Two sisters, once the united pride of their mother, now each a fragmented disgrace to her imperfect lineage. Both learn of their pregnancies within days of one another, and both shield secrets from the public fearing the inevitable backlash that will come with it.

Cottonsprig, a medicine cat, took an oath to never bear children. The Clan is meant to be her young, and yet she grew greedy and careless. In light of her mistakes, she makes her swift escape and a silent promise to the very few who know that she will return in time. The details of her disappearance and return are yet to be seen.

Bluefrost found comfort in a former friend - through quiet promises to bring him meals and brief stints in the loner lands, the she-cat held fast to the ideal that their visits would bear no fruit of evidence. And now, as her sister abandons her and she moves to the nursery, she finds that she must bear the burden of their secrets alone.

When all is said and done, Bluefrost will mother and raise Cottonsprig's kittens for her, as worse things lay on the horizon.
  • These applications are not first-come, first-serve. These kits will be chosen on 09.02.2024 and will be born on 09.07.2024.
  • These kits will age realistically. Yes, this is a worm litter! Please understand your character will be in the nursery for six IRL months if chosen!
  • Disabilities and birth defects are permitted but must be thoroughly researched and played realistically. No genetic mutations will be permitted.
  • There is no posting quota for this litter; however, we do expect at least a handful of posts per month. We reserve the right to rehome your slot after one month of inactivity without communication.
  • Kits must stay in WindClan due to being raised to be loyal to their Clan. If a plot calls for the character to leave WindClan, please discuss it with the parent rpers!
  • Please stick to the naming themes in the respective tabs.
  • Please adhere to the genetics.
  • Number of slots is subject to fluctuate, but will likely remain at 2 per litter.
  • There is no set form; please include all the basics.
  • Please include alternative names in case your chosen name is taken by someone else! Try not to use prefixes used by played, currently living characters.
  • These kits will be raised primarily by Bluefrost, though there will likely be an opportunity for them to discover their true parentage. Keep this in mind as you apply!
  • Slot will be chosen on 11/11/24
  • While we have a preference for Sootkit's name to stay the same, we are open to considering different names from the name list.
  • Original design can be kept for the rehome
  • This litter is 1 moon old and ages realistically on the 7th of each month
  • This slot will be the biological sibling to Asterkit and the adoptive sibling of Comfreykit, Foalkit, and Rimekit
  • Litter is gen 3

Sire: LH red classic tabby with low white (masking black, carrying dilute)
Dam: LH blue smoke with low white (carrying chocolate, non-silver)
- Toms will be black, black smoke, blue or blue smoke
- She-cats will be tortie, tortie smoke, blue tortie, or blue tortie smoke
- Kits will be longhaired
- Kits can have no white, low white, or high white
- Kits with white can have any realistic eye color; kits without white can have any realistic eye color but blue
- Non-dilute kits will carry dilute; kits may or may not carry chocolate; silver or smoke kits will carry non-silver​
Original genetics: Blue tortie smoke with low white.


Bluefrost will be naming these kits with some IC input from Thriftfeather. Here are some ideas of what she would name her children:
  • After Sootstar: Sootkit, Ashkit, Cinderkit
  • After other family: Weaselkit, Harrierkit, Stoatkit, Hawk-kit, Shrikekit, Eaglekit, Talonkit, Clawkit, Ferretkit, Featherkit
  • After the moor: Heatherkit, Gorsekit, Dustkit, Dustykit, Diggingkit, Siltkit, Claykit, Sandkit, Windkit, Gustkit, Harekit, Rabbitkit, Shrubkit, Peatkit, Burrowkit
  • Appearance-based: Silverkit, Azurekit, Shinekit, Shimmerkit, Glimmerkit, Violetkit, Silk-kit, Silkykit, Plushkit, Yellowkit, Gold/enkit, Spottedkit, Dapple/dkit, Speckle/dkit, Brindle/dkit
  • Names she likes: Dreamkit, Webkit, Moonkit
Names supplied by Thriftfeather:
  • After the moor: Cricketkit, Rabbitkit, Heathkit, Ouzelkit, Phoebekit, Beekit, Breezekit, Katydidkit, Sandkit
  • Purple-based flowers: Iris, Violetkit, Dusk-kit, Asterkit, Vetchkit, Lavenderkit, Lilackit, Thistlekit
  • Size / Shape-related names

