Leaf was not part of Wildflowers patrol. No, instead the tom had walked his paw pads raw around the territory lines over and over again, ears alert for any strange sounds, maw parted in case another wave of fox scent was found in their home.
He would never speak it out loud, but he blamed himself. A stupid thing to say, he knew, because it wasn't like he controlled the fox, or like it was his responsibility to keep watch over and protect every single member of Thunderclan. And yet here he was, looking even more gloomy than usual, shoulders tense and tail lashing as his mind replayed the day of the attack and, most annoyingly to Leaf, the way Wildflower and the rest of the patrol looked when they were brought her home.
The fur along his spine bristled as he remembers her weak cries for Quailflower and he would scowl to himself before shaking his head furiously.
Why did he even care? Wildflower was a stupid mouse brain for going out at night on her own! She should have known better. I should have been there. She did it to herself. She could have died. She wasn't his problem. I would have missed her.
That last thought came unwelcomed and he froze in his walking. Would...would he miss her if she hadn't survived the attack? If the others hadn't made it in time?
He didn't have time to ponder it any longer than a heartbeat though, as soon he heard the familiar voice of the very she-cat he had been thinking about. But, instead of nonchalance, he felt anger bubble in his veins, and without thinking, he swiftly turned direction and made way towards the patrol.
Once he spotted them, he glared coldly at them before stalking over to Wildflower, being much taller than her, he scowled down at her, almost looming as his fur bristled, "What are you doing out here?!" Leaf would demand with a growl in his throat, "You are supposed to be resting! Not prancing around the forest announcing your presence to even more foxes."
To the others, he would come off as harsh, cold, and condescending. But deep down, hiding behind the cold glare of his steel blue eyes was something he had never really felt before moving to Thunderclan.