GUTTA CAVAT LAPIDEM : snow. it falls in slow, billowing specks of glittering ivory, pelting the rot - dark greenery of fourtrees in a wintery chill. wind pulls at the leaves, pulls at the stretching, barren tendrils of limbs that blot out the stars overhead in dark, interlocking rivers. it was a cold night, though the winds had died down enough to only pull light at bicolored curls. they’d taken the stepping stones to fourtrees this time — avoiding the spray of frosting water even as it crashes lazily against the flat rock, dampening their lower limbs. it’s enough to send some into a shivering fit, and the mottled tom would be thankful for once for the length of his limbs if his mind didn’t riot elsewhere. smokethroat had woken — merciful starclan, on him or windclan one, he’s gazed into that solar eye once more and thus his sharp - knuckled paws remain sheathed. where ivory meets stone soft, but not passive.

cicadastar is positioned in the very middle of the towering rock, it’s stony surface biting cold at the ends of his paws. the full moon beams at his back, casting the hollow dips beneath his cheekbones and he looks far away and all too present, eyes slitted and heady - lidded, cast down upon the tall stone’s front as if casting judgement upon those who approach — to an extent, perhaps he is. he is silent. he is cruel. there is a glint to icy eyes that spell a cold, calm fury that the idle bristling along bony shoulders does not conceal. the unnaturally tall felidae is all the more looming atop his frosting throne and his features stark - white, backlit by the paling moonglow. the chimera is prim and stonefaced me tonight, he is unfriendly. not that he’d ever been particularly chatty — but tonight, he is marble. tonight, he is as tempestuous as the rolling clouds above, feels a familiar thunder - rush of blood in his ears as warriors continue to fill the clearing.

tonight, smokethroat does not accompany him. the dark tom does not split from him at the looming trees, but still he had strode alongside buckgait, first to arrive. sitting upon this tower his realizes that this time, he does not have sunburst eyes to gaze into from afar, lips to idly trace a silent encouragement and he aches, thinks of the haze of pain his beloved lives in now. a semi - stranded state, sides heaving and cicadastar is not a healer — he does not recognize the signs of infection within him and though the man had regained consciousness, he is not out of the water just yet. each moment without him is agony, semi - stranded in time ; a what - if, a maybe. cicadastar has rarely dealt in uncertainties, flighty nerves and fear kept him fawnish, fleeting. he can no longer run. ivory paws plant aside the ailing lead warrior and restlessness is clear in aching narrow of heavy eyes. of the gradual thinning of his lean belly, of the dip in his already skeletal features.

the tortoiseshell gazes where he can see all under his reign and they are tired, hungrier. some drip from windbitten noses, battered whiskers gleaming the frosted remains of their mucus, voices crackling through a clog in their throat. the youngest of them laugh — call the sick frogthroats, and the elders play along with nervous side - eyes. leafbare is upon the land, and it has already begun to ravage them, stripping their main source of food and leaving them with . . rabbit. a single, plump rabbit that had sent many of his warriors to nests with full bellies, smiling faces. a dark lip curls and the thought of another creeps at his mind, only this time, he would make honest men of them all. thieves, that rat had said, had spit at his paws. they'd not seen thievery, not yet.

cold blue eyes. they watch the other leaders approach, only the slightest twitch of long, curling whiskers made in greeting.

  • CICADASTAR ; he / him. roughly thirty nine months old, riverclan leader
    − handsome, lanky black smoke tortie chimera with curly fur and ice blue eyes
    − gay. speaks with a german accent, ages on the seventh, penned by antlers

  • felinedad.png
  • none.

"wretched snow," pitchstar mutters to himself, shaking his paws every few steps to dislodge the disgusting white powder that latches onto him. the cold bites at his rib-laden flanks, and pitchstar thinks he should've never left his den tonight. what good is going to come from this gathering? the only news he bears is that of starvation and betrayal. his own aunt, leaving him and his clan for dead. leaving them in capable paws, his ass! starlingheart is nothing but a child playing doctor, because her teacher just couldn't stand to live in a home she was ashamed of.

the taste of copper blossoms in his mouth as his gnashing teeth find purchase in his own tongue. (ashamed of him. she's ashamed of him, even after all that he's done for her. nothing that he does will ever be good enough, will it?)

he's thankful, at least, when he reaches the great rock. with quite a bit of difficulty due to his deteriorating physical state, all jutting bones and ragged fur, pitchstar heaves himself to the top with a grunt. on display for all to see, pitchstar feels every stare burn into his skin- a sharp contrast to the cold night. (they're ashamed of him, too, aren't they?) his lips curl at the voice in his head. fine. fine. he'll give them something else to be ashamed about, soon enough. don't think i'm going to speak your name with any respect tonight, bonejaw.

cicadastar's already here, unmoving in the center of the stone. if it wasn't for the slow twitch of his whiskers, pitchstar might've thought he'd been frozen to the bone in this cold. but he doesn't see the other leaders, yet. pitchstar purses his lips as he takes his seat, remaining a good distance from cicadastar. he's supposed to only sit with sootstar now, because of their alliance, or some shit like that. that's how it works, right? she'd better hurry up, before i freeze my ass off up here. the wind only cuts deeper into his gaunt frame, this high up. he can already feel mucous dripping from his nose, spurred by the frigid air. he wants to go home, but instead, he's here, with his clan's weaknesses flaunted. starving, with a baby as a medicine cat.

he hates politics, all of a sudden.
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

The other warriors had pestered, their noses intruding into his den with their questions, will we be going to the Gathering? Blazestar had not considered the Gathering. Will there still be Gatherings, now that his daughter is dead at the hands of one of his apprentices? He had stared through the NPC, incredulous. He was expected to go, despite Morningpaw's death? He was expected to sit on the Great Rock, in front of all five Clans, and pretend to care about anything?

The Ragdoll leads his Clan in silence. He walks as though he's padding through his dreams, as though nothing he touches is real and could crumble away at any second. Fourtrees feels foreign to him, unfamiliar. He looks about as though he doesn't know where he is.