Blue tortie smoke with low white
[link to original thread]
Reapplying basically!


dubbed 'sand' for her patches of sandy coloring
dubbed 'strike' for her heavy weighted front paws and use of them in battle
afab, she/they
bisexual, single
02 moons
windclan kit

blue tortie w/ white
confident stance and muscled, heavy frame
green eyes
sandstrike was definitely a rounder kit, eating more than her siblings and taking up the most room in the nest. this was quite unfortunate for his siblings as they were squished and squirming to be the ones at the teat, but instead this lard was the one taking all the milk for herself.

[ + ] confident, intense, loyal
[ / ] casual, respectful, obedient
[ - ] gluttonous, greedy, cynical
it would be really funny if bluefrost actively had to make sure that sandstrike didn't take all the milk and put her on a 'diet' of sorts LOL like just putting her to the side so the other kits can eat.
huge front and back paws and she will be stumbling over them for most of her life. this will only be remedied once she reaches warriorhood, when those big paws of hers will result in a deadly heavy strike to an opponent. this would also be the cause for her warrior name and her naming ceremony.
she will not be a fan of the nursery and as soon as she's able to walk and be outside of it she'll stay out from dawn till dusk.
absolutely loves sunbathing and sharing tongues
a huge gossip and if you're friends with her you will know everybody's business
she is greedy and gluttonous, and this will cause issues in her apprenticehood. there will be multiple different infractions of her not making sure the queens, kits, and elders are fed before she eats and she will be caught eating on hunts. this will be remedied by the end of her apprenticeship, though it will not completely disappear. instead of eating over her fill she will end up collecting things and creating situations where she is overreacting because someone wanted one of her feathers or rocks or something similar and she basically told them to fuck off.
enjoys watching sunsets and sunrises all too much
incredibly confident and will more than likely end up coming off as stuck up or being too confident in herself and creating situations in which she really is just a stuck up bitch and won't realize.​
track, will reapply :3


" i told myself, "this isn't normal. this isn't normal. this isn't how life is supposed to feel." "

LH blue tortoiseshell smoke
Born sickly, Sootkit spends most of their days in the safety of the medicine cats' den, almost akin to a reminder ( of the sister who left everything behind, or the mother who broke her oath ), her fur blue like the ones who came before. Specks of cream tinge their pelt like the ghost of a father who is not currently present, and when his eyes change color it only solidifies their parentage: the child of Bluefrost and Thriftfeather, a clandestine union between former clanmates; their hue so familiar, the same green as that of her father.

They walk hunched over, always hidden beneath Bluefrost's body. Some of her fur covers her eyes - like human bangs. He enjoys this, personally, as he hates eye-contact with family and strangers alike ( they also hate to have their hair groomed by Bluefrost, and throw little temper tantrums ).

Long silky fur, colored like rainfall with hints of sunlight seeping through. Sootkit is a living legacy, an unwanted one at that, of the queen of the moors. Shadowing their mother for protection, if they cannot see him, they cannot hurt him. Long-legged and big-eared, Sootkit looks almost alien next to her present kin. Despite this, by StarClan's blessing ( or curse? ) Sootkit is deemed fit to be a tunneler, adding even more to their unwanted legacy.

Personality. Sootkit is autistic, as I am!
Easily overwhelmed and cowering due to every little noise, Sootkit is often a crying kitten ( sounds too loud, emotions too strong, many different smells. . . ); she is quiet, and doesn't really respond when called. While his siblings are talkative, he is quiet - so much so he hardly cried during birth. As they grow, Sootkit shows more signs that they are different, from not enjoying pretend play, following a very strict routine ( and getting very upset if it changes ), to simply parroting phrases to the point it may annoy others. She is undoubtedly considered weird by some nursery residents, which may lead to bullying as she grows older ( especially on top of his odd body proportions ).

With growth they learn how to mask. Aware of the expectations placed upon them as the child of a lead warrior and grandchild of WindClan's founder, they learn how to "behave properly". They suppress their urges to fidget, to be themselves, all for the sake of not damaging the arguably already damaged family name even further. Forced facial expressions and inconsistent opinions, an attempt at trying to fit in and be liked by WindClan's society.

She is quiet. But, surprisingly, a different side to her comes out when fightning. Battling is something that excites him for once, and he finds that he loves the rush of adrenaline and his blood roaring in his ears. The scratches and bruises littering his body make him appear almost unhinged, so different from the shy kitten of moons before. The stark changes are almost scary, but after the spar is done with they return to their norm.
  • Born asthmatic
  • Will show more signs of neurodivergency other than the ones listed, those are just some examples!
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Upon birth, she was a mere round, silvered-shadow. Barely a living, breathing thing- and yet, her very existence is a stark reminder of WindClans star-forsaken founding ghost. Deemed "Sootkit" for the striking resemblance, the ginger flecks that begin to speckle across her eye, ribs, and tail are Sootkit's only saving grace. When she begins to take the shape of a true WindClan cat, her slow growth and scrawny build make for a promising tunneler. When her eyes begin to shift from their sweet baby-blue, it is a slow process. Her right eye begins to dim, gradually evolving into a deep, royal blue. Her left is slower to shift, and when it does, her iris fills with deep ivy green. Lush alabaster fills out her chest fur and swatches down her nose and tail tip. When her adult appearance becomes clear to everyone around her, it is damning. Even so, no one can argue one simple fact: Sootkit is truly a child of the moors, of WindClan.

As Sootkit leaves her kitten fur behind, her build will develop small and wiry, draped by a thick pelt made of smoke, ember and shadows. Around a hollow collarbone her mane of dove-white fur seems to only evolve with age, and the opulence of her down-feathered fur seems to contradict everything from the chin up; by the time Sootkit has grown into herself, her face will be made up by sharp angles, narrow eyes, and pointed ears.

【0-2 moons】EARLY KITHOOD ♠ The Magical Child
dependent ♠ adoring ♠ knowledge-seeking ♠ sensitive ♠ dramatic ♠ imaginative

WANDERING PAWS. Before Sootkit knows how to think, she knows how to move. From the time when her vision is still blurry and freshly-upright ears getting used to all the new sounds, she wanders. Often falling out of the nest in an attempt to embark on her aimless adventures. Though Sootkit cannot grasp what is happening around her, she knows that she wants to be involved.
ROSEY-EYED. As the mental wheels begin to churn on the horizon of her first moon of life, everything is painted in comforting shades of goldens, lavenders, and pinks to little Sootkit. Having no understanding of fear, anguish, or sadness, everyone around her is a friend, and Sootkit is the apple of everyone's eye. Because nothing bad could happen in her sanctuary that is the nursery.
NEEDY. A certain level of dependency is expected from something as little and helpless as Sootkit, but it's as though she takes that standard as a challenge. Desperate to explore, the moment something goes awry, she will wail until whisked off to safety. At first, her chronic outbursts may come across as some sort of earnest fear or anxiety, until her strangely frequent tumbles don't seem so accidental.
NATURAL-BORN SCHOLAR. When she gains the ability to speak, it may come as a surprise to the adults around her when the skill isn't utilized much, in spite of her theatrics. Every word that is spoken is thought through, and heavily influenced by what Sootkit has learned from her environment. It is around this time that her perception begins to show, and the way in which she internalizes interactions becomes apparent in the behaviors Sootkit begins to mirror and repeat. Her questions are more goal-oriented than simple child-like curiosity, far and few between when compared to her average peer.

