this feeling's going to my head || intro


he/him ★ penned by seven
Oct 8, 2022
( ) blackpaw's back twitched as he paced around camp, the young black and white tom's restlessness was almost palpable. since the crack of dawn he'd been awake, doing random tasks in a desperate attempt to keep himself entertained. he'd even taken to clearing bits of debris he found in the hollow, random foliage and twigs that had no real effect on anybody. he felt like he could number and name each individual hair on his pelt with how many times he'd groomed himself.
"aughmph" he moaned loudly as he flopped over onto his side, stumpy tail wagging irritably "this is awful, i want to run" his fur twitched again. since the hawks had begun terrorizing the clan he'd developed enough brain to know it was a bad idea to go out alone, but it didn't stop him from wanting to so, so badly. to be fair, there was no experience comparable to racing on the open moor, especially in this weather. he could imagine the crisp fall wind buffeting his fur, almost well enough to taste it.
with another wistful sigh, he rolled onto his back and watched his clanmates upside-down, ears flat on the ground as he stretched out his forelegs and left them there. his pupils flitted around as he watched a striped brown feather be carried in by the wind, still on his back with paws outstretched, he tried to bat at it before it slid past him across the sandy ground. "i hope we can pluck those damned things bald, image the nests we could make" he grumbled to noone in particular, watching the feather wobble in the breeze.

//wow my first real post :^) excuse how rusty i am, im hoping i'll feel more literate again soon
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With precision a blue paw lands firmly on the wind-carried feather, pressing it into the sand.

Nests out of hawk feathers, Blackpaw dreams. A glorious dream for sure, with the cold leaf-fall winds settling in everyone was wishing for extra warmth as of late. She could only imagine the freeze leaf-bare would bring, nests dressed in the feathers of those sky demons would certainly be a nice luxury to have. Yet Sootstar's usual confidence isn't there, she has her doubts that WindClan would be able to bring the hawks down... and if they could, how many lives would it cost?

Sootstar knows her clan is hard at work in coming up with a plan to defeat the feathery beasts. Until then they needed to remain safe.

The blue smokes head turns to directly face the apprentice's, "You want to run?" she flexes her tail upwards, beckoning for him to rise to his paws. "Come running with me. Camp is low on water, someone needs to bring wet moss back home. We can make ourselves useful while stretching our legs."


Blackpaw wasn't the only one who longed for the open moors, to be able to run free at one's greatest speed and to be one with the winds. Galepaw shared in the frustrations of being mainly bound to the camp whilst the threat of death loamed from above. Straying out there alone just wasn't worth the risk.

Galepaw had succumb to the habit of wandering laps around the main camp, his frustrations clear in the way his pelt bristled every so often. He was just passing close by to Blackpaw and Sootstar when his ears picked up on the words being spoken. A promise of a job and a chance beyond the confines of the camp. It was being offered to Blackpaw, but perhaps he could sneak himself in as well. The more eyes the better, right? The apprentice made a cautious approach as he tried to subdue his sense of eagerness. "Could I come too? I want to help."
The hawks had already cost one life too many. Dandelionpaw listened in to the bold declaration at a distance, his paws idly shuffling in place as he counted in his head things that needed doing that he could not let linger for long less it become an issue later. A lot of healing, he had learned, was thinking ahead for what-ifs rather than struggling with things as they came; it would do no one any good for a medicine cat to be unprepared but he was starting to understand his mentor's misery at times. The tension headaches from the stress were not so horrific they took him from his focus or his duties but they were certainly annoying in their own way.
He squinted, gold and green hues narrowed as he examined the cats discussing leaving and he was quick to stand from his idleness to press forward.
"Room fer a fourth? If'n yer goin near the pond ah'd like to grab extra catmint." And maybe anything else nearby, but catmint was the most guaranteed near the water-anything else was a bonus.

( ) blackpaw's pupils focused as sootstar approached and pinned the dancing feather. when she began to speak he remained on his back for a moment before flipping upright at the offer of a run, even with a chore attached he was ecstatic to be able to get out and do something. "yes, please!" he excitedly shook out his pelt, sand flying out of his course fur for a moment. he gave the surrounding cats a sheepish smile. when galepaw and dandelionpaw joined the conversation his eyes brightened even more "surely if there's more of us we're less likely to be bothered, right?" he asked, looking over to their leader. it was up to her, but he doubted she'd say no.
the more paws to carry things the better in his opinion, and perhaps one of them would opt for a race, his fur rippled with anticipation. although, despite how excited he was he could still feel his paw pads begin to sweat a little, hopefully they could get by without being harassed by the sky terrors that have been plaguing them. he was dying for something a little more easygoing after everything that had occurred recently.

He's usually so busy.

He's always doing something - always hunting, always kit-sitting, always collecting things. Helping the clan in some form.

But, with the hawks that surround the clan, it feels like Thymepaw's had to sit still more than he's used to - to keep in the camp over fears of the avian villains attacking again. His paws are just itching to move, to go somewhere.

Blackpaw seems the same, in some extent. And, Sootstar offers him something to do - collecting moss. Two becomes four, with Galepaw and Dandelionpaw asking to go as well, and Thymepaw find himself stepping towards the group at the opportunity to just do something.

"Can... Can I go with y'all, too?" he asks, looking to Blackpaw, to Sootstar.
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