THE WORLD WAS OUT TO GET ME &. august 12th meeting


sorry i have to rush this rn ! it will be finished sometime late tonight or tomorrow ! so this is just the first part. no announcements yet !//

the leader had a lot to talk about. there is something in their stomach that they're not used to having ... dread. uncertainty. as they climb on the rock, their claws gently grip against it. they are uneasy and yet their face is sculpted with a certain level of agitation. starclan must have been pissed... what else was the reason for what they've learned?

"shadowclanners! please, gather. it's time for a meeting and it is a serious one. it is not optional."

they speak loud and clear, making it very apparent that they are not in the mood for anything. starclan, if you truly protect us, you will keep us safe. they pray that, just this once, the stars are listening. this was not going to be a fun meeting at all.
The tone of their voice is...worrisome, though really there's no pinpointing what exactly it is that bothers him so. Well– no, that's a complete lie. A serious one, they say, and immediately his mind goes to worst case scenarios. Someone betrayed them. Someone's dying. Chilldstar themselves? Though he's among the first to gather for the meeting, his gaze is already scanning the others with a sort of anxiety he doesn't like admitting to. Like when he'd nearly begged Clearheart to take care of Dragonflypaw. Is he going to have to beg again? No point thinking about that already. If only saying that made it something he could accept. The lean warrior settles down with his tail curled around his paws, even though it doesn't stay there long. The tip taps and sways against white tipped paws.

"C'mere bug," he mutters, calling Dragonflypaw (and Clearheart, by extension) closer to his side. Whatever Chilledstar had to say, at least they would hear it all together.

  • ooc:
  • honeyjaw ╱╱ 36 moons old ╱╱ he - him - his ╱╱ warrior of shadowclan.
    ──── a former loner who joined the clan approximately six months ago (give or take).
    ──── named for the deep honey-brown of his pelt as well as his too natural charisma.
    ──── has an apprentice-aged kid he joined with, def scared of watching 'em grow up.
    ──── bisexual- kinda flirtatious yet never seems to really pursue a relationship. single.

    a short-furred dark chocolate point tom with the smallest splashes of white on his forehead, front paws, and tail tip. well-built, but overall average in size and unremarkable aside from his lightly curled ears and the magnetism of his smile. seems to show signs of aging earlier than expected, with a salt-and-pepper dusting around his jaw and muzzle.
  • "speech"

siltcloud & 14 moons & female & she/her & shadowclan warrior

Silt does not think she's ever heard such words from their leaders - any of them. To go so far as to specify that it is not an optional meeting, to imply that everyone must show face - even the kits, she wonders? Interest is peaked, and she strides over to join the crowd, weaving her way over on light paws - barely concealing her burning curiosity by keeping her head down and gaze lowered. There certainly must be something more serious to be discussed today, than just ceremonies. She can only hope they have not been caught.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a dust hued cinnamon tabby with white markings and sage green eyes. her fur is dull and unkept, her figure frail and slight. she's usually quite passive, and rarely makes eye contact or speaks above a whisper. she has five toes upon all four paws.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#905d5d]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

can we leave it behind? The urgency of their call led Sabletuft to encroach further into the clearing. Horrid timing to find some humor in their words, what kind of meeting could be considered optional at all? It does not occur to Sabletuft, as it had for Siltcloud, that this would require kits and their most senior of elders to attend. If only because he found both ends of their ranks nosy enough to disregard when meetings did not apply to them.