【3-5 moons】 LATE KITHOOD ♠ The Princess
pathological liar ♠ sensitive ♠ assertive ♠ perceptive ♠ petty ♠ stubborn ♠ daring

HEADSTRONG. As the games amongst her peers become more complex, and passionate opinions arise, so do arguments. The battles Sootkit chooses are far and few between, but when she does decide on a hill to stand on, it is unmoving. Likely inspired by her mother's confident and steely demeanor, the traits begin to manifest in Sootkit's own spirit as an iron will.
SHARP GAZE. Perception is as much of a tool as it is a weapon, especially in an ostentatious toddler. In her presence, you are always under Sootkit's watchful eye. The list of potential offenses against Sootkit is long and easy to commit, as a tendency to hyperfocus on insignificant details is beginning to bloom, as well as her tender-hearted nature. It is not uncommon for something as small as the wrong tone to be enough to earn a peer her ire.
THROUGH HER TEETH. Having grown up with her mother's smooth poise in her ear, it isn't unsurprising when Sootkit takes on similar mannerisms in her dialect. Watching Bluefrost's calculated demeanor her entire life, the understanding that there is power in one's words is an easy concept to grasp when Sootkit is old enough. When she speaks it is assured, polite, and smooth, so when she realizes that reality can be twisted to fit her narrative, it is like a flame drawing in a hungry moth with all the tools to harness it. Lying is effortless for Sootkit, even though adults are harder to bewitch in the beginning.
PINK HEROINE. By the time daydreams of her apprentice ceremony begin, Sootkit is already somewhat aware of the way her presence seems to make some of the clan uneasy, the looks she receives when certain thoughts are spoken aloud. Like they've seen a ghost. In the beginning the attention is welcomed, until Sootkit learns the difference between 'positive' and 'negative.' Eventually, the desperation for the latter is what drives Sootkit to be something of a golden child. Villain roles are refused all together, discarded to play a marvelous heroine in the story. Her paws are helpful and constantly seeking situations to place them in, if only for the purpose of fulfilling the burning desire for positive attention.

【6+ moons】INTO APPRENTICESHIP ♠ A Moorland Gem
self-absorbed ♠ sociable ♠ poised ♠ dishonest ♠ vindictive ♠ strong-willed ♠ courageous ♠ innovative
RULE OF GLAMOR. While the colors of her coat have certainly done Sootpaw no favors throughout her short life, her beauty is undeniable- and she knows it. There is never a hair out of place when the apprentice can help it, and she will happily take her time grooming through plush silvery fur until it just about shines under the sun. Keeping her posed appearance so pristine is no easy task as a tunnelers apprentice, but Sootpaw is dedicated to her public image. Still ever hungry for that warm spotlight, Sootpaw likes to make herself stand out by wearing heather blooms woven into her pelt when she can.
SOCIAL BUTTERFLY. Her quiet phase is long gone by adolescence, though Sootpaw still likes to think of herself as observant as ever. When she steps into the apprentices den after a long day of training it will be surrounded by her peers, tethered to Sootpaw by the strings of friendship she'd have sought to create. An extrovert in every aspect of the word, Sootpaw will be the type to surround herself with allies, constantly on the hunt for a new pillar she may add to her circle of social supports.
TREND-SETTER. Sootpaw will never be afraid to be the first to attempt something. She often likes to put her constant-humming mind to work by coming up with different creative challenges. These can range from trying different techniques for nest-building and pelt decorating all the way down to experimenting with "strange" battle moves. Equipped with confidence and intelligence, Sootpaw won't be shying away from a challenge.
STEELED COMPOSURE. With her kitten fur now long-gone, Sootpaw's former theatrical antics have also seemingly been laid down to rest. Her iron-will remains unbent, but this is when Sootpaw will begin to carry herself with a certain sense of elegance. It is no longer so easy to get her riled up, her white-hot spark has begun to fizzle and cool.
UNFORGIVING. Underneath her carefully constructed armor, the same old, frivolous Sootkit still lives on, she is only trapped. Her odd sensitivity and knack for pettiness never truly went away, they now manifest in a more matured way. Keeping tumultuous emotions such as Sootpaw's contained for too long will eventually result in an even shorter tolerance for hurt feelings, stubborn grudges and more malicious consequences for the perpetrators.


