TELL ME IF IT'S REAL — pre-gathering chatter

₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ She had followed the rest of her clanmates and Skyclan to the gathering, she remembers her first one when she had seen all the journey cats leave and she met a Skyclanner tom who was not present this time. Her eyes turning to the place where Smokethroat had sat and frowns to herself unable to think that Cicadastar should be here at the gathering with them though she's grateful that her mentor is here with her now. It dawns on her that it's been a whole moon since her clanmates had left to go and return lungwort to the sick, she wonders if they're doing well or if they had... No, she couldn't think that way. A frown on her maw as she tries to distract herself from such thoughts and her gaze flicks over to an apprentice who calls to her and she seems surprised, it would be rude to say nothing.

"Uh... Hi," She offers awkwardly and a small smile beginning to wonder if this is how Falconpaw had felt when she had approached him, Beepaw feels amused for a heartbeat then focuses on Screechpaw before answering "My name is Beepaw, I'm from Riverclan. And who are you?" The molly sits down curling her tail around her paws.

/ interacting with @SCREECHPAW , still open to more interactions

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 4 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of cicadastar and smokethroat
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
The tom she's approached seems unsure and stiff, however given the home she's used to, she's not at all put off by the uncertainty. Falconpaw stumbles over his words, repeating himself in attempts to clarify his intentions. Sprucepaw only smiles and nods along, unbothered by his anxiety. She thinks it a little funny, actually, and finds a giggle in her chest when he promises that he's cool. "It's okay! I believe you," she promises, seating herself.

He clarifies their Clans and she nods, tail twitching, "Yes indeed! I've left camp before, too, but not the marshlands at all. I didn't know that the ground could be so... dry," or perhaps she did, and she's exaggerating. Regardless, Sprucepaw continues the conversation, "ThunderClan... we share a border, right?" she asks, "With the Thunderpath - oh! I had to cross that to get here. Scary. Have you crossed the Thunderpath before?"

[ talking with @FALCONPAW. <3 ]​

When finally she spots him, her features alight in a rare display of happiness. She makes her way over and is pleased when he draws her slightly away, so that they could speak as friends do. He is direct in his questions, but Dipperpaw does not mind that, in fact she likes that about him. Straight to the point, no use beating around the bush with small talk which she absolutely loathed. "Rogues" she answers with a soft sigh "They invaded our home and drove us out, Cicadastar is still with them" it was a supremely unfortunate situation, their leader gone their clan displaced but there had been nothing any of them could do, they had been at the mercy of SkyClan and SkyClan had been generous enough to let them stay.

There is a different scent on him as well, fainter than her SkyClan scent she is certain but underneath the usual smell of oak and leaf-litter she can smell something else. WindClan faintly intermingles with Thunder and she has no choice but to wonder "Has WindClan met a similar fate?" she finds herself asking, eyes scanning the crowd for a brief moment. The rogues had displaced so many...

// @skypaw

It is suffocating, the feeling in the air as Fireflypaw pushes his way through the bushes to greet the other faces of cats. He holds his breath as cats come together to talk and chatter and banter, but Fireflypaw finds no solace in their words. Rogues have taken over RiverClan, WindClan. Nothing is going the way he wants it to, and that fact makes his blood run cold.

His massive body brushes past others as he wanders through the crowd, head held low and body crouched into a slouch as he walks in an attempt to seem smaller- a failure, with how bulky he is. The taste of ShadowClan, of WindClan, of ThunderClan- RiverClan, is on his tongue. He can vaguely sort out the differences in scents, from the heathery moors to the fishy rivers. He has never thought that they would have to suffer this long.

Cats comment on the moon above, and Fireflypaw lifts his head to sightlessly peer into the rounded moon. He couldn't see it, but maybe.. If he stared long enough, an answer would come to him. Right?

// walking through the crowd! open for interactions.​