border together we can burn so bright } pafp

He was unsure of how long it had been since he had last approached the Riverclan border, but the memory of it was distant. Fuzzy in a way that was almost welcoming, considering all that had happened where Windclan's scent met the plunging depths of the gorge. That was why he had avoided that particular part of the border this time, instead coming to where the twoleg bridge laid. A place with plenty of painful memories of its own, but at least without the shade of Bluepool's death hovering over his head the entire time.

Left behind were his kits for now, tucked against the loving side of his mate as Rattleheart ventured out to experience the rush of the wind through his fur once more. While he loved his litter of children, his trips out of camp were becoming much more frequent as of late. His paws were itching to carry him along on patrols once again, navigating the tunnels alongside his clanmates as he had once done without issue. The fact that he was nearly back into peak fighting shape again wasn't helping, as the lead warrior often found himself ready to pace around in circles within the nursery just to burn off his excess energy. He nearly couldn't wait for his brood to become apprentices, regardless of the anxieties that had begun to plague him over them being free of camp.

The sound of shifting reeds in the distance yanked the tunneler's attention away from the inside of his mind, pale green gaze flicking up to take in the shifting shapes at the other side of the bridge. A Riverclan patrol, it seemed, though most of them were still too preoccupied to have come into full view. The only cat that had seemed to be an apprentice wreathed in shades of orange and white, hardly big enough that Rattleheart even processed him as an apprentice instead of a kit. He needed to be a newly made on, considering he hardly looked much older than the Windclanner's own growing litter. The nerves written across his face were achingly familiar, like the lead was staring into the face of a much younger, more colorful mirror. For once, he found no hostility rising up in him at the sight of a Riverclanner.

Instead there was only a sense of sympathy, long ringed tail raising to wave in Roepaw's direction. He knew it was very likely he'd only be greeted with vitriol, yet he found himself making an attempt anyways. "Hello there. First trip to Windclan?" The kindness in Rattleheart's tone wasn't false, accentuated by the friendly smile that curled loosely on his muzzle. Perhaps he could actually make a positive impression on the other clan's apprentice, before the rest of the patrol came along and spat their usual animosity.

  • // please wait for @Roepaw and my follow up post!
  • 84487258_6QR5QHInY12rV6o.png
  • 75034712_8183RsjuzqJmQXv.png
    a lead warrior of windclan, rattleheart is one of the older members of the clan at fifty-three moons. he is mated to venomstrike, and has many children whom he adores. named for the trembling sound of his commonly hoarse voice, he is somewhat difficult to befriend due to his wary nature. 
Too much had already happened for Roepaw the past few days, from moving to the apprentice den to getting the worst mentor in the world to seeing his first death, Roepaw was tired, he was done. He had been doing well though, well enough to know not to cross over borders, not to trust cats from other clans, not to trust cats outside of RiverClan - and there were a few he felt he couldn't trust within too, given recent events - so Beefang once more asked him to move ahead, only a few paw-steps in front of the patrol so long as he didn't near the border. Get close enough so that if he did somehow end up across it then the cat would be trespassing, the cat would be breaking the code, and so that's what he was doing.

He'd moved forward to his own satisfaction before shakily moving to a stop, ears pricked as he knew the rest of the patrol wasn't far behind, but there was no danger here - he knew this to be true for it was just a single cat for now. Whether the tunneler too had moved forward from the patrol or if he had simply gone out on his own Roepaw didn't know - nor care. He was startled by being spoken to and for a moment there was silence before he found his head shaking. "N-no, I've been here once before." His first day as an apprentice, dragged to each of the borders and told who he could trust the most and who he could trust the least, and though WindClan sit between the two they were closer to the "least" side than the most. Rattleheart, though, was kinder than a cat Roepaw was told not to trust would be in his opinion, and it caused his guard to go down, if only a little bit.

That little bit of guard going down didn't matter, for an apprentice who didn't know anything about guards or how to track or defend himself didn't have much of a guard to begin with. "D-do you come to the b-border a lot?" Small conversation while he waited. He hadn't been told conversation wasn't allowed, and though Beefang disliked the other clans across the borders when they had visited them to learn the scents she had been nice enough, so maybe this was what he was supposed to do? Ask questions and have idle conversation until the next order was given.

What he didn't know from the idle conversation and what neither the inexperienced apprentice or the unpracticed queen noticed was the bird that had began to fly overhead, head cocked to the side so that eyes could look down below before the harrier silently began to swoop down, talons outstretched before latching onto the sides of the colorful beacon of an apprentice before lifting off as quickly as it had swooped down, flying across the bridge towards WindClan territory as the fresh apprentice began to sob. "H-help! Please!" Were the only words that managed to leave his maw as he tried his best to not focus on the pain that tore through his sides where talons met flesh as paws tried to reach up to attack the beast to no avail.

  • --
  • 78389410_wHLZ7hCdLZ3oBnd.png
  • 𓆟 LH red tabby w/low white & blue eyes
    𓆟 Swiftfire x Hush
    𓆟 Brother to Amberkit and Dreamkit
    𓆟 easy to befriend/interact with
    𓆟 "speech", thoughts, attacking
    𓆟 easy in combat
    𓆟 peaceful powerplay allowed
( cw for limited gore & death )

The trembling of Roepaw's words only further cemented Rattleheart's suspicions that the young apprentice was like him so many moons ago. Shy and inexperienced, tail tucked in between his own legs as he tried to adjust to clan life that could not have been more hostile under Sootstar's rule. One could only hope that Lichenstar's rule wasn't similar, even if the tunneler couldn't say for certain or not. His only experience with her was at the gathering, and the impressions she had made so far were... mixed, to say the least.

Do you come to the border a lot? The apprentice's question drew a soft chuckle from the queen, his head shaking as he watched the faint waves of the river go by. "Not so much lately. I've been hoping I can get out more now that my kits will be apprenticed soon, though. They're only a bit younger than you, I think." His heart gave a strong thud in his chest at the thought of his kits, nearly strong enough to make him turn right around and head back into Windclan territory so that he could curl at Venomstrike's side. Still, considering how open Roepaw seemed to actual conversation... that felt cruel, at best. "I'm Rattleheart, by the way. One of Windclan's lead warriors. Maybe I'll see you at a gathering sometime soon." Hopefully by the time he potentially did, Rattleheart would have a new apprentice at his side as well.

His muzzle cracked open once more, rough voice bubbling up to question Roepaw more about how his early apprenticeship had been going - and then it struck. The lead didn't even have a chance to blink before the harrier's talons dug into the Riverclan apprentice, blood splattering the ground and Roepaw's frightened cry ringing in Rattleheart's ears. His attention darted over to the Riverclan side of the bridge, desperately trying to see if the patrol had grown any closer. They had, but they were still too far. Way too far, to the point where Roepaw would be long gone before they could even begin to sprint over.

In that moment, Rattleheart was left with a choice.

There was a chance to turn away. Close his eyes and ignore the horror that was going on in front of him. Perhaps that would have even been the right thing to do, in a way, to balance the scales with the violent loss of Bluepool. Unfortunately, he just simply wasn't that kind of cat. He couldn't be, not anymore.

That was why he threw himself forward, claws digging into the side of the harrier and sending the predatory bird spiraling into a horrible screech. "Get ready to land!" His cry to Roepaw was desperate, the last hoarse words that left his mouth before he snarled, fangs digging down into the wing of the harrier as he tried to bring the whole bundle of them down from the sky. Another screech signaled his success, the harrier letting go of Roepaw as it thrashed and twisted around in the sky with Rattleheart atop it. Relief flooded through the Windclanner then, before it was swiftly replaced by pain.

Agony, furious and sharp enough that it made him cry out in anguish as the harrier's claws ripped at wherever they could. His face, his neck, his chest. He felt each blow as they landed, tearing open old wounds and creating new ones that spat out seemingly a river of red into the slowly re-growing moorland grasses. Rattleheart held on in spite of the discomfort, the harrier's blood filling his mouth alongside his own as they both finally collapsed to the ground. The harrier could hardly move once they both finally collided with the dirt, bleeding and screeching in a way that the lead warrior wished he could emulate. Instead he had been rendered into silence, the only sound he could focus on being his own harsh gasps as he slumped down into a growing puddle of his own blood.

It was only a moment before he heard the cries, mingling voices from both Riverclan and Windclan alike as they bounded over to check on their clanmates. Familiar scents filled his bloodied nose, though he found that he could only focus on Roepaw. When he finally spoke to the first Windclanner that had come to check on him, he could only gasp. "Th... The apprentice. Is he... okay...?" Their response was muffled. Distant. He could only pray to Starclan that they had said yes. A cacophony of cries for Wolfsong echoed not long after, though Rattleheart could feel in his chest that it was too late. Even if their only non-missing medicine cat had been on the patrol that had come across them, there was no way he could close the wounds that riddled the tunneler's body. The ones still spilling out onto the grass.

