Sharpshadow stands before the Clan once again, miraculously alive, and miraculously sure of it. The longer she lasts, the more uneasy she is, really... It just meant his time was coming to a close more than it guaranteed his or Ternstar's safety... StarClan's omen was more or less a distraction. Once they wrapped their head around one thing, another would follow soon after, she's sure.

His slouch is the same as it would've been, had he done patrols with blood still crushed over his fur, ThunderClan's marks left to linger. She didn't have to be webbed-wrapped any longer. Her scars of heeled over white. Besides that, she looks about the same. If Sharpshadow couldn't do much else, she could wear defeat. His drone is the same as ever. "Patrols." He nearly wishes he had something more theatrical inside of him— that easy way of speaking that Smogstar had always carried with him. Sharpshadow's claws pick at the ground. How stupid was it to wonder if cats compared them; if they were disappointed by what they saw? The line drawn between the two was obtuse, at best. Disrespectful, at worst.

"We need herbs." Is it too weird to declare this before the borders are even covered? She remembers the stench of rot stinging her nostrils... "Marbleleaf, take Stonestrike and Amberhaze with you." She would find that gaze in the crowd, overblown moons of his namesake... His franticness wasn't all nonsense. It'd keep the medicine cat safe... and maybe a bit annoyed.

"Ternstar," his pelt prickles with with discomfort. She had no reason to listen to him, really... "M-maybe... Take a patrol to ThunderClan. You can bring Velvetdusk and Screechstorm with you." She could make eyes at the territory she'd lost them... Hopefully Velvetdusk could balance out whatever his patrolmates might bring to a conversation with ThunderClan. Though if Ternstar wanted to keep making a fool of herself, no one was in any position to stop her.

"I'll take a patrol to WindClan," dully, she says. "Swansong and Wormwatcher, with me, please." She'd be the only one in the group without an apprentice... It was more than weird, after having Halfsun and Sneezeduck stuck to her for so long. Hopefully Promisepaw doesn't fear the outside world after what happened... "And finally..."

There's a stranger amongst the crowd. Sharpshadow would not find their eye, but just knowing they were floating around is enough to tug the corners of her frown. Her tongue presses at the backs of her teeth. "...ShadowClan needs eyes on the loner lands." Evidently, DuskClan weren't the only ones out and about... Her tail shifts, dredging broken bone across the mud. "Snowlark," For all his weirdness, he had certain morals... "Patrol that border. Take Shalestorm and Halfsun with you... please." His sigh is a shuddering one. "Be careful. Be safe." It was a pretty pointless thing to say... and yet he keeps doing it, for whatever reason.

WINDCLAN: ☆ @/SHARPSHADOW | @Swansong ( @promisekit ), @Wormwatcher ( @Puddlepaw )
LONER LANDS: ☆ @Snowlark. ( @FROZENPAW ) | @shalestorm, @Halfsun ( @LAVENDERPAW )
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Sharpshadow does not stand the way Smogstar had, the way Mirestar had, as she dictates which cats would do what for the day. She is almost slouched; her silver eyes are wavery, uncertain, even as she speaks definitively. Marbleleaf listens, dipping her head as the deputy gives her much-needed escorts… and extra sets of helping paws. She's pleased to hear her friends' names called, and she turns to seek first Stonestrike and then Amberhaze with a grin.

"Hope you're ready for me to put you to work, boys," she mews, uncharacteristic good cheer in her mew. She stands, straightens, and finds Lostpaw. "And you—you talked a big game as a kit. Are you ready to put your paws where your mouth is?" Her purr is rusty, but soft. She relishes the opportunity to replenish her stocks, and she is grateful to Sharpshadow for lending her the warriors' busy, frantic paws.

