THE WORLD WAS OUT TO GET ME &. august 12th meeting

Unlike his former apprentice, who gloats over the idea of having a deputy's kit to train, Dogfur is only excited to get a Smogmaw's kit to train. Chilledstar could not have picked better. The tortoiseshell, with his own fur similarly clean, though not of his own will and that of the strange, two legged and long-limbed creatures that tower above them, and he looks down at Garlicpaw with the widest, tooth-rotting grin known to cat-kind.

"You will, you will." His shoulders shake and vibrate and his sulphuric eyes gleam. Dogfur leans down to touch noses with his new apprentice, bursting to the seams with pride. He even looks over at Chilledstar with a look of crazed gratitude. "Your sister was given to my former apprentice! Surely we will train together." Never mind the fact Dogfur had not contributed much, if anything, to Granitepelt's training.

  • Wow
can we leave it behind? In some sort of egotistical way, Sabletuft is not surprised he had been chosen to mentor another once again. With no doubt in the skills he possesses, the Lead was eager to continue passing on his knowledge. To concentrate on his little vessel carrying on the legacy of what his teeth and claws carry. He is given Swanpaw, one of their Deputy's spawn, to train. There is pride, honor, and gratitude in the decision. Perhaps Chilledstar was granting him the second chance he needed to truly show just how exemplary his teachings could be when given the proper student.

Swanpaw. He would ensure his friends son would become a successful warrior just as they were. Truly create a legacy to their bloodline. He wondered if Dogfur could promise the same for Garlickit, such an addle-brained tom, sometimes he couldn't help but question Chilledstar's choices.

What had he even taught Granitepelt? He couldn't come up with an answer to his question. At least, despite the setbacks from his apprenticeship, Granitepelt has still beat the odds and worked diligently to improve his skills. His eyes squinted when he noticed the she-cat leave to abandon her new mentor in the dust in favor of her parents attention. He couldn't help but find kinship in the experience of a harrowing student.

Swanpaw made his approach and Sabletuft would greet him with a leveled stare. The cream tabby's voice is quiet.

"Hello again." There's a subtle warmth in his tone despite his stoic face. Swanpaw's commitment is a promise he will make sure is fulfilled.

"You will be." Sabletuft reassured. "You can say your goodbyes to your family before we head out for the day, I will wait for you by the brambles." The Lead stood to all four paws, touching the apprentices nose with his own as the tradition called, and departed to wait. — tags
As Chilledstar had called the meeting, Bonefang was quick to stop what he was doing to join the crowd. Unfortunately, if the topic was of one that was a serious manner, he felt he needed to. But that did not mean he would not return to his duties immediately after. Even if those duties were not asked to be done, there was a peculiar feeling about not working while he was awake. Busying himself. From what?

Anger. Memories. Awkward outbursts like the one in the den, leaving him embarrassed as he thought he was alone. But obviously not, as others quickly commented on it. The toms ear would flick as Chilledstar began. They would be handling ceremonies, then the serious matters.

And as names were quickly named, he noticed something quite strange. They called his name to mentor Batpaw. He blinked, his eyebrows burrowing deep crevices into his face as it wrinkled with confusion. The ebony and chocolate saddled Tom would again shake his head, as if trying to make sure he heard them right.

No, he definitely did become a mentor to Batpaw. Confusion filled him, his eyes immediately scouting for his new apprentice over the crowd. he would be making no attempt to move yet. The meeting was to be continued.

Bonefang knew nothing about Batpaw. He knew nothing of training an apprentice. In fact, he was so baffled, conflicted, and confused. His upbringing, his nature with avoiding children, and bluntness with them. Did ChilledStar trust him? Of course, even he knew he wouldn't let the crowpaw or his own situation happen to Batpaw. And maybe it was that slight confidence that ChilledStar had for him. Or a test.

The black and white leader would continue, their voice echoing on about the medicine cats having their own gathering and the news. So this debilitating thing that shadowclanners had succumbed to had the intensity it had to kill others rather quickly, and it was a sickness.

And if that was the case, they were all gonna go down, and he stiffened his bones, wanting to scooch away from the others. Rather he would try not to be so disrespectful.

As Chilledstar finished up, and told them off to go do something, then would he stand up and find this Batpaw. At least, he had the common sense to know what his clanmates looked like. Even if he did attempt to avoid kits like the plague itself. "Batpaw," his voice unused, gruff. "Congratulations." His gaze flicked away at another pair. And he would bend down a bit uncomfortably. He felt exposed. His maw ripped open, his teeth exposed, and that itself was another big thing he hated confronting kits about. But he would press his nose forward, then peel it back rather quickly as they touched as expected. Or not, if that's not what Batpaw wanted to do. He didn't care.

"Shall we get a move on, or would you rather wait." This was going to be the first and possibly only option he'd give the kid for a while.
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