
Jun 6, 2022
art wasn't ready but the litter sure is! will update when the piece is finished lol
───── Far from the land of the clans, the earth's stone teeth close endlessly on the sky. The serrated caps that brush the highest clouds are never bare, but far below them, Ellisif and Sunnvar were born to separate colonies. Sunnvar walked moons before Ellisif, yet when they met, they plucked the same chord, and each encounter thereafter their steps fell together.

On an eve of bloodied snow and triumphant braying, Sunnvar pulled Ellisif from the scruffing jaws of death— and they have never known a separate path since. Ellisif and Sunnvar began not as the accidental striking of flint and stone, but the deliberate, steady twisting of wood to coax heat into flame, a low glow in a snow-drowned clearing. A refuge from dread's shadows. Fine ribbons of flame became spires, fed together by paws slightly callused. Small sticks and bundles of grasses became broken boughs, a bonfire lifted from thawed soil to dim the stars. It singed their fur at times, blazing hotter with their tempers, but it sheltered a gentler warmth. Confession tipped the branches into piles of cinder, and at their center is a great hearth: safety and comfort and prosperity, fit for cloaking a budding family in ember-glow.

  • sire: longhaired chocolate rosette tabby with low white (carrying cinnamon, solid, non-rosette)
    dam: longhaired tortoiseshell classic tabby with low white (carrying chocolate, dilute)

    amab kits can be: black, black tabby, chocolate, chocolate tabby, or red tabby.
    afab kits can be: black, black tabby, chocolate, chocolate tabby, tortoiseshell, torbie, chocolate tortoiseshell, or chocolate torbie.
    ───── all kittens will have long fur; bonus points for a "mane" of fur like their fathers
    ───── tabby kittens can display classic, marbled, broken braided, or broken mackerel patterns
    ───── kits can have high white, low white, or no white spotting. kits with white may have any realistic eye color; kits without white may have any realistic eye color but blue
    ───── kits may or may not carry dilute or solid; black-based kittens will carry chocolate or cinnamon; chocolate kittens may carry cinnamon; broken braided / mackerel kits will carry classic
  • wolfsquare.png
    Piercingkit, Iceboundkit, Brumekit, Wispkit, Hailstonekit: names that remind him of home.
    Wingkit, Blossom/ingkit, Humming/Thrummingkit: a gift from his first apprentice and images from his pregnancy vision, respectively.
    Roaringkit, Proudkit, Defiantkit, Rivekit, Fiercekit: his mother.
    Sunlitkit, Glossykit, Glistenkit, Heartkit, Dawningkit, Silkenkit, Daringkit, Barbedkit: for Sunstride.
  • sunsqarefix.png
    Snowkit, Icekit, Coldkit, Ravenkit, Hawkkit, Antlerkit, Bonekit, Stormkit, Gorsekit, Gorgekit; names that remind him of home.
    Featherkit, Stonekit, Wildkit, Lightkit, Swiftkit; his hopes.
    Tigerkit, Oakkit, Mountainkit, Lionkit, Bearkit; his father.
    Brightkit, Bloom/ingkit, Crow/ingkit, Wilykit, Burn/ingkit, Wheatkit, Shinekit, Glowkit; for Wolfsong.

    Will not use any names relating to other clans, particularly RiverClan, or dogs. Water, fishy, or canid names are an automatic no.

    ───── the underlined names have a deep meaning to sunstride– they may be controversial despite him choosing them. italicized names are personal favorites of mine.
  • Though we're leaving our slot number intentionally unknown, there's something fun to keep in mind for this litter! Due to the fathers' belief that what Wolfsong eats during his pregnancy influences the traits of their kittens, we would like each slot to be themed around one of the prey items, and your interpretation of how it would have affected your kitten! There are no specific rules to this, you do not have to go with the common traits. It could be appearance, ability, personality– in the end, completely up to you!

    Hare's Heart. Though Sunstride made this offering in hopes of a hare's wildness and speed, did he instead impart its flightiness or its propensity for burrowing? Or perhaps it is simply the fluffiness of their tail....

    Owl's Eyes. Cunning and wise, or desperately nocturnal? They hope for a hunter, but may have instead found a child that effortlessly sneaks up on their clanmates, or moves silently through the moor grass. All traits to be thankful for, at least until you're on the recieiving side of some.

    Snake Skin. Tough and smooth, or perhaps destined for a great change sometime in their future. Or maybe they are simply as slim and flexible with body and mind. A snake in the grass should fit right in with WindClan– though maybe they are bound to be as readily crushed.

    Hawk's Wing. Though not a catch so to say, nor something that Wolfsong was given to eat, the feathers laced through their shared nest were too meant as an offering. Swiftness or steadiness or a fine mottled brown along their hide, there are many traits a hawk might offer. Both good and bad.

    Lark's Foot. Not a typical prey item in the slightest, but perhaps the one most kindly meant. Sunstride intended for this kitten to always find their way back to their roost. Yet perhaps like him, they will instead find themselves with a golden voice meant for storytelling, or a crest along their head. He's grateful either way.

    Plovers' Eggs. What might an egg offer to anyone, you may ask– a fair enough question, certainly. The answer? Many, many things. Their intent was possibility; potential. To see a lifetime laid before them and be prepared to take it. Then again, a tough exterior and a soft, gooey interior are just as likely.

───── This litter is not first come first served! Apps will be open until 09.05.2023, and the kits will be announced here.
───── They will be born 09.08, and will age realistically on the 08th after a time skip to two months old.
───── The form for these applications is up to the roleplayers. Please at least include their name, gender, appearance, and the basics of personality or concept.
───── Wolf and Sun will love their children deeply, so any plots regarding parental conflict are highly discouraged. While spats are okay, long-term resentment and toxicity are highly unlikely. Please do not apply to this litter if you're interested in dysfunctional family dynamics.
───── This litter will be born in WindClan and should remain there until preferably adulthood. If a plot to leave comes up, please message us beforehand!
───── We're hoping for around ten posts a month with these kits! We hold the right to rehome or take back the slot after prolonged inactivity without communication with us.
───── If you plan for your kit to be born with (or develop) a disability, write them respectfully and research diligently.
  • Crowingkit // Sunstride x Wolfsong // 2 moons // 2nd generation
    she/they // kitten // WindClan

    -- long furred black cat with low white

    theme song: "I hear a Symphony" by Cody Fry
    main color: Purple
    voice claim: Mei from LMK

    • the smell right before it rains
    • the sound of an orchestra tuning their instruments
    • the touch of a cold pillow on a hot night
    • the view of the sun's rays filtering through clouds
    • the taste of a homecooked meal after a long day

  • The long fur and large mane-like tuft of fur that wrap around the back of their neck is the only indication at a glance that Crowingkit is the child of Sunstride and Wolfsong. From one side, Crowingkit looks exactly like a black cat, amber eye breaking into blue halfway through before changing back to amber. Upon turning, however, she looks like a completely different cat. The black carries over their back and shoulders, long stripe wrapping down to the base of her tail before it is broken by the white, causing her to look like an odd tabby in some ways, white making way for black stripes down her tail and on her legs, leading way to black toes and backs of legs. Her face and chest on that side are completely white, so that if looked at from the front it seems almost perfectly split down the middle.

    She's small when born, almost looking like the perfect tunneler candidate, but as time goes on and as they grow older, it's seen that a moor-runner would be more fitting, having a couple growth spurts through their life. She ends up a taller cat and an amazing runner.

  • - Personality will mainly be shaped through roleplay, learning and growing as they learn and grow as well. The biggest factor in her life for behavior growing up will be the love received by their fathers and siblings, showing that love to others in the clan in a more positive way. She will always stick up for the little guy and though she doesn't always know what words are best in some situations, they'll try their best to find them so that she's able to do what she believes is right and good in the world. Unlike many WindClanners, Crowingkit does not find herself showing bias based on who one's parent was or if they were born within the clan, but rather by their own actions as she see's them.

    - Though she does speak out at times, she tries to keep to herself and learn through observation. Due to this, she is and will always be a great listener, and makes sure to actively listen to those she's speaking to so that they can best be helped or become friends with.
    - Due to growing up near medicine all her life, she likes the smell of plants and herbs, and though she has no active goal to heal others, they do find themself hanging around the medicine den often, the smell of the plants comforting. Once an apprentice it's not unheard of to see her talk quietly to plants every now and then. A believer in StarClan she feels as though that is the best way to speak to them, even though they can't speak back. Why else would a medicine cat be so important to the clan and be the ones chosen to speak with those that have died, if plants were not somehow connected?

    • Hares Heart offering - at first it seems obvious, the fluffiness of her tail giving way to the potential for the offering, but as she grows older it shows more inside her. Back legs grow stronger as she's able to run across the moors quicker and more often. Though rabbits and hares across the clans are thought to be flighty and scared little creatures, WindClanners know of the fight they can put up and the risk it puts cats at if caught in the wrong moment, and that fight shows strong within Crowingkit.
    • Due to being born within Sootstar's reign, Crowingkit goes through a big self discovery development as an apprentice. As they watch everything unfold when Sootstar is eventually no longer leader and clan cats leave, she sticks closer to family and confides in both her fathers more often than she had before. It is likely due to her personality that some of the cats that are leaving are those she considered friends or are cats that she could have looked up to, and with them leaving it makes her unsure what to do or how to process it properly due to her age.
    • Will ask a lot about their father's lives and history, curious about what life was like outside of WindClan. Though she could never see herself leaving, she will try to uphold whatever traditions she learns about, such as the offerings, and will tell future generations the stories she was told as a kit, hoping to continue the traditions long after she is gone.

