To know that he had made her proud, as well as their parents and family above proud of him.. He could finally take a breath of air. Milky blues blink in surprise as she begins to chant his name, others soon joining her.

"It means the world to me to hear you say that, little sister.." Fireflyglow admits with a soft, gentle smile. His voice croaks as he speaks, wavering with emotion. His tail waves happily behind him, his head lifting from his sister's own to peer towards the others as they saunter over. His name is chanted loudly, proudly; they were never ashamed of him, never having judged him for his lineage. Not once did any of his clanmates judge him for being part ThunderClan, never once did they shove him out of the way with cruel words because of his father's kittypet lineage. Never once did they bully him, and though he cannot see it, they now look upon him with newfound pride and excitement.

He instinctively looks back towards Dawnglare, listening as Mallowlark congratulates him before joining his mate's side in support and admiration. He lowers his head in reverence to the high priest, gratitude in his ghostly pale eyes. "I wouldn't have come this far without you, Dawnglare. Thank you." He rumbles deeply, lifting his head as Figfeather praises him; telling him that he deserves this. There used to be doubt in his heart when somebody would tell him those words, but now there was a wholeness inside of him that fills with happiness. He dips his head to the lead warrior in thanks, smiling up at her with a shininess in his eyes that makes it look as if he might cry from the joy he felt.

Mallowlark questions him, asking if he might have a feast. "I.. Do not think that it is necessary to have a feast." He laughs softly, grinning at the stark-white and black tom. "I only wish to share tongues with everyone and tell the stories of my adventures so far. If that is fine with everyone here?" He suggests with a wave of his charcoal tail, sweeping it over soft grassy grounds. Nightcrawler arrives, speaking words he does not understand- but he smiles nonetheless, laughing softly when Eggshellbloom mutters a confused 'bless you' to the tom. He snorts, shaking his head. "I am thankful to all of you, as well. Please leave your trust in me from now on." He chuckles, lifting his massive paw to touch his chest in gratitude. He leans forward, butting heads gently with Eggshellbloom. His friend had helped him learn new things, and had trusted him even when he barely knew what he was doing when he was experimenting with dock. With that trust, Fireflyglow knows he would never betray the anxiety-riddled tom. Nor any of his other clanmates, in fact.

The chanting of his name continues, Cherryblossom joining into the shouts and cheers as she smiles towards him. He dips his head in respect to the deputy, waving at his face with a paw as a flustered feeling overcomes him. Embarrassment, a happy kind. "C-C'mon, you guys.. You're gonna make me cry." He laughs softly, his throat tightening as another wave of strong emotions wash through him. Orangestar's voice cuts through the rest, and Fireflyglow makes a point to trot closer to her, lowering his hulking head to gently nuzzle his cheek against her own. Since his father died, she had become like an aunt figure to him, watching over him and caring for him. She had always kept her words simple, to the point- but Fireflyglow knew that she was proud of him, she didn't even need to say it. A nagging feeling soon fills him as he touches her, an unfamiliar feeling- his brain registers it nearly instantly, however. Eight flames, flickering and strong. He blinks, pulling back to look blindly towards Orangestar with a strange stare of knowing. She had eight lives left, and he would do everything to keep her alive through the seasons. He couldn't avoid the inevitable, but he could help to keep her safer; preventing illness, healing any wounds to prevent infection. He fixates her gaze with a look of reassurance, before his attention moves away.

His little brother arrives to chime out his name in celebration, and Fireflyglow smiles happily down at his little sibling. He is a combination of Blazestar and Bobbie, a culmination of love just as he himself was. In the shining light of the sun, his kind eyes shine with a resemblance to Blazestar. He was the tom's eldest child, and he swore to protect all of his family in honor of his father's legacy. He leans down, affectionately nuzzling his little brother's cheek with his own, his massive paw lifting up to ruffle the top of his head with a grin. "Isn't your big brother just so cool, Lionpaw?" He teases with a bubbling feeling of pride inside of him, his paw lowering to the ground.

Dogbite's voice carries in the wind, charcoal ears twitching in happy recognition. He nods in greeting to the other tom, mutual respect reflecting in his shining, pale eyes. He leans forward, bumping his head against the tom's in friendly gratitude. The lead warrior had become a close friend of his, as had the rest of his clanmates. Everyone here was like family to him, family that he had sworn himself to love as his own kin. "You have my thanks for the kindness you all have shown me." He turns to the rest of his clanmates, his eyes softened with admiration for everyone present. There is no sorrow for his ThunderClan blood beneath his skin, he had made the right choice- and the stars had rewarded him in kind for it.

A voice melds into the excitable and loud cheers of his new name, a voice that his brain picks up instantly out of the crowd. His head snaps to turn to the direction of it, the smell of clover and pine overwhelming his senses as a frosted nose presses into his shoulder. He freezes for a moment, his heart rate spiking at the familiar scent, a favorite of his since kithood. Greeneyes and Fireflyglow had grown up together, been closer than anyone else since they were young enough to train together before he had become Dawnglare's apprentice. His tongue feels dry as Greeneyes says his new name; his heart throbbing painfully in his chest. There is a certain selfishness inside of him that aches to allow himself to embrace the intense love for the tom before him. Once upon a time, Fireflyglow had convinced himself that he couldn't permit himself to love anyone openly. He had loved his best friend from a distance for moons upon moons, secretly and painfully mourning the loss of a love he felt that he could never have. His heart squeezes again at the thought.

In an act of rebellion against his own self-promise, his own long-term resilience against his feelings- Fireflyglow leans in and wraps a large paw around the back of Greeneyes' neck. His claws withdraw, not sinking in but instead weaving through the long orange and white fur until it rests just under Greeneyes' chin. He pulls Greeneyes' emerald gaze to his own, then presses his forehead to his best friend's, his voice hoarse with emotions that threatened to flood over and consume him. "Thank you." He says softly, words spoken only for Greeneyes. His nickname warms his closed-off heart, cracking open the door and filtering in the light of intense love and admiration he felt for the other tom. Dark eyelashes flutter open, intense blue eyes staring sightlessly into Greeneyes' own. He holds his gaze, summoning up the courage needed for this moment. "When you return from your outing with your apprentice, meet me by the river near the Sandy Ravine." He whispers softly, blinking slowly. "I'll be waiting for you when the moon reaches it's peak." He pulls back finally, their moment of intense closeness ended momentarily. His clanmates could clearly see that something was going on, but he doesn't give them a peek into his own thoughts just this once. Possessive over his feelings, selfishly holding onto them until he could confess them to the other tom when they were alone, only the moon above in witness to their shared moment tonight. All his life, he had lived in service to the cats around him- just this once, he would allow himself to be selfish.

When he turns back to his clanmates, it's as if the intimate moment between the two best friends had never happened. He smiles towards his large family, gesturing over to a throng of long grass not too far from them. "Shall we share tongues? I have much to tell all of you.." He grins, tail sweeping behind him. This was his home, and he never once doubted that he belonged here. Now, he was a pillar of the clan- and he wouldn't be disappointing anyone here. Their trust in his abilities were well-founded, and he would forever do his best to match their expectations of him.​
  • Love
Reactions: ABRI

✧ .You worked so hard for this, “ Greeneyes’ congratulations continue, and, in a moment where warmth is meant to surround Fireflyglow, it surrounds Greeneyes instead. A large paw shadows the back of his neck, claws a pin-prick of surprise as they catch his fur in hardly a means of harm. His heart thuds against his chest with sharper strikes than the medicine cat’s claws could ever.

His place against Fireflyglow shifts suddenly at the tug of the seal point’s paw, and the ginger tom is faced with his friend’s pale, sightless gaze. Meet me, he tells Greeneyes in what little space remains between them. Forehead against forehead — can his friend hear his heartbeat from here? Can he hear how fast it beats now, now that they’re so close?

Too close.

Does Dawnglare see? Does the High Priest’s scornful gaze watch on, judgmental blues piercing into the back of his fur in an attempt to set him aflame?

( And does Greeneyes care? )

Meet me, Fireflyglow says, By the river, near the Sandy Revine. Greeneyes doesn’t know why, doesn’t know what for, but importance stands in his soft words. Significance. Words meant for only them, only Fi and Minty.

O-Okay, “ Greeneyes croaks out, his acceptance of their impending meeting wavering with confusion, “ Okay, I’ll… I’ll see you then —

And then the moment is over, this sudden closeness between them. And Greeneyes takes a breath — one held, caught in his throat. “ I’ll see you then. “ he says once more, a whisper in comparison to Fireflyglow’s move to share tongues with their other clanmates. A moment to celebrate: his moment to celebrate.

A warm smile pulls at his maw as he watches for a second longer before he steps back, away from the party and toward the apprentice den to collect Fluffypaw for the day.

Moonhigh can’t come soon enough.​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    GREENEYES AMAB. He / Him. Lead Warrior of SkyClan.
    ✧ . A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ✧ . Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ✧ . Mentored by Sheepcurl ; Mentor to Fluffypaw, formerly Falcongaze
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack