The measure of my days (Pre-Gathering Chatter)

So I walk alone down the darkest roads

What an amusing sight to see, Starclan striking at the rock where Sootstar sat, and she wondered silently to herself if Sootstar saw it as a warning or if she'll make up another lame excuse about what had happened. The small black she-cat made her wait to settle down in her own area in silence as she watched other cats begin to mingle wondering how this meeting would fare as tension seemed to rip through the air and this time...Shadowclan seemed not to be the problamatic ones.

She wondered if Sootstar would eventually swallow her pride and realize how nasty she really was, or if the leader would continue in her arrogant ways, and yet the same can be said for the Riverclan's paranoid leader. Yet she got to thinking, did becoming a leader stroke ones ego so much that they go on some power tripping spree? And was this Starclan's way of telling the other clans that Windclan isn't as blessed as they proclaimed to be. Yet albeit their alliance with Shadowclan, something that left a bitter taste in the warrior's mouth as she felt Pitchstar was foolish enough to agree to one... they did help them during a time of need... yet she'll watch and see if Chilledstar would continue this...friendship after tonight or soon burn the bridges between them.

Open for interaction!))

The shift in weather is sudden, unexpected. Greenpaw finds himself digging his claws into the ground, bracing himself against the strong winds surrounding the gathering.

The crack of lightning is even more unforeseen. It's far too close for his liking and too bright, even for his own eyes. The apprentice ducks his head with a shout, eyes closing at the bright flash. And just as quick as it appeared, it all goes away. Greenpaw opens his eyes, searching for Fireflypaw - StarClan knows how bright that was for the medicine apprentice.

"Fi...? You okay..?" he asks, concern heavy in his voice at the sight - paws batting at tightly shut eyes. Soon, reassurance is given, and Greenpaw doesn't have time to say more before his friend is making his way to his own special seating. He'll just have to take the pointed cat's word for it, heart still beating fast from the chaos that sprung at the crowd.

It drops though, his heart drops at the aftermath - at the mark left in Sootstar's usual place, at the way the WindClan leader speaks of it.

Something is wrong. Something is very wrong. Greenpaw doesn't know what exactly, but he knows the anxious twisting in his stomach can't be for nothing.

// open for interaction!​
He’s never been to a gathering before, always imagined it would be stressful to be around all the other clans. Maybe even boring, listening to all the leaders announce things that he doesn’t care much about. And besides, he’s always had something tethering him to the island, standing guard to ensure the safety of those left behind in a half-empty camp. And it hadn’t mattered before how he missed every gathering, because he tended to have a reliable way of getting information.

He never imagined his first gathering would be like this.

He’s been in a haze since it happened, blank-eyed and hollow-chested. Can hardly manage to leave the den most days, can hardly sleep, can hardly eat—nothing is worth the effort anymore. He’s hardly paying attention to anything, doesn’t remember the trek from their camp to Fourtrees.

He wouldn’t even be here if not for @ANTLERPAW, it’s their first chance to go to a gathering, and he can’t ruin that for them. He’s sure that they’ve caught on to his sluggishness, but he hasn’t said a word about any of it to his apprentice. He turns to face the smoky feline, tail lashing behind him. "Mingle if you want, but stick by my side," he says, his voice no more than a hoarse whisper.

// open for interactions but my mans not exactly conversational rn :(

The blue she-cat watches the older tabby make her way up onto the rock. Her gaze meets the soot that sits at Sootstar’s blue paws, a horrified look swells in her forest eyes. Sootstar’s ears and expressions relax slightly, ”I’ve done nothing Howlingstar, I believe StarClan praises my clan. But I don’t think that bolt was just for us…” She shares the same tone of voice as the ThunderClan leader. ”Perhaps it was a sign for you too? Storms and thunder go paw in paw with ThunderClan’s name… It would be wise for the both of us to discuss with our medicine cats.” Her tone isn’t accusatory, but yes, it’s a solid attempt to manipulate.

// engaging @HOWLINGSTAR


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 39 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. mate to Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to Windstrider, Sootchaser, Moorkit, Adderkit, Harrierkit, Bluekit & Cottonkit
╰ ‣ mentor to N/A
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Felines of all sorts stream into the clearing, wearing likewise daunted expressions as they hobble on their leaders' ankles. From the bits and pieces of chatter that reach his ears, it becomes manifest he isn't alone in his presumption about the stars.

A raccoon-striped tail lashes across the moisture-laden soil when a foreign face crosses into his peripheral. Smogmaw's contemplation would reorient to the present, prompting a toothy yawn before his scrutiny falls upon the approaching tom. Raven furs are broken by sporadic scarring, and as this individual draws nearer, he can catch sight of an eye socket torn asunder. The remaining hue upon his profile is a splitting, piercing orange. They say you are the company which you keep, and thus he does not protest when the austere fellow plunks down to his side.

The stranger remains wordless for all but a moment. A bemused remark about ShadowClan's late ruler parts from his maw, which ushers a derisive huff from the deputy. "He did," he answers, giving the other cat a wayward glance. By scent alone can he determine this one is a fishmonger, or a river rat as some would say. Fortunately for scarface here, Smogmaw does not harbour misgivings towards RiverClan as whole—only a particular former medicine cat, her ilk, and their sanctimonious leader fall victim to his ire.

"He did," repeats the tom, "but things are a little different now. Pitchstar's no more." A gesture of his head towards Chilledstar follows suit. "See them? The intense-looking one? That's our leader now—and only time'll tell how much longer they tolerate our pact with WindClan."

Another huff, and his gaze subsides for the moment. He has made his reservations about the alliance clear in times past, though he hasn't used his newfound position of authority to do so. In the end, the deputy feels that he's on the same page as Chilledstar on the matter of ShadowClan's future. They want to be isolated from this world of petty politicking and war, and emphasise their own survival over all else.

In the corner of his eye, he glimpses one such feline whom he had expressed his doubts to. Apparently accompanied by private guards, Smogmaw eyes the lilac-toned feline with meagre curiosity.

"Your lot goes paw-to-paw with the moor cats quite a bit," he speaks again. "Can you muster why the stars might've tried to smite their leader? Any reason at all?"

// interacting with @Smokethroat , glancing at @hyacinthbreath

Trailing behind the pack, the bramble pelted feline watches everyone bleed into the clearing. Tasting the tension, and offering a cold stare toward Windclan. The cluster of snakes, no better than diseased worms wriggling near his toes. The urge to purge sets his steps toward his own kind, embracing the smell of Riverclan all the same. A cordial note strummed by his steps.

He pauses as everyone does, when the wind cuts through the woods and sways the trees as if they were weightless at their bark blanketed stems. The flash, a crackle and ear-splitting brassy boom. White, blinding, and ripping to the stone all but suddenly. Right where the moorland queen of dogs would usually set her paws.

Thistleback’s natural instinct of surprise is a jolt and snarl, grey eyes pinned to the clouded sky. The gurn on his maw settling only as the sky reappears. Whispers, horror, shock- it rippled like the waves of the river.

A perplexed chuckle absolutely bellows out of his maw in surprise, as Sootstar climbs into her place. mad woman, absolutely mad, it was the sort of delusion what greencough was to lungs- this was to the brain. Thistleback hears words that drag another laugh from him but this one thoroughly amused. " and if it had stuck her she’d claim it was a blessing or something, that she was chosen by Starclan- assuming it isn’t her last life but- one could hope " he tacks on with a cruel snort.

  • — talking to @Cindershade who is speaking with @SLATE

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

"Don't stray too far now, mijo..." when Sheep arrives she gives her apprentice a look, bordering a strict instruction and slight worry. The air is already full of tensions and... Stars, the Windclan cats are all beat up and bloody once more. Who was their victim this time? Her mind speaks and yet she knows the unfortunate answer to it. Their own ally, Riverclan (because why would Windclan attack Shadow), must have been the receiver and part of her heart wonders if that charcoal colored molly is okay.

As she sends one more look to Greenpaw and begins to move through the crowd, the atmosphere changes near rapidly. Clouds cover a once beautiful night sky, blotting out faces from the cats around her as they're thrown in to darkness once more. And what in the world was going on with the wind? It pulls at her curls and she scrunches her face up as she moves in front of a cat to break the harshness from it. And then lightning comes, strikes where Sootstar would normally be sitting. That would have killed her if it had been any later on. Sparks fly and Sheep half expects to see the trees around them catching fire, but nothing comes.

And then its over, like it never happened. After the lightning strike comes parted clouds and the dotted night sky in all its glory once more. Her face is nothing short but horrified, pupils pinpricked because what the hell just happened? The anxiety feels more like dread, feels more like it's going to take her out and towards Starclan now, she can't help as her paws knead the earth below. Her throat is dry, but does this mean its the end of an era for Sootstar? No, she'd take this as a blessing. Her lips turn down in a frown. She doesn't know when to quit.

She hurries along and pretends the event never happened despite her racing heart, she hunts down Cindershade with widened eyes as she stops. Thistle is there, so is Slate, but she only sends a hurried dip of her head to them. "Are you okay? Did Windclan do this?" she whispers, eyes moving to look at the wounds scattered upon her fur. Shes... Just glad nothing happened. Sheep has to swallow her emotions but can't quite turn the scared look on her face to something else. Starclan is angry, they're angry, they're angry. Look at what Windclan did! Did Riverclan lose anyone? We didn't, but we were so close to losing a couple- She screws her eyes shut and instead waits for a response.

// briefly talking to @GREENPAW ,, interacting with @Cindershade and acknowledging @SLATE and @ThistleBack

Vulturemask had joined with the rest of his clanmates not taking long for him to come and seat down beside Starlingheart giving them a short nod of a greeting before his gaze wander elsewhere. He wanted this over with so he could return back to the moors. Before anything could begin though the most absurd and horrifying thing happend. Vulturemask eyes went wide as he flinched when the lightning came striking down from the now clouded sky that had appeared so suddenly to strike down at where Sootstar usually stood during the gatherings. His eyes didn't move from that spot just staring at that blackened spot while the sky cleared itself up again showing the moon which now shined down on them. It was like nothing had even happend. The chaos started. Everyone was scared and confused with what had happened. Sootstar took herself up to that same spot yowling out how this had been a message of strenght to the moor them. However, Vulturemask was not convinced. This message felt more like a warning then a message of praise... For once he didn't think Sootstar sounded sane with what she said after something like this just had happend. It could have struck her down if she had stood there. Was starclan angry at her? but if so why.

The medicine cat blinked his eyes, finally awoken from his thoughts of trying to process this. Everyone spoke from all directions saying the same thing he had been thinking just in a more spiteful way. It made him give an annoyed flink of his tail but he bite his tongue, not saying anything at all. He would let the storm rage tonight keeping his thoughts and opinions to himself. In the end it didn't matter what he thought not when he had a clear sight of where he was going. Nothing would change that.

❪ TAGS ❫ — Slate does not recognize the battle-scarred RiverClanner who responds to him with a bitter comment. It's not exactly the answer he was looking for, but he can appreciate a sense of humor. A quick huff escapes his nostrils, as if he doesn't care to fully chuckle.

It isn't long before a fellow SkyClanner, Thistleback, offers his own input on what would have been a swift and electrifying death for Sootstar. His amber eyes ever so slightly widen with interest; it isn't like Slate to be particularly expressive with any emotion besides anger and annoyance, but the idea that this was an attempted smite from their ancestors sounds extreme, at least in his book. "Wait, so... You're sayin' this is StarClan's doing?" The former rogue furrows his brows now. StarClan was known to send messages and grant extra lives to leaders, but to alter the weather? It was difficult for him to fathom. "Have they done that before?"

Sheepcurl's arrival directs Slate's attention to the RiverClanner's fresh wounds, which he did not realize until they were pointed out. He raised his brows and frowned. He wouldn't be surprised if this was WindClan's doing; they had attacked SkyClan before. "Does WindClan got a problem with everyone under the sun? Sheesh." The brute snorts. When would the other clans band together and drive those moorland rats out of the forest?

// interacting with @Cindershade and @ThistleBack , acknowledging @sheepcurl
Tags and Information

Tigerfrost does not move from where he sits in solemn comradery with his fellow clan-mates. He does catch Cicadastar's biting stare though, and the chimera lifts his chin, sneers at the RiverClan leader as his eyes meet the other tom's, glowing with satisfaction. The wounds upon the RiverClan cats fills his heart with a sick sensation of glee. It's wrong, he knows. But he can't help it. They murdered Juniperfrost. They, not just Hyacinthbreath, because they covered for her. RiverClan deserved their lost flesh and blood. Tigerfrost has no sympathy for them. His eyes briefly flicker toward Cindershade as he spots her in the crowd, briefly meets her eyes with his own. She had nearly torn him apart, and Tigerfrost had returned the favor by splitting her open all the same. He curls his lip, sneering, that sickening, prideful grin splayed across his fanged maw. He even catches a glimpse of Thistleback as SkyClan scent floods the clearing, mingling with the smell of scorched stone and electricity. And Hyacinthbreath? She was present as well. Of course she was. RiverClan wanted to flaunt their murderer, after all.

