Jul 9, 2022


Welcome to ThunderClan's Spring 2023 Mass Adopts! Here, you can see what relationships are open to be adopted in ThunderClan, whether it be kin, a mentor, or a plot character! Please read all rules before filling out a form to apply. If you would like to sign up an adopt, they can always be added throughout spring. Sign up here: LINK


This mass adopts is intended to bring characters into ThunderClan, so if you are adopting someone you are agreeing to have them be a ThunderClanner.
This is FCFS as long as all rules, genetics, and history laid out by the roleplayer running the adopt is followed. If they are not followed, I will let you know and you'll have a chance to correct it!
If you have any questions about the adopt, please direct them to the roleplayer linked in the adopt's form.
Refrain from playing the adopt until I let you know your form's been accepted. After that, you are welcome to begin roleplaying!


User to contact about adopt: @HaggisBeast
Relations: Wildpaw's mother and father
Age: Mother is 38 moons; Father is 40 moons
Genetics: Mother is a shorthaired tortoiseshell she-cat with low white; Father is a shorthaired black tom with low white
Rules & Misc:
- The parents are sweethearts from youth and should continue to adore each other
- Sad plots allowed further down the line
- Backstory is fairly open, but it would be preferred if they hold roots in either the Pine or Marsh Group or as former loners. Unfortunately, no kittypet connections.
- To the lucky folks playing the parents, expect a free headshot drawn by me
- Prefix ideas for mother (just suggestions): thorn, talon, fox, rose, thunder, goose, spiny, nettle, thistle, cleaver
- Prefix ideas for father (just suggestions): mallow, soot, bunny, fern, rain, pheasant, moss, cotton, shadow, quail

Mother: Open
Father: Open
User to contact about adopt: @HaggisBeast
Relations: Wildpaw's younger siblings
Age: 3 moons
Toms can be black or red tabby
She-cats can be black or tortoiseshell
- kits will be shorthaired
- kits can have no white, low white, or high white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- red-based kits will mask black
Rules & Misc:

- They will be loved by their parents, though relationships with Wildpaw can be rocky
- Prefix ideas (just suggestions): fox, fire, ember, shadow, black, red, storm, thunder, fang, badger, starling, adder, ivy, hawthorn, alder, chestnut, elder(flower/berry), hemlock
- Sad/angst plots allowed
- High chance of getting a headshot drawn by me as a gift

1. Open
2. Open
3. Open
User to contact about adopt: @saeyoung
Relations: Cottontail's children
Age: 5 moons
Toms can be black, blue, black tabby, blue tabby, red tabby, cream tabby, seal point, blue point, lynx point, blue lynx point, flame point, cream point, or white masking any of those colors
She-cats can be black, blue, black tabby, blue tabby, tortoiseshell, blue tortoiseshell, torbie, blue torbie, seal point, blue point, lynx point, blue lynx point, tortoiseshell point, blue tortoiseshell point, torbie point, blue torbie point, or white masking any of those colors
- kits will be longhaired
- non-white kits will have low white; white kits will mask no white
- points will have blue eyes; non-points can have any realistic eye color; white kits with one or two blue eyes have a higher risk of deafness on side(s) of blue eye
- red-based kits will mask black or black tabby
- tabbies will carry solid; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; non-point kits will carry point
Rules & Misc:

- Minimum 5 posts a month.
- No hateful/negative names.
- If you're playing a disability please represent right and research.

1. Open
2. Open
3. Open
User to contact about adopt: @SATURNID
Relations: Lichenpaw's littermates
Age: 8 moons
males can be seal point, lynx point, blue point, blue lynx point, flame point, or cream point
females can be seal point, lynx point, blue point, blue lynx point, tortie point, torbie point, blue tortie point, or blue torbie point
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- kits will have blue eyes
- kits will be polydactyl
- red kits will mask seal point or lynx point; cream kits will mask blue point or blue lynx point
- shorthair kits will carry longhair; tabby kits will carry solid; non-dilute kits will carry dilute
Rules & Misc:

- Plot: These kits were born in the Twolegplace to a pair of stray cats and left to fend for themselves once they were old enough to do so, perhaps even a little too young (~5 moons). Some time after their mother left them, the siblings reunited and began searching for the last remaining member of their litter, Lichenpaw. This is what brings them to ThunderClan.
- May need to backwrite their joining to before Emberstar's death, unless their relationship to Lichenpaw means that Howling will let them in.
- Prior to recieving Clan names, the cats will have kittypet-esque names (ie. Lichenpaw was Lou). No specific rules though, go wild.
- I will make icons for these characters upon request!
- Characters can be as casual or active as you want, though please do not go more than a month without posting.
- Sad/angst plots, deaths, leaving the Clan etc. are allowed.
- Feel free to do whatever you want with the NPC parents.

