"SkyClan, Gather for a Clan meeting!"

Orangestar doesn't ascend to Highbranch today, her gravelly voice rippling across camp from her former place among its roots. Not because she can't, of course, but because she doesn't want to. It definitely has nothing to do with the increasing activity of her kits, eager to join their Clan in the dreary weather and completely ignoring their mother's busy schedule as Clan leader. As if on cue, sharp movement makes her ear flick, and a visible wince crosses her features. Alright, I get it. Enough.

As SkyClan's muzzles peek from their dens, Orangestar ignores the confused glances at her choice in seating. Thankfully the rain has lessened to sprinkling, even if it is cold enough to warn of the change of seasons in the distance, and she'd be able to hold this morning meeting in relative peace from the weather.

There are no apprentice ceremonies to be conducted today, but instead, something else unusual has been requested of SkyClan's leader.

Orangestar gestures for two small bundles of fur to step forward from nearby the nursery. Neither are six moons; both are new to the Clan. As they pass, they are flanked on one side by the hulking shadow of her mate. Ow. Her air of leaderly importance is shattered by a sharp inhale, as tiny paws find her organs not once but twice in one go. Enough!

Ignoring the unborn kit hellbent on bruising her from the inside, Orangestar does not address the three SkyClanners by their names as they are now upon their approach. Those names will not be relevant in a short time.

"Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name." It wasn't so long ago that she did this for another but her attention is turned to the treetops now, eyes searching for a glimmer of starlight to reflect. A plea, as if they were close at paw. "I ask you now to take away the names from the cats you see before you, for it no longer stands for what they are."

She takes a breath. If she thinks hard enough, she might be able to see the blink of a star in some fictitious break of the clouds. "By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give these three cats their new names.

"From this moment on,"
she meows first to the blue-eyed kitten staring at her, a glimmer of warmth briefly in her expression as she looks upon him, "he will be known as Whitekit.

"From this moment on," she meows next to the little one Batscreech had found, a name already chosen by Batscreech but not yet spoken before the stars, "he will be known as Fawnkit.

"From this moment on," she meows finally to her mate, the magnitude of his decision and his moons of refusing a warrior's name not lost upon her, "he will be known as Slatesnarl."

There is no ceremonial contact for a renaming (aside, apparently, from the contact of her kit's paw directly against her stomach again) and so with a slight squint of pain and a nod Orangestar bids her Clanmates to turn and face the crowd as they begin to cheer. Orangestar's call joins them when she can breathe again.

"Whitekit! Fawnkit! Slatesnarl!"

It is only when the three have retreated to their respective places in the crowd, the kits returning to the nursery under Butterflytuft's watchful eye, that Orangestar would call the next cats forward. Three adult joiners, all having passed their assessments, ready to take their vows.

"Kite, Copia and Butcher. Step forward."

This lack of vantage point, at least, would save Orangestar from having to climb down in the ceremonies. She searches for the three in the crowd, former rogues who had chosen to make SkyClan their home and pledge their loyalty to it.

"I, Orangestar, leader of SkyClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code," a jab to her ribs makes her eyes water and her next words turn wheezy, "a-nd I commend them to you as warriors in their turn."

She drops her gaze from the lightening sky, piercing the cats before her with its intensity. "Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"


The weather was miserable, even if it had lessened to a drizzle Owlheart wasn't particularly fond enough of the rain to be excited about sitting through a meeting in it. This kind of weather would just get worse she supposed, there's worse weather than rain and there's worse ways to open up a meeting. She finds herself staring at the SkyClan leader, Orangestar doesn't take her place up on the Highbranch. She knows better than to comment on it, deciding that it's none of her business to begin with. So she takes up a spot next to the first clanmate that she can see in a point of awkwardly trying to not stare at her.

She continues the meeting, handling it with grace apart from a sharp inhale of pain. Her expression flickers to concern at her mother, still Owlheart knows better than to interrupt a meeting to see if Orangestar is fine. So she sits curiously and watches the three forms of Slate, Snowy and Fawn towards the front of those gathered. There was an assumption that the pair of kittens would no doubt be receiving their clan appropriate monicurs but what was the maine coon doing there? He surely couldn't be retiring as an elder so soon could he?

Her conclusions are proven to be wrong and her face flushes in embarassment for assuming that Slate was becoming an elder. So he was recieving a new name? It was strange, since he had been Slate for as long as she can remember. That was the case for Doeblaze too, and she's gotten used to her new name so she assumed that it would be no different in time for him. Snowy is renamed Whitekit, she thought that was pretty cute, especially since they were approaching colder weather. Snow wouldn't really feel appropriate when they all become tired of the snow blanketing the area around them.

Fawn is officially recognised as Fawnkit, hopefully Batscreech is pleased by this development since that was the name he chose to her understanding. Slate is the most surprising, he isn't given an entirely new identity. Instead being given a warriors moniker, the tabby wastes no time to cheer alongside her clanmates. Orangestar's delayed call goes unnoticed in this moment "Whitekit! Fawnkit! Slatesnarl!" She settles down easily enough, listening with curiosity as Kite, Copia and Butcher are called. She had grown very friendly towards Kite and Copia, while she hasn't been close with Butcher she finds herself equally excited to find out what all three of their warrior names are to be, so long as they promise to uphold the warrior code and serve the clan.


"SkyClan, gather for a Clan meeting!"

Habitually, Figfeather's eyes scanned the High Branch, expecting to find her leader perched atop its branches. Instead, her gaze met only air. It wasn't until she looked down the tree's trunk that she saw Orangestar, her belly plump and swollen with kits. The she-cat appeared exhausted, yet she still exuded an aura of strength and authority. Figfeather's heart quickened with admiration.

Figfeather settled beside Owlheart, joining several other clanmates nearby. She offered Owlheart a warm greeting before focusing her attention on her leader. The crowd of cats made it difficult to see Orangestar as clearly as usual.

Her ears perked up at the sound of a familiar but infrequent ceremony. Today, cats were changing their names to be known differently in the eyes of the clans and StarClan themselves. It was always an exciting occasion. Orangestar renamed young Snow to Whitekit, a fitting name for their ghostly pelt. The kitten Batscreech had found was named Fawnkit.

However, one name surprised her most: Slatesnarl.

Figfeather let out an audible gasp of surprise. Slate had been a member of SkyClan for—well—basically forever. He had gone many moons without changing his name, even becoming a lead warrior and braving the Great Journey without ever relinquishing his loner name. Yet today, he had chosen a new one. She felt happy for him.

"Whitekit! Fawnkit! Slatesnarl!" Her cheering voice blends into the chants of her clan-mates. She looks around at the cats sitting beside her in an effort to gauge their reactions to the black tom-cat's new name.
He moves forth to stand before the judgment of his mate ( and apparently the stars themselves ), a silent pride radiating from his rugged form despite the way he lumbers. This is the first time Slate has stood before the clan in moons, once renowned for his great strength and domineering aura now reduced to a disheveled husk of who he once was. The tom had attempted to groom himself to the best of his ability though found it difficult to reach his hindquarters on account of his mostly healed ( but still sensitive ) hip joint. Even beneath the curtain of fur that covered the giant Maine Coon one might be able to notice that his muscle mass had dwindled, unable to maintain itself against the test of time.

The nagging insecurities that prod and poke at Slate have brushed away for now, his amber stare fully fixated on Orangestar. Although he is typically an inexperienced tom who lacks intuition when it comes to pregnancy and its symptoms, he cannot help but notice the winces of discomfort that the molly makes. Slate's heart surges, and for a moment, his faux brows furrow. The kits would be upon them soon enough, surely. They were hurting her, and yet here she was commanding all of SkyClan in spite of their restlessness.

There would be enough time to try and persuade Orangestar to rest later. His mate's voice calls upon StarClan in the usual ceremonial fashion, and for now, he straightens up and holds his head high. The two of the new additions—loner-born kits—are bestowed their names. Then it is his turn.

Slatesnarl, he was named. The taking of a full clan name had taken the Maine Coon so long to so much as consider, but being faced with the reality of fathering a litter of kits had convinced him that this was the best thing to do. They would not be confused about their father's origins, not like he had been as a youth. This had been the final step, the last piece of the puzzle so to speak, in embracing his new identity. No longer was he a street rogue. He would never return to that life again.

Graciously accepting his newfound title, Slatesnarl dips his head to his leader before turning back to join the crowd.

  • 75375484_vL7mDl6wNERV2mI.png
    — slatesnarl / 43 moons / he/him
    — skyclan warrior & former lead warrior
    — mate to orangestar / father to tba
    — lh solid black maine coon w/ rusting, amber eyes. scars litter his form but are prominently present on his face.
    click for tags
The black smoke lurks forward at Orangestar's call, but the former rogue doesn't stand in anticipation like his fellow clanmates. The last two moons weren't easy for the older tom; as it still feels surreal to him that his home is no longer the twolegplace. He remembers the attack like it was yesterday— he stumbled into SkyClan territory with fresh wounds, still in shock, and and his guilt he felt that day hasn't faded. He wishes he didn't leave Terzo behind, but who's to say if he would be standing here— right now— if ignored his brother's order?

His mind seems to get the best of him as Orangestar addresses the clan, but his ears prick up as she speaks his name. His mismatched eyes look over in her direction, and she speaks before her warrior ancestors, his tail swishing slowly behind him. She stares down at him with intensity blazing in her brown eyes, as she speaks directly to towards him. "Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

His posture stiffens. This is it, isn't it? There's no going back now. He still has some thoughts on the code he's expected to follow, and he wonders if he could truly give up his life for SkyClan (like Terzo did for him). "Er, I do." The black smoke mews back to SkyClan's leader, and he silently hopes Orangestar won't change his name.

  • 89763132_S5MU9f3ZeHFl3mu.png

    artwork by llumisky (via TH) for the artwork<3
  • Copia
    33 moons
    experience: shadowing
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    pixel by nopeita <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green & white
    pelt: black smoke with low white
    fur length: long
    parents: sorella and nihil (rogue npcs)


[ ༻ 𓆩✧𓆪 ༺ ] There was confusion bestowed before Fawn, standing next to a pale kit next to him and that a form of a tom who towered over them. Orangestar was one of the few he had met, being there when he was first brought back to the clan. Tiny paws shuffled slightly watching as Orangestar winced in-between moments of her speech and confused bi-color eyes glimmered slightly as the leader did not seem in any way form injured from what he could tell. Yet, she came towards the three of them and Fawn nervously shuffled before being adorned with the "kit" term on his name, given to him by Batscreech.

Soon enough the clan roared their new names and his ears curved slightly at the overwhelming amount of voices that blended into each other. The roar of the crowd would not last long and soon it became silent once more while Orangestar went to address different cats, more faces appearing from the crowd asked Orangestar to ask them something that went from one ear to another while bi-color eyes blinked, and stared at the cats called forth by his new leader. Wondering what was going on.
  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fawnkit (TBN) 𓆩✧𓆪 He/Him, Kit of Skyclan, 3 moons.
    Fluffy Fawn with low white with bi-colored eyes (Blue and Yellow)
    NPC x NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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It was surreal to find himself being escorted from the nursery so he could be sat before the one known as Orangestar. In truth, Snowy still didn't know what to make of the clan leader. She seemed nice, but he still didn't have full trust in her yet. Perhaps with time, and once he came to know her better that opinion would change.

As the ritual proceeded he looked on with eyes round with confusion and awe. StarClan… he had heard some of the older cats mention it before, but he didn't know what that was, or who. For now he remained silent, only sparing a glance at the other kit who had been summoned before the leader. He didn't know Fawn well, though that was more so due to his own nervousness when it came to interacting with the other kits in the nursery.

