camp there will be love — kit name suggestions

make peace with your broken pieces .
When Whitelion discovered he would become a father, the white-furred warrior had been happy, but to watch his mate lay, curled up in a nest he could not reach made his stomach churn. To see his loved one so pitiful made his heart hurt, squeezing so tightly in an iron grip that left him unable to breathe. It was terrifying, but Whitelion couldn't lose hope. If he did, then wouldn't everything he spoke have been a lie? He sighed, turning his helm to peer at the medicine cat den, wishing to be beside the other.

The white-furred tom had discovered soon after the other collapsed from illness, staring in shock at the news wishing it to be a lie, but to see Spiderlily's face made reality sink further into scarred shoulders. He breathed deeply, flank rising with the exaggerated motion, offering a smile to those nearby, golden optic crinkling. "It seems I will become a father." He hummed, happiness radiating off of the warrior despite the bubbling fear that festered beneath his wool coat. "I cannot help but seek any suggestions anyone might have." A way to distract himself, he hoped.
thought speech

Berryheart had never found the concept of having his own kittens appealing, in part because the duty of being a queen seemed laborious (literally) and dull. Blessed with kin born of his sister and the SkyClan leader, he was content in being Uncle Berryheart- a figure of wisdom, a shoulder to cry on. Someone sturdy to turn to. Still, he would never scorn the arrival of a new litter; one often seemed to be on the horizon, even as hot days lost their lustre.

A close eye was being kept on his patient- an ill queen was concerning, and he allowed the stark-white tom to peer within sometimes, simply to check upon that fevered face. As he was approached, Berryheart blinked in kind welcome, head dipped in subtle greeting. Name suggestions. Berryheart had, obviously, never offered much thought to the idea, especially not for anyone else. "Perhaps, names related to what the parents love..." More than once he'd seen names take after a parent- his own sister's name sprung from that of Father. But Berryheart was more concerned with loved objects, foods... Squirrelkit, Bluekit, Dreamkit. They seemed nice options, had he any interest.
Rainbowkit doesn't really know what to do with himself lately. They wouldn't say they're " thinking " about their upcoming apprenticeship. They don't really think about much at all, really. But lately they make boring faces and stare at nothing for way too long. It's sorta like what he imagines thinking is supposed to be, but without the actual chatter of thoughts. They mostly just lie down. Outside of the nursery is nice and sunny, so that's where they do it, today.

And since they're thinking about nothing, anything that's not nothing can kinda get their attention. It seems I will become a father, a warrior suddenly says. Rainbowkit has no idea how that works, but they blink in interest at the thought of more cats to play with. And then – they remember that they'll probably be an apprentice before they can meet them. The kit acknowledges this with a huff, but they don't make an angry face. Angry faces are scary.

Berryheart's suggestions must be good – and they are. Rainbowkit nods decidedly in agreement. " Do, um... names that make you happy. " Like rainbows. Rainbowkit has never seen a rainbow, but he thinks that they must be wonderful. " Like Flowerkit or... or Raspberrykit, or Sunkit, or Shinykit... " Shinykit is a great name, they think. Rainbowkit pauses thoughtfully, pondering more.

  • rainbowkit & [ raine ] [ bow ] : sunfreckle xx rabbitnose 2nd litter. littermate to sunshinekit & emberkit. younger brother to mousepaw, sparkpaw & frecklepaw.
    —— amab. they / he ; fine with gendered terms ( tom / boy / brother / etc . . . )
    —— currently 4 moons old.

    a typical size for their age. warm - faced and bright - eyed, rainbowkit sports boyish features and an easygoing smile. early signs of a thick ruff to come can be seen in plush cheeks and a thickening tail. sports long curling whickers and a dip of sun - red down the length of their neck.
  • this is for cute purposes begone.
"Fierce names." Raccoonstripe pads up beside his brother, looking at Rainbowkit with a hint of disinterest. Like Berryheart, the lead warrior has little to no interest in fathering kits—not any time soon, anyway, though if it happens he will acknowledge them and ensure they grow up to be credits to ThunderClan. He tilts his head quizzically to one side, realizing he had never really considered the topic.

What are kits, he thinks lightly, if not an extension of one's self? "Name one Oak-kit," he says confidently. "I myself would certainly have a Raccoonkit. A Thunderkit, a Lightningkit…" The names sound strong, sound promising. Kits like that would leave a legacy!