He assumes Deersong will tend to SkyClan. He can't tonight. Can he ever again?

Is this the price I've paid, then? I must give up my family to be leader of this Clan that does not even respect me? He stumbles, blinking unseeing blue eyes at the Great Rock. Two cats sit already, but he cannot see who they are. He has to climb this massive stone? He's done it before, he knows, but his paws have lost the memory.

With visible effort, Blazestar clambers onto the Great Rock. Cicadastar and Pitchstar. He sees through them, their bodies and pelts blending into the branches beyond. He doesn't nod a greeting, doesn't say a word. He doesn't acknowledge that his pelt is matted and dull, that he can hardly walk without effort.

He sits to Cicadastar's side, leaving a gap between him and Pitchstar. He stares sightlessly into the crowd of gathering cats.

Why am I here, he thinks. Did he say it aloud? It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.

- ,,

They were all so pleasantly quiet and gloomy looking, perfect! Perhaps this gathering would be a splendid afair after all. Somehow her clan was going through the wringer, and she could still present herself at the gathering with her typical smug smirk. Didn't mean she didn't feel like rabbit-droppings, her nose was all clogged, she was congested, and not a moment passed where she didn't feel drowsy- if one looks her in the eyes they could probably see it too. Yet Sootstar fully believes under the full moon she needs to put on a performance for the other clans, maybe even a little for her own clan as well.

Tiny yet strong limbs create a graceful leap onto the boulder, she does not cast gloomy king of kittypet's a look and most certainly not the monochrome tom-cat sitting next to him. Promptly she sits down at Pitchstar's side, the one furthest away from the other leaders if she could make a squeeze. "Looking cold tonight Pitchstar, we can huddle together if you want." The blue molly snorts in amusement, not actually serious. The chocolate tabby smelled horrible and she was certain he's not groomed since he was five moons old.

// interacting w/ @PITCHSTAR


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 32 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. mate to Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to Windpaw & Sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to Sootpaw & Coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
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Emberstar's gaze found Blazestar the moment she entered the clearing, and she could not help how her ear flicked uncertainly. She nodded to her clanmates, they knew how to handle themselves at a gathering by now. It felt wrong somehow, to raise her voice.

A moments hesitation was all she allowed herself before she forced herself forward, leaping atop the rock in one deft motion. As close as she was to the Skyclan leader, the matting of his fur and the dullness in his eyes could not escape her notice. She glanced away. There was nothing left to say. Already she had gone to him, offered her empty condolences and discussed this with him. It hadn't helped.

More than anything, she wanted to DO something about this. Fix this senseless violence somehow. Or, if not that, stop it from happening again.

The inklings of an idea were within her, born from the words she had shared with Blazestar and with her own clanmates. She dared not speak it yet though, still she dared hope for a better solution. One less clumsy and harsh than her own.

Instead, she sat in silence. Forgetting her usual greetings amongst her own thoughts.
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No one was talking, all they seemed to be doing was exchanging brief glances and or staring off into the crowd. Sootstar knows the other leaders probably have plenty of time to waste, allowing gray clouds to hang over their heads, but she didn't. Sootstar had sick and hungry cats back at home, they all needed to return and get plenty of rest so they could have successful hunting tomorrow.

Without a word to the other leaders, Sootstar stands onto her cold bitten paws and fixes her gaze on the large crowd. She can't help but notice WindClan's presence was especially low tonight, it was blatant to see even more so now that she stood on the leader's boulder. Hopefully none of the other leaders care too much to notice tonight, swiftly she begins to speak to distract from the fact. "Five clans, the gathering is commencing! Please lend us your ears!" Heads begin to swerve, more pairs of eyes land on her, she double checks her posture.

"Leaf-bare makes the moors cold to the bone, WindClan has certainly been feeling it, yet this season only teaches us how to become stronger. We are grateful for the challenge and find that prey is still easy to come by and our bellies are full." It was a bold-faced lie but she's good at it, if WindClan had grown skinnier no one would likely notice the difference in comparison to ShadowClan. Sootstar remembers leaf-bare in the marshes and sympathizes with them, but allies or not she had her own clan to look after first. Besides, Pitchstar would probably spit in her face if she offered a paw, she'd do the same if it was the other way around.

"We have tons of new warriors, Shrewtuft, Bumblebreeze, Thymeroot, Snowshadow, Adderblaze, Slatesnarl, Speckleclaw, Jasperglare, Crimsonveil, Ghostwail, Twistedstep, Goatfoot, Puffcloud... Nutsprout, Spiderbloom, Nightmareface, Maggotcrawl, Branchfall, Ghoststrike, Wolfpack, Vixengaze, Redrumble, and Umberfang." She hopes this intimidates the other clans, she hopes it shows RiverClan they shouldn't be messed with... The blue smoke can't lie, she's anxious about what Cicadastar may do in retaliation to Weaselclaw's hunting patrol. It's hard not to side-eye the RiverClan leader to gauge his reaction to this news, but she refrains.

"Also, last gathering I think it was SkyClan- who mentioned there was an apprentice killing rogue on the loose. I believe this is the same rogue that attacked and maimed a WindClan apprentice this last moon, its blatant by the wounds he sustains that the intent had been to kill him, yet Nettlepaw lives." She emphasizes before continuing, "Nettlepaw has told me that the rogue is a gray tom-cat with stripes under his eyes. Nettlepaw bit him on a leg and also on his back so he should have some distinguishable wounds. If you meet a cat who matches this description capture and bring him to WindClan... it is only fair that his living victim, Nettlepaw, has a direct say in his fate."

Suppose she couldn't drag out announcing this either..."Hyacinithbreath, former lead warrior of WindClan, has been exiled due to treason and needlessly harming a clan-mate. If you see her, I suggest you chase her out of your land, she will bring you no good."" It was embarrassing to announce but for once she manages to swallow her pride. At least now she hopefully won't have to witness Hyacinithbreath being apart of another clan, though she doesn't regret her exile seeing her esle where will make the betrayal sting further. "Despite the bad news, WindClan as usual is strong, and we make swift recoveries of the challenges thrown our way. We continue to be grateful of all of StarClan's blessings, big and small and thank them for looking down upon WindClan even during the challenging cold moons."

With a nod to the clans she backs up a few paw-steps and reclaims her place beside Pitchstar.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 34 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. mate to Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to Windpaw & Sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to Sootpaw & Coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
one by one, the other leaders arrive. pitchstar pointedly ignores emberstar and blazestar, although not before he notes the dejected expression on the latter's face; what had happened to leave the kittypet leader so glum, he couldn't even utter a greeting? typically so friendly, now with a haunted hollowness in his sunken eyes, blazestar has been reduced to something more akin to a phantom than the skyclan leader pitchstar knows.

the rosette tabby squanders the pity his stomach begins to harbor. he has no room for sympathy for the clan who'd taken everything away from him and his clan.

sootstar sits near him, joking about huddling together to escape the cold. pitchstar might've accepted the invitation, regardless of its sincerity, if he hadn't had so much on his rattled brain. he acknowledges her with a snort, but nothing else. all that he could think of is bonejaw, and her betrayal that he would soon yowl to the uncaring full moon about. it would not taste like triumph, as it had when he'd revealed honeytwist and cinderfrost's crimes.

sootstar begins the gathering with a call for attention. her words blend together into a monotonous hum in pitchstar's ears. he stares down at the crowd, his pupils hardly visible slits. before he knows it, sootstar is finished with her long-winded announcements, and pitchstar had heard none of it. the silence is jarring.

pitchstar jolts to his paws, the sudden movement causing vertigo. shadowclan's leader stumbles to the edge of the great rock, claws scraping loose stones and sending them clattering down below. his world spins, and it threatens to topple him down into the crowd. "leaf-bare has never been kind to us in the marsh, and that proves to be true now more than ever. prey is a scarcity, and the damage our home suffered from the fire a few moons ago only makes it more difficult to feed my clan." he's laying himself bare, ripping open his flesh to reveal the weakness that lays beneath. but he has to, if they're to comprehend how despicable his aunt- no, bonejaw- is for abandoning them. they would never speak her name in kind again, after tonight. pitchstar will be sure of it.

"bonejaw, our medicine cat chosen by starclan themselves," pitchstar spits out starclan as if it were a piece of gristle in his meal. "has decided to abandon us, and leave us for dead. why? because two of our clanmates, wolverinefang and fogpaw, had gone missing. chilledgaze and i sent out search parties upon search parties, but every single one came up empty-pawed. yet bonejaw turned on us, accusing us of not caring enough to find them, as if we hadn't tried day after day to bring them home. she called us disloyal, in the same breath that she left us with an ill-prepared child. only seven moons old, and already, starlingheart is expected to look after an entire clan without the knowledge of how to do so- all because bonejaw couldn't give enough of a shit about her home to stay."

the poison slips so easily from his curled lips. he's heaving by the time he snarls out the last of his words, the weight of them crushing his lungs. tears burn at the corners of his eyes, which he blinks frantically away. "if any of you have the misfortune of seeing her pathetic face, do not forget this injustice. i'd suggest-" pitchstar chokes on his next words, the guilt of encouraging harm to befall upon his aunt clawing at his throat. no, his mind screams at him quickly after. she's not his aunt anymore. he tells himself over and over; she's a traitor- to him, to starlingheart, to shadowclan. "-i'd suggest that you chase her off of your territory. a traitor to her own kin is not worth your resources."

pitchstar sucks in a breath, as if his head had broken the surface of the icy water he's drowning in. "but shadowclan- we will survive. the rats at carrionplace are plentiful enough to sustain us through this harsh leaf-bare, and starlingheart is learning well." they are nothing if not resilient. tragedy after tragedy, but they keep moving forwards.

with his venom spat, pitchstar backs away from the edge and takes his seat next to sootstar, staring out at the trees in the distance. are you out there, bonejaw? do you sleep good at night, knowing your home has been left in the paws of a kitten?

[ as always, IC OPINIONS only! ily rhos & bonejaw </3 ]

GUTTA CAVAT LAPIDEM : blazestar is next. he clambers stop the stone with a clear effort and cicadastar watches, quirks a careful brow, before realizing with a quiet start that he’d never seen the point so down. aside from the obvious, blazestar had been a bubbly, if a bit slow personality, and seeing him wordless leaves him twitching a semi - nervous, curling tail. leaders accumulate and eventually, they are all sitting in silence, nothing but the steady rise - fall of his chest to indicate that he isn’t frozen to the spot. snow flurries dance over his slim shoulders and he does not know the skyclan king well enough to inquired so he does not. and in that moment of mulling silence, sootstar steps forward, her voice scratching his ears like jagged claws. anger kindles in his chest, the impudence. the pride. he wants to rip it from her on principle alone, to take the moor queen down a peg before prying eyes. he mulls on it as she speaks, waits for her excuses, her empty apologies, her explanation as to why that wretched tabby had not attended but as she comes to a close, he realizes with a sudden start.

she is saying nothing of the attack.

his blood boils. like fire beneath thin skin, rioting up his marrow and flooding him with a white - hot rage. but the fur along his shoulder do not bristle ( his mother snips at him in his minds eye. he does not budge, expressionless. practiced. ), listens to pitchstar drone on and his eyes remain locked on her, icy. cold. a bitter, clear blue, almost ivory in the blistering full moon and not a muscle in his jaw twitches despite the slow, steady tapping of long claws against the stone underpaw. a habit. a bad habit, each time he’s perched upon this stone, a steady click. click. click. he would worry of it bothering blazestar should he think past the haze of red over his vision, over the blood pulsing in his ears, droning out sootstar’s ever - proud voice. click. click. click. the wind ruffles his curls and he’s sure it’s the only reason he doesn’t explode, the only reason tongues of flame do not flit from his somehow angled - up ears. his anger is quiet. his anger is calm. despite it his eyes are a fraction too wide in his rage, leaving him alight. it’s only when talk turns to bonejaw does his ear twitch and his gaze drags over towards the rosetted tabby, eyes as staring - wide as they had been on sootstar, and just as hollow and just as bonejaw had said, he dubs her traitor. disloyal. it takes all he has not to snort, cackling and mad, manic with the anger that claws up the unusually long length of his limbs.