Especially with… everything going on. She struggles to maintain her smile, thinking of Moltface in her den, of the omen that has drenched her Clan in fear. "Well, let's not dally. I'll lead the way." Marbleleaf shoulders her way toward camp's exit, wondering what it is she should even be looking for…

Marbleleaf is the ShadowClan medicine cat. She is thin, with a short fawn tabby pelt; the base color is a dull, almost-gray slate, and the whorling classic stripes are deeper shades of wet sand. She has white facial markings, chest, and paws, an angular face and build, and moss-colored eyes.

Lilacfur x Siltcloud / sibling to Sycamorebloom / mate to none / parent to none
mentored by Starlingheart / mentoring none
14 moons old as of 02/01/2025
penned by Marquette

"Oh, I like the WindClan border." Promisepaw is quick to trill, turning to his mentor with a light in his eyes. He's only been there once, maybe twice - but it is ever eventful whenever he goes. He may even go as far as to call the cats there haughty - a word he had heard used for ThunderClanners before. Perhaps all of the other Clans are brutish and hot-headed, and it is only ShadowClan immune to such tainted fantasies. His tail curls into his body, dismissing the curiosity with a pointed flick.

"Do you think a WindClan cat could outrun a monster, Swansong?" he inquires the molly with a tilt of his crown, trying to impart the vision unto the other. Too easily, the cat squishes beneath black, hefty paws. Every time. He's only ever heard stories of cats who don't survive - and if they do, they are irreversibly damaged. And like a child, unused to the world in its grandest moments, cleanly foolish and hardly unsettled, he offers, "I bet I could. They don't sound that fast..." Truth is that he hasn't seen one yet.​
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With how often he's been stuck on patrols lately, Screechstorm stands at the ready to hear his name placed on yet another. No doubt, his day will be swallowed up again and he'll be left to try to repair the fresh-kill pile, or remark the borders, but the tom finds himself blinking at his placement. Again?

Ternstar is not an unfamiliar face to be stuck with — part of him is surprised her friend wasn't tacked to Sharpshadow's carefully crafted patrol — and stars above, he might as well move his nest to the ThunderClan border. Couldn't he get something easier? Less of a... task?

His maw opens to question the decision but clicks shut before any accusatory words can spill out. Instead, Screechstorm dips his head, a sun-blotched tail flicking behind him in dismissal. At least he gets to go somewhere, he reminds himself. Velvetdusk will be there, too, though whether that's a good thing, he has yet to decide.

Screechstorm is a lithe, scruffy-furred tom, who appears almost as a shadow, save for red tabby markings appearing as light filtering through branches and the scars at his sides. His eyes, each a different shade of green, carry a mischievous glint — often in tandem with his crooked grin.

- Forestshade x ???⋅ Single
- Sibling to Briarthorn, Sweetpaw †
- Mentored by Chilledstar † ⋅ Mentor to no one
- Penned by Abri


ternstar & 27 moons & female & she/her & leader of shadowclan

—— ─ ─ Sharpshadow calls for patrols - does his job, and for half a heartbeat she feels gratified. And then he stumbles and stutters - not the way Amberhaze, an inherent thing, but a lack of care. Her voice is dull, and blue eyes narrow - but she does not argue. Only takes note, only remembers with a lash of her plumed tail. Instead she finds those called for, as well as her own apprentice.

" We will leave swiftly - with any luck, we may even find some prey. " She doubts it, but the thought alone is pleasant enough to keep her from focusing [itoo much[/i] upon that ever present ache in her belly. She misses queenhood, if only for the abundance of food.

actions & " speech " & 'thoughts / qoutes'

. ݁₊ ⊹ Ternstar is a massive blue-silver tabby she-cat with an all white head and striking vibrant blue eyes. She is far from the kindest of cats, often cold and aloof - with a notable soft-spot for kits, and a rather dark streak for mischief. She is supposedly mates with Wormwatcher, and is parent to Rainbowpaw, Cornflowerpaw, and Ivorypaw. She is gifted in battle, and still maintains all nine of her star-given lives.