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
While kits were certainly not on the forefront of her mind, Roeflame could admit the thought of future names had crossed her mind a time or two, fleetingly.
Yet, when Whitelion's search for name suggestions for his own kits catches the dusky warriors attention, she cannot help but find herself drawn over.
Berryheart wisely suggests to name them after things Whitelion and Spiderlily love, Rainbowkit earnestly offers names that represent positivity, Raccoonstripe suggests fierce, putting his vanity on a public display by revealing his plans to spawn a future Raccoon Jr.
Roeflame thinks of her own vague list of possibles.
"Names that remind you of each other, like a nice memory you two share. Something to symbolize your love." She finally chimes, gaze thoughtful.

OOC; /CW/ Depressing thoughts and hints of death/loss of litter

Sadness coiled deep within her chest and stomach at the excited words exchanged behind her.

It was dreadful to experience such emotional turmoil, and Honeydapple refused to acknowledge it by name. Instead, she swallowed the maelstrom of feelings and presented her kindest expression.

Turning around, she stepped a few paces and joined the crowd, cooing softly with intrigue as she offered a thoughtful response. "Mmm, perhaps something honest and gentle, like Heather, Flower, or Glimmer?"

Little paws that she could still feel the ghost of against her chest. The warmth of the hay and gentle smell of milk. Glimmer for the love in your fathers eyes. Heather like your soft cream pelt. Flower in memoir to my own mother. Emptiness reflected in the depths of her mind for just a moment as she dragged the sorrowful memories away.

Another wave of nausea and heartache gripped her at the names she had planned for her own. Subtle relief filtered through the ache, knowing that the names could be passed on to other couples. Sighing inwardly the tortie gave in to the joy of the moment.

Adamantly she continued to ignore the grief, listening attentively and maintaining her soft, subdued smile.
The large smoke lumbers over at the sight of his mate drawn in like a moth to a flame and brushes their pelts together before realizing what the topic was which makes his heart sink. He curses himself for having approached since he has a flurry of flurry of emotions that begin to overwhelm him, Grizzlyjaw wishing that he could excuse himself or simply leave but it would be rude. His jaws tightens in the slightest underneath the fur that did well in hiding any frowns or smiles from him, feathered ears perking forward listening to everyone's suggestions in names and is moreso amused by Rainbowkit's suggestion. The sound of Raccoonkit making him stifle a snort, the burly heap of fur could never imagine naming a kitten after himself but after Honeydapple would be something he'd do. He wouldn't curse a kitten to try filling in the pawsteps of someone they're named after to hell with legacy.

He can feel his throat tighten when Honey speaks and suggests a few names, his eyes shifting to the side as if he had seen something that had taken his attention. His heart feeling heavy and being squeezed at the memory of small kittens curled up to his mate's side, they were not his but he had loved them as if they had been his own yet life had been cruel stripping them of tiny, young lives. The urge to simply leave and go hunting was getting more and more tempting. "Or perhaps... Things that are found within Thunderclan." Grizzlyjaw adds finally finding his voice and curling his tail around his large paws carefully as he falls silent once more.

  • grizzlyjaw.png
    ✦ 50 moons old
    ✦ thunderclan warrior
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic, mates w/honeydapple
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ difficult in combat; relies on brute strength, street smarts, and his large size
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✦ penned by bosstaurus
make peace with your broken pieces .
He hummed, taking their spoken words into consideration because truly he never had bothered with names—ones that would stick with them. He could not be careless. Although Whitelion never thought he'd become a father. He would be and the warrior couldn't be more thrilled, even if he would have preferred them under better circumstances, but life was unpredictable and one should always be readily able to shoulder those changes.

He breathed, turning a thankful gaze to Berryheart, offering a silent dip of his helm in gratitude, not for his suggestions, but truly for everything the other has done for the clan. It was Rainbowkit's turn, offering his own suggestions of things that make him happy, and could not help but think of Spiderlily, filtering that thought away with a flick of his tail.

He snorted, golden optic crinkling. "Oakfang would think we have named a kit after him. I do not believe he needs an even bigger ego boost." He hummed, good naturally. "But I do appreciate the suggestions." He couldn't help but know Spiderlily would have agreed—fierce names for their upcoming litter. Roeflame was next, offering her own opinion and nodding in thanks, letting his mind wander, because truly when had he humored his mind?

Honeydapple and Grizzlyjaw added, leaving the warrior with much to consider. "I appreciate everyone's help." He could not ask Spiderlily. It made his heart twinge at the reminder, but Whitelion wouldn't let it fester, offering a respectful dip of his helm to the others, lips curled into a gentle smile.
thought speech