TELL ME IF IT'S REAL — pre-gathering chatter


XXXXXA ripe silver moon reaches its zenith just as two Clans’ worth of cats enter the clearing. Raccoonstripe normally would be proud to follow Flycatcher and sit at the base of the Great Rock with the other deputies, but his pride weighs on him like stone. His mother is ill, WindClan infests their territory along with the rogues, and the journeying cats have now been gone one full cycle of the moon.

XXXXXOne moon since Nightbird has left, since all of them have left, and things in the forest have only deteriorated.

XXXXXCats may start to think we’re allied with WindClan if we aren’t careful,” he says lowly to his nearby Clanmates. “Be smart about what you tell others about our situation. ThunderClan remains strong, no matter what.” He flicks his tail, watching ThunderClan cats stream into the clearing, and then goes to take his place where the deputies sit. There will be few of them present tonight, he realizes—Orangeblossom and Smogmaw are still adrift somewhere in the mountains.

open for interactions!
Carefully, she maneuvered through the flow of cats and followed the familiar striped back of Raccoonstripe. Her own pelt a ghostly pale in the moonlight as she slipped through the throng. Being one of the few Thunderclanners fit enough to travel, put the molly on the move. It wasn't all that long ago her battered side had been a real hindrance. Now it was nothing more than an achy scar. A reminder of the depravity in Rogues and the determining factor in all of their circumstances.

It hadn't been long since she crossed paths with the bleeding Sootstar at their borders, and now they had to pretend not to even associate.

She frowned to herself at the instruction but maintained a polite nod. Unwilling to go against the grain when so much was at stake. Hopefully, she could catch a good conversation to distract her wandering mind from the chaos. Yet, she strongly doubted it. Taking her seat anyway, she looked around the clearing, trying to spot any fellow warriors.

//Open to interactions
//Edited out all the typos
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It is his very first gathering, and Falconpaw finds himself walking slower and slower as they approach the clearing where the clans all meet. Each step feels like a step closer to his doom—but it shouldn’t. It’s been a month since his mother and Stormpaw and Little Wolf set out on their journey to find lungwort, so surely they should be returning sometime soon. Maybe they’ll even return tonight, while the moon is full and the clans are all gathered in one place. And they’ll return to find Flycatcher in Howlingstar’s place, at that; Falconpaw can’t help but feel proud of his father for even standing in the leader’s position for one night. It must be so nerve-wracking, standing up there in front of everyone…

He turns to look at Raccoonstripe as the older tom speaks, nodding along with the sentiment. ThunderClan remains strong. Even though Howlingstar is sick, their clan is powerful. WindClan came to them for help when their home was overrun by rogues. There is no reason for him to be so nervous to be here. No one will cause trouble tonight, and his father will speak in place of the leader, and Flamewhisker and Stormpaw and the rest of their clanmates will return by sunrise. He’s sure of it. With a small, shaky smile directed at any cat who passes by, the cream tabby settles into a position where he can easily see Flycatcher through the rest of the gathered cats.

// open to interactions
[ find me way out there ]
" if." Moonwhisper's tone does not suit her name, uttered in a snappish tone that was perfectly audible to any who might listen, "We should've left them to wallow on the rogue-infested moors." What did it matter to ThunderClan if Soostar's dynasty crumbled? The tortie point shared only one thing with her father and that was an absolute hatred for the swift-running cats of the moors and she could care less if that entire clan simple ceased to exist. On strong legs she keeps moving forward swiftly, not pausing to wait for a reply from her former mentor as he moves to take Flycatcher's usual place. With Howlingstar sick the clan was struggling for authority and it only reminded her with more intensity that her brother had been picked over her to help fill that void. Somehow knowing he was regarded more highly than her by their grandmother was more infuriating than knowing the other member of her council unable to help was a kittypet. It felt as if ThunderClan was constantly taking losses from that wretch Sunnyday getting to walk off scottfree to her family being forced to train useless apprentices with weak bloodlines.

  • Open to interacts!

  • 60846013_mcsSS02q03TbaFs.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH Tortiseshell point w/ice blue eyes
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai

Gatherings are nothing new to Drizzlepelt, and yet this one definitely feels different from those prior. He hadn’t joined the one where those journeying had left, so seeing it that much more empty…it’s uncanny. Even as him as well as some other SkyClan cats, as well as some of RiverClan had walked side by side to join the other three, it felt like everything was so much more hollow. Seeing so little ThunderClan and WindClan cats just emphasizes his feelings. Things really aren’t the same. Would they ever be?

His first instinct is to look for Mosspaw amongst the crowd, but he’s reminded that she is one of the cats who had left a moon ago now. He would have conversed with her on the way here if she was amongst her clan anyways. His tail falls for a brief moment as he ponders what all will come to life during this gathering, trying to ignore his sadness. Would Blazestar reveal that they’re housing RiverClan? He doesn’t see a reason not to, but he wonders how the other clans will react.

// OOC : Open to interactions! He’s lost in thought as per usual

If she thought that living with SkyClan was strange then traversing their territory to get to the gathering was even stranger. She looks at everything with pensive eyes. So many trees here.... how did they not get lost within their own home? A question for another time... She much prefers the winding river that snakes through their territory, the wetlands thar span the place she calls home. She misses the willows that sway softly in the breeze, that reach for her with gentle tendrils and coax her into peaceful respite after a long day of work. For now though she is content for at least one thing that is familiar, unchanged, and that is four trees.

Her excited paws carry her swiftly into the gathering space. Any cat that knows her would be able to see the emotion on her face and they may be confused. Rare was it for her to wear a smile but that is just what is there as she plunges into the hollow. "I am going to go mingle" she tells her mentor quickly before taking over, weaving herself through the throng of cats, her eyes searching for one patchy black and orange pelt in particular.

  • ooc : — briefly interacting with @lichentail looking for @skypaw but open to other interactions! ​

  • 69166767_W29VveJbx7B3cGv.png

    ➵ she / her
    ➵ riverclan apprentice
    ➵ single
    ➵ bisexual
    ➵ a tall, long legged blue tabby and white she cat with a plumed tail and blue eyes, the left one containing a burst of yellow
    ➵ toyhouse [ ]

Honeydapple's curious eyes eventually settled on the spotted back of a Skyclanner, just a rabbit hop or two away. The tom appeared somewhat distant as his eyes roamed over the assembly of cats, who were murmuring and finding their places. It was disconcerting to see so few cats, but she made an effort to push such thoughts aside.

Moving closer to the distracted tabby, she gently aimed a tap of her tail at his shoulder and talked with a softened meow. "Hello, are you looking for anyone in particular?" The question was innocent, and her aged lids conveyed kindness. "I can help if you'd like." She offered, unaware of Drizzlepelt's inner thoughts. Nonetheless, a small part of her felt a desire to uplift his spirits.

Withdrawing her tail, she positioned herself more comfortably. Wide-set head facing directly at Drizzlepelt, while she oriented her front paws toward the towering trees, signaling casual approachability.

With a warmed smile across her tinted cheeks, the Thunderclanner spoke once more. "I'm Honeydapple, and you are?" The stout molly waited patiently for his response. Blue gaze searching for an opportunity to lighten the suffocating atmosphere.

OOC; Interacting with @Drizzlepelt

Harrierstripe only has attended one gathering prior to this, and it was the gatheing he was announced to the clans as a full warrior. In his early apprentice moons he had been sour not to be called forth to attend with Firefang, but now he was silently content with his rare appearances at the gathering. Perhaps it was the fighting with the rogues and sleeping in foreign territory, but Harrierstripe finds it difficult to muster energy for the event. He looks up at the stars, instead of wondering if his ancestors stared down at him, he wonders how quickly time will pass so that he can get to his nest.

He looks to Moonwhisper, her tone blatantly audible in response to a comment he had not heard. Instead of getting angry at it he snorts back laughter, ”Probably should’ve.” he agrees with an irritating grin. Harrierstripe knows if he was Howlingstar he would’ve turned WindClan away. The forest clan’s sense of justice was hare-brained and would eventually turn back around to bite them.
  • >> very briefly interacting with @Moonwhisper , but he’s still hanging around and hasn’t disengaged
  • » Harrierkit . Harrierpaw . Harrierstripe
    » WindClan Warrior
    » He/him
    » A black and chocolate chimera with golden eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe who uses jeers and jaunts to distract his opponents.
    » Excels in using terrain to his advantage.
    » Fights to outwit and see another day.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
your entire existence gives me a headache, go stand over there .
“Dreadful atmosphere, don’t you agree?” He mused, bulky frame slipping into the clearing in search of nothing particular, or perhaps, something to curse his boredom. Fogbound wasn’t thrilled, but it didn’t stop him from following his comrades ( his stomach churned at the implications ) to watch battered cats mill about, some far too gone within their heads to be here, but it wasn’t the smokey tom’s decision.