Whitekit. A clan name, his name. At least for now. Before he can even process the major change there came the chanting of the new names. The noise and suddenness caught him off guard and he ended up bushing up and crouching low with a look of fright in his eyes. Even if one of his ears failed to absorb the sounds it still proved loud enough to leave him uneasy. Relief washed over him as he was allowed to return to the nursery again, which he did with haste.

eggbounce & 18 moons & male & he/him & skyclan warrior

Eggbounce comes when his mother calls - dutiful as always. It's a bit of a surreal sight, seeing her so... round. But theres only a breif moment where he can muse upon that before cats are being called forwards, a smile upon his maw as kittens are ranted new names. Slate - now Slatesnarl, he supposes - is more surprising, and quite frankly the change leaves him discomfited - but when crowd raises their voice he does too. " Whitekit! Fawnkit! Slatesnarl! "

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

( I ' M G O N N A B E T HE O N E Y O U U N W R A P )

The jittering, fizzing excitement had been building inside her for the last week and it was all Butcher could do to keep from exploding with it. This was something she'd wanted for two moons; this was what had buoyed her through boring shifts in the alley outside her human's butcher shop. Her muscles ached from training, her mind strained from all she'd been taught, her pride smarted from her recent hunting failure, but shining above them all was excitement. It sort of made her feel like she had to pee.

Others already situated near the front of the crowd were named - kittens and an old man, because being twice her age was definitely old - and she grinned as she joined the chanting. It was hard to do anything else. There was some small release of her pent-up excitement, more like a can opening rather than a bottle of champagne, and it stilled her for a few moments before her grin overtook her once more. She took a few steps forward at the sound of her name being called and only stopped because she couldn't see Kite or Copia doing the same. An image formed in her mind - standing at Skyclan's border for the first time and taking an instinctive step back - but it fizzed and popped and was quickly discarded.

Even with hissed pain and watering eyes, Orangestar commanded the attention of those gathered with a gesture as simple as leveling her attention on them. Or maybe it was just Butcher she commanded; the red and white cat couldn't say, transfixed as she was.

The reality of becoming a clan cat, even as a Daylight Warrior, had been dawning on her for some time, but it's in this exact moment that it crests the horizon and shines with the unmitigated force of the sun. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life? Duskpool had questioned if mere curiosity brought her to the border. Twitchbolt had cautioned that Skyclan life wasn't some fun hobby. Figfeather had stressed so many lessons of clan life. This was what it all came down to, though, right? "Yeah," she breathed, awed, "Yeah, I do."

It seems strange to see Orangestar sat below the Highbranch and not upon it, as had become custom in recent moons. Howlfire didn't know if it was because she couldn't get up there or simply did not want to, but she wouldn't have begrudged the leader's choice either way. She looked as though she could give birth any day now. Howlfire could remember how it felt when she was so close to the end of her pregnancy - large and round, feeling incapable of doing anything but to lie still and prepare for the impending arrivals.

The meeting begins with three new naming ceremonies. Two are for the kits. One is the blue eyed little scrap of fur who becomes Whitekit, and the other is the small kit she and a few others had stumbled across. Batscreech had already dubbed him Fawnkit back when they found him, but Orangetsar makes it official now, declaring it before the clan and stars.

It was the last name that surprised her the most, however. Slate became Slatesnarl.

Howlfire's eyes widened in surprise when she heard Orangestar address her mate, her own amber eyes finding him in the crowd. Slatesnarl. She repears the name in her mind a few times to get a taste for it. It's odd, yes, but fitting too. "Whitekit! Fawnkit! Slatesnarl!" Howlfire quickly called out, adding her voice to the growing cries. When the cheering settles, she looks forward again as Orangestar summons Copia and Butcher, preparing to bestow warrior names upon them as well, and waits to see what choices Orangestar has made.


