oneshot THERE'S MAGIC IN MY BONES // development

To think he had actually made it. Of course there had never been any doubt in his mind that he wouldn't knowing he had both the skills and talent to become a warrior. With all odds worked against them Lividsmoke had made it all on his own, despite having been cast around between three mentors who had all been disappointments.

That fox incident had just been a stepping stone to get there faster. Now it had turned out to work well to his favor which had made that impulsive decision worth it. At times it could be rewarding to take risks even if in the future he had to make sure to be more careful about it. A plan would work better in direful situations like that one although it had not ended up becoming entierly planless...since he had got the price he had deserved for.

It had still felt surreal to stand up their to recieve that well deserved name he had worked so tiredlessly for...Months after months he had worked himself to the very bone to get where he stood today, to become a warrior; to become Lividsmoke. That pride...that feeling of successing had only lasted for a brief moment though...Lividsmome had thought he would have felt more strongly about it...that becoming a warrior would make him feel different.

Everyone had always say that becoming a warrior would make you feel on top of the world...that was the reason why he had gone above and beyond so how come he still at the end of it was left to remain to feel like before?. That empty void hadn't disappeared. Why?.

Lividsmoke stared up at the nighty sky, silently seeking for answers from the stars to this problem he was unable to puzzle together. had been a mistake to think it would be that easy. Just becoming a warrior might not be enough. That had to be it. Starclan would surely give him what he wished for if he kept on following their path. To serve them faithfully with no distractions. To give everything to them and nobody else. Becoming the greatest had to be the become the perfect warrior the stars were searching for.

With this new name of theirs, Lividsmoke had decided it was about time to embrace their true self who they had kept hidden. It was time to say farewell to Lividpaw and welcome Lividsmoke to rise up from the ashes to become a better version of themselves. Yes, accepting their true self might be the first step of reaching that perfect life they desired for that they rightfully believed they deserved.

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