His mischievous ruby optics glistened, grinning devilishly as he scoured the fortress, idly tapping his claws against the ground. “It seems not everyone was spared.” He hummed, uncaring who heard while slipping around others until he settled with a hum of approval. With a healing gash from shoulder to flank and far bulkier than the average WindClanner, Fogbound made himself at home, tucking a bushy, well-groomed tail around his paws as he waited for nothing in particular.

/ open for interactions !
thought speech

Petalnose was honored to be chosen to serve as deputy for the gathering's temporary postion. There wasn't any sort of anxiety stretched across her face, merely glancing over her shoulder and keeping an eye out on her clanmates. Calm exterior and confidence made it look as if they weren't within their troubling situation. A glance around towards the other clan made her wonder, it peaked questions if the rouges would take another camp just as cruelly and easily as they took Riverclan. She made a mental note that Windclan had seemed to arrive too closely with Thunderclan, a slight narrow of her eyes in suspicion before she turned her attention to her apprentice, @STARLIGHTPAW ; "Have a seat somewhere, don't try to mingle much with those two. Remember, gatherings are a neutral environment by the command of the stars... I'll be sitting with the deputies tonight if you need me."

As she shifted to move to go take her place, Petalnose had glanced to see if there was a familiar face among the deputies. She had remembered Racconstripe from their tensed but humourous interactions. It was just as odd to see him there as it was for her being there. Was Thunderclan's leader attacked too? The tabbied molly decided not to press questions and stayed silent as she sat up formally, tipping her chin high.

Despite her previous feelings for the clan gatherings, she was more grateful to go this time. It was an excuse to get away from the other clan for a moment and be within their own in a way. She had the opportunity to guide and watch over her clan, which was something she had seemed to do so naturally.

// Speaking to @STARLIGHTPAW and quick glance towards @RACCOONSTRIPE

Open to interactions!!

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Reactions: Cricketchirp
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

The moment Dipperpaw tries to part from her side the blue tabby grows apprehensive, watching the younger molly move with an airy confidence that suited her cool disposition- it was a sharp juxtaposition to the mentor that feared for her, that watched her go and couldn't be helped from muttering a nervous, "Be careful..." Though the clans always met under these trees with a banner of peace, there were more than just their numbers sweeping the forest now...

Could the rogues outnumber even more of them now, did they grow and expand like a festering infection in the over-run camp? WindClan moves in tow with the forest-loving thieves and she wonders if it's more than just her camp that lost itself to strangers with cruel smiles and wicked claws...

Petalnose moves by to take her seat, an honorary position tonight as they gather without the fishbone king to guide them. Her eyes travel towards Smokethroat, where he lingers with so much rigidity in his body a stiff breeze could blow him over. He was thinking about it too (had he ever stopped thinking about it... about Him?) and she desperately wished she had any sage advice or kind reassurances to give but words were not her strength and never had been... she'd be a fool to stumble through a conversation with him when he did not have the energy to pick apart her intent or meaning.

Someone else mutters with an indignant sense of frustration and the lead warrior can't help but wonder what seething was hiding under the placid faces of the other clans. "What's wrong with the moors," it is not really necessary to be repeated... Moonwhisper had not been shy with her volume... but all the same, Lichentail would not pass up the opportunity to hear more about just how unwell Sootstar's clan of mad hares was faring (it was a relief, in part, knowing they would not have to fight both rogues and WindClan to get back home someday).

We just need to get a little stronger again...

"Howlingstar is not here to preach her generosity... I hope yellow-cough has not found her as its newest friend."

--- briefly speaking to @DIPPERPAW , interacting with @Moonwhisper
The spotted tom wasn’t expecting anyone to actually approach him, as he’s always found himself to be ignored in favor of more sociable cats. When a tail brushes against his fur, his hairs stand up for a moment before he recomposes himself, turning his attention to the one demanding his attention.

It’s an older ThunderClanner who’s he’s never seen before. She asks him if he wants helps finding Mosspaw, and gets a little embarrassed someone actually saw him looking. “Ah, thanks for the offer, but it was something I did on impulse. She’s on the journey anyways, so there’s no chance she’s here,” he says lightheartedly.