He thought of Venomstrike then. Of his kits, and who would end up being their mentors. He hoped that Scorchstreak taught one. He hoped he'd see her again.

Starry pelts glimmered at the edges of his vision, familiar and unfamiliar alike mingling freely. It was oddly inspiring, after all the fighting and chaos that he had endured in life. Rattleheart muttered in something akin to desperation, trying to pick out those that he had missed. "Lamb... curl...? Cygnet... stare...?"

Then, he closed his eyes.

  • 75034712_8183RsjuzqJmQXv.png
    a lead warrior of windclan, rattleheart is one of the older members of the clan at fifty-three moons. he is mated to venomstrike, and has many children whom he adores. named for the trembling sound of his commonly hoarse voice, he is somewhat difficult to befriend due to his wary nature. 


࿐ ࿔*:・゚ — Beefang had been distracted by her own conflicting thoughts as the death of Hush still seems fresh in her mind as she pads along with the rest of her patrol and glances over to her apprentice, she warns him not to go too far to stay where she could see him. Her bottlebrush tail flicks behind her carefully for a heartbeat pondering over what she'd teach Roepaw later that day though it seems the numbness he has felt recently has caused him to grow deaf to her orders, the fur along her spine prickling as she hears his cry for help. She doesn't hesitate as she bolts forward to see that a harrier had picked up Roepaw with its talons and she could feel her heart in her throat unable to will herself to screech out to him... To reassure him that he'll be okay and that she would save him.

She feels a sense of hopelessness until a blur of black and white fur launches forward to collide with the bird of prey, her ears prick forward noticing how Rattleheart manages to help Roepaw out but the damage done to both avian and the lead warrior is life threatening. Beefang arrives soon enough to nose around red tabby fur to check for any injuries aside from the obvious ones that he bled from, her fiery eye softening for a mere heartbeat as she manages to breathe out "You're safe..." Thank Starclan. She thinks quietly before sending her gratitude to her late father knowing that he must be watching over her and Roepaw carefully. She nudges him to his paws carefully only to ask "Are you okay?" Moonbeam would have to tend to his wounds later but her gaze shifts over to the fallen Windclanner who asks if her apprentice is okay.

It causes her non-existent eyebrows knitting together as she casts her lone eye onto the tunneler unsure of what to say or do, there wasn't much she could do for Rattleheart. The fact that her apprentice bares witness to another death makes her almost want to wince but she keeps her stoic appearance and her tattered ear flicks to the side. Her voice is barely a whisper as she parts her lips to speak "Thank you..." These would be rare words uttered to the bicolored molly, she didn't want the rest of her patrol to hear what she had said to this Windclanner. It would be the secret between her, Rattleheart, and Roepaw. A shaky breath slips from her maw as she uses a paw to nudge the red tabby away so that she stands before him, in case, the arriving moor cats decided to spat their ire towards the young tom. "Stay behind me." Beefang directs Roepaw not taking any form of protest from him.


    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ HUNTING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ TRACKING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ COMBAT
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STEALTH
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ STRATEGY
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ SWIMMING
    ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ CLIMBING
  • dOcsURU.png
    a shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and a singular amber eye
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. distrusting of outsiders and will snap at you if y/c walks up to her on her blind side. all her opinions are IC only.
    14 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    asexual homoromantic; mated to moonbeam
    currently mentoring... roepaw ; formerly mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadaflight and cricketchirp
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
I am afraid to lose.

Scorchstorm has not been on a patrol with her uncle in some time. It's exciting to have him in the mix again, and more exciting to remember the fact that he would be out of the nursery very soon. His and Venomstrike's litter were due for their apprenticeship this moon. In just a couple more sunrises, Rattleheart would be free of the den to sleep under the stars once more. Not that his kits are burdens to him; she knows better than to think that. She could not imagine being trapped in the nursery for eight long moons, herself.

Unbidden, a bitter taste settles on her tongue. Scorchstorm swallows. She crests the hill. She sees him.

The blood roaring in her ears drowns even the awful shrieking of the not-yet-dead bird. Why isn't it dead? Why is it alive, and Rattleheart is not? Really, why the fuck has nobody killed it yet? It's still shrieking, and she is staring at her uncle's freshly-slain corpse, and all she can hear is the fucking bird. Mechanically, she presses forward, and when she is finally a mere pawstep away from Rattleheart she realizes that the bird is dead, and the shrieking is coming from her own throat. When had that started?

It is no use calling for Wolfsong. She can feel the finality in her sternum, the ache of the heart pressed against it as if it could reach Rattleheart and pull him back to her. In the heap of him she sees every cat she has ever lost even if not dead; every cat she has seen killed; every cat she could not save. She sees Little Wolf, her body splayed in wool-thick snow. She sees Badgermoon receding into the horizon. She sees Luckypaw amidst the rockslide. She sees Bluefrost. She startles.

Gilded eyes shut as she hastily presses her nose in to Rattleheart's neck. "The apprentice lives," she tells him, because he had asked. There is a single shuddering breath. When she pulls away, she stares at him for several breaths longer.

When Scorchstorm stands, she hauls herself up, muscles rippling like a shark fin's wake. Her scarred muzzle swings towards the RiverClan border as a mace swings into a skull. The apprentice lives, and her uncle does not. Was it heroic, to rescue one of RiverClan's apprentices? The same RiverClan that had allowed Bluepool to die? The apprentice lives, and Rattleheart cools at her paws. Her muzzle is stained with his blood from the embrace — her last embrace with him, she realizes. The maroon ripples and she is snarling, teeth flashing violent white, Roepaw fixed in her gaze.

Scorchstorm glares daggers; glares spears, rapiers, and broadswords at Roepaw through Beefang's legs. He had killed Rattleheart, hadn't he? Were he never here, Rattleheart would never have had to execute whatever stupid heroics he felt compelled towards; were Roepaw never here, Rattleheart would be able to return to his kits, to his mate. Now Venomstrike is a widower. Now Scorchstreak is a widower. Now Hailstorm — Gentlestorm, he is named now — is a widower. Roepaw becomes a tortoiseshell speck in her vision, a sweet cherry breeze, and Scorchstorm grimaces.

You killed him. It is what she wants to say, but she manages to bite her tongue at the crucial moment. Cherrypaw had not killed Little Wolf. Roepaw had not killed Rattleheart. But where to direct her anger? Her grief? You killed him, she wants to say, stronger this time, and still does not. Her smoldering gaze flicks up to Beefang, now, and she finds a more suitable target. Had she been able to control and defend her apprentice, maybe this never would have happened. Maybe Rattleheart's heroics (StarClan, she resents calling it that, but she has no other word) were only compensating for Beefang's inability.

"You killed him! Your inability to protect your apprentice!" she howls, lips tearing away from her teeth, words tearing away from her throat. She speaks to Beefang, but really, she wants it to hurt both of them like it hurts her. She hopes they both suffer. She hopes Beefang loses her apprentice for her incompetence; she hopes that Roepaw remembers Rattleheart for the rest of his life. "Leave!" she commands, and they would be wise to obey, she thinks, lest they crave the taste of her claws. Still, she is wise enough to not approach — or perhaps grief immobilizes her. She cannot quite tell the difference.

  • ooc.
  • SCORCHSTORM —— warrior of windclan, mentored by sunstar & badgermoon . scorchstreak x badgermoon . littermate to rumblerain, frostwind, and luckypaw ✦ penned by meghan

    a broad-shouldered tortoiseshell with low white and dual-toned amber eyes. extremely loyal to sunstar and her family, and enjoys a deep connection to the moorlands
    demigirl / she they pronouns / lesbian / 16 moons & ages every 1st
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— will start fights / will not flee / may show mercy. fights honorably and with great ferocity. can tank a few hits, but is not the sturdiest cat in windclan. starts fights with the intention of finishing them permanently, but will not aim to maim or kill obviously young cats

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are in character
    full biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
Last edited:

Having lived all the moons as she had, she cannot say she is a stranger to many brutal kinds of death. But just because that was true, that didn't mean death was ever any easier. Especially the death of a cat taken too soon. Like Scorchstorm, she is drawn to this horrible bloody scene by the sound of screeching. At first, a birds, but then the voices of cats join the fray, echoes through the tunnels and sends a chill down her spine. It only take a moment before she is racing towards the sound, frantic paws moving as fast as they can in the cramped underground space before she bursts from the ground like a fox with it's tail set alight. She is desperate to get there fast enough, to stop whatever horrible thing was about to happen.

It's too late. She watches in horror as Rattleheart and a RiverClan apprentice come crashing to the ground in a tangle of limbs and wings. She watches as Scorchstorm makes it to the scene first, as Rattleheart draws his last breath. She is not fast enough to make it in time, and already tears are beginning to blur her vision. Rattleheart was a good cat. A lead warrior of their clan, a mate, a parent. Her heart breaks as she thinks of their sister, of Venomstrike, and all the little faces in the nursery waiting for the queen who would never come. "He's gone.." She says softly to herself, a way of making it real so that she does not loose herself to the hysterics that threaten to take over.