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WHEATKIT *:・゚⚘⸝⸝
⸝ named after wolfsong, & for the flaxen fur they both share. alternatives
⸝ trans male, accepts masculine and neutral pronouns
⸝ kit of windclan / the owl's eyes prey offering
⸝ 02 moons old / born sept 8th & timeskipped to 02 moons / ages on the 8th
⸝ played by meghan

  • 68544716_X50kMAjvGfZC3yx.png

    reference sheet
    ✦ lh maned chocolate torbie kitten with high white and glacial blue eyes /
    ↳ carries cinnamon & dilute

    wheatkit is, undoubtedly, a beautiful cat. bearing an androgynous frame, he sits slim in his bones, letting his plush pelt fill out and soften each angle of his harsh skeleton. while much of his pelt is a pale, milk-tooth white, a great crest of flames cascades down the back of his neck and spills over his shoulders and ignites the will-o-wisp of his tail. it is this sun-flooded color that earns him his name, reminiscent of the rolling ichor that blankets the moorlands. small ticks of dark chocolate fur freckle his white ocean pelt, and other small mosaics of golden glass pepper his frame, too. and his eyes, o his eyes! wide, owlish gemstones nearly glow white in the light of the sun. it is equally harrowing and exciting to be the subject of wheatkit's stare.

    wheatkit moves with each ounce of beauty that his pelt affords him; his movements often have the graceful quality of intentionality, a gift bestowed upon him by not only watching his fathers carry themselves, but also by the fever that strikes him as a kitten. each labored movement must become calculated to not tire him so quickly; each step brings him closer to fatigue. so, wheatkit tries to be mindful of their movements.

    speaking of their illness, their size is a short one, even by windclan's standards. they are a late bloomer, growing at a slower pace than the rest of their littermates, and even then they hardly grow to the size of their siblings. wheatkit's body will be best suited to the tunnels beneath windclan's rolling moors, though they will always yearn for the sun and the wind's whisper to guide them.
  • intelligence
    ( + ) loving, loyal, dedicated, optimistic
    ( / ) stubborn, quiet, observant
    ( - ) disquieting, eavesdropper, unyielding

    MBTI : "title" / neutral good
    enneagram type ?w? : "title" / temperament / tarot card
    creepy child / tranquil fury / nature is not nice

    ─ very much shaped by wolfsong and sunstride's parenting, as well as their relationships with other cats. will likely adopt their thoughts on his clanmates, other clans, etc. more likely to trust the cats that his parents trust, and more likely to distrust the cats that his parents distrust.
    ─ because he believes so strongly in the spiritual signs he "sees", it is easy for wheatkit to shift blame for his actions onto otherworldly forces. generally takes selective credit for the things he causes (though he is not intentionally malicious about it)
    ─ weird but not impossible to get along with; his kit games focus largely around imagination, particularly imagining creatures and settings from the stories that wolfsong and sunstride have told him
    ─ can become very anxious and lash out if he feels he has received a sign that indicates something bad might happen.
    ─ extremely perceptive of others' emotions, though not always sure how to handle them. in my mind wheatkit is not very charismatic, but is a good communicator (partly out of necessity, since he has learned he must be able to communicate his illnesses and feelings in order to gain treatment). he may struggle to handle others' strong emotions, especially if he feels they are not listening to him. def the kind of cat to say "im an empath" and mean it.
    ─ not a sootstar loyalist. more of a rebel personality, though he is almost sure to obey the will of his fathers; he simply does not feel connected to sootstar or windclan like his clanmates seem to. his strong beliefs about starclan, other nature spirits, etc. feed into this, as he is more loyal to the will of the stars than the whims of a leader.
    ─ a bit wise beyond his years vibe in terms of how he carries himself and how he speaks.

    ─ the owl's eyes blessing: it is clear from the moment that wheatkit opens their glacial blue eyes that the owl's eyes have blessed them. saucer-wide and icy as the lands sunstride and wolfsong hail from, their gaze is intense enough to paralyze and difficult to hide. they are keenly observant and just as quiet as their winged patron. however, perhaps wheatkit sees too much, often interpreting "spiritual signs" as they see fit. of course these would not be literal signs from starclan, but their closeness to the medicine den and their old soul often tell them different. (oocly i definitely do not want to be stepping on any toes wrt their fake visions so i am thinking these will not be too frequent either, and most of wheatkit's spirituality will be more traditional in its manifestations)

    ─ i am thinking that this kit would be sick at birth / shortly after birth, possibly with yellowcough, but cured quickly. the sickness would hinder their development and make them work twice as hard to become a warrior, but would also inevitably bond them closely to wolfsong & so would instill in him a greater sense of spirituality. feeling like living proof of spiritual blessing, wheatkit will more strongly attune to the spirits that wolfsong and sunstride share stories of, to the point of possibly putting off other cats to their practices. in my mind the illness will manifest as something similar to asthma, particularly exercise-induced asthma!
    ─ will become a tunneler, which may be a contentious decision based on their health history. however, wheatkit will learn to thrive underground and will bond strongly with any of his littermates that join him there. i think a stricter mentor would be interesting for wheatkit, since i think their parents will be very nurturing and patient with them, so i would like to explore that different kind of bond with their mentor.
    ─ i want his concept to be largely inspired by valkyries of norse legend; the guides from the mortal plane to the afterlife, but also the creatures that choose who lives and who dies on the battlefield. i think it would be interesting for this to manifest in a perceived curse of sorts (if roleplay allows), where wheatkit feels partially responsible for the deaths of certain clanmates or other cats he is close to. how he reacts to this feeling can depend based on where roleplay is taking him.
  • SUNSTRIDE x WOLFSONG / brother to TBA / generation 2
    loves his family!!!!!!!!!! very very much
    friends with who?
    likes who?
    dislikes who?
    loathes who?

    ─ relies deeply on his family to guide him on the right paths. this is partly due to his learned dependency while battling illness as a kit; but also just because his family loves him as much as they do and he often feels supported by them. if any of them have inklings of philosophy against sootstar or windclan, wheatkit will be very likely to adopt these thoughts as well.
    ─ tries desperately to support their family back in the ways that they all support him. wheatkit wants to make their fathers as proud as they can!
    ─ when it comes to friends, wheatkit is not necessarily apt. will likely develop a small circle of other strange kittens to be close to that he will confide in deeply; his affection is only a tail-length wide but cavernously deep.
    ─ when faced with potential bullying, or other reasons to dislike other cats, wheatkit's ire comes not in the fire that licks up his nape nor in the beastly fangs that erupt from his muzzle. instead, the child's temper manifests in icy stillness, a calm that is near unreasonable for a child to possess. truthfully, any jabs or digs made to him will cut him deeply-- but wheatkit is not equipped with a hair-pin trigger. don't mistake his tranquility for forgiveness or any other kind of acceptance, though; wheatkit does not easily forgive nor does he easily forget.
    ─ wheatkit will automatically loathe any cats that bring harm to his family, and will dislike any cats that make unkind passes at them.

    ✦ single. unlabeled sexuality
    ─ relationship notes
  • strength
    excels at perception, communication, spirituality
    poor at physical exertion (especially stamina-based activities)

    ─ excels in his cunning perception of others, and his ability to communicate what he sees to them. i think he also knows how to pick his way through conversations to make them efficient to have (and to get out of).
    ─ most physical activity is difficult but not impossible for wheatkit to execute. he will eventually learn how he can complete his warrior duties while accommodating for himself as fully as he is able. i do see him spending more time in camp than other warriors, which i acknowledge might make him the target of ic ableist attitudes in windclan, & i think it could be interesting to play out!
  • ✦ motifs and themes: valkyries as the choosers of death, but also as the guides from the natural world into the spiritual one; the idea of each piece of nature having its own spirit to attend to; the idea of gaia herself exacting wrath on those who do not behave to her liking; golden seas of wheat and grass; flaxen grains and oats; general imagery of growth and reclamation. teeth underneath soft lips. strangeness beneath soft fur. the worm in your apple. trailcam footage and campfire stories. cosmo sheldrake songs. diviners with pearl-white teeth.

    this app is finished!!! :- ) i may make more tweaks in the future but it is considered done now!
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Your mouth was on fire and bone sore.
I know you dug for years below the ground

  • Illustration8.png
    Bearkit of WindClan
    ••••0 Moons • He/Him • @/user
    Quietly softspoken and mildmannered on initial appearance, Bearkit is a polite but assertive young cat who speaks plainly and with little decor. His name betrays him, a great beast bellowing and loud while his words are less a boom of thunder and far more delicate in nature.
    ➸ name meaning?

    Bear - in reference to Sunstride's father, both lovingly and with caution.
    Kit - for his rank in the clan as a kitten.
    ALT. NAME CHOICES: Sunlitkit, Proudkit, Fiercekit, Glowkit...

