the light in her eyes // babysitting

periwinklekit | 02 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff

It seems yet another cat has been designated as periwinkles minder for the day while his mother is out on patrol, his siblings having long wandered off with their own kitsitters. Kit-siter - that's such a weird word, why would anyone want to sit on a kit? And that's not even what they do, so why is it called that? Peri shakes his head to clear his mind of the confusing thoughts that seem to haunt his mind these days - he blames it, as he does everything about himself, on the lack of sleep. A quiet yawn and a stretch that has his long limbs popping and snapping, and the boy -bounces over to the tom, pale gaze wide and inquisitive. "Wh-wha-t are we g-g-g-g-onna' do to-day?" he asks quietly, head tipped to the side.

// @ravensong i just picked one of the two at random hope you don't mind
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Ravensong didn't exactly know his way around kits. He raised Crowcall since she was three moons old, of course, but even then he wasn't exactly good at it. For the most part, he took care of hunting and providing food and water and protection, but all of those playful and affectionate things were never left up to him. (And for good reason -- if they had been, poor Crow would have been bored out of her mind sunbathing and napping and cloud-watching with him all day.)

"What do you want to do?" He didn't know Periwinklekit that well; in all honesty, he couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable with the kit-sitting job. What did kits even enjoy doing when they were stuck inside this camp all day? When he was a kit, he would wander unexplored lands with Dove and practice his hunting skills on leaves and twigs and field mice, but...

// not at all i can't believe i didn't see this until now omg
windclan · he/him · penned by cuzn · tags
periwinklekit | 02 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff

A bit startled, clear blue gaze widens for a moment as periwinkle thinks - he's never had an adult ask him what to do. "M-m-maybe we coul-d p-prac-tice huntn' " he offers, uncertain. Hyacinth and sootstar has always seemed to want them to be doing something productive, and he knows eventually - soon, too soon - he's going to be an apprentice. He's still not really sure what to think of most of his clanmates - he's gotten to know a few, certainly, but his shyness and odd sleep schedule have gotten the best of him as of late. "I-if thats ok-ay?" he tacks on hastily, uncertain if he came across as rude or not.

Oh, thank StarClan, it was something he could do. Ravensong took to the idea immediately, and after a quick glance around the camp center for something to practice on, he caught sight of a wayward orange leaf that must have travelled quite a long way along the upwind to find itself in the middle of the treeless prairie. The mild breeze had it twitching where it sat in the grass. "It's no problem. See that leaf over there?"

He signaled towards it with his tail, and crouched down to Periwinkle's level, his voice lowering as he gave his instruction.

"Pretend that leaf's a bird, if the wind picks it up just jump after it."

Surely two moons old wasn't too early for training to begin. Even if Periwinklekit hadn't even grown out of his fluffy kitten-coat, and even if he was still pitifully tiny and lightweight. Ravensong could probably carry Periwinkle on his back with ease if he really wanted to.
windclan · he/him · penned by cuzn · tags
periwinklekit | 02 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff

Gaze following the other toms, he nods obediently - hunting is something peri thinks he can do, even if it's something he'll have to work hard to gain the skills for. It doesn't set his fur on end or have him clenching his jaws the way the thought of violence does, doesn't leave him short of breath and feeling like he might collapse at any second. A deep breath and he drops into his best crouch - a bit awkward, with his long limbs and an obviously unpolished form , but the basics are there. He creeps forwards just a bit - for a windclanner, he's not all that fast yet and he doesn't want to mess up simple because he was to far away to leap in time. He holds his breath - waiting, until he feels the breeze against his ears and coils tightly, wriggling. As the leaf is pulled air born he's already pouncing - with a bit to much momentum, he snags the leaf with the tip of his claws but lands head over paws in a tumble, a quiet giggle slipping past his lips at his fumble. "ooops,"