sensitive topics THE RAIN DRIED UP // BIRTH

Dec 21, 2023
It had to be any day now. For weeks, Badgerstripe thought, there was never a cat as large as I, surely - never a cat as uncomfortable. Each passing day, she prayed to StarClan that her kits may arrive happy and healthy.. and soon.

Badgerstripe can feel, instinctively, that it has to be soon. In the days leading up to today, she had been restless and antsy - fussing over her nest, checking for every little lump and twig that might've snuck its way in, and checking it twice. The irritability from her early pregnancy had returned in full throttle, and she was quick to ward any unwelcome intruders (other kits, mostly; sometimes visitors were victim to her impatience, too) from her nest; for it had to be perfect and undisturbed. Then, yesterday, she had stopped eating- could not even stomach to look at a piece of prey.

And then, this morning, as the sun peeks above the horizon, the contractions start. Pains sharp and dull coming in stressful waves that she had never felt before. " Gentlestorm, " Badgerstripe croaked out to whoever may be nearby; a queen just waking up, an apprentice changing bedding as a morning task, or a visitor in passing. Anyone - she doesn't care - she just knows she cannot do this alone.. " My kits. It's time. "

Do the stars watch me still, without the moon?

The process in itself is entirely unremarkable. Some blood, some pain, some irritated words and snaps, and a moderate amount of time is spent. As the sun settles just below its' peak, some hours later, three little kittens had nestled themselves against Badgerstripe's belly - clean, warm, and most certainly hungry. Badgerstripe, admittedly, can't keep her eyes off of them - it was always hard to recognize her pregnancy as a real, meaningful thing.. even now, with her green gaze watching over her kits, it still feels so.. surreal.

But they are beautiful. Even if they are a little.. dull, unlike Sleekserpent's pastel coat. " Welcome to ThunderClan, " Badgerstripe coos, bringing her plumed tail gently around her little ones. Tears ebb her eyes, but her lips curl up in a bittersweet smile. " You finally made it. If only.. Sleekserpent could see you.. " She would have loved you. Each and every one of you. Even more than she loved me.

" My.. my kits. I bet you'll be strong warriors one day. Maybe my friends will mentor you.. maybe I will mentor you! " Scarletpaw will be a warrior by the time she's out of this nursery, after all. " Maybe one of you will be a leader.. or a medicine cat. Oh, you all have such exciting paths ahead of you!.. "

" Oh, but.. I'm getting ahead of myself again, aren't I? " Badgerstripe chuckles, briefly, then clears her throat. " You need names first. I almost forgot.. " And so, one by one, Badgerstripe leans in and touches a pink nose to each kitten's head. To her first born, her smoky blue son, she thanks StarClan for their favor - for her three strong kittens, and a healthy labor. " You will be... Faithkit, my little blessing, for the hope you and your siblings give me. You are ThunderClan's future.. "

Then, to the next, a kitten of blue draped in dusty white. The quietest of the bunch so far, her daughter seems content minding her own business and nursing while her siblings scramble over each other. " Gentle, timid little thing, aren't you? So small, so.. fluffy! " Badgerstripe mews with a laugh-like purr. " Shrewkit. I think that's perfect. One day, you'll see what I was named after, too - my stripe, just like a badger's! " The molly's heart swells as she gently nuzzles her kitten with her nose.

And, finally, her third child - pale, just like their father. She thinks of Sleekserpent, who was once her dearest friend, and how fondly he may have looked upon his look-alike. For a moment, she is reminded of her circumstances - the sole parent to three kits, and how alone she felt after their other parent's death. But then.. Badgerstripe thinks of her friends now - Palefire, Lightflower, Tigerwing - and how much they will cherish them just as she does. " I think I'll call you.. Heartkit, " she mumbles, pressing her nose to the final kitten's forehead. " Because you all will be oh-so loved.. by me, and my friends, and your whole Clan - with all our hearts. Never forget how much we love you. "

