pafp TETHER ME TO THE GROUND - presents


when the canyons crack
Mar 14, 2024
Dovekit had been told that Howlingstar, their dear family member and leader, was not feeling well and needed to rest. They were not allowed to bother her when she was within her den, that den that was oh-so shrouded in mystery and importance, that den that Dovekit needed to see inside, needed to understand why she got one all to herself. Realistically they could ask one of their parents, see if whatever answer Roeflame or Burnstorm could muster up was enough to satisfy the curious mind of the young kitten, but instead of doing that they had decided that they would go inside Howlingstar's den anyway. They wouldn't bother her, oh no, but they would bring her many things that would make her feel better so that she could come out of her den and then they could ask the questions that had been bubbling over. After all, when Dovekit was upset getting things brought to them made them feel better so why wouldn't it be any different for wounds or illnesses?

Quickly - or as quickly as a two moon old kit could - Dovekit had gathered the little presents and had quietly moved just inside Howlingstar's den to organize them. Small little flowers were haphazardly piled by her head, feathers scattered around the nest and leading to the entrance ready to fly away with one wrong breath. A wet lump of fur that Dovekit had seen Burnstorm cough up lie grossly in the path that Howlingstar would take to get out, one step without paying careful attention leading to disaster, for it remind the pale kitten of their brother, and as a final touch a live cricket that Dovekit was currently carrying to try and place it on top of the hairball. "Sshhhh, you're gonna ruin the surprise." They tried to quietly whisper around the cricket as it chirped, staring at the tabby for just a moment in the hopes that she hadn't woken up yet before promptly dropping the cricket - whom they'd named Littlekit just now, because there were no hairballs nearby that would represent their sister - before watching with horror as this tiny green Littlekit began to hop frantically away from it's captor and straight towards the cat that Dovekit was not supposed to wake up.

  • please wait for @HOWLINGSTAR to post!--
  • 79173454_zxMNhKdim5FUsuK.png
    -- afab ;; they/them ;; thunderclan kitten
    -- sibling to littlekit && beetlekit
    -- lh chocolate silver lynx point
    -- stubborn && questions everything
    -- speaks in bolded #96b6a6
  • WHAT
  • Haha
Reactions: Jay and ROEFLAME .
Little did her young kin know, Howlingstar had been awake this whole time. She dared not move a muscle, however. She fights the urge for the corners of her lips to quirk up in a smile as she hears clumsy paws scuffle about her den. She feels soft objects spread around her nest, tickling her whiskers. Feathers, she believes they are. She is under strict orders to rest, so rest she has been getting. But it's terribly boring, and terribly lonely. She has two litters worth of great grandchildren to tell stories to and entertain, and more than anything she wants to tell them the tales regaling tigers with midnight stripes and lions with flowing manes. Their grandmother had loved those stories as a kit, too, after all. But instead, she's been stuck lying in this nest, with little company except for the occasional visitor and Gentlestorm with cobwebs and herbs for bandage changes. She doesn't blame anyone, of course. The entire clan has been plagued with the busiest of days to rebuild camp and scout the territory. More hunting patrols than ever have been sent out to make up for those in the nursery and medicine den, and to feed the many young kits the clan now harbors. The clan is healing, but that takes work, too.

So when she hears those tiny paws in her den, she does not shift. She wants Dovekit to play to their heart's content, and she knows how excited they are to surprise her. So she won't ruin that surprise, and pretends to snooze all while her den is prepared. That is, until she feels something hop on her nose. Peeling open her eyes, she spots the cricket perched atop her muzzle and jolts with a hiss of alarm, ears pinned back as she shakes her head wildly to rid herself of the insect. Just as she does so, she feels her healing wounds scream in protest and she winces at the soreness of them. "Oh my. That was a mistake," She murmurs to herself, squeezing her eyes shut momentarily until the sting passes.
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Having heard Howlingstar's startled hiss from outside of the ThunderClan Leader's Den, Cormorantswoop - who had been lying on her belly in a patch of sunlight - perked her ears and scrambled to her paws, rushing to the entrance of the den. The massive tabby's form overcast a shadow as she dipped her head to see into Howlingstar's den, her green eyes glistening in the gloom.

''Howlingstar?'' The warrior meowed softly, stepping into the den a moment after. ''I heard you hiss. Are you doing alright?'' The gray-black tabby sat back on her haunches, glancing at Dovekit. A warm-hearted purr welled up in her throat. Kits were always playful, and they made Cormorantswoop want to have kits of her own one day. Hopefully she would. With a whisk of her rather plumed, feathery tail, the ThunderClanner wrapped it around her huge forepaws neatly, turning her anxious green gaze back over to her leader.
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Although Softpaw, like Cormorantswoop, had been alerted of something happening by Howlingstar's sharp hiss, she had known that something was up from the moment she'd seen one of the kittens sneaking on over to the leader's den. It was far from her right to interrupt the mischief of a kit, especially one that was kin of Howlingstar, so she had busied herself with cleaning up until the leader's hiss had caused her ears to perk up.

Now, Softpaw was far from a gossip or anything of the sort, but the curiosity that had plagued her as a kit had never entirely left her. Padding over quietly to Howlingstar's den, Softpaw exchanged a glance with Cormorantswoop and watched the older warrior enter the leader's den - such a holy space, with an intimidating aura about it - and that aura gave Softpaw pause. She wanted to know what it was like inside of Howlingstar's den, but she wasn't sure if the leader would mind the intrusion of her Clanmates so casually.​

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Celadon hues never strayed far from the backs of her rambunctious children, normally the golden queen let herself perch at the mouth of the nursery, pale paws unmoving until she was called forth, whether it be to nurture bruised feelings or entertain awe-struck ramblings.
Yet, when Littlekit had gotten a thorn stuck in her pawpad, Roeflame wa quick to usher her youngest to the medicine den, sending instructions to stay put towards Dovekit and Beetlekit.
Perhaps the queen should have known better- they were her kits, afterall.
So, as an oblivious Roeflame soothed Littlekit through the process of removing the thorn, sage pools remained blind to her eldest bustling about, collecting oddities just right outside the entrance.
By the time the ticked tabby emerged from the herb-scented den, a brow bone was quick to furrow when she only spots her son, Dovekit nowhere to be found.
“Where… where’s Dovekit? Where’s my kit?” Nosing Littlekit forward to join her brother, Roeflame turns to the nearest warrior, anxiety sparking flames against the she-cats cheekbones.
Trained ears pick up a soft hiss, swivel towards the odd sound of a crickets chirp from…
Howlingstars den.
This time, her other two kits would be placed under the careful watch of another queen before Roeflame makes the short walk towards the leaders den.
Searching eyes flicker to and fro as she lightly brushes past Cormorantswoop, finally locking onto a familiar silvery scrap of fur with a relieved exhale.
The weight is not lifted for long, not when the scene finally registers within the fretful queens head.
A wet clump of ebony, a pile of flowers scattered around, and…
The cricket, hopping frantically about.
”What…” Confused and exasperated, Roeflame cannot even finish her sentence.
Cormorantswoop purrs warmly, but Howlingstars wince does not go unnoticed.
Stars, don’t let my children break our leader.
As the quick prayer passes behind Ivy optics, Roeflame is able to compose herself.
”…Dovekit, honey. What’s going on in here?” The mothers tone is light but unsure, taking a step closer to Howlingstar. ”Are you alright?”

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.