they'll rip me to shreds like it's never been seen // seeking asylum


anything can happen if you want it enough
Jan 5, 2023
"i wish that i could open my eyes and the nightmare'd be over"

Despite all odds, they had made it. Relief flooded through Curlewnose as he and his deputy–for despite Sootstar’s actions, the tom still thought of Badgermoon as such–stumbled across Skyclan’s border, woozy from blood-loss. The plan had been whispered into his ear over the wind while they raced over the moors and, as loose as it was, it was their best option: go to Skyclan and beg for mercy. Fleeing his home for what might have been a merciful death; it wasn’t what Curlew had had in mind for his life, and he found himself in a state of grief-stricken anger. He had to leave his best friend and her children and the tunnels he adored, all because Sootstar couldn’t face the truth.

Now the pair leaned against each other, blood crusted on their pelts, and Curlew let loose an agonizing yowl. He knew they needed the help of a medicine cat, and the tom hoped that his cry would bring warriors. Sapped of all energy, he fell to the ground at Badgermoon’s feet, panting heavily. Starclan help us, he thought, hoping that those in Silverpelt would still be watching over them despite Sootstar’s disgrace.

✦ ★ ✦
  • Wow
Reactions: mercibun


"You'd better drag your friend off our border while you still have the chance, moor rat." growled Quillstrike as he dropped from a nearby pine tree and quickly came stalking forward. There wasn't a shred of sympathy in his mismatched eyes as they locked onto the still standing Windclanner, tail lashing in silent warning as he drew upon the border. "We've gone through enough trouble over cats like you."

He wanted them gone, cleared out before Blazestar or some other bleeding heart came along telling them they could stay. It was trouble their clan didn't need, and he was certain that they'd only be inviting trouble from that psychopathic bitch if they allowed these cats onto Skyclan soil.

skyclan - male - 16 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

To say that WindClan’s deputy would be what Drizzlepelt expects to find on the boarder when he chases after the source of the yowl would be an understatement. He would have thought that Badgermoon would stay by her side no matter what grievances Sootstar causes, but he supposes he had to give the tom some credit. Despite that, he’s still the enemy for right now, and Drizzlepelt would treat him as such.

His slits narrow as his tail puffs up, trying to appear threatening. He knew that both Badgermoon and Curlewnose could do almost nothing to truly wound him, given their current states, but he wants to make a statement. He doesn’t even disagree with Quillstrike’s worded sentiment, though even with his sour history with the rival clan, he knows he’s still willing to trust them somewhere in his heart.

“Or at least give a good explanation. You can at least speak, I’m sure. We got enough sick cats to deal with as it is, why should we spare our herbs on you?” He might be overstepping, but hopefully Blazestar understands whenever he inevitably shows up to see what the fuss is about. Drizzlepelt shouldn’t be TOO nice anyways, and he doesn’t want to be either. They better not try to misuse the kindness of SkyClan, or else they’ll be getting his claws raked against their pelts.​
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Cats like you, Quillstrike says and said cat specifically joins the dark striped tom not too long after realizing what was happening. Dandelionwish stared hard at the pair before him, in any other time and any other situation he may have felt a degree of compassion or pity but he knew these cats - or he knew one of these cats and his indifferent and subservient face was easily recognizable. Dandelionwish was a kind cat, it was this kindness that put him at odds with Sootstar constantly, it was this kindness that was belittled and mocked and it was this kindness that had cast him from WindClan to begin with, but he does not offer any of it to Badgermoon here. The former medicine cat looked his former deputy in the eyes and showed his teeth, lips curling into a snarl so uncharacteristic it might've been mistaken for a sound Quillstrike had made had he not displayed it so prominent on his maw.
His tail flicked, halting Lupinepaw from stepping any closer to the crumpled and bloody cat before them and he wonders why they had the audacity to come here, even he had been so delirious and out of sorts that he didn't know where he was; yet this was a deliberate choice. The bastard who lead one of the herb raids he had so vehemently been against was now staring him in the face and it was the first time in a long time he debated the idea of taking a life.
"Lupinepaw, back to camp-now. Fetch Blazestar and Orangeblossom."
Apprentice tag - @LUPINEPAW
WindClanners are among the nastiest of the feral cats that live away from twolegplace, she thinks. Cocoshine has been up close and personal with one or two before, and she'd always been struck by their... particular appearance. They were always so dirty and scrawny, and she has to wonder if their tiny statures have something to do with malnutrition. These two give no better of an impression to the daylight warrior; they have blood caked into their pelts and every ragged breath they take just serves to outline their tattered forms. Cocoshine's placid gaze flits up to search the land behind them, as if trying to find something hiding and waiting to ambush the gathered SkyClan cats.

She crinkles her nose when she picks her way over to stand beside Drizzlepelt, and she defaults to Dandelionwish's prickly disdain for the pair before passing judgement. "Aren't you two afraid of the plague you so readily blame on SkyClan?" the tortoiseshell point almost croons as she scrutinizes the pair. Though it isn't her call, Cocoshine thinks these two should be subject to a mercy killing- though she knows that decision would be left only to the guise of Blazestar. "Or are you more afraid of something else...?" Sadistic. Cocoshine waits for one of them to speak. Whatever it is, it must be good.

Mallowlark had much less good graces in SkyClan than Dandelionwish. Whatever he did he was, first, a codebreaking Windclanner. And- oh, it was true, wasn't it! Wasn't much he could do to disprove that... all he could do now was live, as he had been allowed to. Alongside Dawnglare and, by virtue, alongside SkyClan. Cats like you, said Quillstrike- and Mallowlark heard it too. Cats like him. He remembered what the chimera had told him, guarding camp while a patrol fled to clash with a WindClan invasion- put those teeth to good use, or something like that. We all know you've got them.

A snarl on Mallowlark's face looked a little out of place, and it was still slightly smile-tinged- but Dandelionwish's tenseness radiated over to him, and the snowy expanse of the white tom's back stuck up in quills. "Sootstar's gonna run out of cats, soon..." he remarked lowly to Dandelionwish, through the gaps in his dog-sharp fangs. It was a funny thought, and his chest shuddered in a flare-up of irrepressible laughter- but he at least managed to choke the noise to silence. He was decidedly not happy to see yet more... yet more reasons to be lumped in with savages, who would have destroyed themselves if they didn't writhe their way out- and for once, he didn't pretend as if he was.
❀‿ Despite the unshakeable weariness that hung over the head of Lupinepaw and the rest of Skyclan, she was happy to be back to training with Dandelionwish instead of having to intrude on the training of her peers with their mentors with her tagging awkwardly along trying not to be a bother. That was, of course, until the cloying, spine-chilling smell of blood hit her nose as they approached the border. Two cats, unfamiliar to the young apprentice in both smell and appearance, revealed themselves battered and panting over the Skyclan scent line. Immediately, the Skyclan patrol bristled and hissed at them, Lupinepaw balking at the sudden confrontation at her place at Dandelionwish's side. "What's going on?" she would ask Dandelionwish frantically, swivelling her head back to stare at the smaller, grey tom who was covered in blood and collapsed like he was halfway dead already, "Is that cat bleeding out?!"

Her small questions would go unanswered as Dandelionwish halted her approach with his tail, and her concerned, naive gaze would flick back at the former Windclanner who glared onward with disdain. "Lupinepaw, back to camp-now. Fetch Blazestar and Orangeblossom." She shut up promptly, nodding once and sparing one more glance at the intruders before darting away.

She zipped into camp, panting and ruffled, but determined, "BLAZESTAR, ORANGEBLOSSOM! Th-there's cats on the border and-and I think they're injured! And-" she didn't know how to describe the sudden graveness in Dandelionwish's voice, the ice-edge she'd never heard before, "It's really important. We need help—now!"