1. Open
2. Open
3. Open
4. Open
User to contact about adopt: @ava
Relations: Elderly couple that Ragwortpaw regularly visits
Age: 100-120 moons, first accepted form determines
Genetics: FFA
Rules & Misc:
Gender or sexuality of the couple is up to RPers, first person who adopts may want to state the ocs desired sexuality so that the next person applying can piggy back ^^
Characters will become grandparent figures to Ragwortpaw. They will indulge her in stories about her exiled mother over the course of time and basically be the older guardians she's never had.
If the characters ever had any kits its up to the rpers to decide and adopt out
Casual activity is fine but they still must be present. If characters are not regularly around I have the right to disband any plots and seek out new participants, so at the least there is no risk in the slots being taken from you!
I like art so odds are Ill gift you commissioned art of our characters interacting

1. Foxpoppy
2. Adderjaw
User to contact about adopt: @Blitz Krieg
Relations: Stormypaw's mentor
Age: 20+ moons
Genetics: FFA
Rules & Misc: It is important to me that this character fits a certain vibe! Stormypaw is all about being cool and wants to be a talented warrior. Her mentor is going to be someone she idolizes: someone awesome, fierce, and territorial. I'd also like them to be good at climbing since that's what I want Stormypaw's top skill to be. This mentor will strive to train the kittypet right out of her, will be tough on her but they'll have a close mentor/apprentice bond! Someone who will NOT go easy on her.
- Name is Barkjaw
- Gender is up to roleplayer
- Backstory is up to roleplayer
- Backwritten mentor to when she first joined the clan at 5 moons old (she is 8 now)

1. Open
User to contact about adopt: @euphoria
Relations: Wrenflutter's former mate, father of Dovekit, Lark-kit, Duck-kit, and Chikadeekit
Age: 17 moons or slightly older
Genetics: shorthaired tabby of any color, must have a bobbed tail and low white
Rules & Misc: General lore is that these two were once close friends and mates, when Wrenflutter found herself expecting kits. For whatever reason (up to your character), this led to the couple having a falling out and Wren raising the kits pretty much solo, with y/c likely avoiding interacting with the kits or interacting with them without said kits knowing of their familial relationship. Wrenflutter was from the Pine Group and joined as an apprentice when ThunderClan was established, so an option is them having been from the same group, though Wrenflutter has no bias of origin.
It is entirely up to the RPer and IC interaction if Wrenflutter and y/c ever make up and even get together, and if the character forms a bond with the kits.
Casual activity is fine since most of the Wren family is semi-casual rn, but please be active if you can! Otherwise character development and progression is 100% up to the RPer, including- death, leaving ThunderClan, alternative romance, etc.

1. Open
User to contact about adopt: @felicitas
Relations: Dewfang’s kits
Age: 14 moons
Genetics: male kits can be: black, chocolate, red tabby, black tabby, chocolate tabby, seal point, chocolate point, flame point, lynx point, chocolate lynx point
female kits can be: black, tortoiseshell, chocolate, chocolate tortoiseshell, seal point, tortoiseshell point, chocolate tortoiseshell point, lynx point, chocolate lynx point, torbie point, chocolate torbie point
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- point kits or kits with white will have blue eyes
- black-based kits carry chocolate
- red-based kits mask black, chocolate, black tabby, or chocolate tabby
- non-pointed kits carry point

Rules & Misc: Think of this more as a litter in the books as the likes of Willowpelt and Whitestorm. Dewfang and the mother of the kits were not very romantically involved, but they still cared for the kits. The mother may have raised previous litters with a different father. Dewfang was a dutiful warrior but occasionally of course came to check up on the kits as they grew, giving them presents from his patrols. They are young warriors now and he is very proud of them, often inviting them to spar with him and go out on patrol.
- This can be a fairly casual character as Dewfang is one himself.
- Dewfang would have liked to name the kits after strong things or things found in the forest. If you like a name that is not exactly either of those, the mother could have picked it for them for any reason!

1. Lionthroat
2. Thornheart
3. Hazelshine


Just use the form below to apply to your desired adopt!
[B]Adopt #[/B]:

☁ ✦ ☁
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Tracking! Lots of good options but to narrow myself down on ideas.
- Cottontail kitten - All white with ocean eyes, deaf and mute runt of the litter, fearful and Unsure how best to be a warrior!
- Wildpaw sibling - probably started off all innocent and happy but might start to turn into an absolute menace cause they want to be like their big bro!!
- Elder for Ragwort - Overall grump who might seem like they don't want to deal with Kits but is coaxed into hanging out with Ragwort by their mate/Ragwort herself!

