the world is a wasteland | hunting thread (no encounter)

Trudging through the snow, Howlfire visibly shivered. After the celebrations the night before, this sudden turn of weather had been something of an unpleasant surprise to dampen the mood. She hadn't exactly been eager to go out and try to hunt that morning, but her clan needed to be fed, and snow be damned, she was not going to sit by and do nothing. Not whilst she could still hunt, not whilst Flamestar more or less implied she wouldn't stop her warriors from hunting on their territory.

Silversmoke had already taken a patrol out earlier, and Howlfire hoped perhaps that she would be lucky enough to enjoy the same mild success as he had. Whilst it took a while to find a scent to follow, Howlfire was at least glad that she could detect no predators or other rogues hunting nearby. Perhaps they were smart enough to hunker down and try to wait off the worst of the snow. Howlfire wished she had that luxury. After the veritable feast they had all enjoyed last night, seeing the forest this morning and their own dwindling fresh-kill pile, she felt a sense of dread form in the pit of her stomach. Some hope bloomed within her when she heard rustling nearby, following the sound, and an increasingly strong scent, towards a shrew. Clearly, staying safe and warm in its nest was not part of the plan for this shrew. Howlfire quickly darted towards it, nearly missing it in her haste to pounce, before pinning it down and killing it before it had a chance to squirm away.

Howlfire carried the shrew in her mouth as she met up with some of her nearby patrolmates. "Not everything is hiding, luckily," She mewed, gesturing to her shrew. It was small but it was better than nothing. Howlfire would suffer the unpleasant cold if it meant a clanmate could eat.

// rolled a 15 for no encounter, followed by a 16 to find prey, a 3 to succeed in catching something small (a shrew), and another 3 to get the chills :(
This is the first leafbare Fluffypaw is spending outside the nursery, and these are the first snows she's ever tried to hunt in. She struggles to keep pace with Howlfire's patrol, but every step has her sinking up to her belly in cold white wetness. She grimaces each time, flicking fallen snow from her tufted ears. She's thankful for her thick pelt; it keeps the worst of the chill and the biting winds from sinking their teeth into her flesh, though it does little for her hunting ability.

She watches Howlfire streak in the direction of some rustling foliage. When the lead warrior turns back to regard the patrol, a shrew dangles from her jaws. "Good catch!" Fluffypaw is determined, now, to find something to match Howlfire's fresh-kill.

She breaks away from the warriors, tasting the air for any semblance of prey. She can smell the blood from Howlfire's shrew, but besides snow and more snow and pine needles... she sighs and shakes her head. "I can't find anything over here," she reports.

  • ooc: rolled a 3 (no prey) and a 17 (good health)
    mentor tag @GREENEYES
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit . Fluffypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 12 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    — mentored by Greeneyes ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan apprentice. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.
    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.


Owlheart was hesitant to venture out in the snow, she hated the bitterness of it against her paws and the shivering that would come from it is always inevitable. She longed to curl up beside her mates and kits but seeing the state of the fresh kill pile had been her motivator. Her kits are able to eat now, she knew deep down that she couldn't live with herself if she deprived them of that new development. Not that the whole clan weighed on her shoulders of course, she wasn't in any position to think that. Just her children, which to her is as important as having the entire clan relying on her. Normally her inhereted thick pelt would aid in being able to deflect the cold temperament that surrounds them. She found, however, as she travelled beside Fluffypaw and Howlfire that isn't the case.

The scurrying of tiny paw prints is enough to draw her from her contemplation over the coolness of the weather surrounding them. She assumed it was just the shrew that Howlfire caught but the sound persists, beyond a pair of snow covered bushes. The sunset tinged tabby crouches at the sound, careful of where her paws fall as to not crunch in the snow so much. There is a small grunt of a squeak and the scent of vole fills the air, it's not much but it'll do. She is thankful for this in truth, happy to not go back to camp empty pawed.

With a jerk of a leap she snaps up the rodent between sharp fangs. Snapping bones and standing up swiftly, with a flick of her tail she thanks StarClan, certain that they must be watching to ensure that their clan is fed. With a shake of her paws she trudges back to meet with the patrol. "I found a vole over there" with a gesture of her tail she explains politely to Fluffypaw. Taking note of the sigh that leaves the apprentice. "There will be more prey around here, I'm sure" she tries to encourage chimera, clearing her throat uncomfortably as it feels particularly parched.

She doesn't make much of a fuss over it, assuming that it must just be the vole's fur tickling her mouth.

  • ooc. Rolled a 12 for health (WHITECOUGH YIPEE) | & 17 for prey + 8 for prey size (vole=1 point)
    She / her ||Warrior of SkyClan || 19 moons
    An orange tabby with low white and an owls feather tucked in her tail.
    Mates with Oddgleam and Crowsight | Mother to Pearlkit, Cuckookit, Morningkit, Brightkit and Ravenkit.
    Mentoring Hollypaw
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

He hadn't gone hunting for some time, so he decided to finally do so. The black and white cat loved snow, surprisingly. However, that was only when he was warm. Now, his paw pads felt numb and cold and somehow hurting at the same time. Still, it wasn't too bad, so this lead him to press on.

His breath shook. Maybe once he was at his twolegs', all would be fine again, but for the time being, the Clan needed him. Needed him to at least attempt to find something to hunt. He glanced at Howlfire's shrew. A small catch, but invaluable during a time like this. "Good job," Dovahkiinwing managed to say. He glanced over at Fluffypaw, who was having difficulty. "Don't give up," The Daylight Warrior tried to encourage her.

Ah! Owlheart did manage to find something, thankfully. That was two out of four. "Awesome!" He tried to be happy once again but with this miserable weather it was difficult.

Now it was his turn. He lowered his nose to the ground, well, more like the snow and tried to sniff. Nothing. He moved to a couple other spots and still nothing. With a defeated sigh, he looked up and shook his head.

OOC: Rolled a 9 for health (frostbite) and a 7 on prey (no prey).

Chills threatened to plague his body - and Silversmoke went out again. A pale phantom against a white backdrop, he did not make his presence known to the patrol, hoping that the sting of disobeying his clan's wishes would be lessened should he return successful from his second journey. At least, the tom thought, he could not get any colder than this.

Condensation fogged his vision and defiantly, he pushed through it with each breath, his attention falling to the earth where tiny prints remained fresh and fleeting with the constant snowfall. Entering a hunter's crouch, he followed them to a nearby tree, his pawsteps muted by the whistle of winter winds. He dived between the roots and pulled out a mouse, squinting as he turned his attention to the rest of the patrol.

[ rolled a 17 for health, 15 for catching prey and a 2 (+1) for prey size

They're reminded of twin tufts of black-white fur every time they venture past the nursery to check on Owlheart's litter. Budkit stares back at them with such vibrant, eager eyes and they can't help but flinch away from her sight. Would they be panicked and rushing to hunt until their paws fell off, the same way the orange tabby mother does now? They ignore the fact that they'd already spent so much time hunting... that they already make the conscious choice to brave the bad weather when they could stay warm and safe in their Twoleg's nest. They could prove everyone right, make the choice to be selfish and survive.

The sound of the snow crunching under the tiniest weight of rodent paws snaps up their attention- Eyes blow wide with a starving sense of hope, crouching with very little build up before lunging towards a snowbank they'd heard the shuffling come from. Their paws dive into the snow, reaching as their head follows after, burying their upper body into the heavy powder. If it weren't for the waving flag of a black bob-tail, it might've seemed like they'd disappeared. They yank themself out from the potential death trap, claws still wrapped tightly with the baited breath hope they'd actually managed to snag the thing...

And with a relieved sigh, they withdraw their paws to find a shrew firmly grasped... An actual success for what felt like the first time in ages. Wasting no time, they clamp their teeth around it, flicking the errant snow from between their toes before turning back towards the rest of their group and rushing to rub against Owlheart's side with a proud purr. Look! No need to worry tonight...

/rolled a 7 for health, frost bite, 15 for hunting, 2 for prey size [ 1 point ]
  • eeb-banner.png
  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 19 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69
The Maine Coon pushes against the frosty gales, the snow blanketing his charcoal form and threatening to color him white. Some cats around him flounder under the pressure of pursuing a hunt in the blizzard while others manage to kill the last remaining critters who dared to brave this storm. Perhaps Slatesnarl would have wrinkled his nose in envy upon seeing the likes of Edenberry—ever the pathetic feline in his eyes—securing their own catch while he went about in circles like a delusional bloodhound. However, at the moment, he could not be bothered to indulge in such petty opinions. SkyClan should feel damn lucky to bring home anything in this horrid weather.

The great warrior's stomach groans longingly. Slatesnarl wants to have his moment. He wants to bring home food for his little ones like a father should. Though, the more the male pushes onward, the more frustrated he grows. Hefty paws trudge through the expanse of ice and cold, jaw clenched as more strong winds buffeted against the Maine Coon's thick pelt. Slatesnarl could not catch a whiff of anything here...

  • health roll: 4 ( chills )
    prey roll: 2 ( no prey found )
  • 75375484_vL7mDl6wNERV2mI.png
    — slatesnarl / 44 moons / he/him
    — skyclan warrior & former lead warrior
    — mate to orangestar / father to lambkit & ramkit
    — lh solid black maine coon w/ rusting, amber eyes. scars litter his form but are prominently present on his face.
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