She takes a deep, shaky breath as she crouches by her fellow tunnelers head. "May StarClan light your path, Rattleheart" she murmurs quietly, squeezing her eyes shut. It is only when Scorchstorm's shrieks at the cat across the border does she open her eyes.

She cannot say she blames the molly for her anger, nor can she say she disagrees with her. She is glad the apprentice is safe but where had his mentor been in this ordeal? Mossthorn says nothing, but the gaze she affixes upon Beefang says everything she can not in this horrible moment.

"We need to get him back to camp..." she says finally, her voice shaky but gentle and then she turns to her apprentice "Grasspaw, run ahead, find Sunstar and tell him what has happened, tell him what is coming." she orders "Let your paws be swift." and safe she thinks.

After Grasspaw leaves she does not say anything, nor does she offer to help move the body right away. She crouches a short distance away, giving the other warrior the time and the space she needed to mourn while she herself grieved privately.

// @Grasspaw

    A feisty she cat with a heart of gold. Her appearance is befitting her tunneler status, as she stands shorter than most, and her sleek black fur excels at repelling the dirt that she shifts through. Her eyes are such a light blue color that they appear gray and upon her pelt she wears many scars, testaments to the battles she has fought in her lifetime.
    Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted, no killing, maiming, or injuring without permission
    Skilled & experienced in combat. Fights dirty.
  • Sad

Like many others, Dimmingsun is drawn towards the caterwauling. It is part-feline, part-avian, and he knows the dread sitting in his belly will not soon leave; a new reality hangs just over the horizon, waiting for him to peek over it and see for himself. He wishes he could simply not look. To turn on his heels and go into the opposite direction, and decide to continue the remainder of his days in bliss. Wouldn't that be so much easier?

And yet, he is not spared. He is on autopilot as he ascends the grassy outcrop that reaches for the skies — and his fear comes true.

The truth slaps him across the face and threatens to send him flying back down. WindClan's lead warrior does not budge; he still wishes he could, but he is not the type of tom to allow himself such a thing... to curl up and wail until his heart stops hurting would be most unsightly.

Scorchstorm is there, grieving and hurting. Mossthorn is there, picking up the pieces after such tragedy. Grasspaw is there, witnessing what he should never see. (Alas, that's the way of a warrior.)

And most importantly, Rattleheart is there. The tang of iron is strong even before Dimmingsun fully arrives to the scene, and blood pours out from her in the wake of such deed. Fitting. Border or not, rivals or not, Rattleheart has sacrificed himself for a 'paw whose life has yet to truly began... heroic, by all means, and yet Dimmingsun cannot deny how unjust it all is.

Even one eye is enough for his emotions to come across. When he looks at Roepaw, he only sees- Rattleheart, should be Rattleheart there, still breathing and kicking.

He is certain the force of it all has not yet hit him. Instead of the usual wrath, he comes up empty, like all feeling has left with the black lead, sent straight to the heavens.

"Scorchstorm," Dimmingsun says. It is lost to the shrill cry that breaks from white-fledged throat. "Scorchstorm," he says again, firm and louder than last time, but no less kind. "Mossthorn's right. Will you let me carry him?" A request for permission; it takes a great deal of control, considering last time he had been stripped of the ability to bring the fallen back to camp. Not this time. Rattleheart's grave — it should not exist — will not be empty.
  • Sad

It isn't so much the screaming, the caterwauls or the yowling that draws her- but the ever-present scent of blood on the wind. It's the ever-present scent in her life. Her stomach being torn open in a war against Sootstar's loyalists. The scent of blood on Bearflight's flank. The scent of iron and tang that seemed to always surround her father, against his chest, her own injuries when Granitepelt still lived. A thudding in her ears as she raced towards the scene.

A harrier, taken the life of Rattleheart, of Redheart's adoptive parent. The noise that leaves her is akin to Scorchstorm's, a long mournful cry that echoes off of the moorland and back towards Beefang, towards Roepaw, towards stupid fucking Riverclan that always takes and takes. Slow are her paws to approach. Slow she is to think about the aftermath that comes next, to think of what will be writ into dead air between her and Redheart.

Another choked noise leaves her as her nose leans down, pressing to a now-stilled Rattleheart, before she is dragging pieces of her heart towards, putting Sunstar's and Wolfsong's strengths together in her soul, in training owl-sharp blue eyes on Scorchstorm. Rivewhisper is stepping closer there- everything feels like she's slugging through molasses, watching this through a kaleidoscope lens. This isn't real. It isn't real. It can't be real. (It's very real, the nightmares will find her later.)

She doesn't touch Scorchstorm at first, but stands close enough that if the other warrior needed to, she was there. Then, and only then, did her sharp vision turn towards Riverclan. Was that anger, coating her throat and tongue, making her utter harsh words? Frustration, grief, the sting of loss? Rivewhisper didn't know until after she spoke- "Leave." She repeats after Scorchstorm, ears laying flat. Blue eyes were pinned to Beefang- the daughters of Kings, staring at one another.

"You have no claim here. Our own gave their life to defend your apprentice. Leave." She spat again, her tail lashing and fur standing along her spine. The same ire she showed towards Ukalek when her father lay dying was the same that showed here. Rivewhisper doesn't even have the space in her mind to wish them ill, to hope they are swallowed with grief and guilt- no, all she can think of now is Scorchstorm, Rattleheart, Redheart. Redheart.

Rivewhisper's side presses to Scorchstorm's now, and she hopes that standing here, they are blocking the sight of Rattleheart's body, that the Riverclanners cannot see his end, and she prays to the Stars he has an easy journey up. She ignores tears that threaten to spill, for Venomstrike, for Redheart, for the kits left behind. She ignores the prickling in her nose and the back of her throat as anger turns to the bitter sadness that overwhelms after one's death.
  • "speech"
  • RIVEWHISPER she/her, moor runner of windclan, eleven moons.
    LH broken braided chocolate tabby with high white and piercing blue eyes. scars stretch over her left eye and across her stomach. graceful, sleek, average height. built for running and stamina
    mentored by snakehiss / sunstar / / mentoring no one
    small romantic interest in redheart / / sibling to featherspine ; sunlitwing ; bearflight ; singedpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Sad


࿐ ࿔*:・゚ — It doesn't take long for Windclanners to swarm around like a bunch of bloodsucking flies and Beefang continues to stand her ground uncaring due to the fact that she's on her side of the border. One of them screeches that it's her fault that the lead warrior is dead and she's silently grateful for it, she doesn't think that Roepaw could handle the thought of being the cause of someone else's death especially after he had killed his own father in mercy. Her feathery tail sweeps behind her once more not saying anything in return though the mention of her inability to take care of her own apprentice makes her curly pelt prickle upwards in the slightest. She thinks that it's rich that these moor rats are yowling at her when they lost their own due to their greed and trying to steal from her clan's territory, she had felt remorse for a mere heartbeat but once the Windclan cats grew angry like a shaken bee's nest, well, the bad feeling had melted away as if it had never existed.

Her lone amber eye taking in the sight of Rivewhisper who tells her that she has no claim here and a part of her wants to let out a gruff chuckle, how cute. Beefang twitches her whiskers once more as she weighs on her tongue the next words that she may utter out. Starclan clearly favored the life of her apprentice more than that of Rattleheart and she thinks briefly of Cicadastar that he would watch over her, that Starclan wouldn't take her away that day the rouge had attacked her. It seems that their ancestors smile upon them once more as she blinks her lone eye before parting her jaws to Roepaw and spoke "You must remember that this clan is cursed. One death after another." A dry chuckle slips from her maw as she utters, "The last one was swallowed by the gorge."

Without another word, she nudges Roepaw to walk onward so that he needn't stare at the blood and gore they were leaving behind as she mumbles in a lower voice "Go." She remains alert, in case, one of those thieving rats decided to pounce onto her and fight but she keeps on walking onwards with a soft snort. Her gaze sharp as she glances over to Roepaw once more "Next time, do not stray farther than a few paces or keep to my side entirely. You might not be as fortunate in being saved by another clan cat." Her claws are unsheathed as she pads in the direction of home, she feels frustrated that had happened but Rattleheart had stupidly sacrificed himself for Roepaw. Thank you. Another silent thought.

ooc - out!!!!


    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ HUNTING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ TRACKING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ COMBAT
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STEALTH
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ STRATEGY
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ SWIMMING
    ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ CLIMBING
  • dOcsURU.png
    a shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and a singular amber eye
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. distrusting of outsiders and will snap at you if y/c walks up to her on her blind side. all her opinions are IC only.
    14 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    asexual homoromantic; mated to moonbeam
    currently mentoring... roepaw ; formerly mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadaflight and cricketchirp
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed