- Apr 27, 2023
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His form shifted, tensed, before the white warrior decided ultimately to stand between his clan and... Well , his clan. No matter what, Bluefrost was clan, and thriftfeather was his friend. But taking his stance, the rosetted warrior raised his head, blue eyes aimed to Sootspots green. He just wished for them to listen to Bluefrost- hell, to reason.
There was no hostility in his gaze- just peace as he looked at the warrior before him who spat and held fury. "Does this warrior stand before you guys threatening to spill blood from your neck? Does this cat come into your clan bringing bloodshed? How many cats risked their life to try to leave spots grip on them? Or died trying? Listen to reason- and if something happens, I will lay my own throat out as well."
His scruffy scarred form would stand unmoving tense. "surely, you believe in change. Even once, I was a naive child- and I changed from a pretentious apprentice who did nothing but cause trouble for the warriors of this clan, to change to what I believe an almost formidable warrior. My loyalty has always been unwavering from this clan. I remember the sanctuary the barn cats held. The journey I took to heal my clan from sickness that almost drove us to death. The rogues we fought off. Change occurs in cats, and sometimes it takes a bit to break the veil or grip off from over our eyes. And for thriftfeather, it was his children and bluefrost to take that viel off- if even before. He may never even had truely known where his paws were leading him."
He took a breath, letting the memories reminisce for a moment. He took a breath, remembering the bloodshed. His eyes closed for a moment- before finally opening them again. "If bluefrost really preferred the company of rogues- she would not have dared come back here, she would not have brought her family here. She just very obviously endured pain and wrath bearing five more warriors for not Duskclan, but Windclan. Kit birthing is not an easy task, and to get up and walk from who knows where or how far after, starclan had to have had assisted. She is strong, resilient, and reliable for Windclan."
"Now, bite my tongue off and feed it to the rogues for defending our Lead warrior- but fueled in anger is no way to live. I have learned that lesson from Sootstar. She went psychotic from her inner turmoil. Must you do the same?"
If any cats threw there bodies at them, he would use himself as a shield- but he was prepared to take the hits without flinching, he was prepared to stand as shield to the kittens, bluefrost, and thriftfeather behind him. He was prepared to not lay a claw to make his words heard for once.