None of these are set in stone until I make an official form! I most likely will be only taking one slot if I decide to <3
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Adopt #: 5
Name: Foxpoppy
Relations:Mate to TBD , grandparent figure to Ragwortpaw
Age: 101 Moons
Gender: Female | AFAB
Appearance: lightly scarred blue tortoiseshell molly with mainly ginger patches and a white forepaw, a lame hind leg, and vibrant yellow eyes.
ref 1 ref 2 ref 3
Personality: Sweet like honey, Foxpoppy is a gentle, albeit a bit sensitive soul. She tries to find light where she can, and is always the first one to point out the silver linings in life, no matter how small. She is passionate with her hobbies, and can be described as Thunderclan’s resident flower lady with her vast collection of blooms and petals, which she often weaves into hers and others fur. She is not without her elderly stereotypes though, and often likes to joke about pulling her “old lady card” with the apprentices and young warriors.
Backstory: will collaborate with other chosen applicant.
Other: <33
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Adopt #:6
Name: Barkjaw
Relations: Stormypaw's mentor!
Age: 4+ years (undetermined adult)
Gender: Male
Appearance: Reference. A lean, short-haired brown tabby with a particularly spiky pelt and pale green eyes. One of his ears is sharply torn down the middle. (Ignore the collar, that is not a thing!)
Personality: Barkjaw is, quite frankly, exactly what you would expect of a ThunderClanner. Bold and fearless, with a stubborn streak that just might outlast the forest, yet tempered by his love for the clan and territory. He can be a bit of a hardass, and somewhat difficult to please, but far from cruel or distant. Any success will be met with praise and pride, and will likely be fiercely proud of her well into warriorhood.
Backstory: Still a bit flexible in my mind, but I'm currently thinking former pine group member with very distant kittypet roots, as in born in a shelter and adopted out young, but abandoned or lost as early as six months old, and without positive human contact since then. Progressed from a street cat to a loner, and then to a colony cat that is fiercely protective of the forest where ThunderClan resides. He is personally at odds with SkyClan, and believes that they should be proud of forsaking their kittypet roots, rather than embracing them. This guides both his empathy for Stormypaw and his determination to train her into a strong forest cat warrior.
Other: His strong skills would definitely be in climbing and comba!
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Adopt #: # 4
Name: Basilpaw
Relations: Lichenpaws oldest sibling
Age: 9 Months
Gender: Masc NB, He/They
Appearance: A chocolate point with light blue eyes | visual appearance
Personality: Basilpaw is a highly committed individual with determination that knows no bounds. His promises are the same as pure vows, and naively expects others to behave the same. Hand in hand it is always good to have him on your side for his undying loyalty to his allies. Shown much by his relationship with Lichenpaw, Basilpaw will do everything in his power to support his brother and prevent them from ever being apart again. From his past in being alone on the streets, Basilpaw has learned to be quiet and observant. He is a very reserved, passive cat that is hard to read. His expression often remains neutral even in times of stress or chaos. He is not very likely to react immediately without thought. Even so, Basilpaw is not above acting selfishly. He puts himself or his needs first, self-preserving even in the face of others suffering. If you are not apart of Basilpaw's inner circle he will not value your survival over his. This also contributes to his paranoia as he is always preparing for the worst, either from outside forces or directly within the Clan.
Backstory: Basilpaw, originally by the name of Parker, was born in the streets of Twoleg Place beside five littermates. Parker was the oldest of his littermates, and with how distant their parents were after they finished nursing he often took on the parental role of his siblings. There was a sense of dread Parker felt whenever his parents would leave for the day, convinced each time they wouldn't come back. Their outings slowly became longer and longer, gone nearly from dusk till dawn. Parker had to take up the responsibility of finding food for himself and his siblings the longer they wouldn't return, especially since it was a rarity they came back with enough for all five of them.

Around the time they turned five months old their parents had become scarce for days at a time. At last when they returned, one final day, they told the kittens not to expect them home again. There was plenty of space and opportunity in the alleys and curves of the neighborhood, of course they would be fine. Some of them protested but Parker was silent, already anticipating this for some time. Unsure of where to go or how to continue, they hung around traveling different areas of the neighborhood. One by one their siblings would remain in the places they passed through, trying to make something out of it or appealing to a colony. Until is was himself.

They struggled for sure without the support and morale of their littermates. Parker was horribly lonely, unable to stay in one place for long before before moving to the next. The alleys were harsh and many of the older strays had little patience or empathy for a scrap like himself. He hardly properly took care of himself, just skirting by on scraps and stealing. He gave into the habit of watching, watching and waiting, analyzing the behaviors and schedules of those around him to find the best opportunity for himself. Eventually after refining his ability to steal he ran into Lou again.