The dark tom settled with the crowd that began to appear, he met Honeyjaw's gaze though lacked sharing any similar feeling. Whatever this meeting was, he had confidence he could endure. — tags
Emberpaw looked up from her mundane duties, ears twitching uncertainly. They’ve never begun a meeting likethat before. Not that she could remember many, but their tone sent chills down her spine, like her bones had been drenched in swamp water and then fed to a hungry gale. She quickly abandoned her work and padded over, mossy eyes glittering uncertainly.
Tadpolepaw sits amongst the gathering crowd of cats, the eyes of ShadowClan a sea of blinking, glowing lights all angled up towards the brightest of them all. They wonder how Chilledstar feels, standing up there all alone. Tad doesn't even know if the midnight leader feels anything at all. They've seen them around, of course, mingling with their warriors, deigning to play with the kits, even hosting friendly little competitions. Viridian eyes carefully track each shadow down the white-streaked face, the taunt lines beneath the blare of ice-blue eyes. They're nervous? Tadpolepaw knows that face too well, because it's one they wear often. But...the last place they'd expect to find a mirror is in their leader's visage.​
————— ☾ —————

A serious meeting... Swankit blinks sleepily up at their leader, a tinge of confusion coloring his dull eyes. Aren't... most meetings serious? Is something different this time? ...Is something wrong? Oh, he hopes not... He's supposed to become an apprentice this meeting (not that he's particularly looking forward to it) and he'd hate for something to go wrong again...

...Well, it can't be worse than the bears, at least. Still, anxiety prickles under Swankit's pelt as he takes his place for the meeting, and not merely because of the nerves that apprenticeship brings. His head is ducked low, a worried twist to his expression. He casts an uncertain glance to his sisters, before turning his attention to the leader in anticipation.
————— ☾ —————

  • //
  • SWANKIT named for his pale fur, after his maternal grandmother.
    — he/him. 4 moons.
    — shadowclan kit.
    — quiet and dreamy.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • Untitled147_20230514003200.png
A serious one? Ferndance could do serious... sometimes. Ears politely angled upwards, the cinnamon tabby moved toward the meeting place, her head tilted to the side. Even as an esteemed member of Chilledstar's council, she had little clue of what 'serious' thing they could be going on about - no one had died, someone had left but that was hardly a problem, was it? Falling back on her haunches, the Lead Warrior offered a small smile to the black and white feline, her tail neatly curled around her forepaws as she awaited to hear what this 'serious' news was.
Applekit is already at attention, mismatched eyes sharp as she knows– has known for a few days not that she would be an apprentice soon. She's tried to keep herself well - groomed– she could maintain herself without Halfshade's help a little better now. Paws situate themselves precisely where they should be. Her tail was less of the prick it had been when she was younger, and could not reliably lay across her paws, growing along with the rest of herself. She could glimpse Chilledstar climbing to their perch before they say anything, and she stands to attention as they open their maw.

An important meeting. Applekit makes a face. Was their apprenticeship already not important? Her ears angle away from the center of camp, wondering if a new set of monsters was about to crash through camp once again. She shares a glance with Swankit before taking a place beside him, ears flicking under something like nerves.

"i apologize that there was a bit of suspense. we will start with the better parts of this meeting before I continue to things more... bleak. ceremonies.

applekit, garlickit, batkit, swankit, valeriankit, and caterpillarkit. please step forward.

do you all promise to do what it takes to become proper shadowclan warriors? to fight for your clan, beside your mentors and learn from one another, in hopes to becoming better than that of your own mentors?

then with the blessing of starclan, I name you applepaw, garlicpaw, batpaw, swanpaw, valerianpaw, and caterpillarpaw. applepaw, you will be mentored by granitepelt. garlicpaw, you will be mentored by dogfur. batpaw, you will be mentored by bonefang. swanpaw, you will be mentored by sabletuft. valerianpaw, you will be mentored by foxflower. and caterpillarpaw, you will be mentored by siltcloud. i am... trusting you all to mentor your apprentices properly. I will not remind you again that I do not need another crowpaw situation. you are here to guide your apprentices to become strong warriors. do not make them punching bags.

they don't take the time to gage reactions from parents and kits alike. they don't care enough right now. there are greater things at stake. their stomach twists and they feel nauseous before they just blow out air.