It was weird seeing Orangestar call a meeting from the ground, but with how far along she was in her pregnancy he guessed it was to be expected- better to be safe than sorry. A part of him was glad he'd never have to deal with the stress of a pregnant mate, more than satisfied with their little family. Besides, with Fiona in the clan now there was always the chance for it to grow through her one day, and that might be kind of cool- Uncle Quillstrike had a pretty nice ring to it.

As the meeting began, the first matter to address was that of a naming ceremony, one lesser seen for the rogues that joined them. It was one Quillstrike had been called for all those seasons ago, back when the world had still known him as 'Twin'.


A dark brow lifted in surprise at the name, because a part of him had expected the maine coon to keep his rogue callingcard right up til the end. It wouldn't have bothered him if that had been the case- a name meant so little in the grand scheme of things, but it was a nice gesture of loyalty to the clan, long overdue if you were the sort to keep track of that kind of thing.

He called out the new names alongside the rest of his clanmates,"Whitekit! Fawnkit! Slatesnarl!" with as much enthusiasm as he could push into his tone, before settling to listen to the rest.

More names, but these were more in line with what the clan was used to seeing when it came to a naming ceremony. His own 'apprentice' was also called, though it felt kind of stupid to think of a grown cat as such. More accurately, Copia had been shadowing Quillstrike since joining, and had finally reached a point in their blossoming career where Quill thought they might be ready to be considered a proper warrior.

skyclan - male - 30 months (Feb 17th) - mated to Twitchbolt - a very tall, muscular chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


. ° ♡ . . ♡ °


♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡
Tiredness had found a place in her bones this past moon, but she found it easier to carry today. More names means more mouths to feed, but it also means more lives. More chances for grateness and a growing family. She would prefer that to anything. Names ring out, her throat almost raw from the pride as if the young apprentices were her own kits.
"Whitekit! Fawnkit!"
Was Orangestar thinking of her kits? Her leader was so blindingly proud and stoic that it was easy to write off her choice in where to hold this ceremony. It was only when her voice caught or when she shifted that Sorrelsong remembered that she was pregant, and quite close. Some part of her wanted to usher the queen into the nursery, and another part of her was surprised that Orangestar was still walking and able to hold these meetings being so close to delivering. While she'd never been pregant herself, she'd heard the expecting queens complain about getting up to get freshkill when they were as far along as Orangestar. I wonder if something about being leader helps her bear the pain? Or if she's just that stubbron.
The announcement of Slate's name change raised her eyebrows - an action that seemed to ripple through the crowd. No anger was behind her eyes, nor any confusion. She'd assumed that Slate's name was never going to change, honestly. He seemed so... she couldn't find the right word ( Sturdy? Unchanging? Unyeilding?) that she had forgotten 'Slate' wasn't really a clan-related name. She cheered nonetheless, wondering if he felt more at home now. He had always been a key part of Sky Clan to her, and she really did hope he was happy with the new name. She'd just have to make sure she didn't slip up and call him by his old name!
↪ OOC:
As they always do when she asks the question, murmurs of agreement reach her ears. Orangestar does not care if they are lying, does not care if their heart is not in it: her hearing the vows and naming them warriors of SkyClan allowed her to pass judgment should they ever choose to break those solemn words. Briefly, the thought of a warrior ever declining crosses her mind, met with horror, but Orangestar dismisses the idea with a blink. That hypothetical is not now.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names."

A nudge from within draws faint amusement to the fore of her mind, as if the owner of such little paws understood it was a poignant moment. More than that, it makes Orangestar want to conclude the meeting immediately and rest; but the trio standing before her deserve better than a half-distracted leader and a vague ceremony. No, she would do her duty now, and rest later on.

"Kite, from this moment on, you will be known as Kitestorm." Her son's first shadow had proven a surprising asset to SkyClan. Orangestar looks upon Kite now with a thoughtfulness, lingering briefly before concluding with a nod, "StarClan honours your cleverness and your strength.

