private THUNDERSTRUCK // twoleg sighting

Forestshade leads the border patrol with a steady, purposeful stride. Her dark patched pelt blends seamlessly with the shadows, keen ears and parted jaws keeping her acutely aware of her surroundings. The patrol, consisting of a few of her most trusted clanmates with her apprentice, her former apprentice, and her friend, moves quietly behind her, their steps synchronized as they navigate the familiar terrain towards the ThunderClan border. She is uncharacteristically quiet on the journey there - has been since Smogstar’s ascension.

As they near the Burnt Sycamore, the torbie pauses, lifting her muzzle to the air. There is something unfamiliar. “Hang on. What is that?” Her snout wrinkles against the ugly smell. On slowed paws, she continues past the towering dead tree. The faint, strange scent grows clearer as they keep going, mixing with the earthy aroma of the pines. Forestshade stops, signaling her patrol to do the same with a lift of her tail. Her ears twitch as she listens intently. Ahead, a culmination of loud, strange voices and sounds carries through the trees. They seem to be a safe distance away, but Forestshade can’t help but feel troubled. “What is it? Someone, tell me what you see,” She demands with a hint of caution in her voice. The lead warrior crouches low, wanting her patrol to remain hidden from whatever lies ahead. After all, she’s never encountered twolegs before.

// there are four young twolegs doing something ahead. The patrol will not interact with them, only observe. It almost seems like they’re playing? But other than that, no way of knowing what exactly they’re doing!

✧*:.。. Wormwatcher saunders alongside Forestshade, black tipped tail dragging in the sparse vegetation and nettles beneath his paws. Forestshade's lack of speech has not been ignored, the tom casts worried glances towards the lead warrior every so often, a frown contorting his angular features. The silence of Forestshade is heavier now, since Smogstar's return from the Moonstone... Wormwatcher will keep an eye on the torbie.

Obedient as ever, Wormwatcher pauses as soon Forestshade's tail makes the signal. Nostrils flare as he inhales deeply, the odd scent; is all too familiar with the smell, it reeks of nostalgia, memories as a kit better to be left alone. Unlike Forestshade, he sees the culprit of the scent just up ahead causing his hackles to rise and upper lip draw upwards in disgust. Wormwatcher mutters, his words heavy with concern, "Twolegs. Around 4. Smaller than normal... Kits." Quickly, lanky limbs lower so he may crouch besides Forestshade, head whipping around to make sure Flintwish and Thornpaw do the same.

"They're... bumbling around... with a smooth rock of sorts. On our territory," Wormwatcher observes the Twoleg kits with slitted eyes, ears flattened against his head. They're under enough cover that hopefully they can go unnoticed... "The kits, they're unpredictable... crueler, sometimes, than the older beasts." A growl rumbles in his throat and every muscles screams for them to leave, be gone before they're noticed. He has trust in Forestshade, he'll stay by her side until she decides it is time to leave. This is not good news... why're these things on our territory?
Wormwatcher sees them playing with a ball!
Flintwish is... glad, he thinks, to patrol with Forestshade again. Where once she offended him, haughty about Granitepelt's malicious nature, he bears none of that aggression anymore. She had mentored him where Scalejaw could no longer, and she had given him some meager skill — enough to become a full warrior, at least. The only one of his litter. The only one Starlingheart could watch grow up. He is grateful for that in some measure. But she's changed. Quieter, maybe with grief; she had always been close to Chilledstar, hadn't she? The loss of Sweetpaw compounded with the loss of a leader and close friend... though Flintwish did not harbor the same sentiments, he can certainly understand her.

He follows quietly, dutifully, as she leads their patrol towards the Burnt Sycamore. It is his least favorite place in the entire territory — he likes it less than even the Carrionplace, though he would be hard-pressed to reveal why. The revenant tree seems eager to invite more trouble to his life today, though. Forestshade halts suddenly, picking up a smell that Flintwish has never encountered before. It reeks of rubber and something sharp, almost like the monsters on the Thunderpath. White-tipped ears twitch and swivel as he tries to understand what he hears, bicolor gaze flickering between the members of his patrol. He locks eyes with Wormwatcher before crouching in the same manner alongside his former mentor.

Four twoleg kits toddle ahead, shrieking and smiling, passing some sort of stone between hairless paws. Flintwish's spine bristles. Wormwatcher's assessment of the kits' cruel nature makes him all the more eager to leave, but Forestshade seems to feel otherwise. "What should we do?" he asks Forestshade, tufted tail lashing behind him. His voice is a low chitter, unwilling to alert the twolegs to their presence. "We can't chase them away." Twolegs have been cause for concern for many moons now, and he suspects that will never cease. To see them now, with his own eyes, is... terrifying. He would be powerless to stop them, if they decided they wanted a cat to take home.

  • ooc.
  • FLINTWISH —— warrior of shadowclan, mentoring branchpaw . granitepelt x starlingheart . littermate to nettlepaw, ghostmask . mates with ashenfall ✦ penned by meghan

    a small, slate-blue tom with mismatched blue and green eyes. hard to approach and harder to enjoy, but beneath his spines he seems to have a good heart, and cares for his clanmates
    unlabeled gender / he, she, they pronouns / 15 moons & ages every 12th
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— will start fights / may flee / may show mercy. tends to fight dirty on account of granitepelt's teachings. will fight tooth and nail to win, as this is one of the few ways flintwish can prove his worth to himself

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are in character
    full biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
Forestshade's ears twitch as she listens to Wormwatcher's report, her mind racing to piece together the situation. "Twolegs," She repeats lowly, thoughtfully. She has never encountered twolegs before. And her clanmate says kits can be even more unpredictable than the adults. "What would they be doing on our territory playing? Don't they have anywhere else to play?" She hisses, her tail lashing with clear agitation. Fur bristling with unease, she turns her head slightly to try and pick up any additional sounds.

She swivels her head around next to listen to Flintwish's anxious voice. "No," She agrees, eyes shutting. It's hard for her to admit, but they have to avoid direct confrontation here now. "If there are kits here, their parents can't be far off." With a new sense of resolve, she lifts her chin and angles her muzzle towards the warriors, knowing she has to keep them safe. "Let's move quietly and stay hidden. We'll make our way back to camp and inform Smogstar immediately. Wormwatcher, lead the way - Flintwish, keep alert and watch behind us to make sure there aren't more, and that they don't follow." Normally, she'd take the lead, but she doesn't want leave anyone behind. She'll happily take the rear and take the brunt of any danger, if her former apprentice can be her eyes.

With a final nod, she adjusts her stance and slinks off carefully.