"as you may or may not know, starlingheart and magpiepaw just returned from their trip to meet with starclan. there, they had a discussion with skyclan's medicine cat and... there is... a sickness within the clans. we don't know what causes it or even what helps it but it's..."

unsettling. it's anxiety inducing. it's going to wipe them all out before they even have a chance to blink. the words don't leave them as they lowered their gaze before speaking up again.

"if you are feeling ill, do not leave camp. don't make an effort to be stronger than you think you are. go see our medicine cats immediately. on border patrols, do your best to stay away from other cats. last thing we need is for them to spread to us and vice versa. and most importantly, be safe. look out for each other. if too many fall ill, starlingheart and magpiepaw will need all the help they can get. hunt more. we will need all of the food we can manage to keep energy up... make sense?"

they weren't really asking. either it did or it didn't but they had more worrisome things to think about. they only hoped this illness was not carried back with starlingheart. they don't think they will survive that at all.

"and another thing. it seems there is... something happening near the carrionplace. rats are coming out of the woodworks so just be careful. report anything weird to me, smogmaw, sabletuft, ferndance, or our lovely medicine cats. who knows what the heck is going on over there. alright? dismissed. go hunt or something."

// can't tag properly because of mobile but activity shoutouts go to @APPLEKIT @swankit @S A B L E T U F T @HONEYJAW @smogmaw @Needledrift @GHOSTKIT @NETTLEKIT

I apologize if I missed anyone on this list but I am really proud of you all !! keep up the good work ! you are sure to be rewarded for your activity 💞
She was so excited!!! Today was the day!! She was going to learn how to do all sorts of stuff, like hunt and fight and other cool stuff!! Maybe she'll learn how to make scarier mud monsters!!


SHE will be the mud monster......

She is clean for once, her fur devoid of any dirt or mud. Halfshade worked very hard for this achievement, and for once, Garlickit didn't ruin it immediately. Probably the first time in her life she's been clean.

She bounces in place beside her siblings and only stops when Chilledstar begins to address them. She steps forward with a bounce when asked.

"YEAH!!!" She answers Chilledstars questions energetically. She was going to be SO GOOD at being a warrior.

And then they are assigned their mentors. She is assigned to Dogfur. She searches for him in the crowd, and once she finds him she bounces over to him.

"Hi!!!" She greets him excitedly. " I'm gonna be the best apprentice!!"

The rest of the meeting barely registers in her head and all she gathers from it is to be careful. She can do that, easy peasy!​

†—— a meeting. ghostkit's never been to one before—not old enough to be trusted outside of the medicine den or her parents' (really, starlingheart's) watchful eyes, she supposes, squinting. well, lately she's been trusted enough to roam about camp with the milling pack of kits, so she pads up alongside the other cats who gather and sits down, curling a tufted tail about her two-toned forepaws. she tilts her head up towards the rock over which chilledstar presides, unsheathed claws gripping it and their face slightly agitated, she notices.

a bunch of cats flock to the rock, no doubt beckoned by not only the leader's call but their weighted tone—honeyjaw, her aunt siltcloud, halfshade's kit, a bunch of cats she hasn't bothered to learn the names of. she pays little mind to their meaningless mutters and mindless whining, sitting with dark eyes trained on chilledstar's white-streaked form. she knows she, nettlekit, and flintkit aren't yet being apprenticed—that's next moon, if she's thinking right—but perhaps she can gauge the situation now, so she knows how to behave the most favorably when it is her turn.

it's boring to watch the other kits be apprenticed—she wants to be apprenticed now, but she knows there's not really a way she can take that, even if she wants it. she's learned that fast enough. ghostkit watches with blank eyes, twitches dark ears when she hears her father's name; applepaw and granitepelt. she wonders how her brothers will feel about it, how flintkit will feel about it; they've had granitepelt's favor, or at least his attention, the entirety of their short lives. flintkit in particularly seems to follow him around sometimes like a wounded bird—she would never do it, it's pathetic and humiliating. at chilledstar's last few words, punching bags, she raises small eyebrows; did mentors hurt their apprentices, sometimes?

she wonders if granitepelt will hurt applepaw.

still chilledstar's moving on before she can really think on it and at the mention of her mother's name she glances up yet again, tail flicking where it rests against her paws. a white-masked face is unreadable at the news—too young to truly comprehend the magnitude of it, no matter how intelligent she might consider herself, it means little to her. it's not affecting her, after all; perhaps it impacts faraway clans, distant cats, but for now it doesn't matter—unless. she squints, considers; unless it drags starlingheart's attention to rheumy-eyed cats with throats slowly closing, to other kits hacking and wheezing. the rats mean nothing to her, though, and she doesn't like dwelling on thoughts of starlingheart ignoring her. she has nothing to hunt, so she merely gets up and pads off to find something else to fill her time.


  • ooc: ——
  • disclaimer: it is extremely important to note that ghostkit is an exceptionally cruel and immoral cat and her actions and thoughts do not reflect my own opinions as a writer. the way she behaves and thinks is morally reprehensible, and i do not condone these actions outside of roleplay in any way. she may refer to other cats in demeaning ways, including as "things", and this is not an attempt to oocly dehumanize anyone's character, but a reflection of her unfortunate outlook on the world.

    ghostkit is also a budding skilled manipulator who is already very good at concealing her true feelings. as such, other characters will generally not be able to detect the fact that she's falsifying her behavior unless it's specifically noted in the post to be visible. this includes "gut feelings", "intuition", or suspicion with no ic basis.

    again, all opinions & thoughts are ic only and do not reflect my thoughts and opinions as a writer.
  • 69418116_LQIbctTYt87prkD.png
    — ghostkit
    — she/her ; kit of shadowclan ; 3 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by dejavu

Mottlepaw dances her way over to her gathering Clan on light paws, humming a grim little tune to herself as she drops into a seated position somewhere nearby her mentor. Chilledstar looks grumpy, which isn't unusual, but the tone in their voice tells Mottlepaw that they're grumpier than usual. They're probably going to talk about what Starlingheart said, aren't they? Probably for the best; ShadowClan needed to know sooner rather than later.

But ceremonies come first, which is always fun; Mottlepaw loves seeing all the little kittens lined up with their fur immaculately styled and their paws all but lifting off the ground as the more outgoing ones are called forward to meet their mentors. She'll be one of them in a few moons, she just knows it.

"Congratulations!" She purrs at full volume, hoping to catch the attention of at least one of her new denmates. Maybe Garlicpaw, whose fur is suspiciously clean (Mottlepaw wonders if she'd get in trouble for showing the new apprentice a good muddy spot close to camp). In the quiet that follows, Chilledstar speaks again, informing the rest of the Clan of the news Starlingheart had brought them. The atmosphere shifts immediately, and Mottlepaw finds herself nodding along with their bicolour leader's instructions. Rest if you aren't well, talk to their medicine cats. Those who remained well would need to pick up the slack hunting. Good thing she's good at hunting (she's not)!

There's something else, too? Mottlepaw's ears prick, and then flatten. Eugh, more rats in the Carrionplace? Her nose wrinkles. That's normal for the stinking heap, but if Chilledstar is concerned about something weird happening in it then that's good enough for the apprentice. She'll keep an eye out, yessiree.

With the meeting dismissed shortly after Mottlepaw decides to head for the apprentices' den, keen to meet her new denmates.

siltcloud & 14 moons & female & she/her & shadowclan warrior

For a moment, siltcloud is bitterly jelous - because of course granitepelt would be granted an apprentice first. How many times will this pattern repeat - of him doing something, and her following, always in second pace. She loves him, she does, but something abou it has her on edge. She wants to be more.

And then head snaps up as her own name i called - she's been gifted an apprentice as well, though the who is certainly surprising. Some part of her had assumed that well - the blind child would be given to the blind warrior. But... she will make this work, she thinks, standing and brining herself over to caterpillarpaw instead, stopping before her. "We'll begin once the meeting is over," she says softly - words just for her - already, she has plans.