and then it’s his turn.

the river king rises from his stony perch with a flourish of his thick, curled tail, stands calmly. silent is he as he steps forward, silent is he while he stands at the edge of tallrock, looking out over the crowd, watches ears crane towards the leftmost side, towards him. as usual, he commands attention. as usual, he puts on a face of good nature. after a long moment of silence, he begins, “ good evening, all! i hope this leafbare is treating you as well as it is the rivers. “ what a lie. but his face does not so much as twitch, almost droning as he begins his usual tirade. his claws are unsheathed against the stone below and slowly, they click as he begins to slowly, slowly, pad along the short length of tallrock. he was close to the fellow leaders, with just enough room to walk, “ while the water is colder, it is still rich with fish. we face our hardships just as every clan, but we take them as they come and work through them as a unit. as a family. we grow, thrive by the day and thus — this moon we welcome tidefrost, lagoonpaddle to warriorhood, as well as finchpaw, ravenpaw, shellpaw, cricketpaw and frostpaw to apprenticeship! all but one are present tonight, our finchpaw, and i would like you all to remember his name, yes? “ finchpaw. the apprentice was alright, though a little roughed up. most of them had been. his head lowers, though his towering height keeps him looming, shadowy in the rippling moonlight as he paces the cool stone with a careful, creeping pace. there is another sudden silence then, the wind whistling amongst the barren trees overhead and just before it carries on for too long, cicadastar speaks again, louder. harsher.

now . . everyone, i just think it’s funny — “ he did not think it was funny. it shows in the tone of his voice, a sudden dramatic flare as he tosses his head towards the full moon, “ how two of our shadiest clans have lost two loyal clanmates so suddenly. clanmates that had once stood at their side, unwavering — starclan, one has the mauling to show it. true artistry, really. “ blatant sarcasm. he sends a simple, exaggerated glance in the blue smoke’s direction, lingering for a moment for extra effect before he turns back to the crowd, scoffing loudly for all to hear, “ on the chest, pah! i think that was as far as she could reach. “ as clear as the full moon above it is a jab, meant to come for the rat - sized leader’s pride. as he turns to pass her he lashes his long tail, hopes the whip of it thrashing was close and as bitter cold as his tone. dark pupils narrow against the full moon, bathing his half - mask in blinding ivory, “ i think we all know better than to trust the word of that moorland swine, yes? we are not all stupid? she’s clearly no control over her little pack, how many incidents has she failed to prevent? how many times have her dogs attacked, maimed, killed — “ he aims to make direct eye contact with blazestar, furrows his brow, clicks his throat. his ears pin and he looks away, forcing his expression towards hurt — towards sympathy. cicadastar looks back towards the crowd, summons his showmanship and hopes it works, “ and our clans have had to pay for it? have we not suffered them enough?

he takes a deep breath, clears his throat, then mournfully lifts his head, “ only a few short days ago weaselclaw, lead warrior — or should i say, former lead warrior, a vögelchen has told me — breached the boundaries between riverclan and windclan for a rabbit caught by a riverclan apprentice. sought to take the prey from right under her claws, our own iciclepaw. when smokethroat instructed her to stay back, weaselclaw attacked him, unprovoked! “ it was provoked. he didn’t need to be there to know his mate had certainly tossed a few expletives the brown tabby’s way, but he would not admit it, “ smokethroat lies now in the medicine den, still just barely clinging to life, and blinded. over a rabbit caught on our land, a rabbit they watched iciclepaw catch!. “ smokethroat was awake. he was also only down a single eye, but they didn’t need to know that, and he doubted his warriors will have been too keen to let anyone know of his status just yet. his eyes glint cruelly. he hopes it is mistaken for unbidden tears, “ finchpaw was also in this skirmish. he was injured but he, koipaw, gillpaw, and all of my warriors held their ground and sent weaselclaw’s patrol running with their tails tucked between their legs. so much for strong, hm? how swift have they recovered?

after a vitriolic throw of her own words back at her, he hums, twitching long, curling whiskers“ and so yes hyacinthbreath, yet another former lead warrior of windclan — a running little trend, ja — was forced to flee the moors from the sheer viciousness of this needless attack. torn from her children, exiled and cast out for standing up to this behavior. for standing up for her child, only just apprenticed, who could have been killed by weaselclaws recklessness. “ he turns with another flourish, harsher this time, with sootstar to not linger on the furthest side, “ may i remind you all this is the tom that had attacked me on my way back from sharing tongues with starclan, still groggy from sleeping amongst the stars. coming back from the moonstone, alone, weaselclaw attacked me claiming ignorance. only this time, sootstar did not show up to my coast, simpering with apology. “ he stands still. utterly still, “ tell me, what gives windclan the right to stand here amongst us? starclan called for an end to violence and yet they continue to threaten, trespass, assault. even their medicine cat — former now, hm? even she had lain claws on an innocent . . “ which leads him to —

pitchstar, mein friend, you tell a bold tale! why, you two have such similar stories, now let us discuss shadowclan’s supposed runaway, yes? “ oh, he had been waiting for this. the man erupts into a smile, though his ears remain pinned, “ your dear aunt. as you’ve said yourself, chosen by starclan — shows up on riverclan’s shore with her young, growing family. she is late with kits, yes, nesting now, even. expecting, with wolverinefang and little fogpaw, her son, in tow. they had gone missing, and though pitchstar has supposedly sent his parties they kept coming back empty - pawed. she wanted to search for herself, intended to return and was branded disloyal. their very own medicine cat, after all she’s done, sacrificed! disloyal, for wanting to find her family. though after witnessing a smogmaw attack an apprentice and receive no punishment, she admits she fled shadowclan from fear. their very own medicine cat feared for her young. and who amongst us would not sacrifice everything for their kits?

he lifts his chin, firm in his opinion despite bonejaw’s twisting of the truth, “ she left shadowclan dubbed a traitor, is called a traitor here today, but who is the traitor? the queen so heavy with kits, or this mad man, huddling pathetically next to windclan’s queen bunny? who has broken our vows to the stars? who is to be trusted, him, or starclan’s own chosen? bonejaw rests amongst the waves, pledged her loyalty, and that of her unborn kits. just as hyacinthbreath and little spiritpaw had, who was cast out as well. ” cicadastar smiles, cruel, and continues, “ may they know the waves better than they have known the moors, “ he didn’t know if spiritpaw had been cast out as well. it was an assumption and he tosses a look to sootstar as if daring her to argue with him, and he knows she will — his heart pounds for it. pitchstar would erupt, he wanted to see her angry, but more importantly, scared. and so he lowers his voice, to be heard by the leaders but not to the watching crowd, turning his head toward them, “ and my, did they know quite a lot.

a threat, though vaguely concealed it is clear and unbidden, before the fellow leaders but too quiet to hear amongst the crowd. he knows very little right now, but they didn’t know that. they knew nothing but what he says, and the glossy - furred man revels in it. he clears his throat, gives his chest slow, prim lick, before moving to settle down aside blazestar once again, honking a simple, quaint, “ and that is all for riverclan.

  • CICADASTAR ; he / him. roughly thirty nine months old, riverclan leader
    − handsome, lanky black smoke tortie chimera with curly fur and ice blue eyes
    − gay. speaks with a german accent, ages on the seventh, penned by antlers

  • felinedad.png
  • none.

( * ˚ ✦ ) Blazestar is not listening. He sits alone, shoulders hunched forward and eyes gazing into some distant abyss. Sootstar's news about the apprentice who was maimed, her cruel insinuation about Centipedepaw, it flows like water around him; he's an obstruction standing in the weak, warm stream of their words. Even as Pitchstar and Cicadastar begin to hiss and spit about Bonejaw and Hyacinthbreath, Blazestar hears nothing, sees nothing.

When he realizes Cicadastar has stopped speaking, has stepped back, he's startled back into reality. Cold winds whip at his long, bedraggled coat. His vision glazes as he begins to search the crowd. Little Wolf, are you here? His kits, his living kits, are they? He hadn't even noticed, he's --

But he's expected to put his grieving aside, expected to represent his Clan now. Blazestar tips forward on unsteady paws; he approaches the ledge haphazardly, looking as though he might topple over the side and meet death a third time. A fourth time. StarClan, I'm dead already.

An uncomfortable span of seconds bleeding into minutes follows his ascent. He's meant to speak now. They're all staring at him, the leaders no doubt wondering if he's lost his mind. News? News... "SkyClan has..." He falters. Tries again. "Like the other Clans, we're seeing less prey in our forest. We are resourceful, as always, and our daylight warriors return to camp well-fed and strong from their Twoleg nests. Despite our hardship..." He coughs, his throat is dry. "SkyClan is not a target. For any of you."

He takes a second to breathe. News. Oh, news. "SkyClan... suffers a great loss. Over prey, over borders." He bows his head. The shadows conceal his hollow features, but his voice rings out. "ThunderClan and SkyClan had a misunderstanding. Over prey... over borders. My daughter, Morningpaw, intervened between the two Clans she called her home." He shakes. "She is with StarClan, now."

News. News. Vermilionsun still remains prisoner in his camp, decidedly not a gray tom with striped eyes. Blazestar does not think of this, cannot even comprehend it. He's given his news.

Blazestar says nothing else; he only staggers away from the ledge, the yawning abyss filled with glittering strange eyes driving him back. There's only one cat left to give news, and he does not know if he wants to hear her eulogy.

All the leaders are seeing the suffering of leaf-bare in similar ways. They all look skin and bones, suffering on behalf of their clan. No, this leaf-bare was kind to no one it spared no one. Hunger was a plague that did not discriminate. Her eyes never leave her mate though. Every bone in her body tenses as she watches him scramble onto the great rock and it takes everything in her to not go to him, to press herself up against him and tell him that it would be okay.

But that would be a lie.

Everything was different now. They both knew it. The death of their daughter had taken so much from both of them. But she had to be strong. For her family she had to put on a brave face. Though her eyes swim with barely held back tears she does not take them off of the Sky Clan leader, who stands on the great rock to deliver his news.

When his eyes scan the crowd she smiles, a sad but warm expression. She hopes it is encouraging.

Later there would be time for words but for now she could only watch and wait.
( ) Deersong sits and listens dutifully from her place among the roots of the Great Four Oaks. Aqua eyes stare up at the other leaders and every new announcement makes her form tense more and more. First comes Sootstar, who announces troubling news about a wave of sudden new warriors Windclan seems to have amassed for themselves. The molly's half-tail twitches in worry, gaze flickering over towards Duskfire with a question in her gaze. Her gaze bolts back to the windclan leader when they continue and mention the apprentice killer; a grey cat with stripes under the eyes, very much NOT what Vermillionsun or any of his known rogues look like. Relief hits her then; perhaps Ver could be released and they could mend a bit between the two groups.

Her gaze narrows, however, over the demand of handing the rogue over if caught; if any clan deserved revenge it was the clan whos apprentice was actually killed. The news of an exile would pull a slow blink of surprise from the cream and mocha molly's eyes, but at the same time, it was to be expected. If Windclan was as oppressive and suffocating as Sootstar made it out to be, it was only a matter of time before particular cats retaliated and got themselves kicked out.

Pitchstar speaks next, and while the news of how harsh the cold days were wasn't a surprise, the report that their medicine cat Bonejaw had left them was. Deersong files that information away for later, wondering if she should talk to Dawnglare later and her gaze flickers to Skyclans Medicine cat to peek at his reaction before she turned back to see Blazestar numbly walk to the ledge for Skyclans' turn. She feels herself tense up worriedly, because of how close to the edge he got, but she forced herself to remain calm and collected. Her leader reports of the scarce prey, and then the news of Morningpaws' passing, and Deersong looks down in grief; ears flattened against her head.

May Starclan forgive them all for what had happened.

they're numb to the yelling of it all. pitchstar speaks with so much emotion and anger, and chilledgaze listens to every word spewed from his mouth with a hazed over gaze of almost nothingness. how they hated gatherings in the first place. if they hadn't been deputy, they wouldn't have even come here. but every leader has, except for emberstar, spoken their piece. it's all annoying. cicadastar is especially annoying. for being a paranoid fucker, he sure didn't understand that bonejaw was a traitor. they knew it better than all. why would they lie about something like that? bonejaw was pitchstar's aunt. pitchstar loved her, and then his heart was shattered the moment she decided to leave. if it had just been a simple as bonejaw going to find her supposed mate and child, then they would have welcome them back with open arms and semi full bellies. but... it wasn't like that. she gave up her duties to a child and said she wanted nothing to do with them, all because shadowclan was a little nippy? and oh, the idea of the punishment towards smogmaw. yeah, right. poppypaw hit, and got hit back. it was a simple lesson. smogmaw knew not to do it again, lest he wanted to face the anger that chilledgaze tried to keep locked up. nothing was ever as it seemed and of course shadowclan was painted horribly. fuck. they hated everything about this. and yet, they said nothing. they wouldn't say a single thing. they just wanted to fucking leave.

hurry the fuck up, emberstar. some of us would like to go home.

Redpath seethed the entire time the moorland queen spoke. She wanted to rip her little head off her shoulders and watch the blood pool while her sycophant clan watches in horror. Her claws kneaded the ground as he listened to her go on, never mentioning the skirmish.

She laughed to herself bitterly. Oh, this was going to be a fun night.

She listened to Pitchstar with no interest, even going so far as to quietly yawn and bring her paw up to observe her claws as he spoke. When would this unhinged baby shut his mouth?

And finally, he did. When Blazestar spoke, she felt her heart hurt for him. To lose a daughter...And so young, too..... No wonder he looked so miserable tonight. She couldn't blame him.

When Cicadastar started speaking though, she sat upright with a grin. Yes. She was living for this. LIVING FOR IT. Her smile was bright and venomous as she eyed Sootstar and Pitchstar, briefly glancing at their clans for their reactions.

Not that she cared.

But she desperately needed to see their leaders reactions.

Maintaining her grin with a curled lip, she spoke loud enough for those near her to hear, and possibly those on the rock if their ears were pointed the right way.

"The rabbit was delicious, by the way~"

It was spoken with venom and malice. She wished she could have eaten it in front of them. She was seething. Just.... Uncontrollably seething, swimming in hatred and bitterness and bloodlust.

She half wished to be called out, because she'd say it again, too. Among other things.

She had to remind herself to behave. Let the leaders do the talking, just sit here and be quiet. Come on. You can do it. Just.

Just don't move your mouth.


When the leaders had all started speaking, Starlingheart makes her way back to where the other medicine cats sit, taking her place as Shadow Clan medicine cat. No Bonejaw to hide behind, she is front and center, on display for everyone to gawk at. She is glad Dandelionwish is only a little bit older than she was, but it still does not feel good to have been abandoned so callously.

She listens with round green eyes to Sootstar’s announcements. An apprentice attacked? Her head swings to look at the sepia tom, eyebrows knitting together in concern. She finds herself wondering how bad it was, how he had handled it, and if she could’ve done the same. Her heart beats wildly with the thought that there was steadily approaching a time where she would have to help someone in this way. She thinks she’s going to be sick…

When Sootstar has said her piece her brother takes the proverbial stage. He steps forward and tells the clans about their struggles, how hard it was to find food with the fire and the snow. And then he is talking about Bonejaw, laying her crimes bare for the other clans to see. She feels the same curl of hatred in her stomach that she had felt earlier when she had heard the other apprentices speak about her aunt. Pitchstar does not know yet where she had run off to. Starlinghearts eyes flicker to Cicadastar hopefully. Perhaps he would see the monster he now allowed to sleep amongst his clanmates. Perhaps he would drive her out and they could be rid of her for good.

Her brother continues his tirade, singling out the fact that she was a baby, that she didn’t know anything. She recoils as heads spin to look in her direction. She was useless, useless useless useless and now everyone would know it. Her eyes swim with tears but she does now allow herself to shed them. They would not see her cry. She wants to run away and hide, to bury herself in the den she had once shared with her aunt and never surface but she holds her ground. She does not meet any gazes but she holds her head high, curls her tail a little tighter around her paws and takes a deep breath.

Her composure is all but ruined when Cicadastar speaks. He reveals to the rest of the clans that Wind Clan had lost a lead warrior to them, that Bonejaw had fled to them. His words, she tries to listen tries to comprehend what he is saying but she simply cannot believe it. What apprentice had Smogmaw attacked? Desperately she racks her brain and comes up empty. He couldn’t possibly be talking about Poppypaw? Could he? She wants to scream, wants to shout that he is wrong that her and her family are not monsters and Bonejaw wasn’t afraid of anything but the problems that she created for herself. Going all the way to River Clan with a sick and dying kit. Shredding her herb stock. Refusing to treat clanmates. Bonejaw had dug her own grave and now refused to lie in it. She wants to say all these things but when she opens her mouth she finds she cannot summon the voice.

Green eyes desperately lock on to her brothers ragged pelt. She wants him to tell them, she wants him to rip them to shreds. Anything. Anything to make them see, anything to make them feel just a fraction of the hurt she is feeling inside right now. it’s a selfish feeling, she knows, but she cannot help it.

She digs her claws into the ground below her to stop herself from swaying. She does not hear what Blazestar says, so consumed is she by her rage and her grief.

Bonejaw was truly dead to her.
  • Sad
  • Wow
Reactions: SHARPSHADOW and AVA
Everyone looked so sad.

Even the, obnoxiously and horrifyingly, ever-smiling Emberstar. Even Blazestar, who others talked about like he was naive, too soft, too stupid, and so, Sharppaw figures he must be. The only one who didnt seem at least a bit sad was Sootstar. And she doesn't seem like the kind of cat who ever gets sad, really. He thinks his theory is right– she– she announces how many new warriors? Eyes wide, his jaw parts in a gape.

"H-how–?" The words come out to no one in particular, though she would glance to Flickerfire beside her, face reading, did you hear what she just said? Shadowclan warriors were near-always marsh born, at least. Perhaps that was why they dwindled... Surely the scrawny moorcats weren't... they didn't... Well, she wasn't sure what she thought. Still, news of effectively a mass murderer parts so easily from the Windclan leader's jaw. She does everything so easily, as is the announcement of a lead warrior's exile. ...Huh.

Sharppaw hadn't been sure if Pitchstar would make Bonejaw's departure public, but, it only made sense that he did, right? Anger is no fun when it's kept to yourself.

Cicadastar. Along with Blaze, he was little more than a question mark in her mind. A leader who seemed fine enough, if not a bit scary (that part, Blazestar did not share in common with him). A strangely-accented voice would ring with the usual news, but the clicking. Sharppaw winces. Strange, neurotic behavior, nearly never did it come without something foreboding. Nothing that he's seen. And now he thinks something is funny, and Sharppaw is worried.

Shadiest clan????? Her muzzle scrunches, and she realizes, oh, he is about to broadcast Bonejaw's departure to Riverclan... along with Sootstar's aforementioned lead warrior. Which is weird, isn't it? She doesn't know how she feels about Windclan, watches with a blank face as Cicadastar rips them to shreds, but then.

Gullible. Why are they all so gullible? Aren't leaders supposed to be smarter? Aren't adults supposed to be smarter? Why was he saying this? Why did Bone tell him this? Sharppaw wants to shut him up. Nearly, he yowls at the top of his lungs every crime at the paws of Bonejaw. But he does not. He wishes he could lift his head above the crowd and scream the truth. For once, she wishes Poppypaw would say something insane. Her head throbs and her paws ache. The earth is probed with unsheathed claws, tapping, she mimics the Riverclan leader. He shakes. She's shaking. She doesn't– she doesn't think she's ever been this mad before. She hopes Pitchstar drags claws down his throat.
  • Sad
Reactions: Jay
Oh to Her above, if his interaction with that pathetic Riverclanner earlier made him angry, then this made him absolutely seethe. From his position, entwined with Chilled, he feels it boiling up once more. Red hot, threatening to spill like lava, he rises to his paws and its coming out- He has to swallow it harshly, back down to the depths it came from as his eyes flicker between Chilled and Pitch. Chilled just looked so tired and if Specter let it out then they would get dragged in to it. His minds a battleground.

It solidifies, now, that he will not care about those outside of Shadowclan. Barely cares about half of those inside (though each day this is a growing lie), why give a fuck about the other clans? Windclan were... Fickle, conniving. Riverclan was full of paranoia, Specter couldn't give his thoughts on the over two. They were all the same. He bites down on his tongue, anger, anger, claws itch to start a fight. And poor, poor Starlingheart. Nervous, just a child, he feels anger for that too. He had been the same way, back when she still existed, a child who just wanted to please. A child forced to grow up too fast. His anger for Bonejaw grows, Starling had deserved a normal childhood. Starling deserved to not have the whole clan on her back,

Calm yourself. He does that just for Chilled, rests his head on theirs,, closes his eyes. Oh, he would protect them with his life. An eye cracks open to stare at the clan Bonejaw had defected to. Part of him wished she was here right now, he'd give her the same treatment Poppy did to smog, except his branch would be bigger, and it'd be his claws-

"We'll be going soon." he leans in to reassure Chilled, the only thing he can do right now without exploding. If it were up to him he would not show up to another gathering.


Despite the brief conversations he has had, Flycatcher sits largely in silence as he watches the announcements unfold. First of the leaders to speak is WindClan. He has little love for the WindClan leader and he can't help but roll his eyes a little as she claims WindClan is faring well. Or well enough given the circumstances. Flycatcher doesn't believe they're not struggling; even more so when Sootstar announces an incredibly long list of new warriors. If she was to be believed and they weren't struggling now then with all those new warriors they certainly would be.

Pitchstar and Cicadastar are next. Pitchstar's announcements and the way he speaks of them are surprisingly tame compared to the barrage Cicadastar unleashes. From what he can make out there had been an altercation between RiverClan and WindClan over a rabbit. He lowers his head slightly at that, bot blind to the similarities between what had recently happened between his own clan and SkyClan. At least it did not seem they had suffered any casualties as ThunderClan and SkyClan had. Another interesting bit of information was that Cicadastar had welcomed cats exiled from both WindClan and ShadowClan. Two cats who Sootstar and Pitchstar had labelled as traitors.

Next to go is Blazestar and Flycatcher thinks that the point tom's heart isn't really in it. It's too soon he thinks. He's still grieving and his mind his elsewhere. He should be with his family still not forced to stand up there and deliver news whilst being scrutinised by cats who despise his clan simply for what they are made of.

With the news of Morningpaw's passing announced, Flycatcher's eyes flicker to his leader, curious about what she has to say on the matter.

He cannot contain the raw, shit-eating grin stretching across his mug in the wake of Cicadastar's spiel.

Having lived in an underprivileged territory for so many moons, it hasn't occurred to him that someone could be so unsuspicious of another's word. When prey is scarce and survival is perpetually up in the air, exercising scepticism is a necessity in every situation. And yet, the RiverClan leader provides such an eccentric, alternative perspective to recent affairs; to accept not one, but two treasonous renegades into a clan's ranks is an indication of recklessness more than all else, and does not align with the faux high ground which Cicadastar stood upon.

The very moment his name is uttered from the Great Rock, the collective weight of others' stares bears down on his striped shoulders. Initially, Smogmaw recoils. Part of him spurns the idea that someone of Bonejaw's nature would misplace the culpability of her own misgivings onto other people, let alone onto him. The attention is welcomed, however, and he becomes giddy with delight upon realising everybody - regardless of clan - knows his name now.

Achieving fame is pretty high up there on his bucket list, even if it were for fallacious reasons.

"Hear that, Poppypaw?" he asks, seeking out the she-cat he'd allegedly attacked. His inflated ego at the moment overrides all enmity he harboured towards the loudmouthed apprentice. "We're famous."

Smogmaw's moment in the sun inevitably diminishes, and his muddy gaze descends upon Emberstar. He's all the more interested in this gathering now.

// @Poppypaw

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Pitchstar shares news of minimal prey and Bonejaw jumping ship, Sootstar has to suppress a laugh. Bonejaw and the blue smoke had never gotten along even when they lived in the same land under the same leadership. Sootstar liked her sister, but never fancied Bonejaw.

Hyacinithbreath went to RiverClan, and Cicadastar took her in.
That is when her blood turns cold. So, she had been too late- a clan already accepted her?! And oh- now the monochrome tom is dragging her name through the mud. It's nothing Sootstar hasn't heard before, but she is enraged and stunned, nonetheless. A tooth slips out from under her lips in a snarl, "The "mauling" you speak of is a WindClan tradition, insult it all you want but my council took to the symbolic display of their honor and rank with no qualms. All consenting! They all wear it with pride, Hyacinithbreath had most of all!" She did not see the scars her high rankings had given her as a mauling either... their symbolic meaning made her proud to have received and wear them to this day. As for her snide comment on her size she glares at him, her size did her well on the hills... that reasoning alone is enough to shield her from being offended and getting too hot-headed over it.

The rabbit that had crossed the border had more to the story, it was being chased by a WindClan patrol until it last minute crossed the twoleg bridge where RiverClan snatched it. She wasn't there but she is convinced that it was on purpose to provoke her hungry warriors during the cold moons. Weaselclaw should've never attacked, but the only reason she held that belief was because he lost. She doesn't think it's worth verbally adding that, it wouldn't change anything.

He goes on to reveal that Bonejaw had joined him in RiverClan too. The blue smoke remembers a few moons ago on a border patrol to RiverClan- maybe it had been her apology- where Bonejaw had showed herself at the other side of the river. She had been wondering why the medicine cat was there and not in her own clan... Sootstar finds that this makes an awful lot of sense. She went to RiverClan, and Cicadastar took her in. Perhaps that was information she should've passed along, not kept quiet about.

A mention of Spiritpaw causes and invisible brow to raise, so that is where she had run off to?! With Hyacinithbreath? "Spiritpaw was close to Hyacinithbreath it does not surprise me with her close upbringing to a traitorous cat that Hyacinithbreath had so easily swayed Spiritpaw into joining her. I did not exile Spiritpaw, WindClan has been looking for her." She couldn't risk a war over an apprentice who had proven loyal to Hyacinithbreath and her mother, not right now, so she doesn't even suggest it.

If she was already angry than the emotion she felt when Cicadastar threatened Pitchstar and her has no words. She swears she saw red and images of her digging claws into the RiverClan tom's pretty face swarm her vision. She wants nothing more than to kill this man, the audacity! She looks to Pitchstar to gauge his thoughts, was he as enraged as she? Maybe his claws too yearned for blood- Sootstar just might've done something if Blazestar's news didn't cut through the clearing. As the SkyClan tom shared Sootstar couldn't help but worry- surely there was nothing to tell the other clans didn't already know or assume- but what if there was? What could Hyacinithbreath had told him?

The betrayal weighs heavy in her heart, she tastes its bitterness in her mouth. Along with Cicadastar, she mournfully decides she wants to kill Hyacinithbreath too.

When Blazestar mentioned a fight between ThunderClan and SkyClan typcially she'd have to refrain from laughing but no joy is sparked. At mention of Morningpaw's death she thinks of Marigold. Silent was the WindClan leader in this news.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )



· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her

╰ ‣ 34 moons . pisces. ages on the first

╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan

╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group


· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%

╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes


· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil

╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish

╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with

╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia

╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc


· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose

╰ ‣ heterosexual. mate to Weaselclaw

╰ ‣ mother to Windpaw & Sootpaw

╰ ‣ mentor to Sootpaw & Coyotepaw

╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .

╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .

╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.


Man, she was starting to realize she knew none of these other cats here but she was slowly picking up who was leader of what. The little angry one was Sootstar of WindClan, they had two orange cats with fire-related names she wasn't even going to pretend to process or differentiate because she would not be remembering them later and then finally that one tall guy being real mad up there was Cicadastar.
The RiverClan leader looked really scary up there with his spider legs and patchwork pelt but it was only when he said Smogmaw's name did she tune into the discussion and she felt her face fall in abject horror; her only thankfulness being she had not been mentioned by name but then the awful bastard was cheerfully wandering over to her to oust her as the apprentice in question! The scream of horror and rage that escaped her was piercing and warbling, her red and white head tilted up to the sky as if to condemn the stars for this injustice.
She raised a paw, angrily swatting at him to get the hell away from her because he had made her look bad and not because he once slapped her on the face for throwing a branch at him; she was about to go find herself a second branch to finish what she started when the little angry blue she-cat started getting uppity and she grew distracted, now suddenly invested in what the hell was going on: why was everyone so mad at eachother! There was a rabbit involved apparently, someone died too it seems, was it the rabbit? It might've been the rabbit. She wasn't paying attention but she loved a good fight.

"GET HIS ASS PITCHSTAR!" The red and white curled apprentice hollered, she didn't know whose ass needed to be got exactly (...Cicadastar was the little WindClanner right? Damn hold on-she already messed them up) but she wanted someone GOT.
"Smogmaw go up there and hit someone, since you're so good at that."