► DE SELBY (PART 2) - Hozier
► NOBODY - Hozier
► LOVE SURVIVE- Micheal Nau
► SNAP OUT OF IT- Arctic Monkeys
  • This is a blueprint! Certain characteristics are subject to change based on future IC development and interactions. The goal of the personality structure is to highlight character development points for core personality traits.
  • this form covers ages 2-8 moons specifically, and to ensure consistent activity and muse with her throughout the worm stages and beyond, developing her core personality traits and dynamics with the cats around her will be my biggest priority. During her peak wormness (i.e before being able to walk or talk,) how she perceives the things happening around her (the tones of conversations, the affection she receives, the amount of times she feels stress or fear, etc.) will be a major focus for developing certain ways of thinking, fight or flight responses, etc. (a.k.a me absolutely milking the worm stage to try as many new character development things as possible :3)
  • forms a tightly knit friend group during her apprenticeship. possibly mean girls?
  • Should there be other siblings that share her resemblance to Sootstar, Sootkit will gravitate towards them in solidarity of the inexplicable struggles they will eventually face. This could possibly lead to her developing a stronger bond with certain littermates than others.
  • future tunneler.
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reapplying :33

SOOTKIT — named for her resemblance to windclan's former leader

⤹ polygender ( any pronouns )
— tbd sexuality ⋆ tbd mono or poly ⋆ tbd extra details
⤹ from windclan, kit
— no previous affiliations
⤹ 01 moons ⋆ ages every seventh ⋆ birth date
⪼ penned by vulture

APPEARANCE — lh black smoke with low white ⋆ ref
⤹ carrying dilute, chocolate, non-silver ⋆ masking nothing ⋆ has fangs that poke out

sootkit is an imposing and regal feline with a powerful presence that commands attention. her fur is an intense shade of deep black, so dark that it seems to swallow any light that touches it. this color shifts in shade throughout, a shimmering undercoat of silver visible beneath the dark outer layer. his coat is thick and slightly wild, giving them a rugged, almost feral appearance. despite the untamed nature of their fur, it is sleek and well-maintained enough to give off an air of importance, indicative of sootkit's natural elegance.

one of her most striking features is the stark white mane of fur that covers most of her chest, as well as the tufts of her fur that are on the side of his face. this mane contrasts sharply with his otherwise dark coat, giving them an air of majesty and strength. it almost appears as though they are wearing a royal mantle, adding to her imposing figure. her fur, dense and layered, suggests that sootkit is well-suited to the bitter cold of the upcoming leafbare.

their face is framed by large, tufted ears, reminiscent of a lynx, with the tips adorned in a darker shade of black. these ears give sootkit an enhanced sense of hearing, always alert and attuned to their surroundings. his eyes are a vivid, piercing green, glowing with a sharp, intelligent light. they are almond-shaped, and the intensity of their gaze suggests a creature constantly aware and calculating. these eyes are not just windows to her soul but also tools of a predator, always watching, always waiting.

sootkit's fangs are prominently visible, even when her mouth is closed. they are sharp and gleaming, a testament to his strength that he will develop as she grows older and comes into her own as first an apprentice, and then as a warrior of windclan. her nose is a deep black, blending seamlessly with their dark face, while her whiskers are long and white, providing a subtle yet striking contrast against her shadowy visage.

her body is both muscular and agile, built for speed and power. his legs are strong, ending in large, powerful paws equipped with sharp, retractable claws. these claws are perfect for climbing, hunting, or defending themselves, making sootkit a formidable presence in any situation. her tail is long and bushy, with the fur flaring out towards the end, aiding in balance and agility as she moves through her environment with effortless grace. it's a plumy, feathery texture, soft and gentle as opposed to how the rest of his appearance seems to portray him.