It does not matter that she was born different, no, this apprentice will be great someday. Everything siltcloud cannot be.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a dust hued cinnamon tabby with white markings and sage green eyes. her fur is dull and unkept, her figure frail and slight. she's usually quite passive, and rarely makes eye contact or speaks above a whisper. she has five toes upon all four paws.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#905d5d]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

They don't make sense. Applekit thinks that hardly ever do. The urgency uttered only moments earlier was done away in a moment, and Applekit is left confused, feeling like the grass has been ripped up from under feet. She almost misses the exact moment she's made an apprentice. Applekit steps forward, and she almost trips. She doesn't get how Garlickit can be just as dumb as usual, even today. " Yes, " she would tell her leader, and she would try not to frown at her sister who shouts as if she'd be a kit forever if everyone didn't hear her.

She's Applepaw, too soon and finally. She stands in one place for too long, and her eyes float to the warrior Chilledstar cannot possibly have named. Why couldn't it have been Swanpaw or Garlicpaw, who were already sort of doomed, and could handle having a mentor like him? Why couldn't it have been Valeriankit, who would be too earn any attention for him? Would Chilledstar not like to save him for his own kits? Maybe because that duo would have been too annoying. Applepawsquashes down the desire to pout and stomp her feet. She puffs out her cheeks, and squishes an I'm okay with this look onto her face.

It isn't fair. Applepaw lifts her nose and looks away. She's too annoyed to pay much attention to whatever Chilledstar says afterward about sickness and rats. What was sickness or some dumb rats when you were almost eaten by monsters? Words of congratulations pass over mismatched ears.

Applepaw leaves as soon as she's allowed to. Unlike her sister, she looks for her parents instead of her mentor.
It's not fair. It's Flintkit's first meeting, sidled between his siblings, his body rustling uncomfortably against theirs when they get too close; he scoots a whisker away from Ghostkit without even thinking about it. He doesn't care about the other kits being apprenticed. Really, he just wants it to be his turn; he has constructed a future from the mortars of his own imagination, and at his first meeting, it has all come crumbling down.

Applekit-- Applepaw, now, ever ungrateful and prissy, ever bossy and hateful, has been apprenticed to Granitepelt. How could that be right? How could Chilledstar apprentice her to his father after all the things she'd said about him? After the things she'd said to Flintkit? It isn't right-- there's some mistake. "Hey," Flintkit murmurs, protest fluttering on his tongue as opposed to the celebration of new apprentices made. It should be him, shouldn't it? He should be the one at Granitepelt's side next moon.

Magma stirs beneath his slate skin. His small body nearly quivers with the force of his rage, his jealousy. Applepaw doesn't even have the tact to seek out Granitepelt when she steps away from the rock from which she'd perched. Ungrateful. Ungrateful! For the first time since the meeting had convened, he seeks Ghostkit's reaction, bicolor gaze aflame and black lips taut with his frown. "Can you believe that?" he hisses quietly to his littermate, as if she could ever be so incensed.

He hardly hears the news of the illness, or the rats; he simply boils where he sits, tail flicking.​
Batkit has been waiting for this day for too long. The nursery was far too crowded, surely the apprentice den has more room.

And suddenly, the name Batkit is no longer his. He's Batpaw now, and will be for who knows how long. Chilledstar announces his new mentor, and it's a cat Batpaw has never interacted with. He knows of Bonefang in passing but that's about it, his eyes searching the crowd for the older tom. When he sees him, he dips his head slightly. Hopefully this doesn't go horribly.

The announcement of sickness in the clans sets him on edge, his eyes darting from his new mentor to his mother behind him. This won't be good, especially not if it's serious enough that Chilledstar felt it necessary to mention.
✦ ❄ ✦
————— —————
The tension is forgotten, for a moment. Ceremonies. Chilledstar calls all their names in turn, asks of them loyalty. Swankit's response bears not the loud enthusiasm of Garlickit, nor the confident poise of Applekit. His reply is soft, as all his words are, barely a breath. "I promise..." It feels childish in his mouth, like a kit swearing not to get into trouble.

