private THE STARS WATCH US // moonbeam

The medicine cats of the other Clans do not often care for WindClan. The reasons that be do not matter, all that does matter is that Cottonsprig must forge her own path through her troublesome situation with little to no guidance to be seen. She cannot ask Wolfsong nor Sunstar for help - Scorchstreak would sooner turn her loose to the loner lands, and the rest of the Clan is in varying amounts of the same notion. She has a few cats that she may be able to enlist... and Moonbeam is unknowingly one of them.

She stands near the bridge, all on her lonesome. Anxiety makes her stomach roil but she does not release it onto the budding green grass. She waits for rounded white ears to peak over the crest of the hill before calling out - "Moonbeam!" They had helped one another before. RiverClan killed Bluepool, but that wasn't Moonbeam's doing. And hunting on RiverClan land was not Cottonsprig's call. Please, Moonbeam. Please have what I need.

"Hey, I'm sorry for calling on you like that," she does not approach their border any closer. Her ear twitches, "I've come to ask a favor," she has a story, practiced, careful, "We have a queen who's lost her kittens. I know it's a long shot, but... do you have anything for that? I can give her chamomile to help with the sadness, but her milk... it's not drying up. Wolfsong doesn't know if there's anything we can do for her, but I think... I think it's cruel to try and wait it out, you know?"

She lies. Under StarClan's sunlit sky, she lies, and she holds her composure well while doing it.

She wasn't sure about coming to the border, wasn't sure if there would be more that was to happen alongside the bridge that acted as the way for all the cats of RiverClan and WindClan to cross into each other's territory. Still, though she knew not to trust WindClan at this moment - it'd been drilled into her head since birth, not to trust WindClan or ThunderClan, but especially now with the recent death at the border - but there was no reason to her that Cottonsprig would come to the border alone unless it was important. There was no place for others to hide after all, not with the territory just now recovering from the burning, grass not yet tall enough to hide most cats.

The white medicine cat heard her name called across the border, ears pricked as she moved in that direction before offering a small dip of her head in greeting and then she listened to the story. She had no reason to believe that Cottonsprig was lying to her, and so she'd think for a moment, mental math in her mind before a small nod of her head was soon a response. "I have some parsley, but not very much so I'd only be able to give you enough for just the one queen." Of course she'd help a queen in need, just as Gentlestorm had done when Robinheart had broken her leg. It was odd, knowing information that another didn't know, but she'd also only ever seen Parsley grow in the one area of the territory so was it possible that it didn't grow elsewhere?

If Cottonsprig was fine with the one dose she'd ask her to wait a moment before going to retrieve it, slipping in and out of camp so that not too many questions were asked.

  • --
  • flesh wounds
    ꕥꕥ infections
    aches & pains
    ꕥꕥꕥ illness
    ꕥꕥꕥ breathing
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ traveling
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ broken bones
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ poisons
  • 85735138_Ng21HDz61WrGyCp.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    15 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual polyromantic ; mated to beefang, crushing on redacted
    currently mentoring none
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics