Bluepool knows better than anything that a comfortable nest to lay your head down at night could mean the world. Soft, fresh, moss, padded by wool, flowers woven in between for a fresh scent. It was all a recipe, one that Bluepool knows well. Sure, her nests were not the prettiest thing to look at but she did try to at least make them cozy. To her a pretty nest meant nothing if it wasn't comfortable, if after a long day of hard work she didn't yearn to lay her head down in it and doze off to sleep, if she didn't wake up refreshed and ready to go the next day. When Scorchstreak had first started her stint in the nursery, Bluepool had promised her fellow lead warrior that she would go and collect some sheeps wool for her. Wool was quite possibly the best thing for a nest, better than moss, in her opinion, and Scorchstrak's kits, when they came, surely would appreciate a little extra padding right? Finally, she had found the time and made the trip and now she makes her way to the nursery, a bundle of white clasped firmly in her jaws.
"Who ever said I don't make good on my promises!" she says when she enters the nursery, placing the wool down in front of her, a bright smile lighting up her face. "I told ya I would get you some wool for your nest! I'm just sorry it took me so long. You know how it is... If you don't time it perfectly you could end up dog food" she shudders at the thought of snapping jaws, large paws pounding against the earth behind her. She had already lost one appendage to a predator and she was not eager to lose another. "But here it is! I got it and now you and your kits will be able to rest easy!" she puffs her chest out with pride in herself as she pushes the small bundle forward, happy to be finally striking this task off of her to-do list. She is thankful wool lasts a decently long time before getting too dirty to continue using, going to the horseplace wasn't exactly her favorite activity. But for a comfy nest, in her opinion, it was worth it. Even more so when it was for someone she actually liked. Stars knew she wouldn't be risking her neck for Vulturemask's sorry hide anytime soon.

// please wait for @SCORCHSTREAK

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The calico tunneler has never had reason to make a nest of her own before, so having to scrape one together in the nursery has proven to be a strange undertaking. The nest that she’s managed to create is soft with moss and feather, but it is misshapen and lumpy in some places. Still, she rests upon it with closed eyes, resting carefully on her side—until another figure enters the nursery, and the calico lifts her head to smile at the other warrior.

"Thank you, Bluepool," she says softly, gratefully. She cannot imagine the difficulty of fetching wool from the sheep, especially when dodging dogs all the while. When the silvery tabby had promised to deliver Scorchstreak some wool for her new nest, she hadn’t expected anything special, even from her friend. "I appreciate you bringing it to me. And I’m glad that you didn’t become dog food; I’d hate for you to risk so much just for some wool." Images flicker through her mind—Bluepool limp and lifeless, bleeding from deep, untreatable wounds. She suppresses a shudder at the thought, turning warm golden eyes upon the other lead warrior.

She reaches out to snag the bundle, night-black paw stark against alabaster wool. Her touch is gentle as she pulls the bundle of white to her crudely made nest. "I’ll admit I’m not sure what the best way to add this in would be…" She trails off, glancing over to Bluepool in hopes that the other feline will have some kind of advice.
periwinklepaw | 10 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
Peri watches his mentor with rapt attention as she approaches the nursery - it seems they had shared similar thoughts in what to do with their finds, each gifting them away. But scorchstreak seems a bit lost - and though he's certain he'll be turned away the skittish boy makes his way over on soft paws. "U-um, i c-could help if you'd like?" he's helped the queens out plenty of times in the past, nest making is nothing to him. Wool is a bit strange, but he thinks using it might be something like moss - stretching and pulling and reshaping the wispy tuft until it reshapes itself.

──⇌•〘 INFO He has no advice for Scorchstreak in this situation, whether referencing her pregnancy or the gift Bluepool has acquired. His nest is lined with flowers wilted and crushed in his sleep, woven by Sunstride what feels like a lifetime ago. He has never been especially picky about where he sleeps, but Scorchstreak will need someplace comfortable for the kits. Periwinklepaw offers his assistance, and it seems that he would know better than Wolfsong. "Will you line the bottom of the nest?" He asks the apprentice curiously before looking back to Scorchstreak. "It must be trying remaining within camp. I doubt a mossball could keep you entertained, but I know of a few games we could try sometime."
What was this about wool? Littlekit didn't understand what everyone was talking about. That wasn't whatever wool was, that was obviously a cloud. It was soft, white, and fluffy! Therefore, a cloud. Did Bluepool take a cloud from the sky??? That is SO cool.

"Did you take a cloud from the sky???" He asked.

He was behind Scorchstreak, peaking over the other's belly. He didn't know what pregnancy was, he thought she was just fat. Furthermore, he came to the conclusion that since she was having kits, that kits just.... Happen. That she cats just woke up one day and decided they were pregnant. This made total sense in his mind.

He listens to the others talk. He recognizes everyone here by now, Periwinklepaw being his favorite. He was fun to play with and pounce on. He was interested to see how he would put the cloud into Scorchstreaks nest. Wolfsong mentions that Scorchstreak is too cool for mossball, and that he knows a few other games to try. This excites him.

"Can I play too??" He asks.​
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like littlekit, she looked curiously at the wool. it wasn't a word she was familiar with before now, but staring at the soft looking bundle of fluff she would make sure to commit it to memory. on light paws, hollykit creeps around to the front of scorchstreak's nest, narrowly dodging the legs of warriors. a careful shaded leg extends to touch it, the she-kit is pleasantly surprised.

the voice of her brother rings out, the dark kitten lifts her head sharply. now that she was observing littlekit, however, she noticed how heavily he resembled the fluffy stuff that he believed was a cloud. hollykit giggles softly to herself, bringing a paw back up to cover her muzzle as she did. "looks like you," she pointed out, humor dancing in her high pitched voice. "scorchstreak wants to steal your fur for her babies." she came to the conclusion quickly and despite it being far from the truth, she announced it as if it were the obvious answer.

backing away from the nest and the older cats, she moved to sit by littlekit as he requested to join in on a game. mischief glinted in her green gaze as she leaned over, feigning worry as she whispered in his ear. "you don't wanna play. the game he's talking about is called 'pluck littlekit', they're gonna see who can take your fur the fastest."

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