Quietly she hoped that she wouldn't have to see that cat die on their border, no matter who he was.

  • OOC: (retro to Sick'd!!) @BLAZESTAR @orangeblossom
  • lupine_fullbodyy.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 5mo apprentice of skyclan
    — ??? ; single
    — tall, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — icon by saturnid, fullbody and chibi by nya
    — penned by eezy
  • Like
Reactions: Orangestar

"I hope she does. WindClan is a plague on the forest."Orangeblossom snaps a response to Mallowlark's murmuration, shouldering her way through the crowd. Lupinepaw had intercepted her and @eveningpaw on her way to camp, then continuing to run in the other direction so as to fetch Blazestar, but the deputy and her apprentice had immediately headed for the border.

What she sees there chills Orangeblossom to her core. A duo of yellow-eyed WindClanners, bloodied and beaten within an inch of their lives. It reminds her readily of Dandelionwish, who now stands bristling to the side of the group, who had arrived on the border moons before in a similar state. She does not recognise Curlewnose, does not care, for her attention is readily set upon her (former) counterpart. Her leg aches, both with the speed of her travel and the memory of the cat had altered her life forever. Here in front of her, at SkyClan's mercy. Were she a lesser cat, or perhaps a better one, she would put him out of his misery.

Instead, indifferent to the injuries that threaten his life on their border she reaches out with a deft paw to try and smack Badgermoon across the face, claws outstretched. "Do not darken our border with your deaths. Did you get turned around fleeing to a Clan who cares for you, moor-mange?"

Lupinepaw’s frantic cries had brought him from camp swiftly and with purpose. His long-legged strides bring him to an unfortunate sight, one he had hoped never to see again. Instantly, the needle-strewn earth has him sinking belly-deep in snow, with frost blurring his vision and icing the tips of his eyelashes, and Badgermoon is standing with the force of WindClan beside him. “As you wish death on us, so shall we bring death to you all. WindClan: forward!” Blazestar again feels phantom claws in his stomach, sees a spirit falling in beside him as he loses his third life to the forest’s racketeers.

Even after he angrily dislodges the memory from his mind, Badgermoon stands at his border, filthy and battered but detestably alive. The cat beside him—gray-furred and slight—looks worse, crimson crusting at recently-clotted wounds. Blazestar gives him a cold look that speaks not of mercy.

He does not stop Orangeblossom from unsheathing her claws against Sootstar’s dog. He watches in stony silence, and after she withdraws her forepaw, he speaks. “Here to raid our camp again after your most recent attempt failed?” He lifts a lip, fangs glinting against the red of his gums. “We’ve no cure to spare WindClan, I’m afraid. Your wretched leader agreed to the journey, and I’m not so foolish that I’ll be tricked twice.” His tail lashes, scattering dust and pine fragments. “Dandelionwish, Mallowlark, ensure our camp is not being attacked by WindClan’s famous second wave.

He never takes his eyes off of Badgermoon. In particular, they focus on the slash across his chest, a proud badge he had worn for Sootstar for many moons. “Why are you here? Answer. Quickly.

  • @bobbie pseudo-apprentice tag 8)
  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
  • Like
Reactions: BOBBIE
Their flight from WindClan had felt as if it would never end. Every step sent pain rippling along his injured side - and, worse, took him farther and father away from his children. His Clanmates. Everyone he had known, loved, and fought for. The only things left to him were the scent of heather lingering on their coats, beneath the ferric reek of blood...and Curlewnose. They ran together, as fast as their bodies could and then faster still. He felt certain he could feel the hot breath of those he once considered family, felt as if teeth were only a few mouse-lengths away from digging into his pelt...all the way to SkyClan. SkyClan: the only place they could think to go. The only place who understood. The only people who, he now realized, had been right all along. The only Clan where they might have a chance.