MENTALITY — isfp, ❝ the composer ❞ ⋆ phlegmatic ⋆ chaotic neutral
⤹ extra information
— positive traits: intelligent, adaptable, courageous
— neutral traits: observant, independent, mysterious
— negative traits: stubborn, territorial, cynical

sootkit's intelligence stands out as one of her most defining traits. she's a keen thinker, quickly analyzing situations and devising strategies that maximize her strengths while exploiting the weaknesses of others. this sharp mind is paired with an observant nature; sootkit has a knack for noticing the subtle details that others might overlook, whether it's a change in the environment or a shift in someone's behavior. this attentiveness gives her an edge in almost any situation, allowing her to anticipate challenges before they arise.

courage is another hallmark of sootkit's personality. she faces both physical and emotional challenges with courage that's as steady as it is fierce. sootkit isn't one to back down from danger; instead, she meets it head-on, driven by a deep-seated confidence in her abilities. this bravery is not about recklessness but rather a calculated willingness to take risks when necessary. her adaptability further enhances her resilience. sootkit thrives in changing environments, whether it's adjusting her tactics mid-hunt or navigating complex social dynamics. she has an uncanny ability to turn situations to her favor, no matter how daunting they may seem.

yet, sootkit's strengths are intertwined with traits that can make her challenging to understand. her independence is a key aspect of who she is—sootkit values her autonomy and prefers to operate on her own terms. this fierce self-reliance has made her incredibly resourceful, but it also means she often resists help or advice, even when it's in her best interest. she cherishes her solitude, finding peace in moments where she can focus on her thoughts without distraction, but this also means she can come across as distant or unapproachable to others.

adding to her enigmatic nature is sootkit's inherent mystery. she keeps much of her past and inner thoughts guarded, revealing only what she deems necessary. this secrecy makes her intriguing, yet it also creates a barrier that keeps others at arm's length. coupled with her stubbornness, this can make sootkit difficult to sway once she's made up her mind. she's determined to stick to her course, even when compromise might be the better option, leading to both strength and friction in her interactions.

sootkit's territorial instincts run deep, making her fiercely protective of what she considers hers, whether it's her physical space, resources, or relationships. she doesn't take kindly to perceived threats, often responding with a defensive ferocity that can create tension with those who don't understand her need to protect her domain. on top of this, she is rather cynical, which seems to be one of the main influencing factors of her territorial nature. she is wary of others' motives, often expecting the worst and finding it hard to trust new acquaintances. this outlook makes her cautious and calculated, but it also prevents her from forming deep connections or enjoying the positive interactions life can offer without constant, insistent effort on the part of others.

RELATIONS & INTERACTIONS — bluefrost x thriftfeather
⤹ littermate to asterkit
— adopted sibling to comfreykit, rimekit, foalkit
⤹ friends with none
— admires none ⋆ likes none
⤹ enemies with none
— dislikes none ⋆ loathes none

generally distant and wary with others, showing distant and fragile loyalty to her clanmates, cold suspicion towards outsiders, and fierce hostility towards enemy clans ⋆ finds it difficult to trust others, whether they are family, other clans, or outsiders, due to her inherent cynicism and guarded nature, which leads her to expect the worst and remain cautious about forming deep connections
⤹ physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 100% ]
— will start fights | will not flee | may show mercy
⤹ excels at nothing yet ⋆ poor at nothing yet
— sounds like tbd ⋆ smells like tbd

" My empty halls to echo with grand self-mythology "


Sootkit is a mystery regarding physique, she is considered perfectly average looking at this stage as a kitten. Wry and young frame is covered in a large fluffy coat, this makes it hard to predict her future. In turn it makes her as an individual hard to pin down, in a perfect balance between the broader aspects of Thriftfeather and the dainty frame of Bluefrost. She carries herself carefully, a balancing act of that youthful joy of a kit while the self imposed burden of responsibility on her shoulders. There are moments where she loses herself and becomes rather energetic and wild in her gait, only to catch herself and then go back to taking slow and measured steps. As she grows older she masters that walk, always seeming like she's treading on air if not for that linger of a care free trot.