"Copia, you have chosen to keep your name."
It is an unusual request, but not one SkyClan is unused to. She would, as she had with others before him, readily allow it. "StarClan honours your determination and your resilience.

"Butcher. For your vibrancy and growth both honoured by StarClan-"
neither of which had been controlled by Figfeather, but both admirable qualities in their own right- "I name you Butchermaw."

She is content with these new warriors, Orangestar decides as she passes one more look over their expectant faces. She hopes they will do their Clan proud.

"As leader, I welcome you as full warriors of SkyClan." She nods, a final judgement passed alongside her murmur. Over their heads, she raises her raspy voice to be heard: "Kitestorm! Copia! Butchermaw!"

Orangestar does not dismiss the meeting immediately as the three bask in their cheers and return to their places among the crowd: she has one more thing on her agenda today. Two and a half seasons ago, she had stood down a member of Blazestar's council: a contentious decision in her own mind, though ultimately one that had been needed.

Her final announcement is stalled, briefly, by the incredibly offputting sensation of one of her kits doing a full-body roll, and Orangestar blinks as if the wind has been taken out of her. What in StarClan's name was that? She accuses the unborn, brow furrowing. When she lifts her head again, confusion crosses her features briefly before her gaze settles upon a slight figure nestled among the crowd.

"Doeblaze, stand." In the moons that had passed since the death of her mate, Doeblaze had made an admirable recovery. In little steps, an ungainly stumble quickening to a metaphorical run, until she stands once more before SkyClan as the warrior she had once been. Though she doesn't say it aloud, Orangestar considers the white-patched molly a trustworthy confidante.

And so: "Your perspective will be needed in the coming moons. I invite you to join SkyClan's council once more."

  • CONGRATS NEW WARRIORS: @KITE (kitestorm) @COPIA @BUTCHER (butchermaw) <3

    And congrats to @DOEBLAZE for making a return to skyclan's lead warriors!<3
  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | seven lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — (undisclosed) mate to slate ; currently expecting kits
    — speech is in #D2977D
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

  • Like
  • Love
Reactions: Thorny and DOEBLAZE
The meeting call is a familiar one, and at its sound Doeblaze joins the stream of multicolored pelts flowing towards the Highbranch ... which is uncharacteristically empty. A heavy green eye finds Orangestar nestled at its roots, a place more familiar from her lengthy tenure as deputy. Not that Doeblaze blames her. When she had been as heavy with kits as Orangestar appears, she would have sooner laid down where she stood than ascend to such a height. A thin drizzle taps at the backs of what must be dozens of ears as the Clan assembles, her own pale lilac pelt blending easily into the veritable rainbow of fur as she picks her way past Howlfire with a nod.

Oh, this is familiar ... the two kits tugged forward are expected enough, but Slate flanking them has her tabby-marked eyebrows shooting towards her ears. I never thought I'd clap eyes on the day. Then again, perhaps the Clanmates surrounding her now had thought the very same thing when she made the same choice. In unknowing imitation of her leader, Doeblaze's eye stutters towards the sky above, searching for the stars amidst the dreary coating of silver (or one star, specifically). The trio receive their new names, Slate looking slightly comical besides the two scraps. Or ... Slatesnarl, rather.

Very fitting, she thinks with a rumple of the muzzle. He is always snarling at every cat in the vicinity, it would seem, barking orders even after his demotion-step-down-thing? She manages not to openly eye Orangestar's swollen belly in tandem with her thoughts, with no small effort. Sorrelsong, a tail-length or two away, yowls out his name, prompting the tabby to startle out of her (rather petty, she has to admit) thoughts. Doeblaze smooths her chest fur with a paw and inhales deeply before lending her voice to the cries: " Whitekit! Fawnkit! Slatesnarl! " This last is added with no small reluctance, but ... she thinks she would have been a little sad if someone skipped cheering for her at her own renaming. Even someone she didn't like.