It felt wrong to stop, felt as if the sky would crash down around them if they did. But they could hardly keep going, could they? This was the end of the line. And besides, he felt about ready to collapse. Curlewnose looked about the same - and, indeed, did collapse. Badgermoon swayed where he stood, concerned for the tunneler - ex-tunneler? - but unable to assist him in any way. He lifted his eyes as the yowl his companion had produced slowly brought SkyClanners forth. First a tall chimera who reminded him of Tigerfrost, who stared him down with two-toned eyes. Badgermoon met Quillstrike's stare but said nothing. What words he had would be difficult to say for a multitude of reasons...and he could hardly bear the idea of repeating himself. Besides, his breath was still coming in gasps, and he felt unable to speak. Drizzlepelt encouraged him to speak and he nodded slowly, bowing his head to the grayish tom. Yes. Yes. I will try. I must.

The next SkyClanner was...familiar. All too familiar, in fact: none other than Dandelionwish. Badgermoon had not thought about the fact that he would be encountering some of his old Clanmates, even though he did know they had come here. He blinked sluggishly at the point cat, surprised and yet not surprised at his hostility. Anyone who riles a cat like that must be a whole different level of evil. he thought with a flash of clarity. Desperation clutched at him as he stared blankly at the former medicine cat, willing the words to come before anything more could happen, before this moment passed and he lost the very last things he had in the world. His life, and Curlew's. A mottled she-cat appeared next, asking them what they were afraid of. He knew the answer even before she'd finished speaking. Sootstar. He was afraid of Sootstar. Afraid of what she would do to him and Curlew if they ever crossed paths again. Afraid of what she would do to his children, his Clan. To all the Clans.

White teeth showed for just a moment as he opened his mouth to speak, only to drift shut as another former WindClanner materialized. Snowy fur, black paws, and - for once - an unsmiling face, even if it was a more...cheery...snarl than Badgermoon was used to seeing. Mallowlark. "You two." he said with painful slowness, looking the two toms he had known as traitors up and down. His yellow eyes were glazed, but his voice was lucid, albeit faint. " were right. She's...she's insane." surely the "she" in question needed no introduction, nor explanation: they were all here because of the same cat. Badgermoon shook his head slowly, appearing dazed. "I...she..."

Badgermoon trailed off as Dandelionwish's apprentice disappeared in a blur of dark fur, and the two cats he had most dreaded seeing appeared just a few moments later. He beheld them both - strong, golden-furred, and staring at him with hatred. Until very, very recently, he would've returned their glares, and probably with much more, too. He remembered the last time he was here, too. Remembered the cutting cold, the fire in his blood, the righteous fury powering his steps. Even now, a reflexive swell of disgust and hostility made his throat tighten - but it was short-lived. Their need was so great, and Sootstar's betrayal so complete...his entire world turned upside down. As he gazed upon the leader and deputy he had long considered to be his worst enemies, he felt the urge to fall at their paws and grovel. He would do anything to get away from her, anything to spare Curlew's life, if not his own.

Anything to do what needed to be done. And, perhaps, to once again know the feeling of home. Perhaps it would not be lost to him forever.

Orangeblossom spoke first, though only after striking him hard across the face. Badgermoon could've dodged - or tried to - but he remained where he was, allowing the force of her attack to knock him to the ground. Jagged lines had appeared beneath one wheat-yellow eye and a fresh welling of blood dribbled down his already-filthy coat. Unsteadily, he tried to force his paws to take his weight again; on wobbly legs, he managed to stand, meeting Orangeblossom's angry brown eyes. "Orangeblossom." he murmured, as if to himself. He swayed slightly, and saw his vision darken at the corners. He had only a few minutes left, by his estimation: not long at all to ensure entry into SkyClan for both himself and Curlewnose.