Elated at the reunion between the two, Lou had propositioned venturing into the woods to survive. Parker didn't care much what they did, as long as they didn't separate again and Lou agreed. They meandered into the woods and were quickly discovered by Emberstar. Being introduced to Clan life was a strange change for Parker, who was renamed as Basilpaw alongside the newly named Lichenpaw. Learning how to follow StarClan, a sudden proof of ancestry within the stars and following a set code was unexpected, but Basilpaw didn't mind playing the game of pretend to remain in the safety of numbers. His time in the Clan was going relatively smooth thus far.
Other: Basilpaw has Somniphobia (fear of sleeping), making him sleep on average a few hours a night. He gets about one actual restful sleep once a week.
Basilpaw has mild ASD symptoms such as lack of physical emotive expressions, direct understanding and communication, and an intense sense of justice
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There are just a couple corrections with this application! The first is that in Lichenpaw’s sibling adopt info, it states his littermate genetics and chocolate point isn’t one of the color options (this is a swift fix if his points are made black then he can be a seal point!). The second thing is he and Lichenpaw would’ve been accepted by Emberstar, the leader before Howlingstar :D once those two things are corrected I can accept!
Adopt #: lichenpaw's sibling
Name: rookpaw / crowpaw not sure yet
Age: 8 moons
Gender: male, he / him
Appearance: seal point
Other: wip!
Hi!! I’m so sorry for the inconvenience but this litter has actually been removed from the mass adopts, we just hadn’t gotten to it yet!! All of the others are still open though!
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Adopt #: 8
Name: Lionkit - Lionpaw - Lionthroat
Relations: Dewfangs son
Age: 14 moons
Gender: Male
Appearance: A bulky framed, long haired flame point with blue eyes
Personality: Following in the footsteps of his father, Lionthroat has grown to be a rather confident and dutiful warrior to Thunderclan. Of course, being as young as he is, Lionthroat also carries an air of arrogance in patrols and spars. He has seen no wars, fought no real battles, and so has a limited understanding over how serious warrior ship can be.
Backstory: Born and raised in Thunderclan
Other: N/A : )
Adopt #: 5
Name: Alderjaw (Name meaning: Alder - cautious; wise; the appearance of an alder tree, jaw - Appearance of teeth; good fighter)
Relations: Mate of Foxpoppy
Age: 105 Moons
Gender: Tom
Appearance: Ginger tabby cat / evergreen eyes / (notable protrusion of his fangs when he smiles but otherwise average teeth) / adorn in a number of scars - minor scarring running along each of his legs (from taking so many dares with thorns in his youth), a notch in his left ear ( a bird was not happy with him), a jagged scar from his right eyelid to about midway up his forehead (a story for another time)
Personality: A bold, and stupidly daring tom, or at least in his youth. The tom was known for being scrappy and the first to fight, always having his friends' back even if it was a fight he knew he didn't have. He's very proud and used to be prone to injury but has lessened that.. slightly, at his age. He loves telling stories of his own, where he may or may not falsify some parts of it. (More details will be fleshed out after his intro )
Backstory: Will collab with other <3
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Accepted!! Only two things to note but they’re easily fixed. The first is that he’d have to be kittypet-born if he’s a Somali so keep that in mind with his backstory. The second is that the clans are only 9 months; I noticed you referred to his apprenticeship! He could’ve been a part of the marsh group or pine group before the clans, though!
Accepted!! Only two things to note but they’re easily fixed. The first is that he’d have to be kittypet-born if he’s a Somali so keep that in mind with his backstory. The second is that the clans are only 9 months; I noticed you referred to his apprenticeship! He could’ve been a part of the marsh group or pine group before the clans, though!
Thank you for the clarification! I may alter the Somali, I was trying to find a ginger cat and that popped out, I'll switch that out though. Also, I'll alter it to the pine group and go from there while working with Noor on the backstory <3
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Adopt #: 8
Name: Thornheart
Relations: Dewfang's daughter.
Age: 14 Moons
Gender: Cisfemale
Appearance: Short-haired tortoiseshell feline w/ green eyes. reference
Personality: Short-tempered and haughty, Thornheart is a molly that loves winning and being on top. She is confident, loud, and brash- often impulsive based on how she rushes into battle without a second thought. She loves a good fight, after all. A more manipulative side comes out of her when she wants something, and she will do whatever it takes to get it. Her fierce loyalty to ThunderClan shines through on the battlefield and in camp, with the way she protects her clanmates from whatever harm that may come to them. While she doesn't necessarily like kits, she tolerates their presence and tends to be distant towards them.
Backstory: Born and raised in ThunderClan.
Other: N/A.
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