Tears are shed as she names her kittens, remnants of what she once thought to be a mistake - but now believes to be symbols of hope, for ThunderClan's bright future. She is quiet for a moment as she lays her head down, curling around her kittens, as if to shield them, her precious little children, from the dangers of the world. After her brief silence, Badgerstripe lifts her head up and sniffles, bringing a paw up to wipe her damp eyes. At the entrance of the den, a cat (or a few cats or more) stand by to welcome ThunderClan's newest litter - the first under Flamestar's lead. Welcomingly, she offers a bright smile, and (albeit hesitantly) draws her tail away for her bundles of hope to be seen. " Would you like to meet them? "

BADGERSTRIPE ( she/her )​

( ooc ) open to all - left ambiguous for the visitor(s) at the end but mostly expecting her friends <3
@faithkit @— Unnamed Kit @shrewkit

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
The night Roeflame had brought her three bundles of fur into the world felt as though it was another lifetime ago. In a way, the Lead Warrior supposed it kind of was. When news spread of Badgerstripe going into labor, Roeflame couldn’t help but feel a twinge of excitement in her paws. Leafbare and Leaf-fall litters were generally ill-advised, but beyond the less than ideal timing, new life was being brought into their home.

The tabby she-cat is careful to give the new mother her time with her loved ones before venturing into the dimly-lit den herself, or at the very least… she most certainly tried her best to. Stepping into the nursery with a heavy inhale, the Lead Warrior felt a peaceful lull of milk-laden nostalgia. “How are you feeling, Badgerstripe?” Roeflame hums softly with a tentative approach, sparing an brisk, eager nod to the Queen’s question, her features softening into a sweet smile upon the kits reveal.

“They’re beautiful, have you decided on names?”

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Doepath couldn't deny the way her stomach twisted and twirled at the thought of the nursery... of the mothers that dwelled there. She could take solace in the safety of baby siblings, cared for with loving attention by Tansyshine... but that was the extent of her interest. It managed to be a source of something uncomfortable beneath the surface of her skin.

Roeflame's presence lingering by the shrouded den filters through her gaze in dapples of pale, earthy tones... Curiosity pulls against her better judgement, the need to avoid such feelings of discomfort but the only queen she can summon into memory is Badgerstripe. A she-cat that had showed her kindness, tending to the mess of nest around her while she'd remained stuck in the medicine cat den.

She'd been genuine in her questioning, in asking if she was excited... and now seemed the best moment to prove her companionship. That she was sincere. Wandering closer, the long-furred warrior pauses beside the ruff of fur that presents itself as a lead warrior, offering a middling glance of acknowledgement before finding the familiar dark streak of Badgerstripe's back.

Roeflame says their beautiful... and for the first time in awhile, Doepath grows soured knowing she can't witness it herself. "Congratulations," she offers with a weak purr, "You're... you're gonna be great! If you need any help I'm sure uhh... there's a lot of paws willing to help."

    thirteen month old warrior of thunderclan
    she/her fawn sepia with low white and yellow eyes

Thundergleam had grown to favour the nursery a little ... not out of any desire for kits of her own, no (her purpose was beyond that of motherhood, of course). Merely, in the compant the denizens... so lively and wonderful, irresistible in innocent sweetness... there was so much fun to be found. In an instant she would confess that playing with the kits was quite a guilty pleasure of hers. And it was strange that Father had never really mentioned the place, as she now viewed it as ThunderClan's ever-beating heart, a warm place where future dwelled nearly as powerfully as it did in her dreams.

With Badgrestripe within, there was even more of a desire to be there- hearing of the news that she was kitting, Thundergleam struggled to rid herself of a quickening pulse, worry buzzing bright beneath moon-pale fur. When all was deemed well, light paws forged forth, following not long behind Roeflame and Doepath.

