they'll rip me to shreds like it's never been seen // seeking asylum

"NOW you want to open your eyes? Now that it has been rubbed in your face when it was there from the start? She's a monster, a brute, she always has been and you OBEDIENTLY followed her every whim and order!" It is not often he is overtaken by such outrage, such anger, the chocolate and cream tom was generally so docile and friendly and he rarely ever raised his voice outside more enthusiastic and positive ways but he could feel the spittle flying from his maw as he snapped and barked like a rabid animal in face of this lying, horrible tom pleading sanctuary from the very cats he had willfully attempted to kill and rob so many moons before. To lie to their faces and say he never knew. "You didn't see because you didn't want to!"
He had turned a blind eye to every atrocity from the start, he remembers his pelt shredded and the entirety of the clan he once devoted his time and healing to turning on him in an instant and where was Badgermoon then? Was that not enough barbarism for him? "It had to be personal for you to CARE THEN!?"
He stops himself, heaving, breathless, wanting to keep screaming but his throat is raw and he only settled when his deputy's cool and annoyed voice makes her decree, Quillstrike addresses him, so many cats protest and yet...they are told to take them alive.

Blazestar has other plans and they include him; Dandelionwish's mouth opens and closes in rapid succession, swallowing back fury and bile that threaten to choke him in his indignation and horror. Why was HE being asked to guard this monster of a cat? What had he done to deserve this? Was this some kind of show? Some kind of display to be had? He wanted to argue, but he didn't want to cause a scene there given his already frazzled disposition.
The dark striped warrior he is to guard alongside makes a command and the false point stiffens in irritation as he acknowledges it, snapping his teeth at Badgermoon's mouth continuing to run, "Be quiet, you have no right to correct anyone!"
He would get Curlewnose up, he would drag him if he had to, whatever mercy he might've had was left here on the border where they should have left these two.
  • Wow
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