  • windclan.png
    ➸ LH Chocolate Rosette Tabby [REFERENCE]
    While undoubtedly he looks the spitting image of Sunstride in both coloring and patterns, Bearkit takes more after Wolfsong in form and shares his lightly curled fur and longer cheek tufts as well as much more calming blue gaze. His limbs are long but his frame stocky, accented by a thick neck ruff and alarmingly short tail that was the possible inspiration for his name. His fur burns russet red, accented in a burnet glow and under direct light he is a pool of blood only marred with the occasional spotting of his cream-colored underbelly and limbs, at each joint his fur tufts out; winged heels of Hermes, and his pelt is often a mess of tangles and ringlets due to his active nature. His spotted markings are worn almost like a cloak, folded over shoulders and hips but never dropping down further than his chest.
    Additional Notes:

    • Takes after Sunstride in pelt coloring and markings.
    • Takes after Wolfsong in fur texture and frame, has the same softer expressions.
    • Tail is not cut or stubbed, but just naturally a little shorter than a normal tail for no real reason other than minor developmental issues.

    The epitome of a gentle giant, Bear is large for his age and towering on powerful limbs and like his namesake his posture is imposing and lumbering, a strong stride and sturdy gait make clear he is not a force to be trifled with, yet he remains relatively docile and quiet in demeanor. Bear isn't interested in meaningless violence, likes discussions and compromise in favor of raising his claws to another but is not so foolish as the not defend himself or his clan when pushed against a wall. His kindness is not to be mistaken for weakness, his heart is large but it hardly makes itself a target. The young tom has a stubborn streak to him as well, though how sturdy it remains depends on his development going forward.

  • Sunstride Wolfsong
    [Littermates] Name here & Name here.

  • Endless Possibilities & The Inevitability of Breaking
    An egg is deceptive, a hard shell holding a soft interior and like an egg Bear looks the part of an intimidating and dutiful WindClanner while inside he is genuinely unsure of where he stands with the clan's strict and oppressive aura. It is unclear what path he may go, whether he may follow the lead of his fellows and harden like the shell of a plover's egg or will he resist and remain unyeilding in his beliefs of softness and kindness born from parents both loving and understanding. Will he crack, will he crumble, will he stand against the force of the wind and not change in favor of a life of more ease than what would be presented otherwise or will he fight tooth and claw for his soft beliefs and defend the golden core that is his heart.
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small line of lyrics goes here

bloomingkit | bloomingpaw | blooming-??? (branch, stem, storm, willow, flower, seed, serpent, -???)
named 'blooming' by sunstride and after wolfsong; '???' for -???

demi-girl [afab] | uses feminine or neutral pronouns [she/they]

heteroflexible | demisexual | monogomous

kit | windclan

longhaired chocolate broken-braided tabby with low white | ref
despite her shared gentics, bloomingkits pelt pales in comparison to the sunshine hues her parents are known for - instead she has plucked her colors from the ground below, a mottled pelt of earthen tones. She is lithe snd gracrful, though will grow rather large, and has golden amber eyes.

cunning | dreamer | protective | flexible | observant
for the child of two such charismatic toms, it only right that she has been blessed with a silver tongue - cunning words woven like spider silk as she weaves her own reality. a storyteller through and through, it can sometimes be hard to take her seriously - are her grandiose words the truth, or is simple kitten-tales and make-believe? when not telling tales, she is oft quiet and introspective, mind wandering through endless possibilities, a daydreamer. but she is not withdrawn - no, she is always there, watching, learning, interacting with her clanmates and the world around her. she harbors a deep thirst for knowledge, hoarding it as one might treasure, though she is quite varied in her pursuits.

wolfsong x sunstride | gen 02
00 littermates (name, name)
00 siblings (name, name)
other relatives: name(relation), name(relation)

ambiverted | forms platonic relationships easily | hard to form romantic relationships with

lawful good | loyal to windclan

plot ideas.
Snake Skin. Bloomingkit seems to have latched onto her parents offering early on, her graceful figure slim and slight. But that isn't all - no, as she grows, her silver tongued words, love of knowledge, and an strange obsession with divination become clear. As an adult, it seems to take on yet another meaning - fertility and healing. Though she does not take after wolfsongs calling, no, her healing is of a different kind - healing wounds of the mind by becoming a mother for those who can't, and those in need.

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WIP. Long, shaggy fur, not as wispy as Wolfsong's but not as severe as Sunstride's; an unremarkable middle ground. Small and sturdy like Wolfsong. Flaming fucking ginger like Sunstride. Fun facts: his white spotting and brown-blue eyes are based on Siberian huskies (get it cause wolfsong is a wolf so one of his sons is a dog), and his hair is inspired by Howl's from Howl's Moving Castle.

Heartkit is like any child: inquisitive, playful, volatile. He is a little on the meeker side, shying away from the more intimidating authorities of WindClan; a little quieter around strangers, less likely to come up to random WindClanners for questioning and more likely to hide behind a father's leg. WIP

I'm a big fan of the "story within a story" trope, which will be reflected in several ways in Heartkit. He is born an over-imaginative child. He shines the mundane light of life through the magnifying glass of his head and intensifies it into flame. Heartkit is plagued with more nightmares than the usual child, but it's made up for by the disproportionate joy little things bring to his waking mind. Wolfsong's stories are the foundation of Heartkit's kithood, and he draws on their power for his own stories. He loves to spin tales, most of them fantastical: what if cats could fly like hawks; would we need tunnels then? Is there a SunClan, like StarClan, but the sun is the only cat in that clan and is very lonely, which is why it chases the moon all day? I would love for him to have a running story in his head that progresses as his does, with him making up his own twists and turns as his own life grows more tangled. Maybe it gives him a sense of control.

On the other paw, his childish observance of other cats lends his worldview a certain malleability. He is rarely secure in his own opinions because every situation could unfold a thousand different ways to him. Therefore, he calls upon his many role models to help him make decisions. Oftentimes he'll think to himself, "What would dad do?" or "If I was my mentor, what would I do?", and choose his actions based on there. Heartkit is clearly not a leader and struggles to commit to any one thing, anything from a piece of prey to devoting himself to a lover. Sometimes, in stressful situations, he will roleplay pretend to be someone he admires, or even someone that only exists in his head, and adopt their facade. He wants to think that he's a distinct individual, but the masks he wears melt in the heat of the fields. Sometimes he feels very lost in life.

Incarnate of the lark's foot, Heartkit is the storytelling of Norse mythology itself. He is the elevation of characters to gods in his mind and the monger of wars that take place in only his skull. He is the analysis that comes afterwards and the literary conflicts between forgotten texts. His tongue is golden and guileless: his inventions are for pleasure only, but can always be twisted by another aspiring tongue. Heartkit himself is not born particularly innocent or scheming. If he is kind, it because others have showed him to be kind; cruelty and deviousness are also easily learned traits. He is as prone to selfishness and stubbornness as any child, but with Sunstride and Wolfsong as parents, it's not likely he'll be obnoxiously so.

If accepted, I plan on having Heartkit's development be very IC-based aside from the storytelling aspect of his character. Still, the personality I set for him initially will also have a major effect on him and war with his influences! The questions below are more for me to look back on while he progresses through the story because I won't be sure what he'll be like by the time they happen.
  • His name and appearance are very subject to change!!! I'm super flip floppy about it rn
  • Heartkit's size at 3 moons sits right on the threshold of moor-runner and tunneler. Due to the ongoing plot to build a tunnel to RiverClan, he will likely be forced into tunneling, despite his love for sunny days and the golden autumnal moors. Does this build resentment in the boy, or does he accept that he will have to give some things up for the good of WindClan? Does his imagination bloom in the darkness of the tunnels, or will it be smothered?
  • Sootstar's fall takes place during their apprenticeship. How does the massive upheaval in his life affect him? If he becomes devoted to Sootstar, will he be struck with the notion that all his loved ones, or even himself, will fall like that one day, scorned and disgraced? How does he perceive change as being implemented: is the power to overthrow a tyrant within the paws of ordinary cats like him, or is fate something unavoidable, like a storm barreling towards him that he must simply withstand?
  • Heartkit's creativity combined with his childish curiosity may lead him to unknowingly deduce events that only select characters are aware of, and it may lead him down a darker path of being complicit in their secrets for fear of punishment.
  • Alternate names: Sunlitkit, Burningkit, Dawningkit, Glossykit, Silkenkit, Wildkit, Antlerkit. Potential warrior names: Heartfall, Heartflight, Heartfield, Heartfire, Heartstrike, Heartsong, Heartwhisper.
  • I will probably be rolling for his stats if accepted! I would also like to try out D&D-style roleplaying c:
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with a chocolate tortie coat as a base, ___kit's fur is wispy and light, always sticking up in all of the wrong places. wild and untamed, no matter how much you groom it, some sprigs will spring right back in to oddly positioned shapes. most notably is there a "mane" of fur that bunches up around her neck and billows down to her chest. it's pure-white, though there are always various leaves, dried grass or twigs stuck within it. she's splashed with white as well, in various positions, low-white in nature. her tail is a feathery thing that always seems a bit too big for her body, and as a baby it's Christmas-tree like. her height is normal for a kitten, nothing big, nothing small.

a curious creature at heart, ___kit is everything a kitten should be. wide-eyed, wobbly-pawed, she looks for the good in everyone and everything. in her eyes, her parents could do no wrong, neither can their friends and the council they sit on. questions to them or others are always expected; how does this work, why do we do this? she’ll ask hypotheticals even if she knows the answers to them, she will be annoying with it. the young girl just wants to know more about the world and how it works, especially when her moon and sun spins around both of her parents.

