take your share | earthworms

  • Thread starter Thread starter BRISTLE
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The smell of fresh churned earth is strong and it only gets stronger the closer that someone gets to the tom's location. He's been digging for a good minute now because he is hunting for the clan. Hunting for this Thunderclan that he now serves and he figures that everyone has to eat so he can bring back some delicacies. Right, right. He is sure that they will enjoy this and a smile has pulled his dirt caked muzzle wide. Paws fling dark earth behind him as he sniffles along the ground and he pushes at it with his snout. Suddenly his body stiffens and a loud sneeze leave his jaws before he shakes his head and a meager showing of annoyance flicks across his gaze. "I know you're in there. I can smell you." The dark colored tom picks up on his digging, ferociously scooping dirt out of his way as he tunnels through the earth. It takes a moment and a small second of widening the whole before he comes upon what he has been looking for. "Eureka, I found them!" He grins like a child who just got candy as he starts to pull the worms out of the ground.

The bundle lays squirming and wiggling at is paws and he seems quite pleased with himself, now he can take his catch back to camp. He is sure that they will love these as a good meal and he picks up the worms to begin his trek back to camp.

Tybalt was also on his way back to camp, with a freshly caught squirrel between his jaws. It was about all he could smell, and the young tom didn't realize Bristle had come up just behind him until he turned his head. His fur prickled as he saw the wriggling mass in the newcomer's mouth. His face contorted with disgust for a moment, and he let out a quiet huff before speaking.

"You know you don't have to keep eating stuff like that," he said. "ThunderClan has plenty of prey." It was the closest to nice he'd been to any of the other clan cats since his arrival. His own memories of eating similar things had softened him slightly to the other tom. He looked down at his catch, which he had set down to speak. "We could share if you want."

Trufflepelt too danced upon the earth with the purpose of hunting, purposeful paws making their way home. Finally, he was learning the territory... and every nook that committed itself to his memory only made his heart more full, and convinced his mind even more of the fact he was meant to be here. ThunderClan was the home he was always meant to find, and here was where he had been called to finally realise his destiny... he did not know that, on this homely pilgrimage, he would meet so many wonderful characters! And this one- though he could not remember his name- was no different, with a mouthful of earthworms.

Trufflepelt's expression promptly shifted to one of boundless, glowing surprise and interest. "Those beasts, that lurk beneath the dirt," he murmured, enthralled, though that was no way to start a conversation. Tybalt- Stagpaw?- spoke, offering his catch, though... the tall tom wondered, did worms not count as prey? They were spurred from the earth by grasping jaws, just as squirrels were. "I have never tried them. Do you not wish to give it a go?" It was a wispy, whispered urge, but his conviction that he had made a point was clear.
( ✧ ) He made no attempt at prey - he knew better than to embarass himself here. Even amongst the lowly in this clan, he had a scrap of dignity to maintain. He was hear for fresh air, a cleared head... Of course, he never got such a thing amongst Thunderclan's residents. An Abrupt stop had lead into far too many moments of standing still, listening to nothing but the scraping of dirt for what felt like moons. Their search seems to suddenly conclude with a triumphant cry and the shuffling of dirt.

Blinding Star strains his ears, hopelessly looking to decipher the situation. What exactly classified as stuff like that? Beasts that lurk beneath the dirt was another paltry sort of explanation. "You enjoy speaking in riddles, huh?" he mutters. He's sick to death of this old man. "Please don't tell me you're feasting on insects like you're desperate in leaf-bare."