pafp THORN IN YOUR SIDE ⁀➷ camp

ˏˋ*⁀➷ Fallowpaw has developed something of a curiosity for Skyclaw. It is a rarity, something she has not quite felt since kithood. She's long grown used to the faces in camp, long decided how she feels about them. She digs in her feet and refuses to reconsider; most cats in camp are not worth thinking about, and have done little to change that conclusion.

Skyclaw is different. His blood spilled alongside hers upon SkyClan ground, outsider like her own. A full-rogue and a half-kittypet. It's hardly something that'd matter to her before - kittypets are little like herself, those who only bear their blood even less so. They were never anything less than a clan cat, no matter what their ancestry may say. He, though, somehow bears the same boiling shame, the same resentment. She can see it in the burning embers of his eyes. He is wrong for this place in the same way she is. Hesitant paws creep close to his when choosing a place to eat, and he is mercifully apart from the others.

Golden eyes train upon the patchwork warrior for a long moment, face fixed into its usual glare. It is a rare thing that Fallowpaw purposefully starts a conversation with another. Skyclaw's impact is evident in the raising of its so that he may hear. "So," it drawls, flat and languid. "Your parents name you that as a joke or what?" It seems rather cruel to her. A name born like a brand, a constant reminder that he is not like his clanmates.

  • @skyclaw
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  • FALLOWPAW ⁀➷ she / it, apprentice of thunderclan, ten moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerpaw & doepaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Skyclaw doesn't consider Fallowpaw a friend - however that is not due to her clearly virtuous nature. No, he struggles holding cats just close enough to enjoy their company without feeling as if he is destroying their image by just existing. Even cats like Fallowpaw, clearly different from the pride due to their background just like he, are given stiff nods of acknowledgement and the cold shoulder when he can afford it. She's skilled, and she has done... 'well' with acclimating to the Clan. Should she have come from a more pampered life, maybe he wouldn't consider her a future asset to the Clan - but that is certainly his bias showing.

He does not expect her appearance and yet she crops up nearby, a lumbering beast with shaggy fur obscuring her figure. He glances at her, mouth half full with the bite he just took, before returning to his meal. Cats can simply exist in camp, after all. And some days the hollow feels way too cramped and crowded to be alone, and so he doesn't begrudge the apprentice for lingering. She speaks, however, and the tom manages a deep cut frown.

"My father -" venom - no, acid - spills off of his tongue. It'd damage the very air and earth, everything it'd come in contact with. He replaces the sentiment with a somehow worse sounding, "Blazestar -" growled from exposed teeth and taut lips. A very silent watch yourself is said between syllables, and yet Skyclaw cannot place who he is warning. He continues with less of a struggle, but with similar discomfort. "- had no say in my name. Little Wolf told me growing up that it was to match my brother's name, along with my sisters' - Dusk, Moon, Morning..." A fool, you are. He can already hear the disdain.

"Maybe it was a joke," he finally says, and in an act of frustration and meager good faith, he passes the remainder of his meal to her. "As yours must've been. Naming you after something as cowardly as a deer... it's laughable." Will the teasing be accepted in kind? He's unsure. He's not sure, too, if he wants it to be.​

Softpaw knows better than to get into disagreements that don't concern her, but she can't help but get up and draw closer as she listens to Skyclaw and Fallowpaw's conversation. She can tell that, despite Fallowpaw's generally sour temperament, the other apprentice meant no harm when she'd asked about Skyclaw's name - and strange it was, to be named after another Clan that wasn't your own. Then again, it showed a certain amount of arrogance for someone to have been named after their own Clan, too.

"Deer may be cowardly, but they're still quite capable of killing." Softpaw reminds Skyclaw; she's not sure why she's defending Fallowpaw, the two have never been close, but she feels the need to point out that fact. To Skyclaw, "Your mother was not named like us. Perhaps to her, 'sky' was just another word, nice to fit in with your siblings', like you said." She doesn't know if it'll reassure him, if he even wants reassurance; she doesn't know as much as she'd like about what it was like before the Clans, when names were different.

It's almost comforting to be around Skyclaw. Kinship lingers in his chest but he knows, beneath that hope, that they're not ever going to really be the same. His mother was a kittypet. Skyclaw's just. . . loved one. And while the patchwork warrior had managed to grow past most of label, he had not. Still the sickly kittypet's kit, wasting resources in the medicine den. Fallowpaw calls them clan cats. He does not feel that way, most of the time. Wrong for this place, it says. Everything that is wrong with this place, he thinks.

"You don't need to lie," he snorts bluntly at Softpaw. The apprentice is not too close, being much like the warrior in that he doesn't care for closeness, but it is harder to stay away from cats than it is to accept that you'll have company. As he grooms between his toes, the conversation ebbs on. Fallowpaw questions. Softpaw does precisely what she is named for. Softens. "Little Wolf knew what she was doing." Speaking of her invokes the ghost of a cat he had never known. Gentlestorm loved her. That's all he really knows. It was impossible not to know such things when he spent his early moons in the medicine den. Whatever it meant was not his to understand.

  • OOC.
  • 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐏𝐀𝐖. HE - HIM. YOUNG APPRENTICE OF THUNDERCLAN. ————— the son of an ex-kittypet has spent most of his life confined to the medicine den. bad circumstances and worse healing left him in a limbo between life and death which he only just escaped. he feels he must prove himself a great warrior so his clanmates will see him as anything more than a weak kittypet.   PENNED BY REVELATIONS

    a prickly-furred chocolate and slate cat with amber eyes. finally growing into his frame with moons of hard work and steady enough food, thistlepaw has taken a blocky, bulky shape with broad shoulders and densely muscled hindlimbs. his fur remains a tough-edged cloak, but now carries a well-groomed sheen despite how unruly it is.

Meadowkit does not mean to eavesdrop, but how could she not listen in? The apprentices were all right there, talking to her uncle about the origins of his name. Skyclaw, to match his other siblings he says. It's a nice name, she thinks, and her uncle's patchwork pelt did resemble clouds in certain places. She does not think of the clan across the way, not until... My father, Blazestar Skyclaw and her mother shared the same parents so that meant that this Blazestar was her grandfather, kittypet kind and ruler of SkyClan. Oh "Little Wolf was a good cat!" she asserts, not liking the way Thistlepaw spoke about her and her cousins shared namesake. She had obviously never known her, but the stories her family told were of a brave warrior, one who loved freely and who would do anything to protect those she loved.

She sticks her tongue out in his direction, but then her gaze finds it's way back to her uncle, questions already burning in the forefront of her young mind. "What's a deer?" She had never heard of such a creature before. Softpaw says they're cowardly, but still capable of killing and Meadowkit's nose wrinkles. "Could a squirrel kill?" she asks suddenly, eyes widening in alarm. Would she have to watch out for murderous mice and rabbits when finally she made it to apprenticehood?

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    A large fluffy red tabby kitten with a white chest, stomach, tail, muzzle and stripe running along her back. Her eyes are a deep, forest, green and in her pelt one can usually find flowers woven
    easy in battle + no formal training
*+:。.。 Bugkit pokes her head up from the grass at all the commotion, yellow eyes bright and determined to cut through the tension by any means necessary! And when she overhears the subject as cat's names, she's all the more certain she wants to help! Names are the best! No one should feel bad about their name! Bugkit loves her name! She's her mamma's little bug, after all!
Padding over to the group, Bugkit would plop down beside Meadowkit. "I like the name Skyclaw!" she pipes up helpfully, fluffy tail waving back and forth cheerily, "It sounds like you can reach way up high, like this - look, watch!" she extends a paw as far as it can go, lengthening her little body to try and grab hold of a cloud. Once she's strained herself enough, she lets out a puff of air before flopping back down, giggling, "I think your mamma picked a really good name!"

At MEadowkit's question, Bugkit tilts her head to the side. She contemplates, but has no answer, although if squirrels really can! Then so many of her clanmates must be way strong! "I'm sure glad bugs don't kill!" she meows with a little laugh.

    DFAB— She/Her
    5 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Daughter to Flamewhisker and Flycatcher
    Sibling to Falconheart, Stormfeather, Lilykit, Butterflykit, Scorchedkit, Squirrelkit, Sunkit
    Thunderclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold pink
    injuries: None currently

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
It was easy to forget her mate's heritage, admittedly. When Roeflame gazed upon him, she can only see Thunderclan in the blood that runs through his veins. Even if she did consider things as frivolous as that, wouldn’t it be hypocritical? Roeflame was not even Thunderclan born like Burnstorm, she shared the same amount of “kittypet blood” as he. She is only reminded of that fact occasionally from time to time, it reminds her now when she overhears Skyclaw spit Blazestars name out like a bitter bite of food. It is pure curiosity that draws her nearer. Brow bones twitch upwards in slight surprise when the tom turns around and begins to lightly mock Fallowpaw’s name, “and what’s wrong with being named after a deer, huh?” The lead warrior involves herself with a small grin, the input of the apprentices and kits that have also drawn close stir mixed feelings in Roeflame’s chest. “A deer could kick you half-way through the forest without a second thought.” She points out to the group of youth with a whisk of her silken tail. To Meadowkit she offers her niece a smile, “they’re large, four legged creatures like us, but they have thick, armored feet called hooves. There’s many different names for them, Deer, Doe, Fallow, Roe…” the queen trails off, the kittens second prompt earning a breath of laughter, “no, but if they decided to fight you rather than run they might be able to leave you with a few good scrapes.” Perhaps if an angry squirrel had good enough aim… they could take you out with an acorn to the head, too.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.