___kit is also kind at heart, no hatred built within to displace it. she will be kind to everyone, show them respect and bombard them like she would her parents.

though… as a kitten, ___kit is easily influenced. have a strong opinion about something? tell her and she may just develop the same prejudice. have someone she needs to stay away from? tell her, and she’ll stay away from them as if they had a contagious sickness. she also tends to take others speech patterns and thoughts and make them in to hers, basically becoming a mini of the cat shes speaking to. perhaps this mimic-like behavior will latch on to them in to adulthood, or perhaps if caught early enough it may fade in to the background. only starclan knows now.
  • i would love to have one of her parents name her icly between the three names that can be hovered for<3
  • DISCLAIMER: IC REACTIVE CHARACTER. i struggle with playing a characters personality set in stone/unchanging, so as time goes on, ___kit will adapt & so will i! her base personality (kinder, loyal n such) will remain a default however.
  • going for the hares heart kitten. short-legged, powerful hind-legs, feathery tail- it would seem at first that ___kit was granted everything physical there could be, though when it comes time for an apprentice ceremony... her parents may just notice that she has taken an interest in the tunnels, remaining smaller; a lack of a big growth-spurt keeps her at just the decent size to fit in to them...
  • going on from above ... i have plans for her to become a tunneler when it comes time !! this would wrap in to her hares heart plot: a tunnel-dwelling, digging apprentice.
  • clings to the knowledge of starclan. it provides comfort in even her darkest hours. she will struggle with not being able to see the open skies above. she fears her soul may be lost in to the known if a tunnel collapses and takes her with it ;;; may seek comfort in wolfsong and see if he can tell her whether it is so or not
  • looks up to sunstride & wolfsong both. she wants to be a good storyteller like her dad, but she, uh... tends to get a little ahead of herself. she thinks sunstrides poetic way of telling something is really cool & would listen to him for hours. probably demands bedtime stories.
  • will be jealous of any moor-runner siblings as a tunneler. feels like she just shattered her parents legacy when called to be one, being a girl to overreact to certain news. but also struggles with the fact that she enjoys being in the dirt, how is she supposed to feel when her hearts being tugged in to two? (note: this is easily solved by a conversation with her parents, though since shes slightly oblivious, she would likely choose to work through it alone)
  • another note for above as well, if any other siblings are tunnelers, she may just naturally be closer to them than any moor-runners since she sees them more often!
  • has an immense pride in her heritage / who she came from, thus she does suffer from a bit of inferiority issue. if insinuated that shes doing less than her parents, she may lash out, as it is a very sore subject. she wants to find her own path in life, but also live up to her parents legacies.
  • takes a great amount of pride in her coat / appearance. will freak OUT over her first scar, though probably only in the safety of her parents or siblings. will she be soothed knowing of her parents' or others own ones, or will she just feel silly she made a big deal out of it in the first place?
  • will overwork herself to provide for windclan come winter. as a curious soul, she will often suggest unorthodox ways of dealing with potential starvation/the ground freezing over.
  • i will say i do best with a family that i know will be consistently played / actual played family. i am to do around 10-15+ posts with her a month if chosen [ though i work 2 jobs and i am on my way to moving out by next year, so there may be a few bouts of inactivity for a few days here and there ]
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FEATHERKIT; named for sunstride's hopes, and her downy fur
afab bigender ; she/he pronouns, undiscovered sexuality
─ foetus moons: WOLFSONG x SUNSTRIDE

✦ longhaired chocolate tabby w/ low white and yellow eyes
the owl's eyes have not only apparently influenced featherkit's tendencies, but also her appearance. like the down feathers of an owl's neck, the mane she has gained from her fathers points downwards, giving her long fur a quill-like quality. marbled tabby stripes ripple across the deep chocolate of his pelt, thick and dark. his paws are snow-dipped, as is an arrow-like point at the end of his tail- and, kissed upon his forehead is a four-pointed star, a bright blaze on dark features to rival the lantern-yellow of her eyes. upon her face is usually set at least a light scowl, though under anxiety or irritation (unfortunately common emotions) his expression grows darker. featherkit holds himself with poise and grooms himself almost obsessively well, though the fur of his pinfeather mane never seems to lie smooth.

( + ) responsible, reliable, clever, earnest, loyal
( / ) perfectionist, anxious, stubborn, sensitive, nosy
( - ) paranoid, unforgiving, petty, unfriendly ​
featherkit is pointedly an introvert, and greatly enjoys his alone time. his lonesomeness does not make him unhappy- it simply means his friendship is harder to maintain. in casual conversation she is standoffish, awkward and even unkind, but when approached one-one-one she is more accommodating and surprisingly earnest. despite how thorny she can sometimes be with her clanmates, featherkit will always be loyal to her clan and especially her family, whom she loves dearly despite how readily she tiptoes around positive displays of emotion.

