Marblekit was to be her apprentice. Once her niece turned six moons of age, she would not go the apprentice's den with all of her peers, but rather she would come here to live with her. In the Medicine Cat's den. Sometimes Starlingheart wonders if she's making the right choice. Was she robbing a kit of her childhood? Of the chance to make mistakes that didn't risk lives, to grow and to learn how to hunt and to fight for oneself? Marblekit had asked for her paws to come down this path, but Starlingheart feels the instant pressure placed upon her shoulders, the pressure to do better for her young apprentice than had been done for herself. But she is glad, in a selfish way, that it is her she would be training. Her family, her kin, they meant the world to her and the youngest among them most so. They were the new generation, after all, and what kin would not want the best for their own?

That being said, she cannot help the fact that Marblekit's paws lead her preemptively to the medicine cat;s den more often than not. She too had felt that excitement, that pull, long before her name was called in ceremony as well. It is because of this memory that Starlinghearts features tilt upwards into a smile as she hears small paws shuffle into the rock-wall entrance of her den while she is hunched over her herb stores, chewing herbs into poultice to be used on her patients. "I dont-dont suppose I ca-uh-could convince you to go and play with the other kits could I?" she asks after a long second of chewing, head lifted to squint at the silhouette in her entry way, single eye leveled and knowing. "All right then," she says with a light-hearted chuckle "Buy you're-you're going to have to make yourself useful" Her gaze shines with affection for her young kin as she motions with her paw for her to come closer, to come in and once she does, she nods her head to the pool in the back. "Back-back there. There's a pool back there. And moss you can't-can't miss it. I need you to dip the moss in the pool, bring it-bring it to the patients, and ask if they need anything." She gingerly leans out and touches her nose to Marblekit's shoulder in an affectionate gesture "Co-come back here when you're done" she says before turning to return to her work.

// please wait for @MARBLEKIT
This thread is mainly for any medicine cat den patients! Others are free to join in as well as they wish or your free to have your character there for a "day visit" (i.e headache or other small injuries/ailments)

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  • 80989743_Y4EI15MsrzJWZG0.png
    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training
As she nears her sixth moon, Marblekit puts kitten games behind her. In her eyes, mossballs have become something useful rather than toys; play-scraps become injury-prone experiences for her. She watches the other kits slide in the mud, freckled with rainwater, and her paws are pulled elsewhere, to the cool, dark cave spiced with Starlingheart's herbs. She enters with a tiny mrrr of greeting and returns her aunt's smile. "I don't suppose I could convince you to go and play with the other kits, could I?" Marblekit shakes her head vigorously. "I want to help," she proclaims.

Starlingheart, to her pleasure, puts her to work. She gestures toward a tiny pool of water in the back of the cave, and Marblekit scampers in that direction, excitement burning the pads of her paws. Yellow-green eyes are wide with wonder as she finds the collection of moss pieces next to the water. Meticulously, as though she's performing surgery, Marblekit takes a dab of moss and presses it into the pool. When she pulls it out, it's denser, soggy. She lowers her jaws and clamps them around the mossball, turning to see who is in immediate need of a drink.

Hesitant pawsteps lead her to Orchidbloom, whose face is swathed in cobwebs still. "O-Orchidbloom? I brought you some water, if you're thirsty," she mews, and gingerly places the bit of soaked moss in front of the injured she-cat.

  • ooc: interacting with @orchidbloom
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  • Marblekit, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 5 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — shadowclan kit, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. courageous, curious, introspective, observant, judgmental, snarky.

It seems Starlingheart might have an apprentice in the making. Or, a will-be apprentice, he supposes, for Marblekit is still just that: a kit. Marblekit, his cousin, daughter of one deposed warrior and one lead. He knows the feeling well. But Siltcloud... he could never see her as truly evil. He still struggles to acknowledge the way she had attacked, had killed his clanmates, his aunt who spoke gently to him and cared for him, though distantly. It's not a feeling that he shares with others, of course. It would be taboo to do so. But it sits at the bottom of his chest regardless.

At least one aunt is still intact. Lilacfur, Marblekit's second mother, Flintwish's more beloved aunt. She has always looked out for him. He hopes that Marblekit has inherited more of these traits than Siltcloud's. He hopes that Siltcloud does not pull her daughter to whatever rotten place she had taken him — and though their interaction there had been pleasant enough, he still has not forgotten the stink of decay, the way fear had coursed through his veins. She had claimed it was one of StarClan's inventions, perhaps, but Flintwish had seen no stars there. Wherever Siltcloud was, he would not like to go, and he would hope that no more of his kin would suffer that fate either.

He lounges in the mouth of the den as he usually does, dull bi-colored eyes cast inwards. Marblekit insists on working, and Starlingheart aqcuiesces. Magpiepaw is finally being replaced. Maybe that's a cruel way of looking at it — he knows his mother would never use that term, replaced. But really, Flintwish thinks it's about time. Starlingheart should not be made to handle all of ShadowClan's mending on her own, especially not with everything she is going through. Granitepelt has just died, after all, and WindClan seems on the brink of war if that hunting patrol was anything to go by. Could she really focus only on her duties with all of the grief going around?

Marblekit thrusts a soaking scrap of moss at Orchidbloom's muzzle. Flintwish's ears twitch, and though he wears his natural frown, he parts his lips to praise her in some capacity, speaking to his mother: "She's a real natural." Or so it seemed. Flintwish's knowledge of the medicine den extends only to counting leaves, not identifying them or providing care.

  • ooc.
  • FLINTWISH —— warrior of shadowclan, mentored by forestshade & scalejaw . granitepelt x starlingheart . littermate to nettlepaw, ghostmask ✦ penned by meghan

    a small, slate-blue tom with mismatched blue and green eyes. hard to approach and harder to enjoy, but beneath his spines he seems to have a good heart
    unlabeled gender / he, she, they pronouns / 13 moons & ages every 12th
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— will start fights / may flee / may show mercy. tends to fight dirty on account of granitepelt's teachings. will fight tooth and nail to win, as this is one of the few ways flintwish can probe his worth to himself

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are in character
    full biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
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