The tortoiseshell point introduces herself as Honeydapple, and he returns her warm smile with one of his own. “I’m Drizzlepelt! Nice to meet you, Honeydapple. I’m a SkyClan warrior. I didn’t go to the last gathering, so it’s nice to be back.” Even with how little faces there are, it’s nice to get out of SkyClan territory every once in awhile.

// OOC: Responding to @honeydapple
✦  .   ˚ .   Allied with WindClan. How terrible a thing to be. Once Sunstride had thought them to be StarClan's chosen. The marks on his chest, proof of loyalty. Strength. His worth to the night sky. And to Sootstar. Now he does not know what he is. To her, or to any. Sunstride walks into this gathering a shell of what he had been, hollowed out with uncertainty. Though there is strength in the way his pale eyes scour the other clan cats, his heart speaks something very different. They have lost their home. Their pride. And now they are to come here and show themselves anyway. He cannot blame Sootstar for the moons past, where she had not wanted to walk into this clearing. StarClan had sent their strongest to the mountains and allows them to be driven off now. What place does he have there? What place does WindClan?

Now is not the time for his worries. He peels the thoughts from his mind and chases down the footsteps of ThunderClan's acting deputy, a half-familiar tom who he has not yet grown to hate. Few warriors here truly deserved his irritation. That is something to be grateful for. "It seems that we are not the only to come with another clan. I wonder if they have fared as badly. We are missing more faces than the mountains have taken from us."

  • OOC. talking to @RACCOONSTRIPE !
    ——  a tall auburn tabby with thick fur and bright glacial eyes. sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond it, with fur that flames red and deepens to a burnt amber with every stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of them. he radiates confidence and self-assured authority.

  • "speech"

XXXXXMoonwhisper’s derision earns a tempered glance from Raccoonstripe. In truth, he does not disagree with his former apprentice—WindClan would raze them to the ground before allowing them to share their own territory, had the situation been reversed. Still, his mother is leader, not him, and while Raccoonstripe would have played the game a little differently, it is not his place to question Howlingstar’s decisions, kind-hearted or not. “Play nice,” he reminds Moonwhisper with a wink. “To the best of your ability, anyway. I want no scuffles under the full moon.

XXXXXHe lifts his tail in greeting as Sunstride takes his rightful place beside him at the base of the Great Rock. The marbled tabby looks to where another group joins Fourtrees—and Raccoonstripe’s eyes widen in surprise. As he says, SkyClan and RiverClan enter together, all of them looking thin and worn, but especially the swimming cats. Smokethroat does not sit with Sunstride and himself, but Petalnose, and the tabby tilts his head. “I wonder too. Shall we ask?” He turns boldly to the tabby and white she-cat, eyeing her new battle scars. “RiverClan has a deputy on the rock, too, and a lead in his place. Petalnose, is it? Why have you come here with SkyClan?” He smiles. “Cicadastar finally cashing in on that kittypet alliance of yours?

interacting with @Moonwhisper , then with @SUNSTRIDE and @Petalnose
  • Haha
Reactions: Petalnose
Sprucepaw had been a kit in the moon prior, so she had not been of the few to send off the journeying cats. At most, the she-cat noticed how some cats had not returned from the gathering, and in the weeks in between learned what had happened. A part of her wonders if it'll happen again (would Chilledstar send more cats into the unknown, if it meant saving them all?) Oh, well, maybe it doesn't matter that much.

She approaches a ThunderClan apprentice, tail curling upwards. "Hi! I'm Sprucepaw," she chirps, not quite sensing the unease from the pale furred tom, "This is my first gathering," she admits soon after.

[ talking w @FALCONPAW. :3 ]​
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Walking in beside the moor cats fills him with unease, and traveling without Howlingstar makes him feel worse. What if the WindClanners left behind attack her? Surely their kittens have their claws already sharpened, given how unruly many of their cats are. Skypaw almost wishes he had stayed home, if only to protect his mentor - his chest thumps with disgust as he knows firmly why he's decided to tag along to the gathering anyways.

He spots her easily; her fur glistens like the river with the moonlight. She's smiling, softly, and Skypaw can't help the slight upturn of his expression as well. "Hey," he beckons Dipperpaw, pulling from the crowd to intercept the she-cat. Her scent isn't what he remembers it to be, however - in fact, it smells too closely to that of a different border. He notices the shift in the air, how many of the RiverClan cats don't boast their normally fishlike smell.

"What happened with you?" his voice is curt, though not entirely unfriendly. Why must she smell like SkyClan, of all places?

[ talking w @DIPPERPAW ! ]​

It seemed she had caught attention as she had expected, her slits for pupils falling upon Racconstripe again at his question. "Can you take a good guess?" Irritation was quick to spark in her tone but there was an urge of amusement within which wasn't hard to find through her gaze. Funny, this Thunderclanner was.. and it was prevalent he was annoying in her eyes. Her scarred face surfaced a hint, she was sure the same misfortune fell upon Windclan as well. He was merely picking at her buttons she thought, maybe he actually knew the truth. Petalnose hadn't tried to show emotion towards the second poke of question, however, there was a stiffening of her muscles at the mention of her leader's name. "Smokethroat will tell. Besides, why would you want spoilers when the gathering is about to start? It'd make it more boring if I tell you now. Hm?" she hummed with a quirk of her brow. "Seems like Thunderclan has a friendly neighbor too... I'm excited to see what this Fly guy has to say."

// Speaking to @RACCOONSTRIPE and still open for more interactions :3


His very first gathering is upon him now, a milestone he hadn’t even thought about amid the excitement of other apprenticeship-led freedoms up until recently. Still, he’s excited all the same as a new area to explore unlocks before his eyes. Sun-shadowed fur bursts onto the scene, the apprentice racing past Chilledstar as he approaches the Fourtrees with a glinting gaze.

Woah —” Screechpaw is awestruck at the bustling gathering grounds, his paws staggering to a stop as he takes in the sight. There’s plenty of new faces here, scents mingling together - albeit more than Screechpaw’s aware is normal - as cats of all clans speak to one another. He’s meant to do the same, right?

Swiftly, the child turns, locking eyes with the nearest unfamiliar face he can find. “Hey!” he calls to the new face in an effort to grab their attention, a sharp toothed grin upon his face. “Hey, you! What’s your name?
  • // open to interactions!
  • 70927217_Pt9pw7V8M5Nsv4Q.png

    SCREECHKITSCREECHPAW, Apprentice of ShadowClan
    — Forestshade x Vulturemask
    — AMAB; He/Him
    — A black/red tabby chimera tom with mismatched green eyes.
    — Mentored by Chilledstar
    — "Speech"; Attack

    : * — His loud entrance into the world bestows upon him a name apt for the path the tom forges. As the troublemaker of his unknowingly half-clan litter, Screechpaw is bound to be known for his curiosity-led escapes and poor attendance as he steps foot into his apprenticeship.

XXXXXPetalnose is as friendly as ever, which causes Raccoonstripe’s muzzle to crinkle into a wicked smile. “I’m a pretty good guesser,” he admits, looking to Sunstride with amusement. “And my guess is that RiverClan is making friends… hopefully better than WindClan is. Sad to say, Sunstride here is the friendliest they come over there.” He gives the moorland warrior a faux-apologetic glance before sifting in his seat.

XXXXXI’ve never minded spoilers, but we can change the topic, gladly. How fares your mate in all of this?” He remembers the pale, freckle-faced feline who’d accompanied Petalnose at the last Gathering. Aspenhaze, if he remembered correctly. Despite the lilting tone he speaks with, his eyes gleam with curiosity.

interacting with @SUNSTRIDE and @Petalnose
The tabby shoots a smile at the next ShadowClan cat who passes by—except, this one doesn’t keep walking like the cats before her have. No, instead the dark-furred apprentice stops and speaks in a cheery voice, greeting him with an eagerness that Falconpaw just cannot return. Her name is Sprucepaw, a name that reminds him of some of the trees that cover ShadowClan’s territory. He starts to speak and stumbles over his words, so his response is broken by a tongue tripping over itself. "Oh—uh, hi! It’s mine too—my first gathering, not my first time leaving camp. I mean, I’ve definitely left camp before. It’s just my first gathering, is all." Shut up, shut up, stop talking, you’re making it worse, he scolds himself. It takes a moment longer for the boy to snap his mouth shut, to stop rambling on with no clear goal in mind.

He swipes a pale paw across his muzzle, frowning at his own nervousness. "Sorry. I promise I’m usually really cool. I’m Falconpaw," he offers with a flick of his tail, hoping that the other apprentice isn’t too put off my his behavior. "You’re from ShadowClan, right? I’m from ThunderClan."

// talking to @sprucepaw
[ find me way out there ]