Tigerfrost remains where he is for now. He will not start fights at the gathering. At least not with teeth and claws.

(returning @CICADASTAR glare, briefly sneering at @Cindershade before glancing at a few others in the crowd.)

Flycatcher had actually been looking forward to this gathering. Oh, he knew there was bound to be some arguing amongst the leaders - there always was - but he was excited because this was the first time his kits got to attend and Flamewhisker too.

He stares in shock after the incident with the lightning, unable to comprehend what he had just seen. He isn't sure what's more shocking afterwards, the lightning that was clearly a sign, or the fact that Sootstar and the WindClan cats were proclaiming it as a good omen. Flycatcher presses close to his mate, green eyes watching their children in front of them. "I swear she sounds more tyrannical and insane the more I hear her speak," He whispers, looking in the general direction of the WindClan cats. "Hopefully this gathering won't be too bad," He muses. "I swear they all seem to devolve into the leaders bickering."

speaking to @Flamewhisker mentioning @STORMPAW and @FALCONPAW
Dogfur was happy that he decided to join ShadowClan now. The cats there were lovely, for one. Even if Dogfur did not seem like it. The other perhaps was that they lived on such frogshit land and were so terribly asocial that no other Clan bothered with them.

The tortoiseshell warrior shook out his head as the winds died down and the clouds parted. He used one paw to rub at his eyes, blinking to keep out the enormous flash he had just witnessed. He looked around for the reactions of the other cats, some afraid and nervous, others haughty.

"Anyway," The ShadowClan cat began to prattle excitedly to nobody in particular, his fur ruffled and on end. This was one of the most best Gatherings he had attended. He glanced around for anyone who would entertain him. "I don't claim to hold all the knowledge—that's for Starlingheart, but just humor me... what if that show was... not a bad thing? Hm?"

/open for interacts as he talks to himself

there was not a single cloud marring the night skies upon their depature. the ever expanding swath of stars that hung over them bathed the surrounding territories in pearlescent glow giving anyone a brief sense of tranquility as clans from all four corners began to arrive at fourtrees. geckoscreech hasn't been able to attend the past gatherings due to her illness but what she's garnered from clanmates who have gone said it didn't go as expected. spittle and hostility between windclan, skyclan and riverclan were at an all time high but other than that anything else had faded into obscurity in her mind. she had better things to focus on like not dying.

the chocolate silver molly stuck relatively close to chilledstar's side as their ragtag group encroached upon the outskirts of fourtrees where everyone is quickly reminded to stay civil before they pushed through the underbrush to join the rest of the clans.

that's when there's a drastic shift in the weather.

like an angry tidal wave, massive grey clouds are swallowing the moon whole shrouding everything in darkness. trees that were meant to stand proud groaned and bent to the will of the galestorm that let out furied howls as if it were a beast about to mow down these sacred lands itself. geckoscreech could feel every single hair along each knob of her spine shoot up in alarm as she bares witness to this strange event.

a sudden flash of white floods the clearing in an instant before it's being accompanied by a deafning CRACK that leaves her ears ringing and just like that, the storm instantly clears up. the bolt had found its mark and when visibility has been returned everyone will see that it had struck the greatrock, more specifically, it targeted the very spot where the windclan leader usually sat. geckoscreech is rendered speechless, unable to formulate any sort of response to what just occured. starclan was furious and it was clear that it had something to do with sootstar who sees this as nothing more than a blessing.

the older warrior recovers from this initial shock when chilledstar begins speaking to her. "that woman is blinder than a bat and crazier than a badger if she believes that was some sort of commendment for windclan." she mummers back, tail lashing back and forth with unease. "maybe it's best we start reconsidering who we view as an ally." geckoscreech doesn't want to run the risk of shadowclan getting roped into the moorlanders constant trouble.