Her eyes are a deep green, she is dappled in soft creams against an otherwise dark and smokey coat. It carries in whisps and tendrils, taking careful measures to keep herself groomed as she learns how to do so. That is the first glimmer of the independent personality that she tries to carry, a paragon of cleanliness and beauty. She is arguably very pretty and it is clear that she uses it almost like a tool.

Sootkit is first and foremost, haughty and entitled. She seeks preferential treatment from both her parents and her denmates, not through dramatic outbursts or acting out but through making herself appear endearing to those around her. She is analytical in her social interactions, forms opinions on others quickly and is able to relatively well enough for a kit what others opinions of her are. Sootkit attempts to be pragmatic and to look at everything objectively, though it is clear that she holds biases based on the opinions of those closest to her.

Due to wishing to be friends with everyone she will attach herself to individuals who aren't very friendly with her, treating it like a fun project! Later in life that desire to be friends with everyone will turn to becoming a people pleaser, more than happy to be a doormat for anyone so long as they like her. This is due to her growing understanding of her legacy, that keen mind becoming aware early on where she stands on the political and social sphere of her clanmates.

She will flicker between the youthful arrogance of a kit and trying to act mature./ She bases that maturity on her parents and as such reflects a mixture of their social mannerisms. Despite the fact that she is rather extroverted it is clear that she's awkward, when faced with a situation she hasn't foreseen she will freeze and stumble over her words. Sootkit prides herself on her maturity, see isn't she so well behaved compared to other kits? So naturally she deserves more attention since she's so well behaved. That isn't to say that she won't have the occasional emotional outburst if she believes it will favour her, or is because that youth that she's so desperate to climb out of won't leave and manifests in different ways?

Overall she resembles a rabbit of the moors, both graceful and swift yet easily frightened and hard to pin down. Being so flighty conflicts with her extraverted personality, prone to making too many promises and falling through on plans giving her the reputation of being flakey.

Disclaimer: If chosen I intend for the community around Sootkit (and IC actions as a whole) to affect if she becomes a moor-runner or tunneler apprentice. I have plots for either scenario which is listed below.

  • Develops claustrophbia, manifests in a heightened axienty rather than refusing to enter the tunnels.
  • Would become irate and snappy, hyper vigilant of the sounds and smells around her since she can't rely on sight.
  • Those tunnels are going to be sturdy and clean!!! Very pedantic about making sure everything is clean and tidy as to lessen chances of disaster or injury.
  • Flaunts her stance as a tunneler apprentice as it is very elite. Especially towards other clans, extremely proud of her work and what she's doing.
  • Feels extremely connected to her mother and grandmother before her, contributing to the legacy by taking after the same path of her name sake (this is seen as both a blessing and a curse to her, as she believes expectations have grown and works harder to be the perfect apprentice).

  • Shattered about not taking after her mother and grandmother (envious of her siblings that become tunnelers).
  • The approval she seeks from Bluefrost would be heightened, convinced that she's done something wrong for something out of her control.
  • Would constantly ask Thriftfeather questions on how to be an efficient moor-runner rather than asking her mentor. Believing that he must have some hidden knowledge somewhere.
  • Grows to love it, there's something freeing about being out in the moors. Connected to WindClan in a way she never thought possible.
  • When leaving camp that more youthful and energetic side to her escapes, free to given a space to run rampant. Seen as very therapeutic.

  • Queen of nothing - The Crane Wives (music)
  • The feminine urge - The Last Dinner Party (music)
  • Dan the dancer - Mitski (music)
  • King - Florence & The Machine (music)
  • Shuana Shipman - Yellowjackets (character)
  • Lucina - Fire Emblem Awakening (character)
  • Pacfica Northwest - gravity falls (character)
  • Amity Blight - the owl house (character)

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