  • RILEY RABBITCLAW ; thinks it's cool, doesn't have much to say about it
    rabbitclaw is a tunneler who had been born to loners and became a rogue later in life. she was born and raised alongside her littermates in an abandoned badger's den. while she loved her siblings, tensions were fierce with their parents that she departed as quickly as she could, and found herself joining a group of rogues. these are not the same rogues that had attacked windclan long ago, but she had been with this group for quite some time before joining windclan, reuniting with her littermates. she cares not for windclan and has only remained for her kin, yet others have begun to worm themselves into her heart.
    ↳ the prefix rabbit was given for the color of her pelt and her agility. the prefix claw was given for her aggressive and battle hungry nature.
    — afab; she/they pronouns; pansexual
    — tunneler of windclan, is only here for her kin nothing more; former rogue
    — 54 moons / ages realistically on the 1st each month / created 07.21.2023 at 41 moons
    ↳ penned by velou; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST (if u have them!!)
    it is evident to tell rabbit has fought many battles. half of her tail had been ripped off, the scarring indicating as such. her face is littered with scars such as a horizontal scar that starts from the left side of her face across the bridge of her nose which ends at the beginning of her right eye. the second scar on her face is a gash on the left side of her mouth. she also has a particularly nasty gash on her right leg.
    rabbitclaw is a she-cat who runs purposely into danger and does questionable things. She loves Windclan, well... More so that it's her home and she would do anything to defend it. As for some cats within the clan... She has her reservations and will scoff at the softer members of the clan. She has a pension for violence and is one who will start and end fights (if she can). Whether or not diplomacy is better she doesn't care and prefers claws to do the talking. Don't leave her in charge of a group of apprentices because she might make them participate in a battle roulette.

    mannerisms moment
    moderately slow to make friends, slow to trust; once trust is gained she will entrust you with her life
    SOUNDS LIKE: catalyst (apex legends)
    SMELLS LIKE: soil, rush, and gorse
    speech is #ab978e
    NPC xx NPC sister to npc, rattleheart, scorchstreak | mentoring heathpaw
    Mate to none | former mate to dogma | mother to anna, lark, omen, william | aunt to frostwind luckypaw, rumblerain, scorchstorm

    NOTABLE FRIENDS: fogbound
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: harbingermoon, snakehiss, pinkshine, sootstar, sootspot
  • ► SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist

  • ●●●○○○○○○○ HUNTING: below average. she usually lets other's do the hunting, since she doesn't enjoy it.
    ●●●●●●●●●○ RUNNING: skillful. she has always been fast but due to her rank, her reflexes have heightened her speed
    ●●●●●●●●○○ TRACKING: skillful. due to her role as a tunneler her senses are heightened and she is able to detect scents quickly.
    ●●●●●●●○○○ COMBAT: above average. by no means is she bad at fighting, but due to her size she often finds herself on the ground
  • to be updated
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this used to be where her tags are located but gave up on table of contents as page one because why not just have the tags there? NOTE TO SELF: CHANGE SIGNATURE BECAUSE IT LINKS BACK TO THIS POST

as for what this post will be? not sure yet was thinking heart chart but previous post ends on history so maybe important threads section here + events!
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[box=60%][justify][color=#f9ebe0][font=verdana][size=12px][outline=black]text here

[box=60%][justify][color=#f9ebe0][font=verdana][size=12px][outline=black]text here

[b][color=#ab978e]"speech"[/color][/b][tabs][slide=* ˚ ✦][/slide][slide=take a good look][fleft][bimg width=100px][/bimg][/fleft]— rabbitclaw / windclan tunneler / feminine pronouns / 48 moons
— pansexual / single, crushing on [abbr=played by blueblossomtea]fogbound[/abbr] / not looking
— scar riddled short-haired lilac tortoiseshell with blue eyes
— may powerplay [abbr=scratches, biting, shoving, etc...]minor harm[/abbr] / can powerplay healing
— [URL=][color=#ab978e]biography[/color][/URL] / @ on discord for plots
— penned by velou[/slide][/tabs][/outline][/justify][/box]
[CENTER][FONT=GEORGIA][SIZE=4][color=#f9ebe0][COLOR=#ab978e][B]THERE IS A TREE AS OLD AS ME —[/B][/color][/size][/FONT] [size=2]windclan, [url=][color=#ab978e]tags[/color][/url][/size]
[CENTER][size=11px][COLOR=#ab978e]([/COLOR] ❝ [I]branches were sewn by the color of green,  the ground had arose[/I] ❞ [COLOR=#ab978e])[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[box="67%; background: url(; background-size: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; height: 150px; width: 630px; border: 1px solid #fff; margin-left: 1px;"][COLOR=transparent]x[/COLOR][/box][box=67%][justify][color=#BBBDC1][tabs][tab=general ✧][size=20px][b][color=#ab978e][s]RILEY[/s] [outline=black]RABBITCLAW ;[/outline][/color][/size] thinks it's cool, doesn't have much to say about it[/b]
[quote]rabbitclaw is a tunneler who had been born to loners and became a rogue later in life. she was born and raised alongside her littermates in an abandoned badger's den. while she loved her siblings, tensions were fierce with their parents that she departed as quickly as she could, and found herself joining a group of rogues. these are not the same rogues that had attacked windclan long ago, but she had been with this group for quite some time before joining windclan, reuniting with her littermates. she cares not for windclan and has only remained for her kin, yet others have begun to worm themselves into her heart.[/quote]
↳ the prefix rabbit was given for the color of her pelt and her agility. the prefix claw was given for her aggressive and battle hungry nature.
— afab; she/they pronouns; pansexual
— tunneler of windclan, is only here for her kin nothing more; former rogue
— 54 moons / ages realistically on the 1st each month / created 07.21.2023 at 41 moons
[fright][img width=50px][/img] [img width=50px][/img][/fright]↳ penned by [url=][color=#ab978e][b]velou[/b][/color][/url]; [b]HEARTCHART[/b] ; [b]PINTEREST[/b] ; [b]PLAYLIST[/b] (if u have them!!)

[tab=appearance ✧][fleft][quote][bimg width=125px][/bimg][/quote][/fleft][b]A SHORT HAIRED LILAC TORTOISESHELL WITH BLUE EYES[/b]
it is evident to tell rabbit has fought many battles. half of her tail had been ripped off, the scarring indicating as such. her face is littered with scars such as a horizontal scar that starts from the left side of her face across the bridge of her nose which ends at the beginning of her right eye. the second scar on her face is a gash on the left side of her mouth. she also has a particularly nasty gash on her right leg.[/tab]

[tab=mentality ✧][quote][b][color=#ab978e]RECKLESS / STUBBORN / IMPULSIVE / SHORT-TEMPERED / PASSIONATE / CRASS / BLUNT[/color][/b][/quote]
rabbitclaw is a she-cat who runs purposely into danger and does questionable things. She loves Windclan, well... More so that it's her home and she would do anything to defend it. As for some cats within the clan... She has her reservations and will scoff at the softer members of the clan. She has a pension for violence and is one who will start and end fights (if she can). Whether or not diplomacy is better she doesn't care and prefers claws to do the talking. Don't leave her in charge of a group of apprentices because she might make them participate in a battle roulette.

[subquote=#ab978e]mannerisms moment[/subquote][/tab]

[tab=relationships + interaction ✧][quote][b]SINGLE; PANSEXUAL; MONOGAMIST[/b]
moderately slow to make friends, slow to trust; once trust is gained she will entrust you with her life
[b]SOUNDS LIKE:[/b] [url=]catalyst (apex legends)[/url]
[b]SMELLS LIKE:[/b] soil, rush, and gorse
speech is [color=#ab978e]#ab978e[/color][/quote]
[b][color=#ab978e]NPC xx NPC[/color][/b] sister to [abbr=plot adopt 2025]npc[/abbr], [s][abbr=played by eomora]rattleheart[/abbr][/s], [abbr=played by foxlore]scorchstreak[/abbr] | mentoring [abbr=played by feli]heathpaw[/abbr]
Mate to none | former mate to [abbr=npc]dogma[/abbr] | mother to [abbr=npc]anna[/abbr], [abbr=npc]lark[/abbr], [abbr=npc]omen[/abbr], [abbr=npc]william[/abbr] | aunt to [abbr=played by revelations]frostwind[/abbr] [abbr=played by hijinks]luckypaw[/abbr], [abbr=played by mercibun]rumblerain[/abbr], [abbr=played by meghan]scorchstorm[/abbr]

[b]NOTABLE FRIENDS:[/b] fogbound
[b]NOTABLE ENEMIES:[/b] [s]harbingermoon[/s], snakehiss, pinkshine, [s]sootstar[/s], sootspot[/tab]
[tab=playlist ✧][columns=2][b][color=#ab978e]► SONG[/color][/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist[/columns]

[tab=skills ✧][columns=2][box=100%][quote]●●●○○○○○○○ [color=#ab978e][b]HUNTING[/b][/color]: [i]below average[/i]. she usually lets other's do the hunting, since she doesn't enjoy it.[/quote][/box]
[box=100%][quote]●●●●●●●●●○ [color=#ab978e][b]RUNNING[/b][/color]: [i]skillful[/i]. she has always been fast but due to her rank, her reflexes have heightened her speed[/quote][/box]
[box=100%][quote]●●●●●●●●○○ [color=#ab978e][b]TRACKING[/b][/color]: [i]skillful[/i]. due to her role as a tunneler her senses are heightened and she is able to detect scents quickly.[/quote][/box]
[box=100%][quote]●●●●●●●○○○ [color=#ab978e][b]COMBAT[/b][/color]: [i]above average[/i]. by no means is she bad at fighting, but due to her size she often finds herself on the ground[/quote][/box][/columns][/tab]

[tab=history]to be updated
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