// speaking with @CHILLEDSTAR. open to other interactions :]

In a track post, Chrysalispaw drifted away from the bundled Skyclan patrol, like a lone sliver of shadow departing from its cloak. The chimaera was a pocket of night, a flash of russet against the silken sea of sable. Round eyes captured the brunt of the full moon, greedy pools of jewelesque color grabbing at the moonlight. Uncharacteristic of the man who spat diatribes like he exhaled air, owlish gaze brimmed with a sort of light curiosity rather than the cuts of ire that fringed it. Torpid clouds hung close from the light, like mourning dove's wings laid down, like a blade set down but still bared. He hadn't caught it, but that tyrant-queen - Sootstar, as he recalled - had apparently been smited by Starclan itself. Good riddance.

He sat down at his usual spot, away from the hubbub of birdsong chittering.

( Open to interactions! )
❪ TAGS ❫ — The lightning strike had, admittedly, spooked Snakepaw quite a bit. His fur stood on end, emerald hues widened as the shard of static energy struck the throne of the leaders, specifically where Sootstar would usually be sitting. It was undoubtedly a deliberate sign from StarClan, but what could it possibly mean? Were they angry with Sootstar? If so, for what?

Many murmurings broke out amongst the crowd, many discussing the lightning strike and Sootstar. Ignorant fools, all of them. As Snakepaw weaved amongst the crowd like a slithering serpent, he dodged many cats stepping and not looking where they were they were going. One cat just so happened to bump into him, knocking him off balance. "Oof, watch it-" The apprentice hissed as he was sent into the flank of another cat near him.

Snakepaw regained his footing and glanced upward to see who he had pushed. Their scent... It was ever so slightly familiar; pine needles and faint twoleg stench, except this time it wasn't accompanied by the mixed blood of SkyClan and WindClan. This had to be a SkyClanner.

Normally, Snakepaw wouldn't have even bothered saying anything, but he wouldn't pass up an opportunity to insult a member of the Kittypet Clan. "Ugh. You smell." Snakepaw snorts, upturning his nose and puffing his chest proudly as a WindClanner should.


He is not immediately waved off or dismissed and so he settles, paws carefully tucking under himself as he got comfortable and kept that lone eye warily upon the cats meandering around; the scent of the moors causing his fur to prickle with unease despite the safety of these neutral grounds. He would not put it past Sootstar to cause trouble at a gathering, to spill more blood. She was unhinged and even StarClan believed so apparently, for how else should you take this sign.
He did. No. He couldn't possibly be implying that-but he was. The blue tom's words were blunt as stone, there was no subtly to dig through nor misunderstanding to be had. Pitchstar was dead and his deputy leader now. His gaze wandered to the intense feline pointed out to him, they had once stood before the clans in Pitchstar's steed before and looked very uninterested in the entire affair; not that he could blame them really. But to think that ShadowClan was on its third leader while WindClan had yet to grow the claws sharp enough to break the shackles of their first. Brainwashed, all of them.

An almost amused smirk crosses his maw to the blue tabby's astute observation. They certainly did go toe-to-toe with them often, through no fault of RiverClan's, perhaps it was the proximity that made them so bold; but they had marched to SkyClan in a blizzard to pick a fight as well.
"Their leader is a mad woman, I've never met a cat who thought themselves such a gift to the world their ego blinds them to everything else. They have chased out cat after cat who did not swear loyalty unbroken to her, including their own lead warriors and medicine cats. Suppose some might find that kind of authority captivating, but if my leader acted as such I'd slit his throat in a heartbeat." He would join him not long after, but Smokethroat would not allow Cicadastar's own foolishness to ever go that far. Saw what you would of the river king, for his theatrics and paranoia, he took care of his own unlike the moorland witch.
He glanced back to his conversation partner a little more closely now, a bit of a neutral expression on his maw as though disinterested but his ears betrayed him. "I'm the way." He didn't really talk to cats at these, so introductions were always a last thought in his mind. "You think your new leader will keep an alliance with the clan with such a blatant target on its back?"

- interacting with @smogmaw

The maine coon's plumy pelt grew coarse and pointed as the remnants of the lightning strike coursed through the air, speculation and accusation mixing alongside it to create something truly foul. Silversmoke's gaze, curious and cautious in equal measures, assessed the place where Sootstar should have stood, his frown growing regretful. Why couldn't StarClan be better at aiming to save him the effort of having to protect his home from beasts barely worth fighting? He shook his fur out and let it settle upon his square frame, moving with purpose through the growing crowd of cats. Tufted ears stood tall as he eavesdropped on conversations as he passed, pausing as he heard a contrarian amidst the clowder. His eyes sharply turned towards the stranger, focusing his nose on what was before him, wrinkling it in disgust when he recognized remnants of ShadowClan scent. "Not a bad thing?" He repeated incredulously, looking towards Dogfur as if he'd slandered the name of StarClan itself. It would make sense for the marshland rats to support the moorland, given how much both clans had seemingly upset the rest of the world. Tail lashing, the spotted tabby rolled his eyes, deciding it wasn't worth getting worked up over the eggings of a fool.