She brightens considerably when the next names are called, though it's hardly visible amongst so many faces. Kite's difficult to read, quiet and yet playful, but they're as steady as they come, for all their siblings' insistent encroaching on SkyClan borders. Copia she's seen less of, since he's trailing ever-stoic Quillstrike (who she thinks she can spot across the crowd), but the mysterious tom seems to have a good head on his shoulders. Has it already been two moons since Butcher joined? A mental count says yes, and that the chipper daylighter with her odd scent stands before them all means she's proven herself. A satisfying batch of warriors altogether, if you asked Doeblaze.

Nearby, she can pick Owlheart, Eggbounce, and Figfeather out of the mishmash of cats, the latter's head turning about—an effort to gauge reactions, she supposes. Focusing back on the ceremonies, the affirmations ring out from the trio of warriors-to-be in quick succession: Copia, Butcher, then Kite. Just as quickly, they are named, Orangestar's solemn intonations carrying no less power for their elevation. Kitestorm is bestowed upon the dark tabby, and Doeblaze hums thoughtfully in agreement, though she supposes her opinion on the name doesn't truly matter. It certainly fits the new warrior's flitting nature. Copia keeps his name, which she can respect well enough, and Butcher becomes Butchermaw for a vibrancy that (she thinks) few can deny.

" Kitestorm! Copia! Butchermaw! " she calls hoarsely. Not that she personally approves the warriors by any means (that's Orangestar's job, thank stars), but she does think this is a nice clutch of them.

The meeting is not immediately dismissed, and Doeblaze runs through a mental flipbook of things that could be preventing that. They seem to be finally done with their deputy drama, and there's nothing pressing going on that she can think of. A new council member, maybe, but who? A return from one of the cats who're old paws at it, an unexpected newbie? Her head tips incremenetally in curiosity, returning to herself just in time—luckily, Orangestar pauses just long enough to allow Doeblaze's introspection (though not voluntarily). When her name slips from the leader's lips, she looks up, eye widening a fraction.

Nearly a full turn of the seasons ago, young and just beginning to be worn down by the world. She'd blurted an embarassing " Me? " when a different leader asked her to join their council, but it had started the same way. She knows what's coming even as she gets quickly to her paws, careful not to jostle the cats around her. Two seasons later, unable to look Orangestar in the eye as she whispered: " I can't do it. " She'd made her excuses—her kits to raise, her bodies to bury—knowing it was the dark distance her own mind went to that had trapped her. Her world isn't quite golden now, but it's not night-black either. Grey, like the sky above.

And grey is good enough. Her head sinks in a dip as if the promotion were a literal weight slipped upon her shoulders, one worn more comfortably now than it had been last leaf-fall. " I accept. Thank you, Orangestar. "

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Their day has come, so to speak. Kite has worked tirelessly to prove themself to the clan. In their efforts to they found their beloved and many friends, stars... lost their family in the process too. They know they must always vie for respect and trust no matter the name they carry; but a quick, fleeting glance towards Sweetnose reminds Kite of why it does not matter, their purpose: to strengthen the clan. At their other shoulder sits Florabreeze, their mate (their love) and the sole reason for the conflict brewing in the depths of Kite's mind.

Kite presses close to Florabreeze with their head resting against a fluffy shoulder as the two kits, and Slate, pad towards Orangestar- unceremoniously positioned below the Highbranch. This, Kite thinks, is for the best but a swell of admiration towards Orangestar grows as they are sure if they were in her position they'd call off the meeting entirely. For their own sake, Kite is grateful Orangestar did not do that. As Slatesnarl is renamed Kite's brow raises and they cannot help but nod vigorously in approval... they sense this marks a turning point in his life as their own new name will signify as well. Their nodding stops quickly, however, as it dawns upon Kite that these turning points cannot be more different.

Finally, the time has come. Kite is called forward with Copia and Butcher, and with a final press of their forehead against Florabreeze's shoulder, the tabby saunters towards their leader. 'Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?' Their next words will catapult them towards a directory which will not be rewinded. So be it. "I do," Kite murmurs, adjusting their dim gaze upon Orangestar.

Kitestorm. Their name. There's no going back now. "Thank you," Kitestorm whispers to Orangestar- quiet enough that only she and the two other new warrriors will hear. The cat believes the name to be perfect and cannot withhold their gratitude. Before the raucous begins, Kite retreats immediately to her spot between Sweetnose and Florabreeze. "Kitestorm," they say softly to Florabreeze, as though reintroducing themself. A smile crawls across their impassive features as they settle close to Florabreeze, intertwining their tail with hers.

They hardly hear Doeblaze appointment with the council initially but after they process it, Kitestorm leans around Florabreeze to nod rigidly at the lilac tabby. Their opinion does not matter in the grand scheme things but Kitestorm is pleased to hear someone she holds in high regard will serve on the council once more.

  • — black tabby with a small stature and compact muscles ; TAGS
    — 39, ages every 21st
    — they/them ✧ mate to Florabreeze
    — peaceful powerplay allowed

It is widely known that Florabreeze is rather affectionate, she does not hide that fact. Even now as she gathers amongst her clanmates at Orangestar's call she purrs in delight as Kite presses their head against her shoulder. Craning her head down to gingerly press her nose against the top of their head before turning her attention to the meeting. Right, she has to be serious, these are always important and she'd hate to goof off... too much. It's curious that Orangestar stubbornly insists on leading this meeting while she's as pregnant as she is, there's no doubt in her mind that's what the swell of her stomach means. When she was close to having Magnolia she barely wanted to walk around, only dragging herself out to meet with her kits sire, even then that was few and far between since she was so tired all the time. Another regret for the pile, now is not the time to be so mournfully wistful however.

Snowy, Fawn and Slate are gathered first, renamed Whitekit, Fawnkit and Slatesnarl. The maine coon can't help but wonder what had spurred the other maine coon to make this decision. No matter, it's none of her business (she will just ask around about it later) and he seems pretty happy right now (she thinks, it's hard to tell if he's happy). "Whitekit! Fawnkit! Slatesnarl!" She views no need to hold any names back in her cheering, this was always important to someone so she would never dream of dimming it with personal feelings.

That thought is quickly changed to negative personal feelings because she's already prepared to cheer louder than everyone else when Kite is called up. The affection is suffocatingly sweet in her gaze as she watches her mate join the other joiners prepared to take their names. Copia and Butcher, both equally as pleasant even if she holds bias towards one particular cat in the trinity joined. Copia chooses to keep his name, she admires that whenever a joiner does it since it's so commonplace to adapt to the clan. Butchermaw is decidedly a very cool name, she tilts her head up in various angles to see how she may feel about this new name, trying to figure out if she also deemed it cool.

Then Kite is named, they're dubbed Kitestorm. Her tail practically thumps against the ground like an excited dog at the mention of it, honoured for their cleverness and strength. It's perfect, though she's so excited for them that any name could have been dubbed perfect. "KITESTORM! COPIA! BUTCHERMAW!" Her cheer is roaring, it's lead with gusto in favour of her mate but she keeps it up for the others in attendance even if it hurts her throat a little. Poor Sweetnose, hopefully they don't mind being near her while she's screeching like this.

Kitestorm returns to her, and she practically drapes herself over the warrior. "It suits you, do you like it?" she whispers to them curiously, intertwining their tails. Resting her head on top of their own, enveloping the newly named warriors in her purrs. She assumes the meeting is coming to a close so why wouldn't she?

Surprisingly it doesn't When Doeblaze's name is called she lifts her head from her mates. Turning to look at her friend with curiosity. She's given the responsibility of lead warrior once more, how exciting! "Doeblaze!" She calls out in a cheer, unsure if that's something she's not supposed to do but she doesn't care, today calls for so much celebration.

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 37 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw & Sfogliatella
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}