Swanpaw, he's called now. It doesn't feel nearly as different as it should. He clings to Clearheart's words, from just the day before. The beginning of your journey to be brave. He likes that idea, of this name being the beginning. If it's the beginning, then he doesn't have to be brave right away. He's still nervous — even moreso with the talk of illness, of rats. It feels a bad omen, to be apprenticed amid such news. The soft hum of anxiety pulses behind droopy eyes.

But the meeting is dismissed, and life moves on. He has little time to worry over illness as he moves to greet his new mentor; a familiar face, almost. "Ah, hello again..." he murmurs, peering up at Sabletuft. "I..." his mouth fails to find the proper words for this new change. He glances at his sisters; Garlicpaw's cheer comes easy, and Applepaw... Does not greet her mentor. Ah, that makes sense, she doesn't like Granitepelt much...

He stares for a second, before suddenly turning back to blink at Sabletuft owlishly, as though only just remembering what he was doing. "Um. I'll try my best to... to be a good apprentice," he mumbles, giving a little smile to his new mentor.
————— —————

  • //
  • SWANPAW named for his pale fur, after his maternal grandmother.
    — he/him. 4 moons.
    — shadowclan apprentice, mentored by sabletuft
    — quiet and dreamy.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • Untitled147_20230514003200.png
Last edited:

With how dire their call for a meeting is, Eeriepaw doesn't expect there to be any ceremonies when he settles into the crowd. The void-furred apprentice thinks it's better this way, thinks there will be no need to set himself up for disappointment, this time around.

He's wrong in that thinking, however, as Chilledstar proceeds with ceremonies first. It's a never-ending list of kits becoming apprentices, it feels like - one that Eeriepaw will dread having to deal with in the apprentice den later that night, he's sure, but one he hardly listens to all the same. No warriors are named after them, and, while Eeriepaw finds that familiar sinking feeling in his chest once more, it is not one he can dwell on for long.

Because, Chilledstar moves on to more urgent news. He figures this would be about the rats, but the Carrionplace is merely an afterthought to the news they actually share. A sickness has made its way to the clans. The tom shifts at the news - at the concern in Chilledstar's voice. Eeriepaw listens intently to their instructions, eyes wide and unblinking as he stares up at the leader.

Something is on the horizon. Eeriepaw feels an itch in his paws; an urge to pace back and forth returning to him just as the world's end seems to be.
Chilledstar has never liked him, but today they have given him a gift.

Granitepelt watches stonily, waiting for the new apprentices to be named. Halfshade’s litter, Smogmaw’s haughtiest little brat, is Applepaw, delivered sweetly and conveniently to his paws. He does not look first for his new protégé, but insteady searches for a bi-colored pair of eyes and immaculately-groomed tortoiseshell fur. If he can catch Halfshade’s gaze, he will smile deliberately in her direction. How much do you really know, you pompous she-cat?

Slowly, he gets to his paws, ambling toward his young charge. She looks petulant, does not go to stand beside him the way the other kits do. “You surely know how apprentices behave at their ceremonies,” he says in a low voice. “You aren’t a kit anymore. Touch your nose to your mentor’s like you want to leave the nursery. Otherwise, I’ll tell Chilledstar to take that -paw right out of your name.” His voice is cold and flat, but really, secretly, he is pleased. If he’s trusted enough to not only receive an apprentice, but the deputy’s kit to train, then surely he must be doing something right.

Once his nose—cold and damp—brushes against Applepaw’s, he will dismiss her with a flick of his tail. “We will begin tomorrow. You will meet me by the freshkill pile at dawn on time, or you will be sorry.” Now he smiles. “Don’t let your first act as an apprentice be one of disobedience, Applepaw.

  • granitekit . granitepaw . granitepelt
    — he/him ; warrior of shadowclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Starlingheart
    — short-haired gray tom with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Meg