"If it's such a good thing, go join WindClan then. Join their exalted ranks and leave your starving marsh behind." He challenged with a sneer, the expression lacking the bite of a serious suggestion. Even if the tortoiseshell thought he was being entirely sincere, he doubted Dogfur would be able to get anywhere close to the moors. Just as he'd be unable to leave his home for RiverClan, he doubted ShadowClanners would be able to scurry into WindClan freely. "I'll owe an apology if you don't get torn to shreds within the first moon."

// interacting with @DOGFUR !! open to other interactions!

For some reason, Chestnutsplash wasn't entirely excited for gatherings anymore. In reality, she only wanted to go so she could be in the know about things, socializing with others had been her priority originally but as time went on, she had realized that these meet ups would likely just devolve into chaos and arguements.

Just to prove their point, the stars clearly showed their displeasure with the WindClan leader, opting to send a lightning strike to her usual spot. They blinked once, twice, and a few more times for good measure. The whipping wind threw them for a loop - they sat with their jaws wide open, shocked, as if the lightning bolt had struck them frozen into place - no pun intended. In truth, only a single thought race through their mind, their attention fully devoted to it.

'Ooh... I gotta share this with Duskpool when this is over..."

//open to interactions! plz tag!



Long limbs and a silky chocolate and lilac coat can be seen through the darkness as Rainecho peers with mismatched eyes at the cats who had assembled for this gathering. Tension cuts the air like a knife and she lets out a heavy sigh. She does not know why she comes to these things. It felt like a waste of time to watch the leaders bicker up on their rock. Felt like a waste of breath to do the same when she knows her voice will not change a damned thing. Shadow Clan was doomed just like the rest of them were. at least, at this rate that’s how she feels.

Dogfurs familiar pelt is a blessing and she goes immediately to join him. Funky little scrap that he is when all of a sudden lightning strikes. The storm comes out of practically nowhere, the bolt that strikes the rock forces her to recoil and when she opens her eyes to see the blackened mark in the spot the wind clan leader usually occupied she can’t help but let out a small laugh.

She wonders what StarClanner had that idea.

She is about to comment to her friend about how maybe the lightning had just missed but then suddenly a SkyClanner speaks up, all in a huff. "Whoa what’s got your fur tangled in a knot?" the large Molly huffs, somewhat amused but mostly just annoyed. "if ya got a problem with my friend here you’re more that welcome to meet me back here without the protection of the full moon tomorrow night. We can call it a date if you’d like" she lets out a purr then winks, hoping to throw the him off. "Wind Clan can eat my dirt!" she exclaims loudly, referring to the piles she leaves behind in the dirt place

// interacting with @DOGFUR and @SILVERSMOKE

The crack of lightning sends Sharppaw further into her own skin.

Sharppaw does not stand with Shadowclan tonight, for Smogmaw was now representative of their very being; and that was not something Sharppaw wants to be seen with. The voice rings, nagging in his ears all the same. Trust no one but yourself, and isn't it so much easier to do so? It's easier just to think what he thinks, and not push himself further under the pretense of what he should or should not do.

ShadowClan was being run to the ground. Their allies– should she call them that? For even Chilledstar seemed to nod towards apathy, when it came to them. (But weren't they, always? Weren't they always too lazy to care?)– those said allies seem no less batty than they always have, sliding amongst them with new stars and a leader who does anything other but tremble at the sight of the lightning bolt. Again, again, Starclan takes their anger out of them, and they will continue to do so, is what that spells isn't it? (He doesn't know. He doesn't know anything.)

He doesn't want to be here. The realization washed over him the moment his steps met the ground. The air itself thrums with energy. Bitter, bitter stars they already were, he worries whatever they would hear would prove WindClan's involvement. She doesn't want them to make it worse. She doesn't want it to get any worse.

[ rush rusheddd post just to get in here!! sharp is being a sadsack alone somewhere feel free to interact!!! ]