the owl's eyes have blessed her with a great talent for hunting; but it is not purely gain. a nocturnal creature does not match up very well with a windclanner who spends her life underneath a uncovered sun, and featherkit has thus been struck with insomnia. it is an affliction that will never truly leave him, and does little to help how annoyed he gets when his alone-time is interrupted. additionally, he is blessed with a watchfulness that fuels his naturally sharp mind- however, it often leads him to places he should not stick his nose. as a child he will eavesdrop, and hear of happenings that a young mind is too youthful to healthily process. such habits breed anxiety, and featherkit learns to use her temper to protect herself from what scares her with a tongue as sharp as an owl's talons.

a perfectionist, featherkit is acutely aware of the expectations inevitably (in her mind) weighed upon her back by being the child of two very important windclanners. she strives ceaselessly to meet these expectations, real or not, and once she is an apprentice she will toil at her work to a perhaps irritating extent. still, his streak of stubbornness prevents him from adjusting this behaviour, as he firmly believes the best way to flourish is to chip away at his imperfect abilities.
speaks with a stutter- gets caught on plosive sounds.
has keen senses, and will grow to be an expert hunter- but is not good at very much else.
finds berry-painting oddly relaxing, and though he avoids most games, featherkit will often indulge in this as a pastime.




alternate name: glowkit

More fur than body, Wispkit is a child that could easily be mistaken for a loose piece of cotton. Its fur puffs out in all directions, soft, fluffy, downy, and never deigning to flatten no matter how much effort is put into the attempt. Its the color that makes the comparison the most apt, however, given the nearly fully stark white color of the little kit. From nose to tail tip, Wispkit's fur is completely void of color, a blank canvas. Unfortunately, this does mean that said canvas is often filled with what messes can be found; mud, dirt, twigs, leaves, feathers, all of these wind up tangled in its fur and it is all very visible, sticking out against the emptiness. The only spot on it that different is its paw, a small splash of black on just its front right foot. Its eyes are a striking blue, bright and vibrant as the sky above on a clear, sunny day. In size, it seems as if it will be only a runt of a cat, but this is misleading. Despite its very small stature at birth, sometime in its late apprenticeship, Wispkit goes through a growth spurt that leaves it towering over though it used to have to look up at, the effect only made more noticeable by the fact that its fur takes up so much space, too. It is rather chubby, and this does not change as it grows, remaining a part of it even through adulthood, though one might not notice it beneath the fluff. It takes small steps, but moves quick, loving to adventure and play whenever it can, often getting lost if it ventures too far.

Sneaky and adventurous, Wispkit is a prime example of why kits should not be allowed to leave camp, especially not on their own. It gets into trouble with ease, finding all sorts of predicaments that it then has to wiggle its way out of; this doesn't dissuade it in the least, however, it's curiosity and yearning to see everything the world has to offer easily overriding any possible worries about danger. The kitten is the type to sneak out whenever it pleases, regardless of what those around it might think of the fact. It does, however, know enough to keep such adventures quiet rather than advertise it to the Clan. Instead, it would use the things it learns out in its explorations on those in camp. Sneaking up on them is the most common, as those around it are likely to learn as it grows. It moves like a ghost, silent and subtle, a prodigy in this field whereas it struggles a bit more with those activities and abilities that might be seen as more useful for a WindClanner. Fortunately, Wispkit doesn't care too much for what others think of it, and is willing to work hard regardless. It does its best in everything it tries, even if its best isn't always great, or even good.

  • TUNNELER > MOORRUNNER Based on its size as a kit, as mentioned in the appearance section, it is likely that Wispkit would be assigned to train as a tunneler, having the size for it when it is younger. Unfortunately, this will change, and when it goes through this growth spurt its unlikely that it will be able to do as well in the tunnels, likely being too big to effectively do the job. This will result in it having to start again to a degree, switching from tunneler to moorrunner. This will likely cause some conflict for it, as it will have embraced its job as a tunneler at this point and would likely be very frustrated and disappointed with being taken from the tunnels.
  • OWL'S EYES This offering gives Wispkit a few different traits, some in actions and some in appearance. Right off the bat, the most obvious thing that it has received from this are its eyes; large, round eyes, with the sharp vision that goes along with it. Used in tandem with it's other gift bestowed upon it by the owl, its ability to move silently, Wispkit is rather capable of getting into unexpected places. Finally, it has of course inherited one of the most well-known traits associated with owls; it often finds itself sleeping through the day, and awake through most of the night, more nocturnal than diurnal. This can be both helpful and detrimental to it, depending on the situation.
  • WILL-O'-THE-WISP While its skills and appearance could certainly useful to its Clan, it can just as easily be used in a malevolent fashion. Going out in the dark, a glimpse of light, drawing curious souls off the beaten path and deeper into the night. It is highly likely it is this trick that it will use to mess with its enemies and get the upper hand on them, whether they are outside or within the Clan, given its less than stellar fighting ability.
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