And yes, little rays of sunlight lay at Badgerstripes belly. Spots of the stars... Thundergleam would not crowd for long, but she could not help but sigh, head dropping onto her shoulder. "I am so proud of you, my friend..." she purred, gazing with welling emotion at Badgerstripe for a few long moments. To think, Badgerstrips had been drowning... and yet had the strength to save herself, had been battered with grief and emerged brighter. It was a gorgeous thing.
penned by pin ☾
motherhood is a joyous occasion, leafhusk assumes… it’s not on her mind. she isn’t roeflame, who had her first litter awhile ago, or thundergleam who saw the nursery as a vital, beating heart of their clan. no, she shared her awkward sentiments with doepath, although the reasons for that are vastly different.

new life is a celebration, despite it all. the first litter born under flamestar’s reign. surely badgerstripe feels a surge of pride at that, the young warrior has come far since her ceremony. to raise a litter by yourself (even if the queen’s taste had been questionable), at such an age, the lead warrior couldn’t imagine. the small, helpless bundle of joys that wriggle by badgerstripe’s stomach is a helpful omen. they knead into her fur, with paws that will someday protect this clan. their healthy mews will defend a clanmate, their honor. the new queen gazes down at the kits with adoration that will last until the stars burn out.

leafhusk waits patiently to give her congratulations. "they’re amazing… you’ll do great." she dips her head, lingering for a couple of heartbeats before slipping out.

Isn't the nursery already pretty crowded...? In all that time between Badgerstripe being here and not, she hadn't really thought about what it meant for the future. Now had been then, and that had been another queen besides Nightbird she could ask things, if she really wanted to... but now is um... now, now. And now is more kits. More friends, maybe, Tigerkit would choose to think... Because if she didn't make them her friends, things would just get worse, she's pretty sure...

She's told to give Badgerstripe space, so of course she does... but she listens, cause that's something that's easy. They have pretty names. Faithkit and Heartkit... Um, Shrewkit is okay too. She wonders if cats had crowded Nightbird like this the day she was born. Her and her littermates, obviously... Was anyone else so amazed by the name Tigerkit? Had they gaped at the names Twilightkit and Lightningkit, only to go whatever at her name?

Tigerkit would poke her way forward as the other warriors begin their murmurings... She wanted to see— wanted to see what seperated the Faithkit's from the Shrewkit's. Would she and Shrewkit be best friends when they were older, or terrible enemies?

It's her chance, as Roeflame speaks. Her chance to do something. " F... Faithkit, " Tigerkit answers on behalf of Badgerstripe. She hopes that's okay. " And Heartkit. And... Shrewkit. " She glances to the queen, two-tone eyes asking: is that okay?

She looks to Doepath, who had scars like none she's seen before. To Thundergleam, who she can only glimpse for a moment before ducking away. To Leafhusk, a Lead Warrior... They're all so cool. Too cool for her, maybe. Just cool enough for Shrewkit, maybe. Shrewkit can't even hear what their mama tells them, Oh, you all have such exciting paths ahead of you...! If she really believed that, maybe it would come true...
  • Love
Reactions: shrewkit and ixora

heartkit & 00 moons & female & she/her & thunderclan kit

Bundle of fur squirms blindly - quiet mewls filling the air. For all that Badgerstripe welcomes her children into the world, Heartkit wants none of it - the chill of the air uncomfortable after so long spent in warmth. Name falls upon deaf ears - too little, too new. Paws churn air uselessly, cubby figure wobbling from side to side - uncaring of her siblings as she shoves them aside, only seeking the milk she needs to survive.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'


Shrewkit, she is marked, name murmured with adoration, echoed by Tigerkit some time afterwards. It is a moniker of prey, but it is hope for the future: of sustenance for her Clan, and of longevity for her kin. Badgerstripe's second kit is content at her mother's side, quiet in comparison to her littermates, but lively nonetheless. She responds with a squeak, lilted as if confused, upon being nudged, but relaxes once more next to Badgerstripe with an awkward little shuffle of tiny paws.