Badgermoon would have to work quickly. He slowly turned his head to meet Blazestar's ice-chip stare. "Blazestar. She's not...our leader, anymore." he murmured. He coughed, then spoke again, louder this time. "There's no one else, second wave. It's just us. We..." he allowed a shudder to wrack his body, gritting his teeth to prevent them from chattering audibly. "I saw her. She...the omen. It was fake." the memory of that night, the careful positioning of the cotton bud...the moment that had changed his whole life. "She - she faked it. She lied about StarClan's will. That lightning strike, it was them, they were trying to warn us, I think - warn everyone about her. She's crazy, I couldn't let her...we tried to..." Badgermoon stared at the enormous golden tom, his face a twisted mess of emotions: confusion, hurt, anger. Desperation. Grief. He took in a deep breath. "I tried to talk to her about it...she lied. She simply doesn' I realized, then...what you all have already known..."

How had it escaped his notice for so long? The madness of her actions, the cruelty in every choice. The ripped-out tag, the scarred councilmembers, the endless battles...the blatant disrespect for the stars, the lies. Always, the lies. He dropped his eyes to stare at Curlewnose's limp body, the shallow rise and fall of his flank, the gruesome neck wound. "She tried to kill him. All because I wouldn't let her lie. Because I tried to..." what had he tried to do, anyway? Take control of the Clan from her? Kill her? "Something. Anything, to get rid of her. To make it stop. Please, Blazestar...Orangeblossom...I..." his broad shoulders sagged inward, and he trailed off. He had nothing left. He was out of words, out of time, out of breath. This was the end. "Please."

✿—— as seems to be quickly becoming the usual, by the time she and blazestar arrive on the scene, it seems on the border of melting into chaos. still, there's barely a sunrise until she departs—and so the small tabby flanks the golden leader, a near constant presence at his side whenever they're out training or patrolling, green gaze oscillating between its usual softness and a guarded ferocity. though orangeblossom is present, as is standard, this time she seems to be participating in the chaos of milling cats rather than muting it as she strikes the familiar-and-not cat standing on their border, calling him moor-mange. the black-and-white tom is recognizable to her in name alone, as the deputy of windclan, and she'd barely set eyes on him at the singular gathering she'd attended. the blue-pelted tom that flanks him isn't able to be named to her at all, and though they're both bloody and beaten, she struggles to find sympathy.

every time she tries to, the memory of a similarly bloodied blazestar sobers her.

rosemary eyes settle into that cold guardedness at the golden tom's side, and a sidelong glance reveals him to be watching in a similar silence to herself as they watch blood ooze down badgermoon's face, orangeblossom drawing back her forepaw. she cannot begrudge the ginger-and-white deputy her strike, when she thinks of their warriors staggering bloody into camp, nor blazestar his displeased words. though her primary focus is the situation at paw, she takes notice of his quick order to dandelionwish and mallowlark—she hadn't considered such a thing, and then again, she's yet to see proper battle. whether the two head off or not, the idea of windclan slinking into the camp where her sick son and exhausted clanmates rest makes the mane lying along her shoulders bristle. again, sympathy is difficult to retrieve - if her daughter has followed them here, she will keep a careful eye on the younger she-cat.

"they're wounded - i'm not a medicine cat, but it looks bad," she murmurs, half to herself, though her voice carries a chill and is without a trace of that ever-present stammer. wounded, yes - and still windclanners. face twisted with desperate grief, yes - and still a windclanner. though she has no authority here, she fixes badgermoon with an appraising stare from her place at blazestar's side while he addresses the leader. most of the time, she's found, cats take little notice of her lilac form at blazestar's side—not that she can blame him, looking barely conscious as he is—and treat her more like an inanimate attachment, addressing their words to the leader. she cannot begrudge that now, though; as a recent addition to skyclan, she does not carry the bloody memories and weighted history that the clanmates around her do with this cat, with the clan he represents. she has no paw in this, essentially.

still, when she reaches inward for that reliable sympathy, she finds only frost.


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu


sootspritespark & 38 moons & demi-girl & she/they & skyclan queen

Sootspritespark is far more curious about the fact there ae windclanners at the border than she should be. Lupinepaws words have her following the others, for far more selfish reasons of course. But - neither figure upon the border is the one she is looking for, and she can't tell if she is glad or annoyed. Ever-present smile falters, turning to frost as sunshine gaze turns impassive. "Was it just the two of you who knew of this sign?" she probes absently, tail tip twitching and sending dark curls flouncing - not trying to overstep her bounds, but relentlessly curious. She shouldn't care - doesn't really. She's moved on now, she knows she has - and yet... she asks anyways. For curiosity sake, she thinks. Certainly only that.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a small and notably round molly with ink black curls and a white-speckled belly. she wears a bowtie collar with a bright white and lemon yellow plaid pattern, and always seems to be smiling. beyond the normal clan-scent, she smells heavily of milk-scent, dog, and twoleg.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#ffff99]action here[/color][/b] and tag account



The mention of a second wave being sent for their camp made him tense a bit, the thought of Plaguepaw, Twitchbolt, or the others being caught off guard by a Windclan attack only prompting him to want to end this sooner.

"We shouldn't waste our time listening to this crap." growled the chimera. Even if every word coming out of their mouths was the truth, why the fuck should Skyclan care about any of it? "Of course they're sorry now that they're the ones on Sootstars shitlist, but it was fine when it was the rest of us." he snorted, quick to dismiss it all as mismtched eyes shifted to land on Blazestar, hoping to see the tomcat in agreeance.

All the ragdoll had to do was give the word, and Quill would help Orangeblossom ensure the two Windclanners wouldn't get a second chance to pull a stunt like this again.

skyclan - male - 19 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.




♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Figfeather hadn’t been on the initial border patrol but she had been apart of a nearby hunting party. News spread like wildfire and she was at the scene heartbeats later, likely pursued by the rest of the curious and defensive hunting patrol.

Looking the WindClan cats up and down she instantly recognizes Badgermoon, seeing him underneat Sootstar at the gathering was enough for her to remember him as an enemy. The cat beside him bleeding from the neck she fails to recognize, little sympathy shines on her face.

She takes an agreeing stance with Quillstrike and bares her teeth. ”Right. Everyone in the forest knew what the lightning strike meant the moment StarClan willed it, except for WindClan themselves.” Her tail fur bristles to become three times its regular size, she does her best to keep herself composed but the anger that flares beneath her skin is blatant. ”I’d sooner trust the shrill of a marten before the tongue of a WindClan cat.”
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Blazestar had asked for Badgermoon to explain his presence, and to his credit, the weary-pawed young deputy begins his sordid tale. But he finds himself struggling to find the sympathy the pairs of golden eyes in front of him beg to invoke. He agrees, ultimately, with Quillstrike and Figfeather. Badgermoon had been perfectly content to commit acts of war in Sootstar’s name, had been willing plenty of times before this personal slight to him and his companion to look the other way when her lunacy showed its teeth.

The flame point’s eyes darken. He thinks again of the raid, of the sick and wounded and elderly and young being threatened by WindClan’s overbearing greed. “Seize them both.” His words are clipped. “As WindClan’s deputy, he must be of some use to SkyClan.” His gaze flicks to the bleeding tom, and he adds, “This one needs a medicine cat. Take him to Dawnglare and ensure he’s patched up, but to be clear, these are not welcome guests in my camp. These are hostages.

Blazestar shakes his pelt out, ears flicking forward. “Quillstrike, Dandelionwish, you will be their first guards. Ensure they get to where they need to go.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
Drizzlepelt isn't too shocked that Blazestar ultimately agrees to take them in, but at least it will be as prisoners. Their explanation does tug at his heartstrings, but how much sympathy could the warrior really give them? He isn't even aware of all the transgressions they have committed in the name of their leader? No, not even a leader. That's too kind a word. No, Sootstar is a tyrant.

There is a question that burns at the back of Drizzlepelt's mind, however. There's no way that Sootstar would just let her former deputy get away so cleanly. There's no signs of them yet, but... "Should some of us maybe stay by the boarder? Just in case WindClan decides to come trample all over the boarders again to get to our new prisoners." There's a sense of duty that swells within him at the thought, and he's fully up to the task if Blazestar deems it necessary.​

"Badgermoon." Orangeblossom calls him curtly in return, now-bloodstreaked paw dropping back to the earth to steady her. She makes no move to help him as he keels over, her eyes dark and stony with ... something. Annoyance that he's here, indifference to his plight, nothing warm or empathetic or kind. And yet he struggles back to his paws, golden eyes so wide she can nearly see a ring around them, babbling things that the Clans already knew. Figfeather hisses as much, and Orangeblossom is inclined to agree.

Blazestar, however, makes the opposite decision, and Orangeblossom nearly chokes on her spit. StarClan's mercy, she'd known it was coming based on past moments where he'd done the same thing, but it's still a blow to behold. This is - was - WindClan's deputy. No information he could give them would be worth the herbs and prey they'd waste getting him lucid again.

"You can't be serious." She meows, incredulous, turning an aghast stare upon their leader. "We're weak as it is and they've probably left a trail of blood all the way to Fourtrees. We should just kill them and wash our paws of their stain, or leave them to the twolegs."

She exhales a long, agitated breath, ears pinned and whiskers bristling. Her torn ear flicks as Drizzlepelt speaks, acknowledging his words, though at first they struggle to pierce the fog of anger that clouds her thoughts. After a moment of bristling quiet and several deep breaths, she fixes the young warrior with a firm look. An equally firm nod accompanies it.

"Yes. Drizzlepelt, stay with ..." Her gaze roves over the SkyClanners present, exchanging a look and another brief, unspoken conversation with Blazestar. With Quillstrike and Dandelionwish heading back to camp, Lupinepaw likely in tow, that left: "Figfeather and Mallowlark. I'll come too." Anything to get herself away from their new prisoners. She might do something drastic if she doesn't.

As more vile words are spewed out by Orangeblossom, he can’t help but soften his expression at her. It’s obvious she has a lot of contempt for the enemy deputy, even if he has fallen from grace (if you could even call it that). He’s not happy with Blazestar’s decision either, and he can only imagine what it’s like to be in such a high position, yet she cannot do anything but disagree. Drizzlepelt’s expression goes back to a more neutral one after she directs her attention to him, however. The last thing she probably wanted in the moment was pity. He’s glad that she agrees with his proposal, either way. He gives his own resolute nod. “Sounds good.” He doesn’t say anything about her using this as an excuse to stay away, if he even noticed in the first place. His own negative emotions are threatening to boil up, but he pushes it down and tries to focus on his sense of duty and determination instead.​


Teeth grit together, trying to hold bck the snarl that wanted to rise at Blazestars words. Back to their camp, where they'd no doubt use what precious resources Skyclan had. Their fucking prey, their herbs, their fucking protection. As the order came to escort the pair back with Dandelionwish, a part of Quill seriously considered just hauling them off and leaving their mangled bodies for Windclan on their border- show them what happens to their kind when they came sniffing around borders where they don't belong.

Twitchbolt would be disgusted with you right now. a voice reminded him- the angel on his shoulder, maybe? He wasn't sure if he had one of those, but wherever the thought had sprung from, he knew it was true. The things he was thinking, the things he knew he would do if he was given the chance- his friend would never look at him again, would he?

"Move." growled the chimera as he came to a halt behind Badgermoon, mismatched eyes so cold they might have burned like fire as they glared at the battered tomcat. He wouldn't offer them assistance, wouldn't fucking coddle him as if he were anything but the prisoner Blazestar had declared him to be.

Quillstrike wasn't allowed the Windclanners privilege of cruelty, but he wouldn't pretend to be their ally either.

Gaze would momentarily shift toward Dandelion and the collapsed windclanner before coldly uttering, "If that one can't walk, drag it."

skyclan - male - 16 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

His speech thus given, Badgermoon lapsed into silence, sagging where he stood as if he lacked the energy to hold himself up, and it was only the bones in his body which kept him from collapsing beside Curlewnose. The little lilac she-cat at Blazestar's golden flank started at him with open dislike, and muttered something about their injuries. A small, strange smile flickered across his face. "Sootstar's doing." he murmured, though that was probably abundantly clear. A round she-cat with a speckled stomach inquired about the sign and he blinked, turning the words over carefully. "N-no. Well, I'm, I'm the only one who saw that she faked it. That she spoke for StarClan, as if - as if she could do that. But everyone knew about the sign. It - ha - made her daughter our medicine cat's apprentice." he closed his eyes against the memory of Cottonpaw's surprised face, of Wolfsong's declaration.

"Damn liar." he muttered under his breath - to himself, as burning green eyes swam in his memory - before falling silent. The big chimera who reminded him of Tigerfrost spoke again and Badgermoon nodded slowly. "How it works, in a Clan. You're supposed to do what your leader says to do. They're supposed to not be...mad. It's hard to see...she hides it...tells us lies...I'm sorry. It - you were right. It's been wrong, from...from the beginning." the broad-shouldered cat shuddered and was quiet again. The fluffed-up ginger she-cat who bares her teeth at him and he nodded again. "Y-yeah. That's true. She told us...she had our medicine cat say..." he wondered suddenly if Vulturemask's death had been orchestrated, somehow, and felt a chill rake its claws along his spine. He wouldn't put anything past her, not at this point. "We shouldn't have believed her..." he let the words fade even as he spoke them. What more could he say, could he do? He'd been wrong. So very, very wrong.

Blazestar finally spoke, and Badgermoon dragged his gaze to the large golden tomcat. Seize them both. His heart lurched - fear, relief, hope. Gratitude. "Th-thank you. His name is Curlewnose, he's...please, don't use any herbs on me, just him. He's never done anything to harm you, to hurt anyone. He's just..." for the first time, the disgraced ex-deputy looked as if he was on the verge of tears, staring down at the tiny blue-and-white figure. The concern voiced by the grayish tom prompted Badgermoon to shake his head. "She won't be looking for us. She'll - she'll be wanting to tell the Clan that we tried to kill her, not the other way around. She...she doesn't want any of them to hear what I have to say." he clenched his jaw, painfully aware that if he had not given her a chance - if he had simply told the Clan at large, if he'd spoken with the council...perhaps all of this could've been avoided. Perhaps not. But he would never know, would he? Because I tried to give her a chance. Loyal to the very end. Damned fool, I am.

The SkyClanners did not heed his words, which was to be expected; Orangeblossom expressed her horror at her leader's decision, and Badgermoon had a moment of shock. Sootstar would never have allowed me to speak to her that way. To disagree with her. Such a thing would have been treasonous. And yet nothing happened. The ginger she-cat, apparently named Figfeather, and Mallowlark would remain with the gray tom, apparently named Drizzlepelt. Badgermoon had only time to nudge Curlewnose to his feet, casting a glance towards one of their guards. Apparently, the Tigerfrost-looking one was named Quillstrike. A good name, he though, for such a prickly fellow. "He's not an it." was all the black-and-white warrior would say in a quiet voice, though one without deference, meeting the mismatched stare which blazed with such hatred with exhausted yellow eyes. Then he glanced away, turning a fretful expression onto his companion, as the bloodied tom slowly stood.

Before their funny little quartet marched on, Badgermoon glanced back to Blazestar and Orangeblossom and said: "Thank you, sir. I'll work 'til my last breath to make sure you don't regret this. I swear it." then he dropped his head and started walking at the prompting of the guards, steps slow and stumbling. We did it.

[ Permission to powerplay a tiny bit from Python <3 ]