  • Worp6eV.png

    SHREWKIT ✧ she/her, kit of thunderclan

    — "an ashen tortoiseshell kitten."
    — badgerstripe x sleekserpent ; littermate to faithkit & heartkit
    — speech is in #F7A6D9
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

〕When she had caught wind of Badgerstripe's litter coming, the red tabby had sent out another warrior in her place for the patrol she was supposed to lead. While she had been eager to go patrol, she was more eager to welcome the newest members of the clan. The leader waited patiently outside the nursery until the clear was given for visitors. Thank you Starclan for blessing her with a safe kitting. There were many things that could go wrong, but their ancestors had been watching over their camp today. When she padded into the nursery and spotted mother and all kits safe and healthy she breathed a sigh of relief.

She waited her turn before padding deeper into the den to briefly touch her nose to the new queen's shoulder. Regardless of the fact these kits were born in leaf-fall, her heart warmed as she gazed down at them. It brought her back to the first time she laid eyes on her last litter, the last time her heart had been full. Much like herself, Badgerstrike would be raising these kits by herself. "You will be a wonderful mother." the leader purred, dipping her head as she took a step back. Faithkit, Heartkit, and Shrewkit. Three wonderful names, for the three newest members of the clan. Despite the hardships they had faced in the past few moons, Thunderclan was growing...prospering.

  • ooc.
  • FLAMESTAR —— leader of thunderclan , mentoring merlinpaw . storm x lily . littermate to nala, smokey, and nemo ✦ penned by icey !
    afab / she/her / 38 moons & ages every 20ᵗʰ
    widowed / heterosexual / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— difficult in battle

    speech”, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 89001237_0hDtHJbdRu9KEv8.png

    a longhaired red tabby with low white and green eyes. flamewhisker's fur is a vibrant hue of red, riddled with thick classic tabby markings. her fur is medium in length, and she has a large, feathery tail. her chest, belly, tail tip, and her paws are dipped white. flamewhisker's eyes are a dark, deep shade of green. her shoulder has a large scar on it from a fight with a dog. she also has a shredded ear from a disagreement with a loner during her time alone before joining thunderclan. on particularly cold days, or sometimes before a major weather change, she will walk with a slight limp from her shoulder injury.
In a flash of heat to biting cold, the eldest was born and swiftly tucked into Badgerstripe's stomach to feed, kept comfortable by the smell and feel of his littermates and mother alike. Spending moons blanketed in warmth while they developed and grew, the world was a small one while he'd slept the whole time. Now, and in a matter of time, that would go by in the blink of an eye, its world exploded around him and would continue to expand. A world waiting for Faithkit to find all the secrets and answers that it could. For now, kitten whimpers came out in mewls and chirps while jellyfish paws weakly prodded at his littermates to snuggle around and into them and press as closely as it could to their family.

Faith kit, Heart kit, and Shrew kit. Tigerwing could barely keep her paws still as she waited patiently outside of the den, scarred faces ducked a bit low, before finally slinking into the den after Flamestar. Orange and chocolate pelt would pull against her friends flank in a greeting, before pulling close to badgerstripe, placing gently the bridge of her nose against the helm of the black and white queen.

"They're beautiful, Badgerstripe. " She let out a soft rumble of pure in a hope for comfort for the molly. "Now, now you let me know if you need anything. You did so wonderful," she purred. She didn't know much about being a queen, or really anything as such, but she hoped one day she would. (She had a hard time believing the clip on her ear, and the scar across her belly was what others in the twoleg enclosure believed it to be. And so, she did not bring it up to a soul, but it brought droplets of water to the edges of her vision in the thought. Ones she would claim is for seeing her friend alright if asked.) She would have her own one day, but it would not be too big of a loss if she could not.

The orange and chocolate molly would lift her head from the black and white fur in pride, eyes wide in awe as she watched down at the kittens. "You're gonna be a great mother, Badgerstripe," She said with a curt nod, very confident in her voice she was attempting to keep quiet, before finally taking a step or two back to let others have space to greet her and welcome the others in.